AMAC Exclusive by: Tammy Bruce

Today’s far-left extremists are unabashedly undoing the monumental achievements of all of America’s civil rights movements. For those of us who identify with those legacy civil rights movements what we’re seeing from today’s Democrats and malignant left is shocking and unacceptable.
We are watching unfold in front of us, like a slow-speed train wreck, the destruction of 100 years of Americans working for and demanding genuine civil rights and equality for the disenfranchised: people of color, women, and homosexuals. We believe in the American dream, and we know its reality relies on every American being able to participate in this magnificent experiment of freedom and self-government.
Yet, today’s so-called progressives (they’re actually Marxists) desire, advocate and teach open racism. They advocate and promote the erasure of the very concept of what it means to be a woman. And after decades of the ignorant accusing gay men and lesbians of being interested only in sexualizing children, the far left is openly arguing the same thing by insisting Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law ending sexualized instruction and ensuring parental rights for little 5-8 year-olds in public schools, is somehow an anti-gay plot.
A few weeks ago I alerted you to the Democratic agenda, in which they were targeting the Florida law as an assault against gay people. This effort is now the perfect example of a hoax hate crime. The law has nothing to do with homosexuality, but the malignant narcissists on the left, they couldn’t help but make it about them. This explains so much about the destructive and inexplicable Democrat agenda.
First, Democrats and their allies fabricated a slogan to cast the bill as the “Don’t Say Gay!” bill and the compliant media went to town. Much as they did with Jussie Smollett’s hoax hate crime claims and the equally as false and absurd “This is MAGA country!” hate crime sloganeering, the lie became the point. Both scenarios are literally unbelievable, disprovable, and present as a frenzied fantasy in the mind of indoctrinated and burned-out leftist activists. And both are meant to manipulate the feelings of well-meaning people, exploit concerns about fairness, while promulgating misery and pain for Democrat and leftist financial and political gain.
Parents are the natural and legal moral arbiters for their children. To conflate the gay community as universally opposed to parental rights and strangely interested in discussing sex, gender, and sexuality with toddlers is an affront to everything the gay civil rights movement was about. All our civil rights movements were based on demands to stop government interference in our lives and to not be considered criminals because of who we are. Every civil rights movement was about being treated fairly and equally. As Americans first.
Now, this frenzy on the left has exposed an iconic American institution—Disney—as having fallen deep into the leftist rabbit hole of wokeism. As someone who grew up in Southern California and enjoyed being a yearly pass holder for the park, this devolution is heartbreaking. Disney has been a great company and for generations has been a significant part of American history, entertainment, and childhood. This is a company worth saving. But in order to do so, we must face what’s happening as well.
In the midst of the artificial gay outrage over the Florida law, Christopher Rufo, an investigative reporter who has made his name exposing the extent of critical race theory in schools and corporations, revealed he had obtained a video of an internal Disney meeting about the issue. He tweeted, “SCOOP: I’ve obtained video from inside Disney’s all-hands meeting about the Florida parental rights bill, in which executive producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a ‘not-at-all-secret gay agenda’ and is regularly ‘adding queerness’ to children’s programming.”
The Federalist reported on the Rufo scoop: “President of Disney General Entertainment Karey Burke spoke just as openly about her plan to force her own sexual agenda on the eyes and ears of young children… In another apparent reference to Florida’s law protecting 5-year-olds from sexual grooming in schools, Burke added, ‘Perhaps had this moment not happened, I, as a leader and we, as my colleagues would not have focused on” inserting more LGBT characters into Disney stories.’”
The Federalist continued, “In another leaked Disney call, ‘activism partner’ Nadine Smith parroted wild conspiracy theories about the Florida law. ‘We’re reacting from the reality that, when they can erase you when they can criminalize your existence when they can demonize who you are, the next step is to criminalize you and take your kids,’ she said.”
