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Democrats Look to Lecture, Shame Men Into Supporting Kamala Harris

Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2024
by Shane Harris

Democrats appear to be rolling out a head-scratching new strategy for winning over male voters: lecturing them about why they’re racist and sexist if they don’t vote for Kamala Harris.

Three developments over the past week have provided strong indications that the Harris campaign believes it has a real crisis brewing with male voters – and that Democrats are hopelessly incapable of dealing with it.

The first was former President Barack Obama’s comments before a Harris campaign rally in Pittsburgh last week, where the 44th president scolded black men about their lack of enthusiasm for Harris.

“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama said, adding that this problem appears “to be more pronounced with the brothers.”

“You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses; I’ve got a problem with that,” he continued. “Because part of it makes me think — and I’m speaking to men directly — part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

Obama’s surprisingly candid comments reflected real frustration and alarm at the lack of support for Harris among black men – and for good reason. After Biden won more than 90 percent of the black vote overall in 2020, just 78 percent of black voters say they plan to back Harris this year according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.

Much of that decline is driven by black men, among whom just 70 percent say they plan to vote for Harris, while 20 percent say they plan on voting for Trump. Among black women, Harris has a more robust 83 percent support, while 12 percent back Trump (a figure that would still be about a 50 percent increase from the eight percent of black women who voted for Trump four years ago).

Given how important black voters are to the Democrat coalition and the fact that the election could come down to a few thousand votes across a half dozen swing states, even those relatively small shifts could be catastrophic for Harris and Democrats.

But if the Harris campaign wants to win over black men, trotting out Barack Obama to demand they vote for her doesn’t appear to be a winning strategy. “Why are Black men being lectured to?” former Democrat Ohio state senator Nina Turner asked on CNN. “Why are Black men being belittled in ways that no other voting group is?”

Obama’s argument was as vapid as it was insulting. Instead of offering any sort of explanation for how a Kamala Harris administration would improve the lives of black men, Obama chose to publicly shame them for not blindly supporting the Democrat nominee. In doing so, Obama revealed that he, like the rest of the Democrat Party, believes that Harris is entitled to every black vote purely by virtue of the fact that she is a black woman.

What doesn’t appear to have occurred to Obama, Harris, or any other Democrat is that black men and black women might have other concerns unrelated to the race and sex of the nominees – like the 20 percent cumulative inflation that has devastated black households, the flood of 10 million illegal aliens that are taking black jobs, and the violent crime that is ravaging black neighborhoods. Without any demonstrable policy wins for the black community, Democrats have only low-brow, divisive identity politics to fall back on.

With Obama’s strategy of being openly condescending toward black men having fallen flat on its face, the Harris campaign tried to patch things up on Monday with the release of an “opportunity agenda for black men.” The plan outlined five vaguely defined policies, including: “fully forgivable loans” (read: taxpayer-funded handouts) offered exclusively to black entrepreneurs; training programs that “help Black men get good-paying jobs”; establishing a new “regulatory framework” for black men who own “cryptocurrency and other digital assets”; creating a “National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black men”; and “legalizing recreational marijuana.”

But the Harris campaign’s effort is likely to only create a whole new slate of problems for the vice president.

For starters, the plan is openly discriminatory against non-black men, promising special government assistance – paid for by taxpayers of every race – doled out exclusively to black men on the basis of race. It also promises the creation of special government regulations that only apply to black Americans.

Overall, the plan raises the same question that Americans of every race find themselves asking anytime Harris proposes any policy: after four years in the White House, why hasn’t she done it already? In the end, it’s just as insulting as Obama’s pitch.

But it’s not just black men that Democrats succeeded in further alienating over the past week. Just hours after Obama’s remarks in Pittsburgh, a new pro-Harris ad targeted at men which has been slammed as the “cringiest political ad ever” began making the rounds on social media.

The 90-second video features supposedly “typical” blue-collar men (who are in reality professional actors) bragging that they are “man enough” to vote for Kamala Harris. “You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast,” one man awkwardly says before another cuts in: “I’ll tell you another thing – I’m sure as s*** not afraid of women.”

Once again, the men Democrats were hoping to target likely felt more insulted than inspired to vote for Harris. Instead of offering any reasoning for why Harris was better than Trump on policy, the ad questions the manhood of any man who doesn’t back Harris.

All of these developments reflect a deep frustration among the Harris campaign that their nominee is bleeding support among men. But instead of any introspection about how Harris’s record and policies might be causing that phenomenon, Democrats have effectively said that the problem must be with male voters themselves.

