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Democrats Push to Dissolve NRA – Ten Implications

Posted on Wednesday, August 12, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

NRAThe decision by New York’s Democrat Attorney General Letitia James to sue the National Rifle Association (NRA), aiming to dissolve that gun rights group, is legally preposterous. It is also politically revealing.  Look deeper than the filing, and you will see what is afoot.

This is not a dispassionate lawsuit.  This is a bold political shot, fired across America’s bow by an emboldened Democratic-Socialist – or rightly put, Socialist-Democrat – political party.  Behind the curtain, is an audacious agenda.

For starters, understand that James is a diehard Democrat.  She sued New York’s Police Department and tried in 2016 to pressure financial institutions into cutting off gun makers. Like the national party, she is against police, against gun manufacturers, and against gun owners.

Second, as the Wall Street Journal noted, the suit is laughable: “You have to smile at her audacity.”  It is also serious, like trying to dissolve the other political party, impeach a president without facts, or end conservative advocacy.  It has profound meaning – because the intent is nefarious. See,

Third, the suit makes clear 2020 Democrats are taking aim at the 2nd Amendment, which gives Americans their right to “keep and bear arms.”  Founding Father Richard Henry Lee explained: “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them.”

Nevertheless, while Democrats 75 years ago would have fought for those rights – they are today pushing to strip Americans of them.  The contrast is startling.  Democratic president Harry Truman not only loved guns; he loved the NRA.

In a letter of November 1945, Truman observed that NRA training “materially aided our war effort,” and hoped “the splendid program which the National Rifle Association has conducted for three-quarters of a century will be continued.”

What a contrast to anti-gun ownership sentiments of Democrats today.  Former Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said “hell, yes, we are going to take” your guns, and pushed for confiscation. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden says he will put Beto in charge of gun control.  See, e.g.,

Ironically, 60 years ago, Democratic Vice President Hubert Humphrey wrote: “Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms.” Where are those Democrats now?  All gone.

The threat goes deeper.  The goal is not trimming the 2nd Amendment but uprooting it from the Constitution.  We heard this from Democrat surrogate John Paul Stevens.  In 2018, he penned a column in the New York Times – another dying institution – arguing we should “get rid of the Second Amendment.”  Ironically, illustrating how out-of-touch the paper is, they pictured an 18th century musket and labeled it a “rifle.”  Muskets have no rifling.  See,

Fourth, profound things happen if you mix bad ideas – like defunding police and leaving criminals with guns.  Can you imagine?  If the both ideas are lunatic, together they spell disaster.  Average Americans know it, which is why gun purchases are going through the roof.  No one in their right mind wants to defund police and empower criminals.

Already 2020 has seen more FBI background checks than ever. “March saw 3.7 million checks, May 3.1 million, and June 3.9 million.” See,  Americans know gun ownership is essential, even if Democrats do not.

Fifth, an unspoken truth needs re-speaking.  Gun ownership is not just about protecting the family, or even the right to own.  It is about protecting all other rights in our Constitution – including free speech, religion, assembly, travel, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and rights reserved to the People.  They all depend on gun ownership – which is why socialists want to crush that right first.

Sixth, if the law can be twisted by a state-level Attorney General, it can be twisted at the federal level.  A Biden presidency would create the opportunity. Beware:  Once laws are made senseless and fungible, subject to political whim, socialists will have breached our gates.  Freedom dies.

Seventh, if a prosecutor can curtail gun ownership, sovereignty vanishes. People are no longer sovereign, no longer in charge.  As in Communist China, Venezuela, Cuba, Laos, or former Soviet Union, the government is then in charge.

That is why, a man of non-violence – Mahatma Gandhi – wrote: “Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”  If non-violence is best for promoting change, People are sovereign only so long as they can enforce their sovereignty and deter government from stealing it.

Eighth, Democrats seem not to understand the seeds they are sowing. Disbanding the NRA is tantamount to threatening the right of Americans to protect themselves, families, and sovereignty.  Tying that to defunding police, Democrats push lawlessness.  This is how societies are lost. That is not just un-American – it is anti-American.

Ninth, if the notion of dissolving an advocacy group is nonsensical, the irony is this lawsuit may accelerate gun buying, broaden those concerned about the right, and amp up fear of Democrats.

