The curtain has been pulled back on the FBI’s involvement with helping perpetrate the Hillary Clinton-ordered Russia Hoax and the revelations of the FBI colluding with the old Twitter regime to censor and ban people, newspapers, and organizations. The House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearings are now peeling back the corruption of that onion. And who can forget the Biden administration coordinating with the National School Boards Association in an attempt to smear, demonize, and frighten parents who dared to engage with their local school boards over Marxist material being taught to their children?
This vile behavior by federal law enforcement is not a “one off” mistake, but instead is a feature of how our bloated and self-reverential government views itself, and the contempt with which it holds the citizens and the Constitution. From Big Tech to partisan political organizations and even self-professed non-partisan charitable advocacy groups, federal law enforcement uses and relies upon supposedly independent entities as handmaidens for a government bureaucracy determined to cement us into a political and cultural leftist nightmare.
Earlier this week a riot provided a surprising reminder of how nefarious and disgusting the corruption really is. In Atlanta, Georgia 35 people were detained and 23 people were arrested on domestic terrorism for a violent attack on the building site of a police training center. The police described a violent scene which unfolded in classic Antifa style: people wearing black clothing holding shields were throwing rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at property and building materials and at police officers. Also typical of Antifa, 21 of the 23 arrested had come from out of state, as ABC News reported, “Some from as far away as Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New York. Two protesters charged are from other countries, one From France and another from Canada, according to police.”
As details came in, the headlines revealed that one of the two locals who was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism was identified as Thomas Jurgens, a “Staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the left-leaning anti-hate group, according to the State Bar of Georgia and his since-deleted LinkedIn page,” reported the New York Post.
According to Newsweek, “The SPLC confirmed Jurgens’ employment and told Newsweek in a statement that Jurgens was at the protest as a ‘legal observer’ with the leftist National Lawyers Guild (NLG). ‘The employee is an experienced legal observer, and their arrest is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters,’ the SPLC said. The NLG said legal observers play an ‘important role’ in supporting movement organizers and activists and reaffirmed NLG’s commitment to supporting protests.”
They’re correct in that being arrested does not mean you’re guilty of a crime. That determination will be left to a judge and perhaps jury. We do know that Americans are tired of violent riots being described as “protests.” The left works very hard to vandalize everything, including the language, in an effort to gloss over their intentions and actions. What Jergens knew and when he knew it will be determined, and video of the conflagration should help make clear his role, if any, in the violence. In the meantime, a judge denied bail to everyone arrested with the exception of Jurgens, who was set free on a $5000 consent bond. The charges remain.
Abandoning its original values, the SPLC has become one of those handmaidens more than willing to do the left’s bidding to smear and destroy anyone they perceive as a threat to the regressive left narrative. Christopher Tremoglie at the Washington Examiner put it very succinctly, “A supposed civil rights organization, the SPLC has been weaponized by the Left as an extension of the law. It claims it’s bipartisan and objective, yet it has repeatedly shown it is an agenda-driven legal advocacy group that frequently categorizes organizations with ideological differences as hate groups. To have such authority while exhibiting hyperpartisanship is dangerous. This is especially true since the SPLC assists the FBI in identifying supposed hate groups or organizations.”
Case in point, in late November the FBI made the unusual move to rescind a memo targeting Catholics after it had been released by a whistle blower. “The memo suggests that the FBI should monitor these Catholics through ‘the development of sources with access,’ including in ‘places of worship.’ It presents a list of ‘hate groups’ published by the SPLC as a place to start this work,” reported Heritage. In other words, the FBI memo suggested the development of spies and informants inside the church itself. That this is outrageous is an understatement.
And let’s not forget the SPLC placing Dr. Ben Carson on its “Extremist Watch List” list due to his support for traditional marriage therefore labeling him as “anti-gay.” After national outrage, they eventually apologized and removed him from the list.
In 2019 The New Yorker published a story recognizing that the SPLC had gone off the rails. For years, the SPLC has been publicly derided by observers across the political spectrum. Politico Magazine, 2017: “Has a Civil Rights Stalwart Lost Its Way?” The Washington Post, 2018: “The Southern Poverty Law Center Has Lost All Credibility.” USA Today, 2019: “The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate-based scam that nearly caused me to be murdered.” AMAC, 2019: “Southern Poverty Law Center Bias Exposed.” PJ Media, 2020: “The SPLC’s Fall From Grace: How a Civil Rights Group Became a Threat to Free Speech.” Fox News, 2022: “Conservatives respond as SPLC continues to brand them ‘hate groups’ despite terror attack, defamation claims.”
All of this portends a difficult road for the SPLC attorney charged with domestic terrorism. Unfortunately for all of us, the SPLC has a track record indicating an agenda that has nothing to do with civil rights and everything to do with its own political extremism.
