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Destroying USAID Will Increase American Power Abroad

Posted on Monday, February 10, 2025
by Horatius

Elon Musk and Secretary of State Marco Rubio are currently in the process of throwing the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) into the woodchipper. With each grant shut down and USAID worker flown home, the left descends even further into a hyperventilating panic attack, clutching its pearls at the loss of one of its main organs of progressive patronage disguised as “American soft power.”

Of course, Democrats love USAID not because of its purported benefit to American national security but because it’s a taxpayer-funded piggy bank for left-wing social engineering projects that doubles as a salary pool for entrenched bureaucrats and progressive NGOs alike. Democrats use our money to pay their foot soldiers to accomplish their goals. It’s a win-win for them.

While already accustomed to a very large degree of government waste and corruption, the American people were nonetheless shocked to learn what exactly our taxpayer money had been funding through USAID.

$1.5 million “to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities.” $32,000 to produce a “transgender comic book” in Peru. $2 million in part to fund sex changes in Guatemala. $47,000 for a Colombian transgender opera. Birth control in third world countries, meals for al-Qaeda affiliates, a trans-operated beauty salon outside of Mumbai, electric vehicles (EVs) for communists—it’s like USAID was inspired by Oprah, except instead of giving away all-expense-paid cruises and Volkswagen Bugs to audience members, our government has been handing out condoms and copies of “I Am Jazz” to poor, benighted kids in countries most can’t find on a map.

Democrats like to talk about how USAID’s budget is “less than one percent” of overall federal spending. But given the gargantuan scale of government outlays these days, USAID’s pocketbook still factors out to an eye-popping $43.4 billion. One could only imagine how many bridges could be repaired, homeless veterans could be housed, or criminal illegal aliens could be shipped home with such money.

Of course, the left will never admit that USAID was never really about feeding hungry kids and that it was always a taxpayer-funded patron of worldwide wokeism. Instead, they decry the “death of American soft power.”

You see, to the liberal establishment, there’s no contradiction between funding transgender operas and promoting American ideals abroad. To them, transgender operas are the pinnacle of American ideals. If we don’t fund trans operas, they ask, why would other nations align with us instead of our adversaries?

In the end, that’s what soft power is about: ensuring nations around the world throw their lot in with America instead of joining forces with the likes of China and Russia.

Soft power makes sense in theory. Except there’s one big issue in reality: When the American government and cash-flush NGOs push a socially deconstructive agenda abroad, they don’t increase American influence. They make the world hate us.

Shocking as this may be to the left’s cultural vanguard, the vast majority of people in the world don’t want DEI, sex changes, and EVs. Most want to live in peace, improve their lot, and raise their kids in accordance with their values. Forcing DEI down their throats won’t make them embrace “democratic values.” It just makes them resentful toward the United States.

So, when China shows up offering a country infrastructure funding, and USAID shows up offering to fund transgender surgeries and DEI programs, guess which offer a foreign nation is most likely to accept. Even if the developing country rejects China and chooses America, you can bet they do so while indignant at the “pride progress” flag being fiercely, proudly, and incessantly waved in their faces.

Far from hampering America’s soft power, you can almost guarantee the Trump administration’s deconstruction of USAID will increase America’s influence abroad. Other nations will feel relief knowing that they can finally deal with America as a partner instead of being treated as backward and unenlightened rubes in need of progressive conversion.

Sure, there will be some anxiety as nations realize that America’s long-established, secular NGO missionaries no longer act with the implicit backing of Uncle Sam. Wheels no longer greased will start to squeak, and influential personas bitter that their gravy train has been derailed will wail that the death of USAID signals the collapse of the free world. To be fair, I would be mad, too, if the machine that kept me in power suddenly stopped working.

But fear not. What’s best for progressives is not what’s best for America. Indeed, what’s best for progressives has been destroying America and our influence abroad for some time.

The truth is, America became the most powerful nation in the history of the world without USAID. Don’t let anyone tell you we need to fund transgender hair salons in India to stay that way.

Horatius is the pen name of a writer who served in the first Trump White House and on Capitol Hill.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Gee if you think Democrats are howling NOW, wait until Musk targets the Department of (re)Education and starts picking out the teacher union payola! The deeper you dig a hole in a swamp, the more muck you find.