Finally, to quiet all worried hearts, one thing is clear.  If this suit were taken seriously, and mismanagement banished the NRA – or any conservative group – new groups would spring up to defend our constitutional freedoms.  The best spur to freedom is a political threat.

What is the bottom line?  What is the meaning of this noxious suit, aimed at dissolving a national organization fighting for constitutional rights?  It is a warning.  Do not take freedom for granted.  The suit is preposterous but reveals where socialist-leaning Democrats are headed.  They have an agenda – and it is not defending your constitutional freedoms.

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4 years ago

A well written article outlining the political motivations behind the NRA lawsuit by the New York State AG. The only point I would disagree with is item number eight. The Democrats fully understand the seeds they are sowing with this lawsuit. AG Letitia James was chosen for the position specifically because she is a SJW and fully embraces all tenets of the ideology of socialism being promoted by the Democrat party today. Her record and public statements over the years echo that sentiment completely.

We need to stop pretending that that they, the Democrats, are either naive or somehow simply ignorant of what their policies and actions will mean for the country. They know full well what will result from their actions and they proudly champion those destructive results. You cannot completely remake a country, in the fashion that the Democrats want to do, without first destroying ALL the major institutions, laws, and societal norms of the country.

From countless conversations I’ve had over the years with scores of these people, their view is that from the ashes will rise the socialist Utopia they have dreamed of for decades. The fact that every pure socialist experiment, where the values they are championing of “economic and social justice”, a common theme of ALL socialists / communists to gain power from the masses, have ended in the equality of universal poverty, misery, starvation and wide-spread death for the masses DOES NOT deter them in the slightest. Their response is always the same: “This time it will be different.”

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Time to rebrand NRA IE NFA: National Firearms Assoc, new marketing, new hirees, New mission statement or revise
Lobby anti 2A states for more 2A.
Outreach to minority groups
Legal services nationwide
Do more

4 years ago

This defense of the 2nd amendment is so well written and justified. I hope every member reads it and that it is published more widely. Every voter should have to at least think this over before voting in the same way that every parent should listen to the heartbeat and view the sonogram before allowing abortion.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

I am going to join the NRA this week. I do not own a gun at this moment, but I will soon. I am a very peaceful retiree, and live in a very safe community in Indiana. I do not trust Marxist leftists to do anything at all that I agree with. To take away any of my Constitutional rights is just plain ignorant, and the Democrats and progressive liberals cannot get away with anything like it. I would like to see the people brave enough to come and get guns from most law-abiding citizens. I would guess they will not get many guns.

4 years ago

The only thing that protects America from subservience to the globalist Communists is the 2nd Amendment.

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago

Create the narrative that the second amendment has nothing to do with guns but instead the “right to bare arms” assures our ability to wear short sleeve shirts. They’re dumb enough, they may fall for it. But then they may claim that the “right of assembly” guarantees everyone an assembler’s job in a factory. What a headache.

Seriously, the crazier they get, the better it is for us as we can hope that more and more left-leaning people will see this madness and will start to wonder, “just what is this that we are supporting?” Once their eyes are opened and they start to realize the implications of what being a leftist really means, I hope they will come to their senses and switch sides. But in order for that to happen there has to be a REAL alternative to the left, not a bunch of fellow travelers like Romney, Collins et al.

4 years ago

I’m a long time NRA life member. By Letitia James’ logic then Twitter, Facebook, Google, New York Times, etc. all should be dissolved.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
4 years ago

What’s all the controversy about? I don’t own a gun, and I don’t have enough ammunition on hand to re fight the WWII landing a Normandy. I reside in upstate New York and none of my friends and associates own firearms. I don’t think that there are more than a dozen shotguns used for duck hunting in the whole state.

We respect our Governor Andrew Cuomo and know that his views about guns are true. Cuomo maintains that a gun in the house causes childhood tragedies. He also says that just owning a gun leads to criminal behavior. To those who cite firearms as being necessary for home defense, it’s easier to reach for the phone to call 911, than it is to get a gun out of a safe and then go retrieve the ammunition safely stored in another part of the house.

However, there is a characteristic about firearms that has magical quality about them. None of the righteous citizens of New York State have firearms, ………………until they might be needed.
See? Magic!

