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Democrat Arrogance in US House is Self-Defeating

Posted on Saturday, February 9, 2019
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
democrat-house-arrogance-veterans private care growth conservative Scandal budget Democrat Republican capitol House democrats political senators

Members of the Democrat-controlled US House need to think hard about what “overreach” means, and whether their posture undermines America’s respect for the institution. The combination of entitlement, arrogance, ignorance, intransigence and smugness is unappealing to Americans – of every stripes.

For nearly five years, I served as staff director and chief counsel for a congressional oversight committee – managing hearings for the US House, Waco (1995) and Nancy Reagan’s appearance to Defense, State, Justice and NASA (1995-99).  Historically, committee chairs served with dignity, respected witnesses. Honestly, so did ranking minority members, including US House Oversight Committee Chairman, Elijah Cummings who was ranking on our subcommittee. 

But things are changing.  If Democrats are not careful, they will destroy respect for congressional oversight, and make a mockery of what has historically been a constitutional duty.

To be clear, the US Congress has a constitutional right to oversight of executive operations.  Thus, during my tenure as a staff director and counsel, we conducted investigative hearings into lots of misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance in the executive branch. 

If members liked media, since it affected their reelection, the goal was making government work – accountably and cost-effectiveness.  We did not waste taxpayer money on raw political jousting, disrespect history, aim to embarrass executive witnesses, issue unnecessary subpoenas, hunting documents and conversations that did not exist.  That was not our job.   

Our hearings covered “return on investment” from State programs, capitalization of US Coast Guard, domestic-international balance at the Drug Enforcement Administration, authorization of a cabinet-rank Office of National Drug Control, metrics in substance abuse, defense inventory management, Strategic Defense Initiative, F-18 fighter and V-22, systemic failures within immigration and naturalization.

In short, much of what we did was boring but important, not political.  The second goal was educating the executive branch, ourselves and the public on expectations for public expenditures.

Now, turn the page – to 2019.  What do we have?  In the latest “oversight” hearing, Democrats adopted the Kavanaugh hearing’s entitlement and smugness, impunity and intentional infliction of embarrassment.   The US House Judiciary Committee aimed to humiliate President Trump by spitting accusations at Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, with a week left in office. 

The committee’s hubris, grandstanding, insinuation and arrogance was a disgrace.  The truth-finding function of Congress became a slave to politics.  But Democrats are making a grave mistake. America does not like this kind of behavior.  It is unbecoming to the institution and office to which they were elected.

What did these Democrats do?  They made a Shakespearean play of abusing subpoena power, demanding an appearance from a departing official to excoriate him for actions they knew he had not taken, villainized an innocent man – to promote their anti-Trump narrative.  

When the Acting Attorney General agreed to voluntarily appear, explained ongoing investigations are not discussed in public settings, refused to speculate or violate his oath, he was pinioned.  Or that was the aim.

House Judiciary’s Democrat majority, agreement in hand for a voluntary appearance, nevertheless voted to subpoena him, throwing away a century of tradition, dignity and comity between branches.  They played politics, to put him in the wrong.

In the hearing room, things got worse.  They took turns impaling him with insinuations and peppering him with questions they knew were unanswerable or purely political.  Open investigations are not hashed out in public. They knew that.  They asked anyway.

They cut him off, ridiculed him, hurled insinuations at him, and asserted he was involved in “obstruction,” according to Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga).  Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) demanded repeated answers until the witness snapped back.  Whitaker said: “There has been no event, no decision that has required me to take any action, and I have not interfered in any way with the special counsel’s investigation.” 

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), famous for mistreatment of her own staff, resignation from House Judiciary Committee chairmanship for ethical reasons – and for declaring Pathfinder had taken pictures on Mars of the flag Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted (Note: That was the moon, not Mars), attacked.  She asked for more time.  The witness piped up.  She lashed out, telling him he was not funny.  If impertinent, it was comic.

