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Democrat Support for Hamas Has Deep Roots in Pro-Marxist Sympathies

Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

Abstract American Flag blended with Communism Symbol

Nearly a century ago, horrific accounts of widespread famine and mass atrocities committed by Stalin’s communist-socialist regime in the Soviet Union sparked an identity crisis within the American left that has never been resolved. Now, those internal divisions are once again on full display amid the response to the Israel-Hamas war.

Following Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel on October 7, the initial response from President Joe Biden was one of unequivocal support for Israel. In a televised address, Biden called Hamas a “terrorist organization” and declared, “Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Full stop.”

But then came the shocking and unconscionable flood of vitriol toward Israel from left-wing activists and even many high-profile elected Democrats. Unsurprisingly, it was the openly socialist elements of the American left that were the most outspoken in their hatred toward Israel.

The day after Hamas launched its assault, the New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America rallied in Times Square to celebrate the Palestinian “resistance.” The Chicago chapter of Black Lives Matter, meanwhile, used the image of a paraglider to show its support for Hamas, an apparent reference to the horrific incident early in the massacre where Hamas terrorists used paragliders to murder hundreds of innocent civilians at a concert.

The tacit support for Hamas was particularly pronounced on college campuses, which have especially in recent decades become a breeding ground for radical Marxist-communist ideology. More than 30 student groups at Harvard issued a statement blaming Israel for the attack. Dozens of university professors openly celebrated the attack, with some calling it “awesome” and “exhilarating.”

These Hamas apologists received support from elected Democrats as well, most notably members of the “Squad” in Congress. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY) used the occasion of Hamas’s attack to call for an end to the “blockade of Gaza.”

Rep. Cori Bush of Minnesota, meanwhile, demanded an end to “U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, used a popular slogan in her Middle Eastern homeland, “apartheid system,” to describe Israel. The other members of the “Squad” called for a cease-fire – that is, permission for Hamas to walk away unpunished for its astounding crimes.

This shocking support for Hamas among many prominent Democrats and a sizable portion of their liberal voting base has exposed a deep identity crisis among the American left. This was evidenced by Biden’s sudden hedging of his unequivocal support for Israel, with the president saying last week that “conditions” on aid to Israel – in other words, a concession to the voices claiming that Israel is at least partly responsible for Hamas’s attack – are a “worthwhile thought.”

Jewish-Americans, whom Biden won by 38 points in 2020, have understandably been outraged by the deep anti-Israel sentiment among leftists.

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg observed shortly after Hamas’s attack that “many progressive Jews have been profoundly shaken by the way some on the left are treating the terrorist mass murder of civilians as noble acts of anti-colonialist resistance.”

Democrat strategist Hank Sheinkopf has also warned that the left’s support for Hamas is “absolutely wrong-headed” and will “tank the Democrats” in future elections.

But this growing rift within the Democrat Party and the American left more broadly is not new – it is merely another manifestation of the divide that emerged in the 1930s and continued to fester throughout the Cold War amid the rise of communism and Soviet sympathies in the United States.

When confronted with evidence of Stalin’s purges and horrific atrocities, 20th century leftists, like their successors today when it comes to Hamas, denied and excused the brutality in the name of their twisted dogma.

Journalist Eugene Lyons wrote in 1937 how, after traveling to Russia, he was invited to lunch with the editorial staff of the leftist publication “The New Republic” to share what he had seen. But when he told the truth about Stalin’s famine and “a few other unpleasantnesses,” a “chill” came over the group, and he knew that he was “guilty of the most heinous offense: puncturing noble delusions.”

The blind loyalty to communist ideology continued even as evidence of Stalin’s orders to kill hundreds of thousands of people became undeniable.

In the words of Whittaker Chambers, a Soviet agent who defected and became a key critic of communism, every communist consented to Stalin’s violence. “What man can call himself a communist who has not accepted the fact that terror is an instrument of policy?” he asked.

In their 1998 book The Soviet World of American Communism, eminent historians Harvey Klehr and John Haynes wrote that all institutions of the American left had been influenced and infiltrated by the Communist Party of the United States, which owed complete allegiance to Moscow. “To pretend otherwise is to misunderstand and distort the history of American Communism,” they wrote.

American communists and Soviet sympathizers – who found their ideological home in the Democrat Party – were largely forced underground by the prevailing public sentiment during the Cold War. But this affinity for Marxist-socialist ideology was never fully extinguished and has remained latent within ideological left.

Americans and the world are now witnessing a re-emergence of this same ideology, rebranded as a sort of cultural Marxism. Instead of preaching hatred and division between economic classes, today’s cultural Marxists divide society along racial and ethnic lines, teaching that one’s skin color and national origin automatically make them an “oppressor” or “oppressed.” 

