AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

In the latest sign of growing divisions within the Democrat Party over the far-left criminal justice “reform” movement, liberals in Philadelphia have found themselves at odds over a new proposed policy banning ski masks in the city.
Amid a dramatic spike in violent crime in the City of Brotherly Love, some Democrat leaders are now pushing for a ban on full-face coverings like ski masks and balaclavas. The proposed legislation, which most of the overwhelmingly Democrat City Council supports, would prohibit wearing the garments on public property like inside schools, at city parks, and on public transit. Anyone who violates the ordinance could be subject to a $250 fine.
Philadelphia recorded more than 500 homicides for the second year in a row in 2022, while overall violent crime increased seven percent from the already record highs in 2021. In many cases, perpetrators wear face coverings, making it difficult for police to identify them. The Philadelphia police department has said that face masks are the “number one” obstacle to solving homicides.
Democrat Councilman Anthony Phillips, the sponsor of the ski mask ban, has said the proliferation of ski masks being used by people committing crimes has forced police to work harder and is “a problem that we cannot ignore.”
States like Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, and Florida already have bans on full face coverings in public places. Amid similarly drastic crime problems, other cities are also considering bans of their own.
However, not everyone on the left is a fan of the sudden urge of some Democrat leaders to crack down on crime. Kristin Henning, a professor at Georgetown Law School, has argued that banning ski masks amounts to “traumatizing Black and brown children who are more likely to come into contact with police as a result,” further calling Philadelphia’s law a “criminalization of normal adolescent fads and trends.”
The ski mask debate highlights a larger trend within the Democrat Party of shifting attitudes on the criminal justice “reform” movement as crime spirals out of control.
As the Philadelphia Inquirer reported in March, all five of the city council members currently running for mayor have made public safety and supporting police a top issue. None of them have proposed cutting even one penny from the city’s $800 million police budget, and several have even proposed increasing funding for new police equipment and training.
But back in 2020, these same city council members voted to cut $33 million in police funding amid the rise of the “Defund the Police” movement. They also voted to eliminate supposedly “racist” policies like stop and frisk, mandated that the police department hire “equity” managers, and required “implicit bias training” for officers.
Much of this newfound interest in law and order is likely attributable to mounting voter backlash over rising crime. In San Francisco earlier this year, far-left prosecutor Chesa Boudin – once seen as a rising star within the Democrat Party – saw many of his high-profile liberal supporters, including Mayor London Breed, abandon him ahead of his recall election. That recall effort was ultimately successful, sending a clear message that, even in deep blue areas like San Francisco, voters will only put up with so much lawlessness and chaos.
The growing divide over criminal justice policies has also been on display at the national level as well. In March, President Joe Biden signed a resolution blocking a D.C. crime bill that would have slashed prison sentences and virtually ended prosecution of many offenses, even as crime in the nation’s capital continues to rise.
The Republican-led resolution gained a surprising amount of Democrat support in the House and Senate, yet was still opposed by the majority of the party. Many Democrats were outraged over Biden’s decision to sign the bill, calling it a “complete betrayal.” D.C.’s non-voting delegate, Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton, said specifically that Democrat senators only voted for the resolution because, “with the nationwide increase in crime, most senators do not want to be seen as supporting criminal justice reform.”
After more than two years in which virtually every Democrat fully embraced the most radical excesses of the criminal justice “reform” movement, the sudden reversal toward support has left many liberals frustrated. In an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times last month, columnist Nicholas Goldberg lamented Boudin’s ousting, saying that voters “didn’t give him enough of a chance.”
Goldberg also complained about “powerful political pressure from police and prison guard unions,” a tactic deployed often by proponents of far-left criminal justice policies to dismiss very real concerns by the public about their safety.
With crime a top concern for voters throughout the country, the growing rift within the Democrat Party over how to address it is sure to grow. With powerful donors like George Soros continuing to push soft-on-crime policies, but voters making clear they want safer streets and tougher punishments for criminals, Democrats could be headed for a self-induced electoral reckoning.
Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.
So the police can do nothing. They banned guns, people are at the mercy of the criminal.
Here’s an idea, let the citizens arm themselves and watch crime go down, also there may be a few less bad guys that are dead but they won’t repeat.
The question no one is asking. What happens when the government is the only one with guns.
Lets ask the people in China, Former Ussr, the people of Cambodia and the kmer-rouge, Venezuela, Cuba and the people from 1770’s – 1785. Ask the British king tyrannt.