This is a perfect example of malignant narcissism and projection. For these particular ‘leaders’ at Disney, whatever their personal lives, to believe it’s their responsibility to project their personal lives onto the screen to influence and indoctrinate everyone else’s children is classic projection, as they obsess on making everything be about them. This is the main problem plaguing the entire left, manifesting in actions and policy that is destructive, unthinking, that no one wants, and is being rightly rejected by parents and Americans in general everywhere.
The gay left also argues that teachers not being able to discuss their gay personal lives with children they teach “erases” them. Oh, come on. Firstly, the Florida law is about instruction, not conversations. But we don’t condone speaking with children about many things, including sex. Journalist and author Abigail Shrier put it perfectly, “There’s lots of things teachers shouldn’t discuss with K-3rd Grade kids — it doesn’t “erase” the existence of those things. It just means, schools shouldn’t introduce them to young children. “Ask your parents about that,” is a good answer.” What a concept.
Again, not everything is about us. Sometimes it is about what’s best for children.
It is equally imperative that every person in this country, especially parents, should know that supporting the Florida bill does not make you a homophobe. As a matter of fact, the homophobia is in the actions taken by the Democrats smearing gay lives in a cynical attempt for political advantage. All of us have a responsibility to stand against this modern sophistry which continues to do damage to the hard work we’ve all done to become a better nation.
A woman on Twitter whose bio says she’s an “LMHC specializing in reproductive mental health. CLE. CJR. Politically homeless,” puts all of our concern about our cultural crisis perfectly, “Perhaps the most disturbing cultural trend I have seen in the last 5 years is the destruction of childhood innocence in an attempt to validate adults.” Indeed.
It is time we say and demand hands-off, politically and otherwise. Let children be children.
The liberal fascination and the devotion by the DemocRat Party has reached a point where it is obvious that their only guidance moral is “what’s best for the DemocRat Party and its leadership and to heck with good governance.” American citizens will continue to get less than the best results of this Nation’s governance as the DemocRat Party assumes more and more dominant control of the rights and welfare. It seems that “God bless America” may be the only way the Nation can return to a working valid Constitutional Democracy.
Great article and tremendous insight.
Thanks to Woke Disney I cant sample Avengers Campus
Just when I thought we’ve seen the worst, I am proven wrong. I simply can’t believe what we are and have been witnessing over the past few years. Firstly, just because Karey Burke’s kids are ‘messed up’ doesn’t mean the rest of the world should have to cater to her whims; secondly, I feel so sorry for parents these days with young children. How are they able to raise their children with the proper moral values when as soon as they go to school (where you think they would be safe) they are brainwashed with the teachings of the left. They are just children, they shouldn’t even know about half of the events going on in the world. When I was a young child many years ago, all I cared about was playing outside, climbing trees, and being allowed to stay out until dinner time. Why are we dragging the young children through the political mess – they need to be children and grow up in their own time. The left is trying to turn the young children into young adults at the elementary school age. LET THEM BE CHILDREN!!! All of the dems in the WH need to be removed – the Republicans need to take back Congress and the WH. Enough is enough, when are the people who voted for JB going to open up their eyes and see the damage they have done and continue to do to this country. LGB FJB!!!!
I hope we are seeing the last of democrats as the ruling party. They are loudly giving themselves permission to go overboard with their most extreme ideas. I pray they will not be able to continue ruling this country.
Strange as it may seem, I don’t EVER remember knowing anything about my teachers’ personal lives when I was a student! We’ve wandered so far away from the purpose of education that I don’t know how we’ll ever get back! Our poor kids and grandkids!
I find it ironic that those who advocate against the Florida bill prohibiting sexual speech in K through 3 classrooms are the same people who would sue everyone in sight if the same discussion took place in the teacher’s lounge calling it a hostile work environment.
Write the CEO.
Research the names of the Board of Directors and write them. They are allowing this.
NOTE: one Director is Mary Barra, Chairman of General Motors.
(is GM in support of these changes? Should people support GM by purchasing their cars?)
If you own Disney stock, are you going to keep it? if so, why?
