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Election Fraud Allegations: Infographic

Posted on Monday, December 7, 2020
by Outside Contributor

In the fallout from the Nov. 3 election, numerous credible allegations of voting irregularities have arisen in the form of sworn affidavits and other evidence.

The infographic below provides an overview of some of the information currently known.

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4 years ago

Old Biddy Biden DOESN’T BELONG IN the White House, instead HE BELONGS IN the Big House!

4 years ago

It’s clear that our elections have gotten progressively sloppy over the years. And in the aftermath of the most recent election, where President Trump is being denied hearings in front of the courts, and probably a second term in the White House, every American should be shouting from the treetops “UNFAIR! CORRUPT!!” and “FIX IT!!”

This is not what I have paid taxes for all my working life. We are not being adequately represented by our elected officials. Some are honorable and doing what they were elected to do, but many, in fact, are flagrantly defrauding their constituents and throwing the Constitution into the bonfire. One side of the aisle feels winning by any means is still winning. Not so! I can’t believe that this is even a da^^ topic of conversation in this country!

Unless we demand better representation from our elected leaders, this country will devolve into a formerly prosperous nation. There will be no guarantee of any rights, all the power will be in the hands of the powerful, integrity and honor will be stricken from the dictionary, and the private sector will disappear. That will be the end of the United States as we once knew it. Another day that will live in infamy.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The 2020 Election is so full of FRAUD that anyone who claims there was no significant Fraud is a LIAR!!! If the 2020 election stands, our Federal Government is no longer legitimate!!! It has become time to TAKE-BACK OUR Government!!!!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!! Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!! Stand-up for Our Republic!!!! Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Write and/or Petition the U.S. Supreme Court! They need to hear the true Vox Americana!! Make absolutely sure all nine of them know in detail that we are fed-up with the lies, deceit, and FRAUD!!! The 2020 Federal Election is a travesty and a CRIME against AMERICA!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Conservatives are starting to doubt that the Republican Party is their HOME!  Republican Study Committee is 150 out of 199 Republican Members of the House.  Where are the other 49?!!  From the traitors Paul Ryan and Romney, etc., many Republicans are Conservatives “IN NAME ONLY“!!! Whether under this new Banner or under the Banner, together with the TRUMP Movement, it is time to form “The Freedom Party” with our Eagle as its Symbol!!! We will NEVER succeed against the DemocRat/Communists tied down with the hidden “Republican/Communists”!!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!! Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!! Stand-up for Our Republic!!!! Remove Every DemocRat/Communist!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Liars, cheats (i.e. Communists), and foreign nations are trying to prevent exposing the TRUTH! If Supreme Court correctly rules that Unrequested “Mail-In” Ballots are unconstitutional, no further actions are needed for President Trump to win reelection!!! Get this action done first and then worry about the rest of the Fraud, which was extensive!!! Pending this action, get the Supremes to give an injunction delaying the Electoral College!!!!!  

4 years ago

Indict Biden for all his crimes: Burisma, Ukraine, Russia, China, money laundering, taxes, etc. If Hunter was in on it you can bet Joe and brother James were too. Indict before 10 January and he can’t be sworn in as President. Anyone want to correct me if I’m wrong? Can an individual indicted for crimes against the U.S. be sworn in as President? He’s a traitor, pure and simple. So is Harris.

Cheryl Green
Cheryl Green
4 years ago

I just saw the petition against voter fraud and signed it today, December 15, 2020. Am I too late?

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