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FBI Officials Told Agents Not to Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop ahead of 2020 Election, Whistleblower Says

Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2022
by Outside Contributor
Hunter Biden

A whistleblower claims FBI officials instructed agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 presidential election, saying the bureau was “not going to change the outcome of the election again,” according to Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.)

Johnson included the whistleblower claims in a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Tuesday.

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop,” the senator wrote.

Johnson writes that “individuals with knowledge of the FBI’s apparent corruption” told his office that FBI officials intentionally undermined efforts to investigate President Biden’s son.

“After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’ and that the FBI is ‘not going to change the outcome of the election again,’” he wrote.

Democrats have accused the FBI of contributing to Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016 by reopening an investigation into her private email server days before the presidential election.

The whistleblowers claim that the FBI did not start to review the contents of the younger Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 election, which Johnson notes was “potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in December 2019.”

Johnson concludes his letter by calling on Horowitz to investigate the FBI’s response.

“While I understand your hesitation to investigate a matter that may be related to an ongoing investigation, it is clear to me based on numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Johnson wrote.

He suggested the IG should begin “by obtaining the history of the investigative actions taken by the FBI on Hunter Biden’s laptop which should be available on the FBI’s case management system, Sentinel.”

When the New York Post first reported on some of the contents of the laptops in October 2020, much of the mainstream media and a group of more than 50 former senior intelligence officials dismissed the story as Russian disinformation.

The New York Times has since authenticated key files from the laptop, as has the Washington Post.

One infamous email purportedly detailed a business arrangement between a Chinese company and the Biden family.

Tony Bobulinski, who is listed as a recipient of the email first published by the New York Post, offered further detail last year in a statement to Fox News on the correspondence in October 2020, which references a proposed equity split: “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

“The reference to ‘the Big Guy’ in the much-publicized May 13, 2017, email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden,” said Bobulinski, who says he was brought on as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings by Hunter Biden and James Gilliar, the sender of the email.

Sinohawk “was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” he said.

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2 years ago

No real news here. The Feds had Hunter’s laptop in their possession at least 6 to 9 months before the election and they did nothing with it. They both actually worked to try and discredit it as legitimate before the election. It was obvious that the leadership of both the DOJ and the FBI, as well as all the intelligence agencies back in 2020 gave specific directives to all their subordinates to essentially bury the Hunter laptop and its evidence ahead of the Presidental election. DC wanted Trump gone by any means necessary and a return to the “business as usual” we are now back to today. It’s all about preserving the status quo of how Washington operates.

Washington is a Democrat run city, with the federal government overwhelmingly dominated by Democrats at almost all levels. It’s been that way for decades. Even when I worked briefly for the federal government way back when, it was easily 75 percent dominiated by Democrats. Now the Democrats have to control at least 90 to 95 percent of the federal government based on how open the bias is on display. So nothing that will negatively impact ANY high level Democrat is ever going to get a fair assessment.

I expect the DOJ and the FBI will continue to slow walk the Hunter laptop and any investigation into Hunter Biden until Joe decides to announce he won’t be running for re-election and then everything will just sort of fade away. That of course isn’t justice, but when was the last time we saw any high level Democrat actually face justice? That’s right, it was a long, long time ago. So don’t pin your hopes on either Hunter or Joe facing any real justice. The family will get a free pass, just like the Clintons.

2 years ago


2 years ago

So what did you expect, justice? The feds are in Creepy Joe’s back pocket. They are under the control of the billionaires who also control Biden and they tell both what to do or say.

2 years ago

We already knew that.

2 years ago

Always knew of corruption within our government but this administration takes the cake!

2 years ago

Wouldn’t have made any difference anyway,Democrat voters are so brainwashed they would still have voted for the slimy old bastard .