In other words, the problem is not that Harris and the Democrat Party are telling men that their masculinity is “toxic,” asserting that men can become women, attacking the nuclear family, and making it more difficult to buy groceries and afford a home. No, the Harris campaign says, it must be that male voters are simply too sexist and bigoted to appreciate the greatness of Kamala Harris.

With just a few weeks to go until Election Day, this seemingly counter-productive approach isn’t likely to win over many men – or voters of any kind.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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9 hours ago

This article is essentially a repeat of RBC’s article below on the same subject. My comment to RBC applies to this article as well. This is all the Democrats have left as a strategy to try and get their voter base to vote for a candidate that can’t even articulate one honest, original solution to any of the problems that Biden / Harris intentionally created over the last four years. It also explains why it was necessary erase our borders and allow 20 million additional illegal aliens into the country. All to try and offset the loss of Democrat voters from the ranks of actual American citizens who have started, in small numbers, to question what exactly do Democrat politicians deliver but endless victimhood and misery.

Terry B McCann
Terry B McCann
8 hours ago

I am a black man, and I am voting for TRUMP for the third time.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 hours ago

Another thing the vast majority of the “brothers” aren’t doing, Barrack, is buying Magnum PI’s mansion in Hawaii… and, yes, Big Bill, the reason Laken Riley was murdered is because the border wasn’t “properly secured” or “vetted”. Thanks for pointing these things out, fellas! But weren’t you supposed to be giving reasons to vote for Harris… not Trump!?

8 hours ago

The Democrats seem to lack as much awareness as they did in 2016. It’s not the gender of the candidate that’s the problem. It’s the POLICIES with some personality issues thrown in for good measure. I would LOVE to see a woman in the White House — but not one who’s going to ruin the country. Identity politics is really not a strong position when running for office. Give us solutions to real problems, and you’ll get more votes. Just my humble opinion.

8 hours ago

Obama always was a self-worshiping joke. He sold himself into the Presidency on racism and white guilt, then lied like a troubled adolescent to sell us “Obamacare”. He wanted to up-end America, and I am hugely thankful to Donald Trump for reversing that destructive course we were on. Hopefully, he will do the same – after Obama’s own village idiot, Biden, took us off-course AGAIN!

Jon W
Jon W
7 hours ago

The Divider in Chief proving he is still a would be king telling the peasants what to think and do. Fortunately there are many high profile black commentators calling this asshat out. They are telling Obama to shutup and sit down.

7 hours ago

We voted for a Black Man, and look where that got us! If Kari Lake or Sarah Palen were to run for President, there might be a chance to get a White Woman in Office!

8 hours ago

Why are critics of the dems like O still calling it a plan that black men are told to vote for K. It’s not a strategy it is a dictate. O is working on his 4th term. He admitted years ago he would love to have a puppet president and he could still rule from the comfort of his lounge chair, to keep destroying the country. Only the last puppet had dementia thus we got Kameltoe. And TAMPON TIMMY. Who wasn’t vetted too closely by Eric Holder. Another puppet of O. Let’s call it what it is. O is still running the country and will if Harris Walz win. Did anyone read about the research that the COVID vaccine has nano parts to make a chip in your body after injection. A chip they can control to make you sick, kill you out right or comply with their mandates. Like O calling out black men to vote for K. No more having your own thought. That explains a lot that there are so many people still going to vote for Harris after all that has come to light. Robert Kennedy Jr is right vaccines are dangerous for us. VOTE TRUMP VANCE your life depends on it.

8 hours ago

This is priceless! How low can you go Barry lol!

Terry B McCann
Terry B McCann
8 hours ago

The radical Left are the true racists.

8 hours ago

No one has to tell man or woman what Obama is doing. WRONG!

6 hours ago

Anyone not voting for Kamala Harris is not sexist, or racist, they are simply smart!
7 hours ago

Were Margaret Thatcher to be resurrected and run for U.S. president, I’d vote for her with great enthusiasm. Were Obama to run, I wouldn’t.

7 hours ago

Go home Obama, you need to mind your own business.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
8 hours ago

Otherwords vote for her just cause she is female and black. Kyle L.

7 hours ago

This proves that she is truly Clueless. She does she does not understand men unless she is underneath one. That’s going to go over like a fart in church

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 hours ago

Good then shame men to vote for Trump OK Obama Bravo

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 hours ago

Didn’t Obama learn anything from Hillary Clinton’s basket of deplorables comment from 2016? If you want people to vote for the candidate you’re supporting, DON’T INSULT OR LECTURE THEM! It turns the voters off.

6 hours ago

i am pretty sure we have had queer presidents before but i think ohbummer is the latest one.

