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Documents Confirm Joe Biden Was His Family’s “Only Asset” and “The Brand”

Posted on Tuesday, October 3, 2023
by Outside Contributor
president biden at the podium

Over 700 pages of documents showing President Biden was not only aware of his son’s foreign activities, but that he was the only thing Hunter was selling, were released on Wednesday by the Ways and Means Committee.

Hunter Biden considered his father, Joe Biden, to be his family’s “only asset” and “the brand” that he was selling access to around the world. In other words, Joe Biden was the Biden family business. Hunter Biden made that point clear in a WhatsApp message from 2017 revealed as part of the additional documents provided to the Committee from IRS whistleblowers.

This message, along with many others in the newly released materials, provide additional evidence related to the long pattern of behavior House Republicans have uncovered dating back to at least 2014. This evidence we have uncovered shows the Biden influence peddling scheme began while Joe Biden was Vice President, if not even earlier, and continued through his time out of public office. That scheme, or its consequences, may be continuing to this day.

As Chairman Smith said last week, “It is clear that then-Vice President Joe Biden’s political power and influence was quote ‘the brand’ that Hunter Biden was selling all over the world. Even more alarming, the Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway U.S. policy decisions.”

In addition to the WhatsApp message, IRS investigators provided the Ways and Means Committee with worksheets connecting Hunter Biden’s business activities to official government activity during his father’s tenure as Vice President of the United States. These worksheets, compiled as part of their investigation, clearly detail numerous in-person meetings and phone calls where Joe Biden interacted with his son’s business associates, as well as taxpayer-funded travel on Air Force Two with Hunter Biden and his business partners.

“The very existence of this file makes it abundantly clear that IRS investigators were concerned there was in fact a connection between Hunter Biden’s global influence peddling, Joe Biden, and official U.S. government activity,” said Chairman Smith.

Read the worksheets here.

Reprinted with permission from the Committee on Ways and Means.

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1 year ago

Yes, this has been well documented by numerous texts and other documents uncovered to date. It’s not like anyone else in the Biden family was worth the over $40 million dollars paid to the family over several years from foreign entities from the several foreign parties. The only value Joe Biden bought to the table was his willingness to sell out his office and country in exchange for lots of money. That’s the same value other politicians like Senator Menendez brought to the table. Unfortunately, the left and the MSM will continue to deny Old Joe was selling his country out for a series of financial payments and half the country is dumb enough to believe it.

What the left will of course insist on is seeing a high-definition video of Joe personally being handed a briefcase full of cash, while simultaneously promising to push through some specific legislation or otherwise enact policy changes that benefit the persons handing Joe the money. Which of course doesn’t exist, as the role of Hunter was to be the go between bagman collecting the monies on behalf of Old Joe. So, this will all continue to roll along going nowhere. Meanwhile, we continue to be the butt of jokes all around the world and China and Russia are laughing all the way to the bank.

John Beach
John Beach
1 year ago

Given the evidence of the video, bragging about the removal of the Ukrainian prosecutor, which was in circulation well before the elections of 2020 and 2016, what does not qualify as a “quid pro quo” by an elected official? This was, exactly, that of which Trump was accused. But the evidence has been out there for years and Washington entrenched have done nothing about it.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Put out the documents proving Dictator Beijing biden is GUILTY of Racketeering, Selling Secrets and Influence to Foreign Country’s and Entity’s including receiving Money for access to him while VP and currently so-called president along with Sedition, Violating the Hatch Act, Corruption, Intentional Espionage violating his Oath of Office and the U.S. Constitution by Intentionally Committing High Treason.
And let’s not forget his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion by letting in Thousands of Communist Chinese Soldiers wearing civilian garb with probably over 500,000 other foreign Terrorist. And his Iranian Spies in his administration while Illegally and Unconstitutionally allowing Communist Chinese Police Stations to be built on U.S. soil. How much was Dictator Beijing biden paid to look the other way and ignore the Communist Chinese SPY Ballon’s?

Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes
1 year ago

Its time to subpoena Obama, find out what he knew and when, start kikkin Barracks roun summ.

1 year ago

And this clown had thousands and thousands of classified documents, which he had NO legal right to have at all, at several places. But Trump, who declassified documents as POTUS, can’t have the tiny amount he took with him? These people are just slime on the left. Evil pours out of every pour on their bodies.