1 month ago

There is a direct correlation between how loudly the Democrats protest for the investigation of an agency and the inherent corruption contained in that agency. And USA is nothing but a Marxist liberal excuse for pushing Dei and transgender garbage. Look closely at how loud the Democrats protest the investigation of various agencies and then look how much corruption waste Fraud and Abuse is contained within those agencies you will see what I mean. DOGE knows they are over the Target because they are drawing fire. Democrats inherently support and operate from the basis of waste Fraud and Abuse. If it’s illegal or unethical the Democrats embrace it. If it’s moral or helps the country and the citizens succeed they oppose it. Prove me wrong

1 month ago

There will be aid. It will be what is really needed and Secretary of State Rubio will make sure of it.

1 month ago

Well-written article! Not much to say, but what a relief to have someone protect our interests.

George M
George M
1 month ago

Let’s cut through the BS and get back to the simple fact that these people are bankrupting our country and trying to leave our children and grandchildren with a very painful financial burden. Remember the burden of working 3, 4 or 5 months (for no pay) just to pay your taxes? This grift is what you were paying for! Why would any of us want to continue to do that or worse yet force our grandchildren to pay interest on the debt we create by allowing dems to spend this money and not collecting taxes to pay the bills! It’s time to cut up their credit card!

The Chaplain
The Chaplain
1 month ago

This is an excellent start. But what we must not forget is that midterms are only 18 months away. If we don’t remain engaged the democrats will retake the house & undo all of this progress.

1 month ago

Wow, that was a powerful article. Thank you, Horatius.

1 month ago

In just three weeks, President Trump has done more to put America first than joebama ever did. Well that’s obvious, because Traitor Joe did everything to put America last. Liberal heads are exploding from TDS and I LOVE IT!!! Another poster said that USAID funded worthy charities like Samaritan’s Purse and if so, I’m hoping DOGE continues to allow funding for said charitable organizations, but there MUST be an accounting for the funds.
DOGE = Democrats Officially Getting Exposed MAGA!!!!

1 month ago

A Federal judge is blocking everything President Trump is trying to do. It is not surprising how much evil permeates in the democrat party. What a strong man our President is. Most of us would not be able to withstand what has been done to him. I pray all the time for his safety and those around him. We are living in the darkest of times.

1 month ago

For those who believe the good will be thrown out with the bad. I implore you to consider that one step must be done to improve the other. We must do what will get us to a reasonable solution. I’m the meantime, a good set of brakes on the these unreasonable expenditures seems like the proper path. It’s good to know someone has finally addressed this calamity.

Robert Pelno
Robert Pelno
1 month ago

This is a great reason for term limits. Why do you think these criminal politicians stay there for 40 + years

1 month ago

Dem policies invariably weaken this country at home and abroad. Therere no known exceptions.

1 month ago

How very odd that this substantial “commitment” existed in spite of most of its’ sponsors being arguably non-transexual. These governmental Frankenteins don’t care what vehicle they use to spread their influence with, as long as that influence happens to involve diverting OUR hard-earned money from much more meaningful causes.

1 month ago

AMEN Horatius! Love your article. Let the TRAITORS scream. How did we get so many intelligent people with NO COMMON SENSE WHATSOEVER???

1 month ago

I just have to laugh when the dems in congress scream we.created the USAID. No you didn’t, you just okayed more money. jFK created it by EO in 1961. Till Obama made it his personal money pot to distribute his platforms all over the world and trans and DEI was the biggest part of that. By the time Biden came to power it was entrenched in trans, and spread donations to media outlets like Politico, Reuters and New York Times. Companies were in business because of USAID. They stopped it for 90 days and many executives popped up including Politico we can’t make payroll if we don’t get money from USAID. Excuse me. The American taxpayers are paying Politico so they can spread the left propaganda and call us domestic terrorists? Not one cent should go to them. And the dems are marching in the streets screaming people are being hurt by stopping USAID. they were not marching for the people they are marching for their own pocket money they are loosing. The people in poor countries had no benefits from a gay opera or sex changes or DEI hires or Sesame Street on tv. It was only promoting Ugly American syndrome over the world. Like Obama who hates America with a passion. When he was president he said all undocumented migrants should be deported but now he urges the people to obstruct all deportations. Why the change? America has to be destroyed. And Obama Pelosi Schumer, Watters et al are the cheerleaders to make that happen. That USAID is being dismantled is coming about because the dems made it their own piggybank to draw from. Promote their trans in the world which most people DIDNT understand or wanted nothing to do with. The American people are finally being shown the true democrats. Take from the poor and give to the rich. Even Soros was given money and the Clintons from USAID. It is not US aid. It is a US Agency for International Development. Why should domestic companies benefit. This was for the needs of the people in poor countries. Not perpetuate Ugly American syndrome abroad.

