AMAC Exclusive – Shane Harris

Throughout two years of lockdowns, school closures, and mask mandates, “Trust the Science” became the rallying cry of the medical establishment and media elites who insisted that every activity from dining out to attending church was tantamount to murdering your friends and family. The patron saint of this new COVID regime was Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose visage graced the covers of InStyle and People magazines and was a fixture on CNN and MSNBC. But according to a lawsuit filed by Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana, while Fauci was touting himself as the ultimate arbiter of “the science” in public, behind the scenes he was working alongside the Biden administration and Big Tech companies to censor dissenting voices.
Over the course of a seven-hour deposition, the full transcript of which was released earlier this week, Fauci, who is set to step down from his role as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases this month, answered questions ranging from his knowledge of the “lab leak” theory to his flip-flopping on masks and the effectiveness of experimental mRNA vaccines.
“Fauci’s recent deposition only confirmed what we already knew,” Landry said in a press release. “Federal bureaucrats in collusion with social media companies want to control not only what you think, but especially what you say.” Schmitt added in a statement of his own that “when Dr. Fauci speaks, social media censors…I encourage everyone to read the deposition transcript and see exactly how Dr. Fauci operates, and exactly how the COVID tyranny that ruined lives and destroyed businesses was born.”
Fauci spent most of the deposition dodging questions about his alleged involvement in censorship practices, displaying an unusual amount of amnesia for a high-ranking government official who was intimately involved in orchestrating and implementing COVID-19 public health policy. In total, Fauci said “I don’t recall” or “I don’t know” 174 times throughout the deposition, including when asked about emails that he sent, interviews that he gave, and other pertinent information.
Of particular interest is Fauci’s apparent forgetfulness surrounding the so-called “Great Barrington Declaration” (GBD) an open letter signed by leading global infectious disease epidemiologists and public health experts in October 2020 which advised governments of “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies,” namely lockdowns and school closures. According to emails released through a Freedom of Information Act request, Dr. Francis Collins, then Director of the National Institutes of Health, ordered Fauci to publish “a quick and devastating” takedown of the GBD soon after its release. But when asked about his involvement in what clearly appears to be the beginnings of a censorship operation, Fauci said that he “would not be involved in examining this [the GBD] and doing something that would quote ‘counter’ it.”
The problem, as an article from the American Institute for Economic Research explains, is that further emails between Fauci and Collins show that Fauci immediately “jumped into action to smear and discredit the GBD in the media.” Fauci embarked on a media tour denouncing the GBD and smearing its authors as “fringe epidemiologists.” This systematic discrediting of an alternative approach to lockdowns then trickled down to social media, where it was labeled “COVID misinformation” and censored by content moderators.
Although Fauci claims that he never directly advised the Biden administration or Big Tech corporations to censor anti-lockdown posts or comments supporting the so-called lab leak theory, the deposition lays out a clear pattern of Fauci publicly endorsing specific policies and then social media companies silencing all views in conflict with those policies. According to one email that lawyers showed Fauci during the deposition, officials under Fauci’s control at the NIAID were trying to contact Google to set up a meeting “on vaccine communications, specifically misinformation.” Again, Fauci professed ignorance, claiming that he had no recollection of the email or if such a meeting took place. But soon thereafter, Twitter and Facebook began placing “warning labels” on vaccine posts and suspending accounts for spreading “vaccine misinformation” – in other words, any view that departed from the narrative Fauci dictated to the public.
The deposition also revealed that Fauci’s daughter worked at Twitter as a software engineer throughout the pandemic. In another eyebrow-raising answer, Fauci claimed that he “never” discussed content that was posted on social media platforms or anything to do with the origins of the virus with her.
However, even as mainstream news networks and social media platforms embraced Fauci’s every utterance as gospel truth and treated all other opinions as heresy, the deposition further confirms that Fauci was himself at best uncertain about a number of key facts regarding the virus and its origins. As he had previously testified before Congress, Fauci admits that other scientists raised the possibility that the virus had been created in a Chinese lab as early as January 2020 – a possibility that Fauci later dismissed in the media as a conspiracy theory. But Fauci then later says in the deposition that he was concerned about “wild speculation and accusations” on social media “blaming the Chinese” – perhaps unintentionally revealing a possible motivation for shutting down the lab leak theory. It is well-known by now that the NIAID provided funding to the very same Chinese labs from which COVID may have originated and escaped.