I would like to see a written list of the inappropriate (CRT) books and all other materials that are being taught to our children in schools. As a retiree, I believe if enough of us peruse and scour the materials being used in each of our localities, we may be able to have a positive effect in exposing these evil (Marxist loving) individuals and put a stop to it. It is past time we take the bull by the horns and settle the score. I will be happy to peruse and investigate the materials being taught to our children in my own locality. May I have the favor of a list?
As a long-time stockholder of Disney Stock A parent and Grand Father, I abhore that the present leadership has traveled so far away from what Walt and Roy Disney had established and wanted for the children of the world. I no longer will go to any of the Disney places or purchase any of the Disney products. I will work to replace the leaders of the company and any of their personnel who doesn’t represent what the original Disney company was founded on. To start with.I am asking everybody to boycott Disney and their products
No more DISNEY – go woke and GO BROKE!!
I dumped Disney years ago.
WE can live without Disney Corp. There are other entertainment venues available; even some owned by Christians. Do some research. Turn off the Disney channel and quit buying their Chinese-made merchandise. This company had a subsidiary run by Harvey Weinstein and his brother some years ago called Miramax. They produced some films which could be called soft-core porn.
If EVERYBODY acts, they’ll get the message and stockholders might force some changes. As for the parent with “two trans kids,” one must wonder what kind of parent she is and to what she exposed her kids!
Teachers need to return to teaching rhe subject they were hired to do. The children do not need to know anything personal about them. They don’t need to know who, where they are from. As long as the child is respectful to them as a person, it’s enough. Just teach your subject. And when the bell rings, everyone goes home.
At this present time, the American dream is not available to many hard working, Americans. I do hope and pray it can be restored. Self serving men and women with an appetite and lust, for power, money and evil have taken over our Country. We are on a slippery slope to our own destruction. We are becoming Sodom and Gomorrah.
Please don’t beg for money inflation
Has taken its tole.
Excellent article. Especially the comment by the “Twitter woman.”
The parent’s need to censor their children’s television time if not turn the TV off, period!
If Disney is going this far Left, they’ll not miss the opportunity of television!!!
Kudos to Tammy Bruce, who always does a great job researching and writing her articles. Always try to watch her when she is a guest on FOX, as well. One very brave lady!
As for Disney, this home does not have Disney channel, no longer goes to/rents Disney movies, and our last trip to Disney World was pre-Covid. Perhaps next we will try Universal, unless they decide to follow suit. I might add that I actually enjoyed Busch Gardens (Virginia) more than Disney World! Much more relaxed and the best flowering gardens we’ve ever seen! Rides, attractions, restaurants, and shows were great! (My son-in-law still raves about attending “beer school” there!) We combined that stop with Williamsburg, to get some hands-on history. Loved it.
I’m so sorry to see Disney succumb to the crazy wokeness of the left. It’s not what poor Walt would want and it’s not what, I believe, most parents want.
Why can’t we just let kids enjoy being kids, without any hidden agendas.
“Go Woke, go broke” is a truism – yet these self-absorbed lunatics care not. Look for a “Wokeland” full of disgusting and unspeakable rides and attractions before the total collapse of Disney occurs. And yes, as an annual pass holder for years, I and my family enjoyed the Disney parks, both coasts. This moral collapse of Disney is truly horrific for us.
I am DONE with Disney! When they fell into that dangerous “rabbit hole of wokeness” I decided they will get no more of my $$. It’s a real shame that children are being influenced by all this crap! It is shameful!
I appreciate the AMAC for the great work they are doing exposing the far left’s radical agenda. Our country is in grave danger if we don’t stop this horrible trend.
I’m going to enjoy watching about half of the Disney “LGBTQALPHABETPERVERTS” World employees get pink slips due to lack of business!
I’d bet that Walt Disney is spinning in his grave! May he return to haunt the pedophiles and perverts that are ruining his creation!
