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Democrats First Step Post-Midterms: Elevating the Radical Left

Posted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


The auguries are not favoring the Democratic Party on Tuesday. With millions of votes already cast and voters lining up at polling places, most polls predict Democrats will lose, at minimum, control of the House of Representatives. Should that happen, Democratic House leadership will likely be forced to confront a harsh reality they can no longer avoid.

The top three Democratic House leaders have a combined age greater than the United States of America. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Majority Whip James Clyburn are among the oldest members of Congress; 82, 83, and 82, respectively. Alongside the 79-year-old President Joe Biden, Democratic leadership has faced withering criticism from younger progressives who feel they’re too old and out of touch to govern effectively. In September, Ohio Democratic Senate Candidate Rep. Tim Ryan said of his party’s leadership, “I think it’s time for a generational move.”

In 2018, Speaker Pelosi could only win back her position after promising to retire by 2022. Should she do so, her lieutenants, Hoyer and Clyburn, will likely face immense pressure to join her in stepping down. This triumvirate has been able to hold the splintering Democrat coalition of progressives and moderates together through sheer power, an impressive feat. When they retire, this responsibility will fall on a new class of Democrat leaders, one prone to even more radical policies than their predecessors.

The most natural heirs to the Congressional Democratic throne might also be the most controversial. For House Minority Leader, most experts see Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries as the frontrunner. Jeffries has Represented New York’s 8th Congressional district since 2013. While he has attempted to carve out a position as a moderate Democrat, many of his public statements have belied that position and even strained credulity. In July, he claimed that no Democratic legislator had ever supported defunding the police. “The notion that any of our frontline members or members of the House Democratic Caucus support defunding the police is just part of the big lie that extreme MAGA Republicans continue to tell about everything,” he said.

Not only have multiple Democrats spoken in support of the Defund the Police movement, but many of the most outspoken advocates for the movement are sitting members of Congress. During the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, Jeffries tweeted, “Lock Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key,” despite Rittenhouse being found innocent. In 2020, he himself called for “Defunding the Prison Industrial Complex.”

During his tenure, he has called for removing a statue of Christopher Columbus and the stripping of Former New York Mayor Ed Koch’s name from the 59th Street Bridge for not doing more to combat AIDS. Most recently, Jeffries claimed that the New York judicial system was “racist” for throwing out the heavily gerrymandered Democratic map of New York, stating the new nonpartisan map “would have made Jim Crow blush.” This is who the Democrat Party is planning to pin their hopes on after a historic rebuke?

Jeffries’s past statements may be concerning, but the likely candidates for the number two slot are even more extreme. The top two contenders for a potential minority whip position are Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark and Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal. Both have been at the center of multiple controversies. Congresswoman Clark was one of several lawmakers criticized for seemingly pretending to be arrested at a Supreme Court protest. Clark has also supported several groups tied to the Defund the Police movement. Meanwhile, Congresswoman Jayapal is one of the most outspoken, radically progressive leaders on Capitol Hill. Her Progressive Caucus has supported Defunding the Police, the government takeover of all healthcare services, and adopting the Green New Deal. In her statement of remembrance on 9/11, she included the terrorists in the death toll. She has also received criticism for fostering a hostile work environment and abusing her staff—hardly a good portent for a future would-be party leader.

Should Pelosi and her lieutenants step down, it would be a watershed moment in American politics. Pelosi is only the second speaker to hold the gavel twice. Whatever might be said about her leadership, she has been in firm command of her party for nearly two decades. Her relinquishing of the gavel would open the floodgates to a likely indefinite period of infighting and jockeying for power.

Historically, progressives have blamed every Congressional loss on the party’s alleged “moderates” for focusing too much on the “middle.” That if the Democrat Party stakes out an even more radical-left-wing position, like ending all oil drilling, passing a socialist healthcare plan, or imposing their extreme abortion policies nationwide, they will inspire two voters for every one that they alienate.