There we have it.  Democrat House is empowered, smug and unified in stopping a southern border wall, defending late term abortions, not applauding anything President Trump has done to improve the American economy, national security, international trade, or individual liberties, from faith and free speech to energy independence and an appeal to end enmity. 

Nothing illustrates this odd sense of “all power to socialist control” – traditional oversight made a slave to politics – than the Wall Street Journal’s front page today.  I looked hard at the photos.  A lone witness, honest Acting Attorney General, looking up plaintively at an all-powerful, arrogant congressional panel – their seats five feet above him.    

It was like watching Jimmy Stewart put in that low chair below the all-powerful Mr. Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life.  Dorothy below that fiery Wizard of Oz. There was Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and his row of Grand Inquisitors leaning over, waving their hands at a lone, lonely witness.

So, 2020 spoiler alert:  Americans do not like this kind of thing.  It smacks of arrogance they despise. Members of the Democrat-controlled US House need to think hard about what “overreach” means, whether their posture undermines America’s respect for the institution – and the high purpose – they serve.  No kidding. 

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Phyllis Kieffer
Phyllis Kieffer
5 years ago

Well written article. So true of power hungry Democrats. They have no sense of dignity, respect, or professionialism.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Dems are these: Liars, decietful, racists, fraudsters, cheaters, Dble Std, Say 1 thing & do other, Never Deliever( Only more taxes & regulations),
No innovation (only More Govt),& they want “respect” ?
Keep playing these Games, Leftists& soon your out of the Game.
See border wall issue, Pres Trump made TOO many concessions & Dems still wont come to table
& we lose.
See Dems promises for the Inner Cities since 1965 to date.
NO Change, thus LA riots 1992

Mike Hess
Mike Hess
5 years ago

Very well said !!

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
5 years ago

All I can say is that is a disgrace to our nation and the American people!

5 years ago

Hopefully the American voters will see this and vote Republican. Exposing the truth in front of all is the only way to educate and expose the hearts of those elected to SERVE us, the American public.

5 years ago

Disgraceful, disgusting display of Democratics belief that they are all far superior to mere mortal Republicans !!! The classiest way to deal with such arrogance is to simply dismiss it, the voting public will see it for all it is. Low class, right wing , anti-American values PERIOD .

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

I think the Democrats are emboldened and empowered because they have finally got enough control over election results in enough states to put their choices in offices. This free nation is in more danger today than ever in it’s history and as much from within as from outside.

Don Cook
Don Cook
5 years ago

They need to get their acts together. They are supposed to be doing the people’s work not practicing their hate. This will probably not end very pretty. So be it!

Quam Linda
Quam Linda
5 years ago

I am embarrassed by the actions of the democratic women at the SOTU. They obviously have no respect for the American people. We are being laughed at by other countries because of them. I say vote out every last one of them and start over!!!

5 years ago

I have ZERO respect for the Democrats… slightly higher for the gutless Republicans! The ruling elite need to go home and try and survive under the laws they pass. We need a constitutional amendment mandating term limits, forbidding Congress from exempting themselves from any legislation they pass, placing them under Social Security and ObamaCare, and eliminating retroactively the cushy retirement benefits they have voted for themselves.
It is past time these pigs stop enriching themselves at the public trough! The majority on both sides of the aisle are beneath contempt! Our founders must be spinning in their graves.

David T.
David T.
5 years ago

Elections have consequences, the Republicans squandered much of their majority at the hands of Rhino’s, but we did get SCOTUS. The Democrats are going to stick to their gameplan, but it may very well be to their demise as it will more than likely fire up the base and move Independents to the right.