Fauci’s statements are just one piece of much larger inquiry by Schmitt and Landry into potential collusion between the federal government and social media companies to stifle free speech during the pandemic. As more comes to light, Fauci will likely be far from the only official implicated in this scheme, and Americans may finally learn the full extent to which their First Amendment rights were violated, all in the name of “trusting the science.”
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.
Really putz? Time for your 5th booster?
Gee Turd, do you glow from all your boosters yet?
Hmmm. A response that adds nothing to the conversation but seeks to cast dispersion.
Fauci believed himself to be the “god of science.” He’s really nothing more than a politician in a lab coat. Too many people worshiped at his alter.
I see no where in the article does it mention that Dr. Fauci answered 170 times “I do not recall” to very specific and direct questions he was asked under oath. He did exactly what I anticipated he would do in order to protect himself from his role in illegally funding banned virus research at China’s Wuhan Lab of Virology via the 3rd party front company he has used repeatedly. This is exactly what will happen when the Republicans in the House bring Dr. Fauci in for questioning at one of their promised hearings. Hours upon hours of “I do not recall” followed by evasive double-talk that conveys nothing of substance.
The actions Fauci undertook subsequent to that, in order to censor any individuals that threatened to expose his involvement in Covid or question his public pronouncements will all eventiually come fully to light when Elon Musk makes public internal Twitter data on how the left used Twitter to not only protect Fauci, but also suppress actual valid medical information from a number of scientists and doctors that tried to inform the public as to the realities surrounding Covid.
By the way, I see many articles and all of MSM are framing this all as just a violation of the 1st Amendment. I understand why, because that is NOT an actual criminal act and thus nothing that anyone can serve time for or be fined for. This is however far more significant than just a so-called violation of the 1st Amendment. That is trivializing everything that was done by Dr. Fauci and many others, that resulted in the world going through an over 2 year nightmare. We’re talking about real government corrupt, misuse of federal tax dollars to conduct banned research that ultimately led to millions of deaths world-wide and economic and social destruction on a global scale. Those are all serious real crimes. We should NOT allow the left to reframe this as some simple violation of 1st Amendments rights and then just say “So what?” and move on.
To Shane Harris, Great work, This article should be regarded and remembered as one of the most important messages of this era. Much detail involved in this matter and you did a right proper job of putting much of it in perspective. In 2020 I started thinking that the mask and so – called vaccine mandate was the equivalent of a hijacking, and those American truth loving, freedom loving citizens needed to defend the country , by remembering the principles involved in the Declaration of Independence stop the hijacking as best as possible, as soon as possible. Anyone who knows American history realizes other plots have been implemented previously and were stopped when enough people found out what was going on and decided to do something about it. May God guide the United States , and help to keep the country on the right course toward a future based on honorable values.
“Lord Fauci” needs to be put away for “LIFE, NO POSSIBILITY of PAROLE”, which would be TOO GOOD for him. I AM SICK TO DEATH of these DEMOCRAT LIBERAL ELITES running OUR LIVES to THEIR NEFARIOUS BENEFITS…
Fauxcci needs to be charged and tried with manslaughter for every covid death in the U.S.
Blah, blah, blah, “the dwarf” is a darling of the uniparty and the buyden administration. NOTHING will be done unless they need a sacrificial lamb. In that case, the dwarf will get a “stern talking to” and a wrist slap. Justice is dead in America since the DOJ was weaponized against America and it’s ideals.
If Alex Jones few sentences and no one getting hurt was worth a billion dollars then Fauci’s liability should be in the trillions.
OK prosecute then
hooray finally sense.
Millions of American’s First Amendment Freedom of Speech rights were violated, myself included. When do we get reparations for our lost rights from the millionaires like Fauci, Zuckerberg, etc., etc., etc?
AMAC, dig deeper into Fraudci as the proverbial snake oil salesman. He was instrumental in creating the virus and then sold the “cure”. Got rich both ways. His only regret is not depopulating more.
Fauci seems to follow the Biden model of plausible deniability. Let’s hope many of these people in Washington dc are held accountable. Fauci and company have done immeasurable damage to the public health field, not to mention that of credible physicians that were hurt.