Especially after most of the party’s few remaining “moderates” lose on Tuesday, most elected Democrats will come from reliably blue districts, and many were elected in 2018, a midterm Democratic victory driven by moderate issues. Without Pelosi’s iron hand on the gavel, the left will almost certainly be thrilled to take this once in a lifetime opportunity to reimagine the Democratic Party as the “Democratic-Socialist Party.”

Ironically, this will take them into direct conflict with President Biden, who is more likely than the rest of his party to attempt a “pivot” to save his presidency after the election.  

But the more these fissures boil over into the public, the more likely the Red Wave will continue into 2024.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.   

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Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Democrats have proven time and again they do not care about the good of the nation. Lies, cheating and deception is their calling card. Only when faced with political payback, do they pretend to care. Make no mistake, these vipers didn’t get this entrenched by playing nice. I for one am glad they’ve exposed themselves, but as they say tyranny is but an election away.

1 year ago

Should Pelosi decide to step down and actually retire, Hoyer would also find himself pushed aside by the more openly radical, younger members of the party. Whether he opts to retire or accept some non-descript, lesser role in the more openly radical and socialist party going forward is up to him and whether the voters in his district continue to be stuipid enough to keep re-electing him. He’s one of those politicians that is likely to just hang around until he finally dies in office.

As for Clyburn, while he may no longer be in a leadership role under the far younger and more openly socialist leadership of the party, he none the less still has influence on the vast majority of the black vote for the Democrats. Until the Democrats manage to import enough illegals to nullify the importance of the black vote in the party, he still serves a purpose. So for the next few years, until the total number of illegals in this country surpasses around 60 million, he still has value to the new, more openly Socialists that will be running the party.

As for the renaming of Democrat party, the author must not have been paying attention for the last 10 years or so. Most younger people, especially those working within the federal and state governments, supporting the “Progressive” (Socialist) message already belong to the DSA or Democrat Socialists of America party. Only the MSM and the old guard politicians still refer to themselves in public as “the Democrat party” for public consumption purposes.

1 year ago

TERM LIMITS….and age limits….

1 year ago

Ultimately if the Leftist Dems get their way, the USA will cease as a nation. I suspect for many of us we will not like our fate.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

What happened to American spirit that it tolerates and stomachs these reactionary demagogical ideologues that belong to politburo

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
1 year ago

I get giddy when I envision the gavel being “pried from her cold, dead hand”, ala Charlton Heston and his rifle.
Can I get an AMEN!!
fjb etc etc

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

If the Democratic Party replaces its aging party leadership post-election with radical leftists following dramatic losses, then we’ll soon see the end of the Democratic Party. At the very least, it’s the beginning of the end. I’m totally convinced that their highest priority is what benefits the party, even if it hurts the country. That is obviously what we’re seeing. They mimic the Communist Party.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
1 year ago

I would call them the ” three stooges”

1 year ago

I see there are multiple reports, from various news outlets, that 20 percent of the voting machines in Maricopa County, the most populous part of the state of Arizona, are “malfunctioning”. Mmmm, could it be we’re in for a few surprise Democrat victories in some elections again? Keep watching the elections in that state folks.

Closer to home here in the Peoples’ Republic of New Jersey, it seems the Democrats are out and about working their usual magic. The couple in front of me at the polling station were told they had already voted via mail-in ballots. Even though neither one said they did. First they were told to travel to the country seat and take up the matter there. Which is a nice way of trying to discourage voters by running them around. Then when the husband insisted the Democrat county aid on site handle it, it was discovered that no signature verification was registered and logged in for their ballots. So the couple appear to be telling the truth. In my state when you vote either in person or by mail, the system logs and stores the signature associated with the ballot. It looks like we’re in for another long night in this election cycle as well.

1 year ago

Well the Dims pulled another one off on the Repubs. They showed us tonight (Wed 2:30am) that the nation loves their BS and voted for them in droves. The Repubs showed that they do not have a message and don’t understand the attitude of the voters. So Biden, who we all thought was so slow, will run again in 2014 and I would not bet more than $5.00 against him. Live with it. We may sound “organized” on this website but in reality we ain’t. Make way for the Chi-coms.

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