1 year ago

And yet here we are, Sinking like the Titanic with no one at the helm.

1 year ago

Listen, it’s just Lying Crooked Joebama living up to his name! . . . Most people would be concerned of what legacy they would be leaving behind but NOT JOEBAMA and that’s because he’s not capable of realizing reality. I guarantee that American History won’t smile on Joebama’s legacy!

1 year ago

I wonder how many in Biden’s world (DC), knew or at least suspected he was up to no good, and will they be held accountable as accomplices by their silence.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

you democrats recognize that means Biden has been for sale his whole career. everything anyone said about Biden being corrupt was correct and every single leftist was wrong.

So far every single thing the left has called a far right wing maga conspiracy has turned out true. Do you wonder when they will admit the trump charges are phony and the democrats are politically attacking him.

1 year ago

anyone who thinks that these foreign countries paid hunter biden millions for his expertise is either so deranged or so consumed with tdr that they need psychological help.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Biden was put where he is for a purpose Right now he and the family are exempt from the law. It would take more than writing about it to change that No one is willing to take up that challenge Could be fatal

1 year ago

We have known this for some time. What I want to know is what, exactly, influence did he sell? What promises did he make? Many tell me that they were given millions just because of the last name. Who believes that they were given millions just because a Biden graced their presence? They sold something.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

So what? No one will be held accountable for anything.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Hang both and be done with it. This will drag on forever. If Old Joe is ever convicted of misdoings, he will get maby 6 months in a care home. Hunter will wind up in prison for a 1 year sentence, and be out in 6 months with good behavior. Now is the time to make agood example of wrongdoing by the higher ups. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Pretty much a treasure trove of evidence, but how long will the MSM and White House deny and deflect!?

1 year ago

If Jackass Joe is the Biden’s ‘only asset’ they must be down among the lowest of poverty levels.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Occums Razor: what other crackhead was made an executive officer in a major European energy company? Anybody get a Porsche from Albania lately? Who else takes photos with exploited sex workers while doing drugs and doesn’t get charged? Or howsabout just a headline?

11 months ago

Next step is to prove that Joseph R Biden is compromised. I believe it will be proven.

Dick Oldon
Dick Oldon
11 months ago

Should be charged with Treason-removed from office, jailed, tried, and ???

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
1 year ago

Yep, Biden should definitely be IMPEACHED!!!

1 year ago

If Joe Bribem is their greatest asset, they are a pathetic bunch of miscreants.
But Joe Bribem said crack-head Hunter was the smartest man he knows; he may be right.
It is way past time to kick these creeps to the curb.

1 year ago

The evidence is pouring in! The Joe Biden influence peddling connection and Joe’s policies favoring China are being exposed. I feel there is more to come and Joe will get what he deserves.

11 months ago

The keep saying: “There’s NO EVIDENCE‼️”
Yes, there is EVIDENCE

David Shingledecker
David Shingledecker
11 months ago

One would think that prosecutors in New York and Georgia would jump all over this being the Justice warriors they claim to be. They might as well shine a light in the sky that says hypocrites the way Batman use to be called in Gotham City.

Philip Paul
Philip Paul
11 months ago

This information needs to be shared with and by the media… but that’s not gonna happen ????

Van Olmstead
Van Olmstead
11 months ago

Thank you for such thorough article on the Biden corruption. As well, thanks for the ability to share it so easily.

11 months ago

Scum bag crime families never disappear they only breed larger. And that a-hole judge and DA are worried President Trump undervalued his property. Does anyone else feel like the winds of revolution are blowing?

Glady Protz
Glady Protz
11 months ago

Brilliant synopsis of truth. Happy to be a member of AMAC!!!

11 months ago

Plausible deniability is a phrase your hear bandied around in the Intel community. It’s what they use to CYA. It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove in a court of law….see the Clinton’s for same. It depends on what your definition of what “is” is. So far it’s working for these despots like a charm!

11 months ago

About d*mn time we saw some movement in this. When are they planning to start the impeachment process? 2025?

11 months ago

It’s time! Treason, jail time. What the h*** are we waiting on? Act NOW.

J. Cauthen
J. Cauthen
11 months ago

So when are they going to do something about him? Republican Congress never follows through.

1 year ago

Yeah, but Democrats don’t want the rule of making people responsible for their actions to apply to them.

Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes
1 year ago

JoBamma is a Classic????????????????????

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