4 years ago

One must understand this political organization that calls itself “Democrat” is not the Democrat party that Andrew Jackson created. This current organization is pure and simple Socialist. They just confiscated the Jacksonian Democrat Party as their “screen”. Socialist, to achieve control of the masses must confiscate all guns from the people. Socialist don’t believe in “individual Liberty” as created by the Founders – every body MUST eat out of the same soup bowl.

4 years ago

Those who crave power and control never stop trying and will grasp at anything that they think will satisfy their addiction. Right now these leftist are being controlled by an addiction that has become their religion! We must ALWAYS be ready to fight for our freedom!

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
4 years ago

Maybe the NRA should have seen this coming and moved lock, stock, and barrel [forgive the pun] to another state, if only to pull a John Galt on the Peoples’ Republic of New York.

4 years ago

Boneheads! I think the 2nd Amendment is one of the primary reasons democrats lost the last election. Now, in this election cycle, democrats not only want to strip us of our guns they also want to eliminate police protection….and they’re serious! Like I said – BONEHEADS! The democrat party is the communist party.

Brian Richard Allen
Brian Richard Allen
4 years ago

…. As the RICO-racketeering, organized-criminal fascist Marxist “democrats” pursue the malicious persecution of the NRA, an article that astutely sums up and reports on the criminal misuse of the power of the state (the hallmark of the abjectly-corrupt Obama “administration”) states that the Second Amendment “gives (we) Americans (our) right to keep and bear arms ….
And of course it does no such thing. Every American’s inalienable right to keep and bear arm comes fro our Creator God. The Second Amendment forbids the infringement: by government; of the God-given right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

II: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of THE (sovereign) PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

I guess that this action and others by Lititia James are to be expected. She is an elected AG. I suppose she exemplifies the axiom that “You get the politicians that you deserve.” She is obviously an activist. She seems to sue at the drop of a hat. She comes from the same area of NYC as AOC. The assaults will continue until the conservatives can prevail but that almost seems impossible in New York. KAG 2020

4 years ago

The NRA is that “organized militia” the second amendment refers to. We, the people need to put this insurrection down before the commiecrats do anymore damage.

4 years ago

I agree with Trump on NBA & MLB statement. I also will not watch them this year until they stop kneeling during National Anthem & start respedcing our America flag. The burning of flags & bibles in Portand is another example of peaceful protest that is people that want to break America. Tell the pro sports stars you will not watch until they stand for National Anthem.

Mary S.
Mary S.
4 years ago

In my view, people who support Socialism/Communism are not just mis-informed or ignorant…..they are downright EVIL. They’ve sold their souls to the Devil.

4 years ago

Socialist democrats are using covid19 as a distraction while pursuing a radical agenda to destroy Our Great Country!
Time for Real American Patriots to rule the day and push back!
Only defeating them in November will preserve freedom, it’s that critical.

4 years ago

That is one reason many people are going to the republican side and leaving the dumbacrats.I know one family that I use to try to get them to be a republican but now they have come to there senses and have joined the republicans and left the democrats.They told me they would never go back they want to be free.

H L Howell
H L Howell
4 years ago

when anti americans are elected to our congress (Nancy,Chuck,jerry,adam,and the squad ) then things get a little harder. If we had patriots in charge this would not be an issue.I am a 76 yr veteran and I was good enough to fight in VN then I am good enough to protect my family and WILL.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
4 years ago

Many, probably most, Americans are confused about what the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution says, does, and means. First, the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution does Not give the citizens THE RIGHT to bear arms. It does, however, CONFIRM your already existing, INALIENABLE, God given right, to self-defense! And, declares, that right “shall not be infringed” .Even if the Democraps were somehow able to remove the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, it would not take away your inalienable, God given right to self-defense.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 years ago

What I have been trying to explain to people for decades, I will explain here and now. Gun control is not now, nor has it ever been, about crime or criminals. Quite honestly, the Left doesn’t give a rat’s behind about crime or criminals. Gun control is all about disarming the civilian population, i.e., the law-abiding citizens. That is so the Left will not have to worry about an armed citizenry challenging them once they establish the Communist dictatorship they have been working toward for well more than half a century. The key word in the term “gun control” is not “gun” – it is “control.”

4 years ago

I seem to remember that Harris, when running, said that if people didn’t surrender the guns they ha nukes. I’m sure it was her.