OK, I have a serious question. If you’ve watched the night pictures of these violent children, you see at least 50 people entering the area, maybe 100. During the day, where are these punks? Who’s feeding them? They don’t have jobs so they can’t afford to buy food. Who’s putting them up in hotels or other sleeping locations? C’mon press, dig into that piece. Someone is financing this anarchy-but who?
SPLC ha nothing to do with the south, poverty or law. They are an extremist liberal, Marxist organization that needs to be called out for what they are, a domestic terrorist group. They need to be treated as such and shut down.
These liberal,socialist,marxist democ RATS have to be stopped.AMERICA is under attack and its not all from within our country.The very corrupt chinese and other evil entities are infiltrating the democ RATIC party and the very ignorant democ RATS are pushing for this destruction of AMERICA.
Every single DOJ and FBI employee needs to be immediately freed and then arrested. they can spend 2 years in prison being tortured before we bring them to trial
SPLC is a hate group.
I keep hearing all this “the once honorable marvelous FBI” crap and it makes me ill. Think for a minute and one will find they have a very hard time thinking of a single great thing the Federal Police, aka the FBI has ever done…..other than to expand on federal corruption.
The jillion years of the Hoover Administration was littered with non stop corruption and NOTHING has improved since other than the attacks on civil rights have gotten worse with the advancement of technology.
Wray should be taken out and hung with rope purchased from the sale of the FBI building. The entirety of the upper level of the FBI should also be required to stretch rope. The underlings should be dismissed and if qualified, seek law enforcement careers on some local level.
There is no reason to have a federal Gestapo and the actions of the FBI prove this daily.
It’s reached the point where we have to decide who runs this country…the people or the bureaucracy and the Democrats who place party before country. Before it was taken over by the radical left, the Democratic Party wouldn’t have stood for this either. Now, they move in lockstep with the Democrats, Deep State, High Tech, and the Media. No matter what is reveal, Democrats will fight against it, like they are during the hearings and the media will ignore it. Thus enabled, the deep state and high tech will do business as usual.
I hate to be so pessimistic, but the game is stacked against us. …”a republic, if you can keep it.”
This is what happens when you politicize law enforcement, but seems to happen much more frequently with the Democratic party than with Republican party. Perhaps Congress ought to outlaw democrats in fed law enforcement, ya’ think?
Isn’t it an upside down world. When you are being attacked and you defend yourself you are the criminal? Antifa is an angel. Hah.
It’s the same in voting. Up to a point vote counting goes along legally. Then all kind of problems happen. Bathrooms flood, power outages, boxes full with ballots arrive, only they need to be filled out yet. By the time fraude can be proven everything has been cleaned up and judges have seen to it by giving them the time to do so by saying nothing to see here.
The questioning of the two liberal journalists by the democrats shows how idiotic their thinking is. Left is right, east is west, up is down. Are we dizzy yet?
& other Radical groups 2
As far as I’m concerned the SPLC is a terrorist organization. What else should one call an organization that threatens a form of harm if you don’t concede to their wishes? The same goes for BLM, and I don’t mean the Breau of Land Management.
The word, “Poverty”, in the SLPC” refers to a poverty of rational thinking. One has to wonder how much indoctrination at our major law schools goes into the molding of these juvenile, hate filled, legal scholars who are employed by the SLPC..
It all boils down to a few facts. God, the only real God, created humans to have fellowship with Him. It does come with some rules. You have to want Him in your life, and obey His rules. Among the rules are to love Him, and your neighbor as yourself. He wants to save everyone, but will only save those who want Him. So many signs of end times are happening. We may not have much longer to make the choice. God loves us, but we have to love Him.
What do ya bet NOTHING happens to this SPLC lawyer, he’s already been given special treatment with his $5000 consent bond just because he’s a attorney.
Why is it the left can have riots and it’s called protest or exercising first amendment rights, but when the right actually protest it’s called an insurrection or violent riot?
Remember when the media and most Dems were constantly telling us Trump was a hatemongering evil white supremist? Then why weren’t all of his followers the ones killing cops, destroying property, looting stores and assaulting innocent bystanders like all the peaceful protesters were? Just saying…when are we going to wake up?
Fair and equitable treatment depends if you are a socialist democrate or a Republican.
They’re not ‘off the rails’ . They were founded by a far left loon and became what they were meant to be- a tumor on this country poisoning its host as much as possible.
SPLC is a parasite The absolutely last thing it wants is for the “poverty” to vanish or the people refusing to be classified as such When labeling is to the advantage of those who take advantage of others it is OK
Don’t these SPLC perverts have some more little boys to spend their time ‘grooming’? Remember their valiant leader Morris Dees…just mentioning him makes my skin crawl!
Here’s the deal: you take an oath to defend the constitution; then you completely ignore the constitution. That should get you fired first of all, then all rights and privileges are denied to you ever again, and depending on how much damage you did, you do retribution corresponding to damages, or you go rot in jail. And everything you own is impounded and returned to the treasury. Previously, hanging would have been considered appropriate.
The FBI and HILLDOG Clinton are both GUILTY of HIGH TREASON.