Demoncrats won’t tell you, what the plan is. See from above history.
Folks there are reaping the ‘benefits’ of being ruled by liberals for years. I find it amusing that they are now fighting amongst themselves over just how much liberalism is too much. Those of us who value freedom have known the answer to that for a long, long time and that is—–ANY liberalism is TOO MUCH liberalism!
Yes. Criminals will stop using facemasks just like they stopped using guns. Still can’t fix stupid.
It would make sense for there to be a reckoning except for the elephant in the room that you keep ignoring. Ballot harvesting ring a bell? Or do we want to keep on ignoring this elephant to our own detriment????
It seems like the communists don’t know what to do anymore. They certainly can’t figure anything out.
Crime is the democrat’s Achille’s heel. That and the economy, the border, the schools…..
Why would children be afraid of NOT wearing a mask? We arer reapinp the effects of socialism under the covid scare and lockdown. These radical, society changing professors need to be fired and get a real job that contributes something to the common good.
Liberalism is a mental disease
They’re worried about some of their robotic base waking up and then further questioning their programming. These moves are nothing more than cynical ploys to reassure suburban dem robots that their leaders have their back and won’t allow urban mayhem to spread into leafy, monied areas where so many dem robots live ivory towered fantasy lives. These sheep will get the shock of their lives when chaos extends into their peaceful enclaves and they can only bleat for police to save them. Its already happened here and is erupting in france right now.
What a test of intelligence: liberals defund police and crime rises, they complain that this is a racist country and have a fit when race is not an approved basis for admission to college. Justice is no longer blind but the left is.
I can see it now…a guy willing to rob a liquor store at gun point WILL NOT be thinking about the fact it is illegal to cover his face…
London Breed of San Francisco was asked by reporters recently what are you doing about crime? She responded, ‘is that all you ever worry about is crime!’ She then iterated, “lets talk about the postives here.” She walked off. No positives in San Francisco. Gangs are shooting each other over turf of car breakins at fishermans wharf. Fentanyl is killking people every day in Tenderloin. Tenderloin is beyond third world country. Businesses have left and are continuing to leave. All at the hands of Democrat, Progressive Liberal FOOLS. Their isn’t one Conservative in San Francisco Politics since 1964.
Such a shame to see how Democrats destroy every fabric of every municplatiy in our Republic.
Excellent report thank you! Might this be a piece of the reversal of fortune for the Democrat/Socialist party? I pray it is so.
$250 won’t stop crap. Make it a felony. Libs won’t, but that would reduce the problem
First the left and democrats let the criminals do what they want. Heaven forbid we should punish these people after all they are democrat voters. And now they have this problem, how to put the genie back in the bottle.
Their view that law and order is only directed to the races other than white is a narrow point of view. The police had to go and now they find out the criminals are not obeying the laws and anarchy is creeping into society and society is not taking it anymore.
Dems beware of the consequences of your governing.
Doing away with law and order and defunding the police is biting you in the ass.
I , for one , would like to know what the composition off Democrat voters are. Are there any conservative Dems. And faithful Dems , What kind of work , if any , they are engaged in . Are any Dems pro life . Do Dems ever vote Republican, who? . Etcetera . I can’t list all the questions here but a professional polster could and would know what questions to ask .
WOKE is just ALL ABOUT pushing EQUITY(Discrimination) and PERVERSION (as a NORMAL state ) !!!
It’s just the marxist democrat party and the double speak ( convenient lie) prior to an election.
How can anyone not see the continued hypocrisy?
Why would anyone who can think support such garbage as the marxist democrats policies or immoral ideals?
Is this the kind of Country most Citizens want??
God,Family and Country MUST be the resounding cry from EVERYONE !!
We live where anyone in the World wishes they were, REFUSE to let the marxist democrats take this from You!
Is there ANY discussion that does not end in the Race Card being played?? Honestly, people, can’t you discuss any topic without that? Pathetic, really. If you can’t come up with a logical, reasonable explanation of your side of the discussion then give up. We are tired of your answer to rejecting everything as “racist.”
However, not everyone on the left is a fan of the sudden urge of some Democrat leaders to crack down on crime. Kristin Henning, a professor at Georgetown Law School, has argued that banning ski masks amounts to “traumatizing Black and brown children who are more likely to come into contact with police as a result,” further calling Philadelphia’s law a “criminalization of normal adolescent fads and trends.” What the hell does that even mean?