Robert M McLeester
Robert M McLeester
4 years ago

A racist move on her part, The majority of people in the NRA are white and she doesn’t like that! The NRA will prevail!

David Catron
David Catron
4 years ago

If fraud and abuse are reasons for disbanding, the entire governments of New York State and New York City should be disbanded. Can’t get any more dishonest than they are.

4 years ago

I had been a member Of the NRA since 1981, renewing annually. In recent years the news of the lavish spending habits of Mr. LaPierre and the attention drawn to the handling of the operating funds of the organization prompted me to send a letter to the management using NRA’s messaging page. The page does not work and has not worked for 8 months now. I can’t recommend membership in an organization that I can no longer speak highly of, owing to the actions taken by it’s management. I await the day LaPierre steps down from his position before I renew my membership again. I hope for the organization’s sake that happens soon.

4 years ago

The Democrat party follows an unconstitutional, anti-American agenda to eliminate our rights and freedom (2nd amendment, free speech, religious liberty, due process, freedom of the press, …), to confiscate property (clear text: “steal” through taxes, fines, fees, seizing), to give aid and comfort to foreign powers (China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba,…) and terrorists (PA, Hamas, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood…) that are threatening us, or are actively involved in fighting declared, and undeclared war against us. They support domestic terrorist organizations in the form of ANTIFA and BLM, and have assisted them in creating chaos, and anarchy in many of our inner cities. They support the release of violent criminals, while criminalizing law abiding citizens over COVID19 (Governor Newsom in CA). They have threatened, or even destroyed public peace by defunding, or disbanding police departments (Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland,…), and their representatives in congress have in many cases openly declared that they have no intention to fulfill their oath of office – to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America (Omar, Tlaib, AOC, Pelosi, …). Maybe it is the DNC that should be banned, and outlawed?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Leave our guns alone. Leave the USA if you don’t like it. Quit stripping away our rights!!

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
4 years ago

These and other people like them are the very reason that our forefathers gave us the second amendment to remove a government that is usurping and replace it with one of our liking….as a matter of fact they said it was our duty to do so. Time to do something about it.

Harry L. Mallory
Harry L. Mallory
4 years ago

The Democrats are sure trying to push this country to another civil war.

4 years ago

Good article. So when do we law-abiding citizens start organizing to get ready for this coming civil war?? It is just around the corner maybe even before the election and even whether or not Trump wins. Look at how we are losing our rights even with Trump as president and how much the Left has accomplished in just a few short months. The Communists have a 4 month head start on us and are going strong and yet our side just sits it out with no one leading us to fight back or barely yelling, “FIRE!” Our leaders just go on Fox news everyday and talk, talk, talk but don’t seem to really do anything. Talking is not going to stop the planned overthrow of our government. The other party is Communist and it will be the same at every election. We can’t kick the can down the road. They are not going away!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

For future reference: once the ( D ) party is completely crushed, like the “feenix” rising, they will attempt to infiltrate the ( R ) party. Right now the American communists are working that angle by recruiting politically confused military veterans and CIA / FBI types. RINOS like Romney and Graham must be replaced with true conservatives and Constitutionalists. This all for the sake of preserving the USA.

Mel H.
Mel H.
4 years ago

Time for all gun owners to vote Republican only. Even if the NRA has some internal problems, it is still the best defender of our 2nd amendment rights and as the article clearly explains, this gal who has declared the NRA a terrorist organization, is just another political hack using her position to try and sway the election. This is the same tactic the Obama administration used when they weaponized the IRS and all the intelligence agencies against Republicans in past elections. They are unable to compete unless they cheat. NRA member all my life and a professional biologist and I will continue to support the NRA against the Democrats who have now become the American Socialist Party. Also, to the anti-gun Democrats, good luck with trying to take away our guns after the recent huge sales of new guns to new gun owners. Hundreds of millions in private ownership now and many more gun owners. Id the do cheat enough to win, no gun owners are going to bend the knee to their anti gun laws anyway.