Fauci will probably skate on any conviction while Biden is our fake President. As of today, Fauci is still drawing his salary, the most of any government official, more than the President or anyone else, and what does that say about our stupid public officials and their priorities??? Biden’s Justice Department will turn a blind eye about any wrongdoing Fauci has done, including being complicit in killing millions of people worldwide by funding “gain if function” research and lying about it! The Dem’s and the media are both knees deep in helping Fauci in his wrongdoing and if the general public can’t see this, after all that has been disclosed about his misconduct, then this nation is doomed to repeat more of this despicable and illegal behavior in the future. Our only hope is that in 2024 we can elect people with morals and honesty and do away with the morons we have now.
ONE big class action lawsuit starting with 60 trillion from CCP ,NIH,WHO,CDC,and FAUCI and others.That’s just starters. Then you have trillions more class action again THE SHOT and big Pharma ,medical industrial complex FAUCI CDC and on and on and on.
‘Then all the criminal charges for loss of life and disabling injuries brought on by the illness as well as the SHOT.
Fauci should be in prison for what he has done to the citizens of this country.
Include ALL the kickbacks he got from Lying about China Virus with Mask and Vaccine Mandates.
Then add he was still pushing for everyone to get vaccinated before Thanksgiving so he could get that extra Bonus Check before he Clucks out this month.
He has done nothing but Lie and cause Serious Damage to our country and families.
Sue the Hell out of him.
Lock him up.
Such great information! You have become one of my ‘go to’ sites for accurate and honest information!
Yes, he is guilty of crimes against humanity, on so many levels. Should be tried and convicted.
Fauci has been caught lying repeatedly, which is insignificant compared to his treasonous crimes against humanity. If he had stopped funding the Wuhan lab fiasco, as he was supposed to, there is a good chance that millions of people would still be alive. President Trump would still be likely our president, and the entire world would most likely be a much better place to live in.
Is it just possible that all this had a motive behind it? Like maybe ousting Trump from office or stealing an election. No doubt in my mind that they used it for that.
Would you trust Dr. Fauci’s medical judgment to be any better than his ability to throw a baseball?
Surprise, another lying bureaucrat. Another greedy, self-serving, ego maniac. We have very few patriots anymore. You know, folks who are willing to give all to serve the people and the country.
Nothing ever happens to these lying government people, elected or not. Freedom is only secured when Laws are enforced to protect the innocent and not the criminals. What Fauci did to this country is pure evil. People died because of his mandates and he and his friends made billions. He should pay this country’s loss of small businesses and lives. And not to lawyers either but the people and businesses true losses.
Never wore a mask…never will! I’ve said from day one that Fauci was a liberal bureaucrat that couldn’t be trusted. It was obvious from his pious comments and diatribe that he was to arrogant to be trusted. Bring back the hangman’s noose because he and all of his cohorts are traitors!
until his a– is in JAIL along with the rest of the marxists that are doing everything they can to counter the Constitution and take away our freedoms so they can increase their power and wealth(because they couldn’t do it thru TRUE FREEMARKET PRINCIPLES). None this makes any difference!!!!!
just another little eichmann!
I thought the POS was retiring??? If not, he sure should be fired. Never did trust the little weasel. One day it was wear a mask, then don’t wear a mask, then wear 2 masks……He doesn’t know any more than Biden the dementia dummy.
This malignant dwarf has been lying to the public for 40+ years. With his continued freedom on the line, does anyone really think he is going to start telling the truth now, even under oath?
OK, if you were in charge, what would you have done to prevent millions from getting infected and millions from dying? So, starting from ground zero, with an unknown virus that is killing a thousand people a day what’s the way we should have gone? I don’t think anyone has the answer, it’s still out there, it’s still killing people. We know what we shouldn’t have done, but at the time with nothing that worked and not knowing what would – what would you have done? The clock is still ticking, and we still don’t have a way to prevent getting this thing. Our immune systems may eventually overcome it, maybe….So blame whoever you want, it doesn’t make any difference. Nobody knew then and nobody knows now how to defeat this thing.
A. to Smike’s comment below: Traitor “Dr.Death” Fauci KNEW.
B. A legend in his own mind, evil, smug megalomaniac Mengele-FraudXi, the ultimate arbiter of POLITICAL SCIENCE, in the hot seat for conspiring with corrupt traitors running Big Tech in the flat out censorship…
✔ Not for being responsible for his GoF virus research in the Wuhan lab with his comrade BFF ChiComs that gave us C-19.
✔ Not for for knowing that there were SAFE, CHEAP PROVEN therapies like CHQ/zinc and Ivermectin banned by corrupt fraudster traitors at his NIH, CDC, DFA and WHO and not saying word one.