While communists in the 20th century justified Soviet atrocities by claiming that they were necessary in the name of “reason” and “progress,” cultural Marxists excuse Hamas’s violence by accusing Israel of being a “colonizer” and an “apartheid state.” Because Palestinians are non-white, they are the oppressed, and the true cultural Marxist will view any act by Hamas, no matter how grotesque, as justified.

Many well-meaning and moral Americans on the left have rightfully reacted with disgust and outrage to this sentiment. But they must also recognize that the divisions now emerging among the left are not new, but are in fact part of a much deeper problem inherent to liberal ideology itself.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 year ago

Excellent article, Ben. You rightly state the condition of one’s heart, leaning either for good or for evil. God’s word tells us “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 The left glorifies themselves and not God.

1 year ago

I was hoping that someone would publish such an article. I am glad I received a link to this article and one excellent one on the spiritual situation before World War One. I appreciate these articles very much. Thanks, Amac, also for reminding us of these classical anti-communist authors who contributed so much to our understanding of Communism, like Chambers, Lyons, and others. Does the young generation know who Eugene Lyons was?
American Left disgraced themselves on many occasions. The artificial hunger in the Soviet Union was one. Then, there was also sympathy for Vietnamese Communists, Castro, Pol-Pot, and probably all tyrants under the sun, including Arafat, Amin, and Allende. Here, they hated Goldwater, Reagan, and earlier defended Communist spies in our government, such as Alger Hiss.

Su S. Rowles
Su S. Rowles
1 year ago

Thank You Ben, Your articles, work and research are excellent and we need to share them with as many people as possible. I live in a rural community and I truly believe that many in people in our community and similar communities do not realize what is really going on as todate most are still quite safe. Some how we all need to bring the documated truth to these people. Folks like you and the AMAC organization are a true blessing. I have been sharing articles encouraging anyone I can get involved and to join AMAC. People need to have good representation and to be able to know the facts so that when it comes time to vote we can hopefully have more elected officials that stand for America and its founding principles. We need safe and secure elections if we are to servive [Remove those that do not put the well being of our Country] and try to encourage more states to join the Convention of States as this may be our best chance to save our country. Blessings and please keep sharing the truth.

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
1 year ago

For the last 30 years public education with federal funds has taught that communism is good.
It is time to remove federal funding from education and allow school choice

1 year ago

Excellent article. It is precisely the state of their minds.

Michael Warren
Michael Warren
1 year ago

I am going to also say thank God the truth is finally hitting print so People with a trace of common sense can see the real world even though some are so brain washed, they’ll never admit to it. And a bit about what Patriot Bill said, Yes completely remove Federal funding for it has way too many strings attached. Let the States run their schools with local oversite, because no one has proven to me that the kids in New York, or New Jersey, California, can be taught in the same way that kids in Texas, Kansas, Utah, or Montana, and still come out with at least a descent education.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 year ago

Any member of of Congress and college student who condones Anti-semitism, Hamas terrorism, the destruction of Israel, and destruction of America, hatred and death to all Jews and Christians should lose their seat in Congress, their tuition to go to an American college, and their visa and or citizenship to the USA, and that goes for college professors and teachers who teach their students about all those things that don’t support the US Constitution or the United States of America !!!!

1 year ago

I’m wondering how liberal universities are modifying their DEI policies now. Apparently Jews, who make up 0.2 percent of the world’s population are no longer worthy of inclusion or equity. Regardless of how you feel about the policies of Israel or the atrocities of HAMAS, Americans are Americans, but some appear to be less worthy than others on college campuses. Free speech, diversity of ideas? Not at these bastions of indoctrination.

M. Phil Walker II
M. Phil Walker II
1 year ago

Reading this article was an intellectual and spiritual treat. Amac, your articles are so uplifting and encouraging that I canceled my NRO subscription after a few decades (we started during its golden years with Bill Buckley, but then we saw how it lost its direction).
With joy, we discovered Amac, a medium that speaks through the prism of our Christian worldview. We read you with pleasure. You restored what NRO lost. This article is so much needed, and like some here already did, I also shared it with my sons and grandchildren. They must learn these facts to build our beloved country.
When I read Amac, I hear Ronald Reagan’s uttering “One Nation Under God” and “Shining City Upon the Hill”. I want these expressions to be spoken again from the White House to our young generation. Amac, when NRO refunds us, we will send you these funds. My wife and I decided to stay with you. You offer great value with such articles that can hardly be found elsewhere. You are helping restore our beloved America. God bless the United States of America. God bless Ben and Amac.