Thank you for always putting out there all the latest information. I am sickened by the way the CEO of Disney is behaving! Mr Disney was an amazing man, who only wanted to bring joy and fun to all ages. So sad to see what is happening.
Please read Second Timothy 3:1-4 written almost 2000 years ago but describes painfully all that’s happening now.
Our Founders warned against complacency so long ago having come from a dictatorial and godless nation.
“When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Samuel Adams.
Our Founders, Christian men, also warned about a nation turning from God and rejecting His covenants. They pledged their lives, honors and fortunes to bring this country to life. Nations since the beginning have failed miserably because the Creator was ignored and rejected. America has been a special and unique nation in all the history of the world but sadly the generations have taken it for granted and left it to the politicians.
Parents are just recently speaking up at school boards and getting involved, and this is great, but this below the surface poison has been spreading through schools for decades. Back in the 70’s Banned Parenthood was pushing “sex education” to children as young as 7 years old! Where was the outrage?
The wolves in sheep’s clothing control the sheep pen.
I SAY BAN DISNEY! It went from being the so called “Happiest Place” to THE MOST DISGUSTING PLACE and definitely NOT worth the money. You can make better use of your hard earned dollars and have something to show for it. Like helping others within your community, pay it forward. The Disney of today is a rip off and Walt is turning in his grave because these lunatics have trashed his name, his legacy by removing any and all moral decency. Yeah wackos and weirdos!! Come judgement day they too will get theirs. Here’s a novel idea, stick em all out on Alcatraz, they’re a disgrace to the human race. Sick, pure evil! Satan incarnate!
People have been arrested for child porn at Disney quite a few people with in the last 5 years. Now I understand why and I’m no longer surprised. Sad, but not surprised
I won’t be buying anymore Disney movies for the grandkids, that’s for sure.
Disney must choose between entertainment or control the communist government gender identification. I truly hope parent boycott Disney. Money always talks
My goodness I hope these high level Disney perverts have really good security. When my Son was very young if some theme park creep even looked like he/she was grooming or attempting to influence him toward their perverse way of living……….well justice isn’t always delivered by the courts!
Money talks, EVERYTHING else walks! Keep your money AWAY from Disney-there are other amusement parks that to NOT stoop to the level the pedophiles are demanding. Please take your family ELSEWHERE!!
Disney has always been run by liberals including Walt, but it was not the same as the Biden loonies in D.C.//I have never seen our country in worse hands than right now//this scum bag in the Dark House is a thief and has sold out to the Russians and the Chinese/I hope the Conservatives destroy this current regime in November 2022 and the again in 2024//The Border/Inflation/Education/Domestic &Foreign Policy/Crime have been forgotten by this loser Biden in 15 short months/This new garbage Disney is proposing is just another example of the loonie bin lefties//Just remember this current situation would not have happened with the TRUMPSTER//Get out and vote and get rid of the slime in and forever////////////////////////
Well, I like so many I know, are pulling anything dealing with Disney from our consideration or plans to avail ourselves of any Disney Product.
They certainly make it know they don’t need us, so many of feel the same way – we don’t need you Disney!
Boycott everything Disney
255,200,373 voting age people in the U.S. according to 2019 census. and only 1% are doe ray me fa gg ots controlling 77.7% of the population.. Wake Up People… they are child molesters and Communist Chinese Democrats running the show. and we do Nothing…
Perception vs Reality
How many transgender people do you think live in the United States? The people who took this poll estimated 21 percent of our nation’s population is transgender. Twenty-one percent, a quarter of the country, is trans. That’s what people think. Now are these news stories started to make sense? In reality, the number is 1 percent, 1 percent is trace. How about gay people? We spend a lot of time talking about sexual orientation. With all that attention, surely that number must be high. All Americans estimated that 30 percent of their fellow citizens are gay. Wrong again, the real number is 3 percent. Now, is this starting to add up? The Democrats don’t want you to know the real numbers because it would tank their entire agenda. They want you to see victims around every corner and elect more Democrats to right the ship. Millions of people who look differently with different lifestyles, who eat differently and who believe radically different things. It’s just not true. This country is not New York City. It is the United States of America.