I would like to vote on some comments, but everyone is out to lunch at AMAC, and say either you’ve already voted on this, or you’re not allowed to vote on this. I expect others are having the same problem.
Gun free zones don’t work but mask free zones will. Democrat “logic”… The problem with crime is a failure to identify “WHO” the criminals are: when you have 20% of a certain population in urban America committing 60% of the violent crimes there’s something culturally wrong with the 20%. But don’t point out that fact anymore than the fact the shooter in Philly was an African-American crossdresser… because identifying the criminal is “hateful”!
so the five members of the council who are running are saying they are all for law and order. Do you seriously think they are being honest? Politicians will say what ever they need to to get elected. Look at Chicago, NYC, and their mayors who reversed direction as soon as they were elected. I have one rule: Never trust anyone who wants to be in charge.
First, liberals wanted everyone to have the right to wear face covering. Then they made it mandatory during the planned-emic. Now, some are being sensible in not allowing face covering. The Democrat Party has been controlled for too long by Progressives.
Stop calling the Democrats “Liberals”. The current Democratic Party is the antithesis of the meaning of the word liberal. Socialists and Communists, ie. Bernie Sanders, very accurately is the correct label for them all.
Yes, its ski masks that cause crime! Obviously. Cars cause drunk driving. Pencils cause spelling errors, and retail stores cause shoplifting. Ban them all!
How long will their inner-city voters keep getting shafted before they wake up and vote for conservatives? How long before they vote at all? Jerks like Mayor Adams only “win” with under 10% of eligible voters!
Go against the basics then things start to crumble. Safety is always a priority that was a no brainer, however now we have to clean up the mess. Hope it’s salvageable. Within these cities you have to win back the people confidence. I believe if those cities want their lives and homes safe then they will step up, but it takes a community and so far those parties in control don’t believe in community anymore. Let’s see “I believe in the people and the people need to believe in themselves” change starts within you.
Anybody who didn’t sleep through COVID, with all its “mas-k” hysteria, probably wondered as they drove under the umpteenth security camera along an Interstate, “I wonder whether these darned masks are having an impact on the police identifying drivers these days?” Well DUUUHH!!!
I read the efficacy of masks was like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence.
The left will eventually eat its own. I want a ringside seat to see it!
Frankly this is funny. Pot calling the kettle black, finally.
They’re doing it all wrong! Make Philadelphia a “robbery-free zone”. There. Problem solved!
Ban balaclavas? Gosh! That would put a crimp in their Antifa/BLM shock troops operations.
One extreme to the other! First masks are mandatory against covid (thats what gave criminals the idea), and now mandatory to not wear masks. I realize there’s a difference between ski masks and medical masks, but mandating things to a supposedly free people does not work.
“…Democrats could be headed for a self-induced electoral reckoning.” We. Can. Only. Hope!!!
Now this very interesting, was wonder if there was any disagreements on woke policy! Hopefully it be enough over turn or flip the Demoncrapt Party.
Not every Democrat is Ultra Progressive Left. Those are the ones that have to step up and save the Democratic party, and America. When Hitler took control of Germany the Natzi Party only controlled 37 percent of the German government. With the Mainstream media pushing the progressive agenda it feels a lot like Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s.
Bring it on! Just make sure AOC is out front of it~~~
Once we were from many one which led to prosperity Now we are from one many Results are everywhere around us All by design Perfect timing for Messiah to step in and promise deliverance
Victory Hooray long overdue
Woke is BROKE and a perverted! Look at the huge rise in civilian militia membership and the police are in full cooperation with them!
this just show how stupid the dumbocrats are. it gets that cold in Pennsylvanian people need this type of cover to keep their face warm. they need to convict these criminals instead of just slapping on the hands. they just get out and do it again and again and again!!!!
Professor Kristin Henning is deliberately focusing ideological idiocy of Marxism.
The problem is the conflation of terms; liberalism (classic definition) and left-wing totalitarianism. They aren’t the same thing. I consider myself to be liberal on many topics, meaning “do what you want to do, it doesn’t affect me or hurt anyone.” The left insists that everyone needs to do what they say or be imprisoned.
once again, the dumbocrats are showing their idealism about our problems. if they would let the police do their jobs and put these criminals in jail and treat them like criminals instead of hotel guess. this means keep them in prison here they belong. letting them out early only means the criminals are doing the crimes again, and again, and again. the criminals are not learning their lessons about being an honest citizen.
No Trump. No Biden. Come up with someone more acceptable, or voters will stay away from the polls.