1 month ago

can anyone show me where in the constitution they can throw money

Patricia Prichard
Patricia Prichard
1 month ago

I am all in favor of rooting out the fraud in government and agree with ridding USAID of a number of programs you listed above, but I do not think the whole program should be “thrown in the woodchipper”. I believe I read that Samaritan’s Purse and other true humanitarian groups have been grouped in with the fraud groups. Please research the whole program and then decide what needs to be eliminated and leave the groups that are truly helping in to provide the wonderful and much needed services they do.

Carol A Arroyo
Carol A Arroyo
1 month ago

Come on people!!!  Of course, the USA will help honest charities and true needs under a new chapter that will be set up! We always have, but not with the mess that is being uncovered and how the BillyJoebama eras have purposely tried to bring America to bankruptcy so we would then be placed with a One World Communist Government!  Do Americans, many of whom live over and above their own incomes; not caring about their own debt, even understand 39 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT???? That is what our President was left with from the time of the Clinton, Obama and Biden terms in office.. Each of those Democratic/Socialist presidents cared more about raking in bucks for their own personal gratification and bottom-line incomes. They were building a corrupt, overstaffed and overpaid “regime” of their own right in Washington, D.C., who would stop at nothing to get their dirty jobs done, including theft of government funds, abuse of power, falsifying documents, lying under oath, and even murder!!! YES, folks that’s what was done. Sit back, watch the information reveal itself, take notes and open your eyes to the truth and then get on your knees to thank a Good and Gracious God for bringing his choice President back to finish a cleanup job of immense proportions and PRAY EVERY DAY FOR OUR PROUD, AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND THOSE WORKING BESIDE HIM.

1 month ago

USAID has just been a slush fund for the progressive movement within our corrupt government. Trump shut them down. Good riddance!

1 month ago

Representative Davy Crockett understood what government was for:
Speech by Davy Crockett (House of Representatives 1827 -1831, and 1833 -1835) in regards giving government relief to the widow of a Naval officer:

Mr. Speaker—I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.

I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money.

1 month ago

Excellent article, Horatius, and well said! Thank you. DOGE is doing a wonderful job finding all of this – they are to be commended. I believe, when all is “said and done” and all the books have been examined, we won’t have ANY of the current “alphabet agencies” any more. We will have only necessary agencies that will actually function as they are supposed to, and spend our $$ wisely!

1 month ago

I hope citizen or govenmental lawsuits are soght to demand repayment from fraud, and to punish democrats who must never be allowed to budget money, make decisions, or remaiin as non-representative to the public as they have become. Illustrated unable to do the peoples business, selfish, condesending, insulting, and ruthless SOBs.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Yes since no bureaucracy running the show & rigged for woke crap

1 month ago

Go Musk Go!
Find out what this organization has been spending our Tax Dollars on.
I am appalled to see some of the WEIRD Programs that’s it’s funded.
This money should have been spent on helping our Veteran’s and Poor Americans.
I am digusted that our Nation did this!

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

USAID is nothing but a communist tool to redistribute America’s wealth as directed by the united nations. It should have been done away with decades ago. This is another reason why the “democratic” party needs to be purged of the communists, socialists, marxists, and maoists that have taken over. Vote them out folks and don’t let them come back. They are vile and evil individuals who only care about lining their own pockets.

1 month ago

You know, it’s been the thoughts that programs like these, are necessary that kept bleeding hearts to keep voting demorats in year after year. I’ve been watching, for decades, how they, each and every one, have almost brought our beloved country to total destruction of our values and morals.
They had their time, now it’s time for us common sense thinkers to take back what is ours, which is our wonderful United States of America. Time to be proud of it and us again. Time to get those, who choose to hate or want to destroy it, out for good.
It’s up to you.
As for me, I’m standing for what America truly is all about, putting her people first and foremost.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 month ago

I hope that between Elon Musk and Secretary of State Marco Rubio the keep digging out the over spending in all the different places, there is so much Dem corruption in these different places it needs to stop. They hate what Musk and Rubio are finding out in these slush funds for the Dems to use as they want at tax payers expense time for this over spending to stop so happy with the new office that was set up to get rid of bad spending in our government this is a win for the tax payers here and also for our great President Trump and Elon Musk and Secretary of State Marco Rubio.I just hope they keep going with every agency.

1 month ago

I am 100% behind shutting it down. There are Americans all over the country that have paid taxes all their lives just to get rejected in their old age. And our veterans need to be #1 on the list.

1 month ago

we owe the world nothing!
americans first!