Growing up, we watched Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night. My now 30+ year old children watched many Disney movies. I think Walt and Roy Disney are spinning in their graves over what Disney has become. Parents have been warning others (usually via facebook) about first watching Disney movies these days before letting your children see them. Wish the word would get to many more. And, unfortunately, there are parents who won’t do this, and even some (I hope very, very few) who don’t care what the movie portrays. 🙁
Taking your child to any disney facility or event is child abuse.
Only a child sexual abuser would go to disneyland or disney world.
Never thought this day would ever come, somehow LGBT sneak in and this should be concern to parents…
It is clear in God’s Word that homosexuality is an abomination. God does not call many things an abomination unless it is an heinous sin capable of destroying civilizations. He demonstrated this when He destroyed the nations of Sodom and Gomorrah for practicing this sin. Additionally, acceptance of sodomy as a legitimate “lifestyle” is a figurative “slap in the face” of a sovereign, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, immutable Creator and Sustainer of the universe who created man and women—and nothing in between! God has made it clear that acceptance and practice of this sin will result in eternity in the fires of hell and it makes no difference if you believe in hell or not. My heart goes out to the victims of this acceptance of this sin and my anger is toward those Corporations and entertainment institutions who have readily embraced and celebrated this grievous sin as a legitimate way of life. Since when has two per cent of society been able to force the other 98% to accept the practice of such an heinous sin and life of debauchery!
I just got a Daily Digest Bulletin from Social Security. Apparently, we will all be able to pick our sex, beginning in the fall 2022.
Today, Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, announced that the Social Security will offer people the choice to self-select their sex on their Social Security number (SSN) record. We anticipate this option will be available in the fall of 2022. “The Social Security Administration is committed to reducing barriers and ensuring the fair treatment […]
This movement has gone completely off the rails.
I’ve been saying for years that Disney is not the wholesome family entertainment that most people believe it to be. Maybe in the 1950’s or 60’s it was, but most of their output before 2010 was just a watered down, pseudo ethical, mish-mash designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Since that time they have been morphing into a tool of the Marxist elite. Is it any wonder we have the Millennials and Gen Z tearing down the cultural infrastructure that produced the greatest country in human history?
Time is now for people to pray to our GOD and except Jesus as lord and savior to get ready for Jesus to come and get us. Time is going to get worse and not better.People need to pray.
Perfectly stated – HANDS OFF THE KIDS! It is hard enough being a kid now a days. They will figure it out when they are older.
i want to know why the left has this mystical power over others – esp a place that is geared towards kids who are either boy or girls???? they didn’t have to go as far as they did. i for one will always say gay whether is be for the fact that i’m happy or whether it me for people who are same gender and like ea other. isn’t it better that being called queer! what is wrong with these people they have too much time on their hands and should be focused on the real problems of this country. sex trafficking, crime, drugs, wth
We need to get back to teaching children the basics like reading, writing and arithmetic. Teaching children under the age of twelve about sexuality is not necessary. If they have questions, they should be told to either talk to their parents or a school counselor, NEVER in front of the entire class. Children grow up way too fast as it is.
Does anyone realize that only 3%-4% of the American population is LGBTQ. That means 96%-97% is not yet that have the loudest voices and media attention. It’s because the left has a Marxist agenda and main objective is divide and conquer. The white supremacist and racial narrative didn’t work so they are trying everything else. It’s all to railroad thinking away from all the bad issues perpetrated by this sorry excuse of an administration of the blind leading the blind. Think about it..gas prices, the boarder, food shortages, the war…it all has to do with deflecting things this corrupt gvt is doing. Now that the laptop emerged its Disney taking the stage. Wake up woke people. The majority has to put their foot down or else we will be living in a Venezuela type country. The LORD will have HIS way if HE sees fit, unless we are at the point of no return this country morally, then GOD help us all.