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Democrats Promote Abortion as a Means to Slow Global Warming

Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 19 — Here’s one for the books: pro-abortion democrats claim that “having a child is a major contributor to climate change.” They point to an alleged scholarly theory that’s been making the rounds over the past few years.

Take Travis Rieder’s theory. He’s a Director of the Master of Bioethics degree program at the Berman Institute of Bioethics. He put in an Opinion article published by NBC some time ago that, “While I recognize that this is an uncomfortable discussion, I believe that the seriousness of climate change justifies uncomfortable conversations. In this case, that means that we need to stop pretending the decision to have children doesn’t have environmental and ethical consequences.” More recently, in an update regarding his theory, Rieder wrote that he “does not imply that any policy that restricts reproduction would be justified, but just because something shouldn’t be regulated or restricted doesn’t mean that it’s not something deserving careful ethical reflection.” 

Rieder’s not the only one seeking to promote the benefits of abortion as a critical component of dealing with climate change, notwithstanding the fact that there are thousands of authentic scientific climate change deniers. A pair of professors at Stamford University, Robert Proctor and Londa Shiebinger, the authors of a recent opinion article published by the Yale School of the Environment that promotes abortion as a means of checking global warming. Their claim: “Avoiding unwanted births — by making contraception and abortion freely available globally — would significantly reduce births and therefore (over the long term) human-generated carbon emissions. If the world’s total population were eventually reduced by 10 percent, this would reduce carbon emissions by 3.6 billion tons per year, which is more than the total combined emissions of Germany, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, and Australia.”

Killing babies might slow down global warming and save the planet as these academics theorize, but it isn’t the reason the vast majority of women opt for legal abortions. The Guttmacher Institute says that most women choose to end a pregnancy for personal reasons such as the cost of raising a child, personal relationship problems or they feel they are too old or too young to have a dependent youngster. A recent Pew survey shows that 63% of the women who were polled said abortion should be legalized. 

Thus, you have the principal reason politically liberal lawmakers are keen to support easier abortion access, even President Biden: votes. He claims to be a “devout” Catholic yet he goes all out in support of killing unborn babies for the votes, despite the fact that his church considers abortion to be not just an ordinary sin, but a mortal sin.

He and the majority of Democrats in Congress objected vehemently against the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, the 50 year old Court ruling that legalized the right to abortion. They now seek other ways to make access to abortion available. Two weeks ago, Democrats introduced a bill in the Senate that would have the government [taxpayers] pay for travel, lodging, meals and the cost of pregnancy terminations in states where they are legal. And, in June, Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs [VA] issued a ruling to provide, for the first time, taxpayer-funded abortions for eligible veterans. The VA says it took “this action because it has determined that providing access to abortion-related medical services is needed to protect the lives and health of veterans.”

However, a VA nurse practitioner, Army veteran Stephanie Carter, who has worked at the VA for 23 years, is challenging the ruling on the grounds that it violates her rights under the First Amendment. She’s being aided by the First Liberty Institute, which is asking the court to grant a preliminary injunction that would protect her religious beliefs  by preventing the rule from being enforced in Texas at the facility where Carter works.

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1 year ago

What a laugh. Abortion has nothing to do with climate change. The climate changes NATURALLY over time as sensible scientists have proven with studies. Only the gullible fall for the bold face lies of those who want to receive monies to support their idiotic causes.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Well, the killing of unborn children over the decades hasn’t seemed to made much of a dent in the climate change agenda since these lunatics keep changing their story to fit their narrative. Maybe infanticide coupled with more suicide, drug overdose, wars and covid deaths would help, no that’s not it. Saving the planet by killing unborn people, how crazy is that?

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Hmmm, perhaps if we could discover the “Democrat Gene”…….

1 year ago

Sounds like more nonsense from the lefties

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Stop Lie of Global Warming and tell truth that there is NO Global Warming.
Majority of country is fixing to have Below Zero temperatures in less than 24 hours. Global Warming caused that.
Global Warming is a made up term by Gore cause he lost to G. W. Bush.
And the SCAM began and the LIE continues.

David Slaughter
David Slaughter
1 year ago

Human sacrifices to the “Climate God.” Does that sound like modern civilization????????

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

A Shock Wave from the Sun has opened up a crack in Earth’s magnetic field which WILL have a major effect on our weather which
Global Warming Lie has nothing to do with.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

If climate change is caused by human activity as is hammered into our heads should not the killing of inborn be performed in the countries with most population?

1 year ago

The Left works it’s plans in increments. They will use climate change, which is nonsense, to justify abortion to make everyone happy. Then they will probably suggest voluntary sterilization or something like it. Then eventually they will push to mandate forced sterilization. It’s similar to what happened with the COVID “vaccines.” Kind of like what they do in Communist China.