V G Beaver
V G Beaver
5 years ago

Thank you for your very well written analysis! What is occurring in the Socialist Democratic party is a group of kindergarteners (oh, wait; kindergarteners display much much superior behavior than these entitled congress people) … is an absolute assault on everything we Boomers were taught by our parents sooo many years ago. We have lived our lives with respect for leadership, and have always known that looking down on, and humiliation of an appointed individual is WRONG. And sitting “higher than” someone being questioned is rabid disrespect. Placed in the same setting, I believe that I would just stop answering and scan the room of accusers – back and forth, back and forth until they saw the shame being inflicted on that individual. God must simply weep at what is occurring in the name of leadership. We are NOT beholden to THEM. WE PAY THEM to act like respectable adults!!!!! And you are correct; even uneducated people, all Americans MUST rail against this behavior – at their election polls!!! May God take care of our President in light of the wicked people (not all) that are living high on OUR MONEY!!!!

5 years ago

Democrat-Socialists don’t care!

5 years ago

This article says it all! It saddens me to see where our country is heading and there is no accountability for anything they do or say. Oh I just hope the American people wake up and see them for what they are!

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
5 years ago

Sadly, I think the writer is giving “Americans” too much credit. The mere existence of garbage like “Saturday Night Live” is absolute proof that we are devolving as a people. Sure, people who grew up in a different time, as I assume we all did, are represented correctly in the otherwise well thought out and correct article. So are younger people who were brought up properly and taught some degree of respect and common sense. But we have become the exception, and are becoming rare exceptions. These ridiculous hearings show us indisputably that the inmates are running the asylum.

Johnnie McHan
Johnnie McHan
5 years ago

Thank you. This is exactly on track. Their stupidity will be their downfall! Americans will only be forgiving until, well, we are NOT!! I am certain most are already fed up with the liars, traitors and idiots. The very idea of the lowlife, idiotic, lying elected officials coming out to run for President in 2020 is enough to scare even the Devil. I am amazed at how many dumbasses think they are Einsteins or Indians! God Help America and President Trump! We must stay the course and support what is Best for U.S. and all!

John O’Donnell
John O’Donnell
5 years ago

I am not surprised, the Democrats have acted exactly like I expected. They are mean spirited and spiteful. There is no reason for their actions in the halls of Congress. Stop your infantile behavior before you do further damage to our country. Grow up!

Betty Hicks
Betty Hicks
5 years ago

At one time we had real people in our political offices, not any more we have attack dogs. we need 6 year term limits and only one term so there would be No posturing for another term. We need a Value Added tax instead of an income tax so everyone pays, illegal, drug lords, tourist so everyone pays their fair share with no tax on food. We need a secure border with a fence and only people who comes in at a port of entry with the proper papers gets in. All illegals are kicked across the border with no questions asked & fingerprinted so they can never come in again. No pension & insurance plan for people in office, they are just ordinary citizens even though they think they are super to us ordinary people. They should have to live by the rules they place on us. If Mexico does not cooperate with us then close the border and let the trucks back up all the way to Mexico’s Southern border.

cecil welch
cecil welch
5 years ago

Great article and true! Need to eliminate the Dumb – O – Crats

Arthur Harshbarger, III
Arthur Harshbarger, III
5 years ago

I cannot remember the committee name, but the chairwoman gave the oath and when she was finished she left off SO HELP ME GOD! When a congressman from (GOP) from South Carolina asked her to finish the oath because she was out of order; she snapped back that is the way we do it now. You see what steps they are taking to reduce GOD.

Bill Hartwig
Bill Hartwig
5 years ago

You are so wrong! The Democrat voters love this and it is energizing their base. The go about with a smug holier than thou we don’t approve of that conduct but inwardly they love the down and dirty gavel in the mud fighting. To a Democrat truth and honesty are only for the sucker Republicans.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
5 years ago

logical people can’t teach illogical people – they have a brick head and are dopes. so save your breath – we will get that wall and I say put money in for it people

Karen Davenport
Karen Davenport
5 years ago

Great article and it hit the nail on the head. I pray that the country will wake up to see this as it is before 2020.

5 years ago

I do not think arrogance by the left is self defeating at all. Instead, I think it is well placed.