✔ Not for conspiring with the Deep State to lie his maggot face off to lock us down, wear useless masks, and accept an untested shot (or die, remember that krap?) that hasn’t been pulled from distribution despite hundreds of thousands of documented health injuries and deaths, and docs/scientists not beholden to Big Pharma or Deep State are shouting (but THAT’S ANOTHER horrific crime worthy of a Nuremberg type investigation).
Well, it’s better than a hot poker in the eye or an mRNA jab in the arm, we’ll take it….it’s not unlike incarcerating Al Capone for the lessor crime of tax evasion, it put him away.
I never felt assured or comfy with Fauci and his rhetoric. It often seemed to have a political snag in his public dealings.
Now you see the read Dr. Fauci Hitler. This has never been right from the beginning. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s not. Never was common sense used or boosting everyone’s immunity which should have been spoken very loudly.
Fauci let so many people down and hurt so many. He would not discuss anything about Covid19 with other doctors or people of science. Why? He did so much damage to our country and children and small business, etc. We are poorer for it, but the little CREEP goes off into the sunset. A liar with a Big ego. Can we take his taxpayer paid pension away? $365,000 a year, unbelievable!!!
I NEVER trusted Fauci. Sold my shares of Moderna as soon as I found out he was I volved with them. He’s slimy.
I’d like to see how much he and the dimocrats made from Big Pharma by promoting all their various vaccines and trying to make them mandatory. How much were they paid to approve one vaccine over another? I’m sure there were a few Rinos, too! ALL of them should be investigated!
Fauci, George Soros, Bill Gates and I’m sure many other Left “globalists” contributed to the Chinese Government’s Wuhan Lab and the gain-of-function research that led to Covid-19 and it’s leak from the lab (that may have NOT been accidental). Interesting to note that all these entities were linked through the WHO, that inappropriately protected China and thwarted any investigation of substance. This being true, all these “conspirators” should be prosecuted as “world terrorists” and China their benefactor charged reparations in the 100’s of Trillions of dollars. Fauci shouldn’t receive a pension for his terrorism, he should receive his due, imprisonment and condemnation.
One must ask, “What is the punishment for endangering harming knowingly all peoples of the US together with a foreign country or more & domestics & getting rich off of it too?” ????
I do not believe Dr. Fauci will be punished in this life. He has too many friends in very high places. However, he, like all of us, will stand before the Christ one day. Then, his friends will be of no use to him.
Thank you. For some reason this is not getting a lot of attention and we still need answers.
One of the gravest harms that Fauci caused was the undermining of our medical system. Whatever safeguards there were to protect patients from mistreatment were removed, doctors who dissented were silenced, adverse effects of the jabs were ignored, and victims of medical malpractice could not take legal action! The CDC was thoroughly discredited and we skeptics are left trying to be our own doctors because we have no idea who or what can be believed.
Their lies killed thousands of people. They made one of the drugs of choice, remdisivir, which was known to cause organ failure. France banned its use almost immediately reading medical articles about it after running some trials and finding out it was killing people.Yet, they give it to my brother and he ended up dieing from Covid.
And they lied about other drugs that could posibly help so that they could increase their wealth through stock ownership in the pharmacuetica companies.
As far as I am concerned he and China should be required to give restitution for the damages caused by his illegal activity. Even though he was operating in a foreign country to skirt U.S. laws on gain of function research, he is still an American and broke American law.
He should also spend the rest of his life in prison for breaking this law, which cost millions of people in this world their lives.
The tiny bit of credibility the govt had, let alone media; have been nuked into oblivion by Covid. Will anyone ever trust the govt even a morsel again?
Jail the killer.
Jail the killer !
Why are you all so completely misinformed. You folk just make stuff up as you go along. But now everybody in America knows that the Republicans are insurrectionist traitors. America watched on January 6, 2021 as republican Evangelical White supremacists attacked the United States of America. Do you think we’ll ever gonna let you forget that? Are you people are beneath contempt forever. Uneducated you don’t make any money. If you add up all the counties that won Trump in 2016 and 2020 it adds up to the gross product of all the counties were Trump won it adds up to only 28% of the United States GDP that means that all the Trumper‘s in America would you add up all the money they made it doesn’t make even 1/3 of America
Article completely ignores that the while there were one ore tow epidiemiologists involved in the GBD most were not, and most importantly we know in hind sight that they were 100% wrong. Further, the government had a duty to get the american people the best meidcal advice and to counteract the absolutely worst.