Joseph Lucas
Joseph Lucas
1 year ago

Brilliant article, Ben. As someone said, it is precious that the names of Whittaker Chambers and Eugene Lyons are remembered. They were lions in our anti-communist movement that needs to be recreated. This article correctly describes the origins of the most decisive ideological influence on Democrats. As we know, Hillary Clinton’s admiration for Trotsky and his minions manifested in her feminazism, as Great Rush Limbaugh put it. Clinton and similar personas, most recently Marxist-tutored Obama, shaped the mentality of the current party. Ironically, after we helped topple this evil, our friends behind the Iron Curtain, we found ourselves flooded with this garbage.
I shared this article with my granddaughters, who are good girls but need such educational material. These days, it is tough to find it.
Thank God and Amac that there is a new platform that finally describes our reality as it is intelligent. I appreciate your articles, Ben, without cynicism and reverence for God. We must help Amac continue this great work.

james s
james s
1 year ago

Great assessment. It is hard to justify thuggery under any circumstances.

1 year ago

This is a stark reminder of just how dangerous the American and Western left can be. Read Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize winning Gulag Archipelago for more. Now, in terms of Red mass genocides, we should also add to the list, China for Mao’s purges that led to the deaths of millions and the persecution of the Uighur Muslims in Western China with “organ harvesting” and more. See the Victims of Communism website for much more. Does the left act like they even know much less care?.

1 year ago

They keep coming back (the Marxists). Every generation, it gets more strident. We will never eradicate this thinking, but must counter it with education on constitutional principles. A daunting job given the intellectual bent of the elites (and I do mean “bent”).

1 year ago

The Democrats love all things that are controlling and fascist.
They only like Guns when they and America’s enemies have them, there is not one repressive Government that the Democrats don’t admire!
God Save America from the destroyers and the murdering left!

1 year ago

Osama Bin Laden was right when he said America will go under from within.
The 1930’s is being repeated. Only instead of rounding up the Jews and right wingers they divide. First with the fake COVID pandemic. Then mandating the vaccin. See how obedient we were. Starting a war with Putin. It could have been avoided by ole Joe only O wanted it to continue. Then the war in the Middle East. And to top it off letting any and all people cross the border promising them everything and giving them nothing. Even sanctuary cities and states don’t want them. More division. In social media to safe living to inflation and ole Joe keeps saying be happy people after all you live in America the greatest country on earth, for God’s sake. He orders the American people to be happy. He does not care what America has become. This was the plan and it is going well.
Everything that went wrong they blame on Trump.
If one does not learn from the past one is bound to repeat it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Had to have for Years notice the protests on campus from students
Pure Indoc & brain washing
Via the Ed system
Big Tech

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Although still labelled as “right wing” even to this day, what turned me into a supporter of Ronald Reagan was something called the “Parents Music Resource Center” created by Tipper Gore, who chaired Congressional hearings to investigate “violent lyrics” of 1980s hair metal. Its where warning labels on music came from. Talk about planting seeds… from Poison to poisoned.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Sympathizing with the murderous ideology from the safety and security of America is different from actively supporting on the front line Deep conviction and courage is lacking Says volumes about the character No lion heart here just a big loud mouth repeating what ever was poured into an empty head

1 year ago

Someone please help me understand. Why would you have sympathy for someone who wants to torture, rape and murder you? I truly don’t understand…help…

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

mostly the liberals/leftists/democrats are just proving their kkk roots are still active and they love to hate. they are the same thing has the NAZI fascists of 1930’s Germany.
Americans with any brainpower at all knew this just based the money poured in by soros (nazi) and the democrats antifa storm troopers.

1 year ago

This will be a horrible problem for the nation as long as the Left is propagandizing us with their Ministry of Truth [aka MSM].
“Who controls the Present controls the Past.
Who controls the Past controls the Future” —Orwell

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

The radical left forces this garbage worldview at taxpayer expense down the throats of public school children. They have established a non-theistic religion that they defend with fervor. As their satanic Marxist agenda advances, bloodshed will surely follow. If our people do not wake up and utterly reject the Democratic Party, we will end up under totalitarian rule.

1 year ago

Not a bit surprising, for Democrats feel that total control of everything and everyone is the way to run a country!!!!!!

1 year ago

This article is probably one of the most important, if not the most important, you published, Ben. I want also to express my gratitude to Amac.

1 year ago

Id say start defunding these colleges that promote this garbage, clean out congress of these nut cases, protect our gun rights and take our country back !!

1 year ago

After watching Newsome bedate Desantis for about 30 min, I believe thatNewsome’s calling should be acting. He can surely lay the smooth and suave on his bs.

Helen O'Donnell
Helen O'Donnell
1 year ago

That is exactly why I left the Democratic party. And anyone who can’t see it is asleep!!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

I don’t understand how anyone could support HAMAS when they have the opportunity to support the Fourth Reich style LIkud government of Zionist weirdos in Israel. I mean, nobody kills babies better than the party of Bibi

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