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Democrat-Driven Homeless Crisis

Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Democrat leaders have pushed costs higher than in 50 years, have imported millions of illegal aliens, and – in the process – created the worst homeless crisis since The Great Depression. From Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon, numbers are high and growing, objectively staggering.

In 2023 alone, homelessness in America – older Americans, illegal aliens, young, the addicted, and those released from mental institutions and prisons – jumped 12 percent, topping 653,000, almost half the high point in the Great Depression.

The crisis is owned by those who created it, even if they did not mean to create it. Biden-Harris and governors who went along with them opened the southern border, did little to stop human and drug trafficking, and created fiscal conditions making housing, rent, energy, and even groceries unaffordable.

Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) annual assessment says this year represents “the most documented homeless individuals” since collecting data began. This is no longer COVID or Trump’s economy, which was marked by high growth, employment, wages, and affordable housing.

This crisis lies at the feet of Biden-Harris and anti-free market state governors – like Walz in Minnesota, Newsom in California, and Mills in Maine – who pushed illegal aliens, did nothing to stop rising inflation, interest, taxes, and anti-business sentiment, making housing unaffordable. In Maine, for example, homelessness in Portland jumped 65 percent from 2015 to 2023 and keeps rising.

In places like Maine, veterans sleep under bridges, and Portland has one of the highest per capita homeless rates in the country, like New Hampshire. Illegal aliens get two years of free luxury housing, in Brunswick. The outrage is rising, palpable, logical, with grown kids unable even to rent a studio.

Democrats brought this misery on themselves, and on the rest of the nation, with irresponsible thinking – by not thinking. Good education, jobs, and affordable housing require trust in the people, market, laws, and citizenship, as historically understood, not irresponsible spending.

More than 100,000 kids were without homes last year, and homelessness shot up in 41 states from 2022 to 2023, New Mexico to New England. More than half of the homeless are in big cities.

In short, Democrat policies – pro-spending, anti-energy independence, pro-inflation, anti-affordable housing, pro-illegal alien, pro-entitlement, anti-free market, pro-lockdown, anti-liberty, pro-drug legalization, and anti-police, anti-bail, anti-accountability, are killing cities, states, nation.

The canary in the coal mine, a sign of what is to come is the plague of homelessness. Why? Because we have not seen this level since The Great Depression. Can this be fixed? Yes, this is not about Armageddon or the end of the world, it is about speaking the truth and stopping dangerous policies.

The solution begins with restoring accountability to federal and state government, beginning with fiscal constraint and affordable housing, electing leaders with experience and integrity.

Many cities and states tell the story – Democrat overspending, disinterest in history, economic ignorance or mismanagement, illegal alien importation, and blame shifting. That has to stop.

 Why? Americans who work cannot afford to be homeless or bankroll growing homelessness – and the trend line is getting steeper. What Democrats will not tell you is we are harvesting their crop, and worse lies ahead if we do not turn back to fiscally responsible policies at all levels.

A recent study by major universities shows we are on track to see homelessness up 150 percent among seniors, even without more illegals, by 2030. Beyond bad economic policies, demographics.

Net-net, there is a way to reverse the Democrat-driven homelessness. In the 1970s, mental institutions were emptied, inflation, spending, taxes, and interest hit highs, with homelessness.

Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980. Three years later, inflation, interest, and taxes were down, business up, along with attention to limited government, sound fiscal policies, and no mass illegal migration. He and Nancy Reagan worked to reduce the drug crisis – with it homelessness.

So, can it be done – a return to sanity, an end to rising homelessness, a natural outgrowth of poor national and state leadership? Yes. Here is an open secret: 2024 is the year to start.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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7 months ago

RBC, as usual, your article is on the money. The Demos threw out all sane policies and have the agenda to incorporate socialism/communism into their current and future policies. It will take a lot of years to correct their unnecessary actions and that means most of the nation needs to wake up before it is too late to reverse the damage that has been incurred.

Michael J
Michael J
7 months ago

Not only did they create the homeless crisis, they are responsible for shutting down commerce. Businesses in San Francisco are permanently shuttered because of failure to protect a vital part of society. This cancer is a common occurrence in democrat strongholds. Wake up.

7 months ago

This article is correct. The “Democrats” want to restrain commerce in order to make every human being poor. They think it’s their business to try to give everyone live a harder life.

7 months ago

Stopping the flow of illegal drugs across the southern, and northern, borders would a few years. I used to live near Salem, OR and my personal experience saw that most of the homeless there are drug addicts. No drugs, treatment and maybe they wouldn’t become homeless? It is a national disgrace that so many of our veterans are on the street!!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

I think that in many communist run countries people did not know they would be taken over till it happens then they have no more power left in there country the government makes all the decisions that is what will happen here people better watch what happens or here it may be just to late. Most up in the White want total control over us and it could happen yet look the way they run this country right now into the ground all just for us.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

I guess none of you heard how Kamala is going to solve EVERYTHING… AFTER she’s elected that is! Much too busy NOW, …

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Its NOT a Homeless crisis its Addiction Zones, all addicts are Homeless in said sites
Wasting money on them since they WANT NO Services

7 months ago

Groucho Marx quipped: “…Democrats are the Garden of Eden of Incompetence.”

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
7 months ago

How anyone could look at the record of the Biden administration and still vote for Harris/Walz has to be insane. The continuation of these democrat policies will destroy this country.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
7 months ago

This is the Biden-Harris Bidenomics at work. This is part of Biden’s legacy and Kamala’s. The democratic party is now the American Marxist-Communist party and if Kamala makes it to the White House via democratic cheating, they need to change their party name.

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

How about they quit giving ALL of OUR FOOD to the Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion. WE are TIRED of getting One-third Products for Higher Prices including being Water Downed Products thanks to Dictator Beijing biden and Democrats Inflation. A 5 lb. bag of potatoes is now a 3 lb. bag for the price of a 5 lb. bag. We are getting less and less Food for Higher Prices.
This is deliberate by democrats so we won’t have any food. They ship ALL the good stuff to Illegal Aliens while the rest of us STARVE.

John Shipway
John Shipway
7 months ago

Mr.Charles, before you slither deeper into the Myth of Reagan, you should do just a smidge of research and find out which President it was that enacted the first massive scale illegal immigrant amnesty measure.
Yep, it was the good ole Gipper.
We haven’t had an actual person of power in the White House spuince what would later be called “the deep state”, pulled essentially a coup against Nixon.

Old Silk
Old Silk
7 months ago

Democrats are counting on homeless not being able to vote.

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