1 month ago

I’m guessing that Horatius Is really Sebastian Gorka.

1 month ago

State Department on behalf of the president is running our foreign policy, no one else.

1 month ago

Democratic wining is disgusting, dishonest, and they should be charged with malfeasance of office. Criminal and destructive to Americans. Vote them out, out, out!

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 month ago

Little good comes from exposing the corruption when the President is stopped by activist judges at each turn. The LEFT attacks Musk attempting to turn votes away from the long overdue audits and corrections in these rogue agencies. Fomenting violence, some in the Legislative branch are attempting an end around play to destroy the Executive branch efforts to right the ship.

1 month ago

stop saying wokeism – using this sort of language IS the problem – it is pure filthy satanic evil and there should be riots of all 9 billion of us at the first hint of this 30-35 years ago, and as for India – this millenia old spiritual country has finally been destroyed by the filth of the West – they opened the doors to Western media about 35 yrs ago, and the culture changed, unbelievably, I’m still stunned they allowed even the ONE perverted beauty salon into the culture – they would not have even allowed that – all praise to them.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

AID, like most [all?] bureaucracies has FAILED in its stated, original goals. It is fine to help others in emergencies or catastrophes, but doing woke garbage and interfering in both domestic and foreign elections has ZERO right to be paid for with OUR tax dollars!

1 month ago

To see why Elon is finding all of this out, take a look at this:
In order to get a better understanding of our storm clouds, let’s exam a few of the 45 Communist, and by extension Socialist and Progressive, goals that have been read into our Congressional Record:

  1. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  2. Get control of the schools and teachers’ associations. Soften the curriculum.
  3. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  4.  Infiltrate the press.
  5. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and pictures.
  6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press.
  7.  Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media.
  8.  Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” 9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.
  9. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principal of “separation of church and state.”
  10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate and old-fashioned.
  11. Discredit the American founding fathers as selfish aristocrats [and racists].
  12. Belittle American culture and discourage the teaching of American history.
  13. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  14. Infiltrate and gain control of big business and unions.
  15. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as mental health or social problems.
  16. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  17. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.
  18. Repeal the Connally Reservation, allowing the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

(From 45 Communist Goals from 58 Years Ago -Ethan Allen Institute)
Think about how much has changed in this country. I was born in 1955 and I hardly recognize this as the country I grew up in.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 month ago

Without “causes” to promote and fund, there are no positions and salaries to be had.

25 days ago

I don’t care what % of total spending ANY specific waste is. 1% here, 1% there, and it eventually adds up to several %.

25 days ago

USAID provides some good humanitarian aid. Most of it though does other things like:
The leader Samanthat Power is now worth 30 million.
NGO gravy train
Advances a leftist ideology
CIA cover in nation building by psyops. Who knows who is doing it and why. What is their criteria or objective.

26 days ago

Weeding out those budgeted items which don’t reflect American ideals, and concerns for the US and it’s partners should be the ideal.
We don’t need to fund transgender surgery anywhere on any living animal human or not, LGBQ alphabet soup stories, books, in countries for which the penalty for being gender confused is death, etc. Funding research in China which many speculate led to COVID. These types of expenses should be eliminated,
A FOCUS on programs which benefit US taxpayers first, with option of expanding that program(s) that benefits others once proven successful.

26 days ago

The way the Dems have been gathering for the TV cameras to sing, scream, and call for fighting in the streets to protest the DOGE investigation reminds me of the videos of shoplifters who get caught at Walmart. They are outraged and insulted! They want a lawyer! They scream and they cry and they accuse the police of false arrest and of hurting them. Before the video ends they’re in tears, they’ve peed all over themselves, and they’re in handcuffs in the back of a police car. It’s just as obvious with these “outraged” Dems as to who the guilty party really is. Stay tuned, the show is just getting started.

Terry Materna
Terry Materna
27 days ago

What a bunch of corruption democrats.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
1 month ago

Well said and I agree 100 %.

1 month ago

I do have a problem with the concept of the headline for this article. Do we throw out the baby with the bathwater? I am certain, USAID is corrupted, wasteful and a bane to our nation…but there are some good works involved. What’s wrong with shutting it down, and eliminating the graft, lies, and corrupted activities and people, and holding on to the parts of USAID that actually provide help? That may be only a small portion of their work to date, but we can still be a nation of caring, helping people while stopping the bad actors and bad actions. Rubio may see a new agency coming out of this fiasco of USAID being high jacked. Surely, some good can come as the phoenix rises from the ashes. But, I may just be a dolt for thinking this.

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