1 year ago

Those aborted fetuses create green house gasses.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

No wonder many of the Marxist Democrats treat human life as it’s all about the numbers and not about ethics and quality of life. In their demented minds, many of them are convinced that they are doing their best to save mankind from certain destruction. Since they have a set of basic premises that are factually wrong, they can justify just about anything and everything. In fact, the study of formal logic emphasizes the need for valid foundational premises. Otherwise, the laws of logic can be perverted to reach logical conclusions that are factually false. Marxist Democrats conveniently ignore the need for actual facts to draw factually correct conclusions.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

Are they promoting abortion is countries with high birth rates? Why don’t they go to some Muslim-majority countries and promote abortion there. The results of that would be most amusing.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

You all have missed a big part of the story. The more Democrats that have abortion the less Democrats in the gene pool, eventually they will abort themselves out of existence. Hip Hip Hooray!

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

Their low roads always lead to dead ends.

Anne W
Anne W
1 year ago

Those who believe that climate change is a result of man’s activities have highly inflated egos. God created the earth and told Adam to subdue the earth and use its resources. He also told Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply. Any climate change activist who believes that killing the unborn will help slow down global warming should voluntarily commit suicide for the good of all the remaining people on earth. That will prevent a lot of greenhouse gases from their private jets and other activities that cause them to travel a lot. Makes more sense to me than killing innocent preborn humans.

1 year ago

This scholary theory is pure evil. This is how low our society has become that we make up excuses to kill living human beings. There are plenty of resources and enough land and water with the right management to sustain many more people then we have now. Our problem is not resources, the problem is distorted and depraved human thinking.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Notice that all those supporting abortion are already born. Of course don’t stop the immigrants from breeding, take Tlaibs parents they had 13 children here after coming as immigrants. ONLY white people are to kill their babies and turn this country over to the ones coming here by the thousands and dragging THEIR children here for us to take care of.

1 year ago

Dont think for a second that this line of thinking is an outlier among leftists, green wackos and the demon party. Right now they’re tentative when speaking of massive population reductions, but the environmental nuts party line is that mother earth is already well past ‘carrying capacity’ for humans. The most radical say that human numbers must drop below one billion. This is nothing new. These scum have been pushing this since the early seventies and will continue to do so.

Gerry Little
Gerry Little
1 year ago

Many abortions take place in inner city clinics run by Planned Parenthood. Hard to understand why the people who claim to love our minority populations are intent on destroying them.

1 year ago

Just make sure all the abortions a done on parents that are liberal. Perhaps in 10 to 20 years there will be no more liberals.

1 year ago

How come none of the Climate Change group that wants to get rid of people, cows, and pets leads the way by example?

1 year ago

With so many experiencing a colder than normal winter this fall and now winter – can’t convince us of global warming.

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
1 year ago

Asinine comments from the left never end, do they? They just keep pushing the absurd to make the bucks and leading people to believe they actually can control climate. Look up Milankovich phases. We cannot control the variances in orbit , tilt or wobble of the earth around the sun. All three of those things determine the glacial and interglacial phases on earth. NOT PEOPLE!

1 year ago

Then why don’t Dims commit suicide and remove themselves from the (Scrooge term) “excess
population” ?

1 year ago

If we want to limit population growth, why are we extending benefits for babies born out of wedlock and providing all kinds of government handouts for their mothers? If we want to limit population growth, why are we allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross into the US?

1 year ago

The Dems want to depopulate for easier control of the masses, that is all. Any excuse that stupid people will believe works for their goal. Have a kid or 10, if you want, but be sure you can take care of them, mankind depends on it.

1 year ago

Funny how these liberal minded people want to kill a baby but not a murderer.

1 year ago

Global warming, now called climate change, is a complete hoax. Sadly, more than half of the population of the civilized world has been brainwashed into believing it. So it can be called “unstoppable global warming”.

Tom Smith
Tom Smith
1 year ago

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if they were the ones being aborted. After all it would slow “Global Warming”

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

Satanists pure and simple. Their only goal is the death of mankind. Same as Satan’s. Abortion, euthanasia, and now a vaccine that kills people. They are always in favor of death. Quit calling them democrats and leftists. They are Satanists.

George MacHardy
George MacHardy
1 year ago

Maybe the democrat politicians should be eliminated to çut global warming

1 year ago

Abortion of Democraps would slow global stupidity!

1 year ago

Their mother’s should have aborted them!

1 year ago

Really one has nothing to do with the other and we aren’t dumb enough to think it does.

1 year ago

“Killing babies might slow down the global warming

1 year ago

Anyone who sincerely believes this evil doctrine and who is spreading it to others must remove themselves from existence, else they are a hypocrite.

1 year ago

All those who kill babies in the name of global warming will one day have to deal with unimaginable “warming” as they sit in hell because they have denied the supremacy of all mighty God. They fail to understand or accept that God alone is in control of the universe and man cannot do anything on his own to alter or change what God is in control of. It’s kind of like saying that we can turn up or turn down the sun to fit our needs. God sits in heaven and laughs.

John Davis
John Davis
1 year ago


Sue Thmightyretiree
Sue Thmightyretiree
1 year ago

Hey! I got an idea! Let’s kill everyone! Then there will be no human problems. Oh and we could kill all living things on earth then global warming won’t hurt anybody or any thing!

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