7 hours ago

Harris’s plan for black men sounds like another name for reparations. I hope black men see that she’s a desperate liar. I also saw the disgusting “real men vote for Kamala” footage. Anyone else who has seen it should take note of feminism display by the actors, especially the beta ”male “ sitting like a girl on the pickup truck tailgate (oh, and a GAS-POWERED pickup at that). A contributor on one of the conservative news channels commented that the actors all must have been rounded up at a gay bar, which had me laughing.

george w
george w
36 minutes ago

i was also accused by the woke police at burger king of making racist statements

george w
george w
38 minutes ago

flipping burgers sucks

george w
george w
38 minutes ago

mcdonalds rejected my application due to being fired from burger king due to poor performance and not getting along with other team members in my burger flipper job

george w
george w
40 minutes ago

i just applied to mcdonalds

george w
george w
41 minutes ago

i just got fired from burger king

george w
george w
41 minutes ago

the sears financial network sucks

george w
george w
42 minutes ago

dean witter just stole all of my money, dean witter sucks

47 minutes ago

Why does it matter? Really. The dems/commies want to “erase” discrimination – yet they target a demographic. Why? Can anyone repeat with me – “Two faced liars”?

Sarah H
Sarah H
1 hour ago

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3 hours ago

Obama’s condescending remarks, or just or plain disrespect shows how small his mind operates. He should be ashamed but I am guessing that it not part of the fascist mindset. Regardless, these men will vote for whom they believe policies will positively impact their lives and those of the loved ones.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 hours ago

Barry Soetero, abandoned by his BLACK dad and raised by his WHITE grandparents, tries to lecture REAL blacks on how they should vote? Barry had it easy in an upper/middle class home, somehow got in an “elite” college even though he says he was stoned much of his last year of HS, and had “friends” illegally release info on both his state and federal senatorial opponents. What does he have in common with blacks who go to failing government schools and live in decrepit public housing?

3 hours ago

Obomber finally realized his and Nazi Pelosi’s colossal mistake anointing Kameleon as the newest puppet so he can get his 4th term. Didn’t work out so well for him this time. Shaming black men into voting for Kamala was very stupid. Has Barry lost his ability to read the room? Apparently so and thank you for your arrogance Barry, you have shamed many more blacks into rejecting Kamala and the party of lies, subjugation and slavery the trend will continue to grow, and lecturing people on how they should think and vote accomplished the opposite of what you wanted. Go back to Martha’s Vineyard and have big Mike give you another spanking.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 hours ago

Anyone black, white, purple blue or green with a pinch of brain will not vote for her. Pitiful and sad that the race card is the only strategy she has. That bag full of hot air Obama lecturing and regurgitating same old and admonishing and not being booed off the stage. How stupid people really are?

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
4 hours ago

Geez, they’re getting desperate!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 hours ago

OK,I must be racist and sexist because I would not vote for someone that is absolutely clueless about running a country when I don’t believe that she would have the smarts to be in charge of a laundromat.Then there is Timmy,another opinion for another bad day.

5 hours ago

In my experience 78 years- about 70 of those observing politics- anytime Democrat politician says something- you need to question it- it’s either a lie or it is trying to cover up what they are doing by blaming others. If they want you to do something or believe something- it is to benefit the Democratic Party. It is NEVER about benefitting the American citizen or following the Constitution. Short version- do the opposite- believe the opposite trust the opposite of Democrats.

5 hours ago

Obamas’ stumping for anyone else is like getting a 4 year old to give over a birthday present for someone else. He feels the adulation should be for him. No one else is good enough to even hold the office. It’s also great to see Bill Clinton mindlessly telling the public and press the truth, instead of the pap Harris’ handlers wanted him to recite.

6 hours ago

What men! You mean the men that Obama put in the ladies rooms?? That’s all he accomplished in 8 years besides destroying our country. The Democrats are the enemy of God, the Enemy of the State and should be the enemy of all Patriot Americans.

fred smith
fred smith
5 hours ago

First off, it’s debatable as to what Obama is trying to be. Rumors claim that he’s married to a man not a woman so i can’t relate to his messages at all. Besides, i couldn’t believe anything he has to say since all this division in our country and claims of racism and sexist garbage all started while Obama was in office. He has brought more trouble to our entire system than he was ever worth to America!

5 hours ago

Amac your bringing back Slick ? The brothers ain’t voting for her because she threw all of them in jail as a prosecutor when she was in California. Now BO doesn’t mind who wears the pants these days he is a cool cat .

7 hours ago

Yeah, many men are so weak!

8 hours ago

Sad to say that if Republicans were running ANY other candidate than Trump, the Democrats might have given up by now. Sorry, but I hope Trump’s ego doesn’t put the final nail in America’s socialist coffin. I used to be hopeful, I’m not any longer. Sad to say.

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