4 years ago

I’ve lost a little respect for AMAC…I posted an article that was written during the Obama administration but I thought was relevant to the above article. After I made the post I started reading other post from AMAC members about the above article, I then noticed that what I posted was “waiting approval”. Awaiting for approval from whom? I’ve read some pretty questionably stuff on this web page from other AMAC members so I never gave it a second thought that I needed Masters approval first before posting anything. I see that it is still waiting for approval, which to me says that you/AMAC are no better than the liberal hacks that are determining what is said on other social mediums…IE, Facebook, Twitter, etc, etc. Depending on the outcome of this, I may be finished with AMAC because nothing in what I posted could be considered Foul or Repulsive in any way shape or form. May GOD continue to bless the USA…And Save Our Republic, Vote TRUMP 2020!!!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Why was my comment deleted? Everything I said was truthful, WHY IS AMAC ACTING LIKE MSM AND CENSURING PEOPLES COMMENTS?

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

F—- THEM WHERE THEY BREATHE. This is garbage, Why are we even discussing this? I know this will not be allowed under certain regulations which include the attempted censorship of my comments. Have a great day. FIGHT OR DIE. KAG 2020

4 years ago

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall (NOT) be infringed.

4 years ago

God forbid these as you put it (primitive thugs) been turn over to Reprobates!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

The best gun salesman up to NOW–Obama–He has been superseded by BLM. As an NRA member– just move your quarters and take in the increased membership to come about as a result of this fiasco. My wife and I are now in the process of getting our CWP permits.Everything one of these loons from NY get involved in something-it just drives people further apart. Ask Cuomo– NOW begging the rich elitists to move back to NY to prop up the cesspool that NY has become. The Marxists behind ALL this treasonous type activity have no idea of what Karl Marx was about. Marx was Jewish and had a penchant for referring to blacks as the “N WORD”. The excuse that a black was killed is the most heinous reason for looting and killing other people. The Democraps are playing blacks like a used fiddle–EXCEPT the ones that know TRUMP has done everything he possibly could to improve their lives. Blacks will help Trump win re-election and the responsible ones will reap the benefits.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

Churchill said–” We will not ALL share equally in the fruits of capitalism, BUT we will ALL share equally in the miseries of socialism”.

4 years ago

I’m rejoining right away!!!

4 years ago

What the devil has happened to our politicians? How can so many have ideas and beliefs so far off the rail it’s insane. Their thoughts are illogical, sinful and treasonous. Nothing can destroy a town, state or country quicker than corrupt politicians. Don’t think so? Look at Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago, California or Michigan to name a few. Time to vote out Rinos, liberals, radicals, and be very careful who we vote for. The life of our country depends on the 2020 election. MAGA. TRUMP SAVES.

4 years ago

If you hate The United States of America, vote for Democrats.

4 years ago

Hey AMAC, don’t bother sending me a renewal…censorship is wrong no matter what side of the aisle you pretend to be on. Once you start censoring what myself and other members post, then I can only assume your’re no better than the left wing hacks at Facebook and Twitter…Next you’ll be gathering information on us to give to big brother. I’m finished with you!!!

Paul Pflaum
Paul Pflaum
4 years ago

My 1950’s aunts and uncles would tell me horror stories of living under governments (fascist and communist), and the one thing they emphasized in allowing themselves to be taken into serfdom and political slavery and control by these abominations was not realizing – – until it was too late – – -that these people were intent on enslaving everyone to their way of politically thinking. I am of hundreds of thousands that will not allow the despots of the “left” or “right” begin their propaganda with intent on enslaving people again. Yes…their inroads have been made……..but they have been exposed as the totalitarians they are in almost all cases. An armed populace will allow those who profess “life – liberty – and the pursuit of happiness” as the belief of all life to be able to expose the totalitarian death merchants. Death to tyrants.

Gail Carpenter
Gail Carpenter
4 years ago

The whole intent of the “Progressive” Democrat party is to destroy the constitution and turn us into a socialist third world country. God help us.

4 years ago

The 2nd guarantees and protects the rest. If the 2nd goes, the rest will follow. Go Trump Go! 2020

4 years ago

Remember, “Socialism is really Marxism without the guns”. This is why they want our guns. If we still have them, we are more powerful than they are.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

There is NO Free Press today!  Every Major New Outlet is owned by a small group of Billionaires!!  All World, and most local News is controlled by a small Cabal!!!  Take-back OUR Country!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!  Demand DOJ file Anti-Trust Lawsuits to brake-up the Cabal!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are all Communist Collaborators and are Anti-American!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Stop using Google, Facebook, and Instagram!!!!!  Demand DOJ file Anti-Trust Lawsuits to brake-up the Cabal!!!!!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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