Charges must be filed.
DEFUND, DISMANTLE, and PROSECUTE the FBI which has been WEAPONIZED by the FASCIST liberals.
RAID all of HILLDOG Clinton’s properties and so-called foundations and businesses including publishing ALL their tax records for past 30 years.
I DEMAND IT as a taxpayer and American citizen who pays their salaries.
Laws are broken with impunity. They lawyer up, blame others, claim all sorts of rights. They get put back on the streets by weak kneed judges that don’t care to protect the law abiding folks that live by the rules. Corrupt weaponized legal system and government. Massive culture rot.
Thanks, Tammy, for another insightful article. The SPLC should be listed as a hate group, not creating the list to demean others. It may be that destruction creates a rebirth, but who knows what kind? It may backfire on them.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has always leaned way to the left in its beliefs that they are right and everyone else is wrong. It should read Southern Hate Law Center. They should be listed as a Hate Group and dealt with accordingly.
Most people are not aware that the term Progressive Movement was birthed out of the Communist Party USA. They could not get anything accomplished by using the term Communist so the began using “Progressive “. Woodrow Wilson was our first Progressive President.
There is a distinction between the Progressive Movement and the Black Flag Movement. As we see today the Black Flag movement believes the country shall be quickly flipped to socialism and communism. The progressives have worked diligently behind the scenes so little by little we would become a welfare state. This all changed under Obama the Black Flag President. He is still pulling the strings.
The Republican led House controls the purse and needs to cut off the funding of these corrupt agencies.
The splc is a well known hate group. They serve the left to further divide us.
The SPLC is a communist front group that wears the cloak of Civil rights ( a movement started by the Communist Party) They are very similar to the old Soviet secret police in their nefarious deeds in collusion with the corrupt FBI to label people with the false narrative of White supremacist while supporting Black supremacists who they call Civil Rights leaders as al Sharpton ( Tawana Brawley and the Freddies Mart murder) and let’s not forget the Congressional Black Caucus and the Black lives matter charade). They have exposed themselves to the criminal vipers they are.
NASA is tracking an asteroid that has a 1 in 400 chance of striking earth in 2046. Finally. Something to look forward to…
When it comes to interractions with the FBI just remember why the Second Amendment exists and from whom it protects us all.
Until we actually rein in these groups by arresting, sentencing and LOCKING UP this scum, this will continue. I also believe the police have every right to use lethal force to defend themselves against these left wing extremists! This is Domestic Terrorism and should be treated as such. Until it is, this will continue to fester!
Violent riots are not protests & are certainly not peaceful. People that riot should be arrested & charged and in this case I wonder why so many people came from out-of-state & even a few from other countries. We need to quit being soft on crime & support our law enforcement before the riot groups take over our cities.
It’s not just the SPLC, it’s the slew of anti-American subversive groups allowed to carry-on in this country. The ACP(American Communist Party) and its kissing cousin, the Democratic Socialists, along with Antifa, BLM, and all the militant Muslim organizations, etc, etc, etc. We are committing national suicide letting this continue.
At least we had some sort of limited check on it with Trump. But, he was just a bump-in-the-road for the Progressive-Socialists between Obama and Biden. Whoever the GOP(or anyone else) nominates in 2024, the P-S’s will be out in force to make sure that person is never elected. They have tried mightily to snuff any truth-telling about the fraud & illegality during the 2020 election. That is with the aim of hiding, and in effect, legitimizing their subversive tactics. Unfortunately, they’ve been all too successful. The Twitter Files and Congressional investigations are exposing the corruption more & more. But, what’s gonna come of it all? Likely nothing, it the past is any indication.
Since J Edgar the upper leadership of the FBI has been corrupt.
The fact Comey, McCabe, Strozk, et. al., are not in prison underscores the corruption that has come to define America.
Are the Clinton’s ever going to be held to account for their criminal deeds?!
This nation has lost its way and the corrupt politicians get rich and get away with all sorts of dishonesty!
Nothing will be done, it’s all just a political game of smoke and mirrors. Our Country will soon fall because no one up there actually gives a rip about this Country. All they care about is their bank accounts. They don’t even care if their kids and grandchildren will suffer under a Marxist/Communistic regime.
Why has this person not been disbarred? I thought that the law profession policed their own ranks? Maybe some changes are needed in the overseeing of the legal profession!
If EVERYONE cannot be held and judged by their criminal deeds, then no one should be!
Why is this guy still allowed to practice law, he has no intention of following the law.????
The SPLC is an example of what Lenin termed , “useful idiots”.
Tammy bruce is either in a bad relationship or she just doesn’t give a darn anymore. Her locals page is a joke with podcasts as long as 20 whole minutes, espousing such garbage as forgiving Don lemon and Jane fonda, who week’s later, intimated Republicans should be murdered. Idk what’s up with her, but she’s into censoring and blocking everyone who disagrees with ir questions her. I’m not impressed anymore.
Never heard of them