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

If a whistleblower supports the Democrats position they will take it as the gospel truth even if it’s third or fourth hand information. There’s a whistleblower that supports the Republican or conservative side ignore it, it is irrelevant

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

The FBI is not going to investigate the bidens. They did not investigate the election fraud allegations. They just let judges put a stop to it. If they had nothing to hide in the elections then the investigation would have made the republicans look foolish but they didn’t and it looks like a cover up to me on both the bidens and the election.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

The headline reads. “FBI officials….”, which we can stop right there, remove that and then plug in the name of the THEN FBI Director.
Ironically, no where within this article mentions the name of that individual neither.

2 years ago

Not one FBI agent came forward when instructed not to investigate Hunter Biden. They should turn in their FBI shields and find other employment that conforms with their lack of integrity.

James Jensen
James Jensen
2 years ago

Ho Humm. I never expected FBI to look into Xiden, or the stolen election of 2020. Why should they, they are full of hate for Orange Man and paid off by The Big Guy.

2 years ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Now you cant even trust the FBI. The higher ups are scum. J. Edger Hoover , we need you. Kyle L.

2 years ago

The FBI has become the Democrats Brown Shirts…Start practicing that goose step, boys

David L
David L
2 years ago

It is amazing how corrupt our government is. We no longer can rely on an impartial FBI investigation or even a fair trial. Both political parties are the culprits. Trump before running for President was lauded as a great person. He became a great public enemy when he ran for office. Liz Chaney is dishonest wanting to punish an innocent man, Donald Trump, because he cannot be controlled by the elite. Yes, Trump does say a few things that can under a person’s skin but I do not have an issue with that. I judge Trump by his actions which speak louder than words. Trump accomplished the following: the Abraham Accords in the Middle East, lowered taxes, got freeloader European countries to contribute funds to NATO, no new wars, negotiate an agreement with the Taliban which Biden did not follow, increased oil production, built portions of a border wall, brought manufacturing jobs back to the United States, lowered the prices on prescription drugs, donated his salary to organizations, moved the embassy to Jerusalem, had record level of employment and achieved new highs in the stock market. And there are more accomplishments. He put America first to help all Americans. For all this he is persecuted by Pelosi, Shiff, Schumer, the Democratic Party, elements of the Republican Party and the news media. We have a very corrupt government.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I think I’ve commented on this before … but if not …. The FBI needs personnel clean up! The FBI has become a cloaked branch cottoning to the political whims and skullduggery of the DemocRat Party and its members. IMHO I thought that was one issue that Trump didn’t handle as aggressively as he should have after getting rid of the tall drink of water who was head of the FBI when he took office as POTUS.

A Voter
A Voter
2 years ago

As always, they will get away with it. Democrats can do whatever they want and are never held accountable. Republicans in Washington are just as much deceivers as democrat are. They lead us to believe they are fighting the “good fight” while running for office, but once elected, nothing changes. The only person who made real changes was Donald Trump and both democrats and republicans in Washington hate him for throwing monkey wrenches in their totalitarian plans for this country. Sure there are a handful of republicans willing to do what is right, but far too few to really make a difference. Continue to vote for the McConnells, the Romneys, the Grahams and the like and it will be no different than having the Pelosis, the Schiffs, or the Schumers in power.

2 years ago

Should be lots of subpoenas coming !!!!!

2 years ago

Jessie Watters was on TV last night saying that FBI only picks on poor Trump but leaves Democrats alone. He has no proof & is not helping himself or FOX with rapport with FBI.

2 years ago

FOX is very slanted to Trump, but both Hannity & Watters stated that FBI should have waited with spopeonas before they raided MarLago as Trump would cooperate. Now with affidavit, it appears they did issue supoenas & did not get a good response. Will bet that Jessie & Hannity will never admit to this jumping to conclusion before the facts are known. And they are some of the FOX media that thrown out the FAKE NEWS bomb every now and then. Does FOX condone this behavior?

2 years ago

Wait, what? I thought the F.B.I. was supposed to investigate things like this. Now I’m confused.

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