Think about it. They have control over the news media, the education system, in large part over the judicial system and federal law enforcement agencies. Plus the IRS and other regulatory entities like the EPA. They have a well oiled voter fraud system in place and are gaining new voters every day the border is wide open. Now they have the House as well.

I would say the left is well placed to cram their agenda down the throat of every American, and they know it. Arrogance, therefore, is in order.

Thomas H Seigo
Thomas H Seigo
5 years ago

Purely and simply, the only way to stop this charade is for the American citizens to stand in unison and demand that these demonic socialist idiots be put on trial for treason against the United States and its citizens. To me, treason is as simply defined as acts to undermine the US Constitution by any and every means available, and to hell with the people of this once great country! This is precisely why I stand shoulder to shoulder with President Trump and fight for the very life of our free Republic!!!

Linda Zerangue
Linda Zerangue
5 years ago

Arrogance was the word I was looking for after watching the video. Meanest also fits in.

5 years ago

I have always been a voter of the man or woman not the party, but no longer. I will never vote Democratic again based exclusively on the points made in this article which had already put a gagging reflex in the back of my throat when they began in the last primary!

Richard Keyser
Richard Keyser
5 years ago

Check out and support Convention of States. Think drain the swamp. Become involved & make this a priority, people! And be sure to always vote. Never miss an election.

Randy Bourbeau
Randy Bourbeau
5 years ago

Very good, I completely agree.

Barbara Ervin
Barbara Ervin
5 years ago

Build the wall already!!!

Gerri Daniels
Gerri Daniels
5 years ago

Positively the BEST commentary I have seen on this situation. It looks like the Dems are digging themselves into a deep hole, deep enough however they may not get out of it. They are dragging down the way Government is supposed to work, and it is an embarrassment to the American public. They forget that they work for the American people, and they are NOT doing their jobs!

P. Linscott
P. Linscott
5 years ago

I watched quite a bit of the fiasco last week involving the “oversight” committee’s juvenile questioning of Matthew Whitaker. I give the gentleman a lot of credit for not getting up and walking out – I would have. What a kabuki show of arrogance, nastiness, and downright disrespect. The democrats on this committee should be ashamed.

5 years ago

Perhaps it would be a blessing in disguise for them to continue? Just saying. ☺

5 years ago

Thank you, Mr. Robert b. Charles,
This is a true, honest article, of the shameful and disgusting display of stupidity, and agenda driven hearing. Not for purposes of writing new llaws to improve USA. But to destroy President Donald Trump, and his family, for bias, prejudice, and most heinous reasons possible.
———–Democrats need to change their ways, and do it now. Develop Agenda of positive actions, and attitudes of cooperating, negotiating with all who have been elected, to represent CONSTITUENTS. They are not elected to expose their personal opinions, bias, prejudice, which is just as ugly as the racial or sexist attitudes they say they are opposing. That is all we have seen in Obama Administration, and from Democrats, and some Republicans, with minor parties, during past decades. No one can say USA retained Morals, Morale, Civility, from 1960s, era, being more degraded in subsequent administrations. And it is time to take stock of damage done to families, our USA way of life, and what our colonial ancestors worked so hard to change in 1700s. They had same problems , but rose above them to produce our CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS.
——-There are many like me, born in 1929, who have lived through many administrations, who do not find present day agenda of Democratic Party, and its representatives, as knowledgeable of North American Standards, knowledgeable of CONSTITUTION or BILL OF RIGHTS. Too many are lawyers, who want to dilute all of that, to then live by laws that allow a change in our government from REPUBLIC, to SOCIALISM , COMMUNISM, OF FASCISM, OR SOME OTHER DICTATORIAL FORM. We are not teaching our youth the History of North America. Too many teachers and professors, are teaching how to be activists, demonstrators, occupiers, and how to disrupt and destroy existing REPUBLIC.
———–DONALD TRUMP INFORMS 63 MILLION OF US, WHO ELECTED HIM, OF WHAT HE IS DOING AND HAS DONE. REASON TO KEEP TWEETING, SINCE MAIN STREAM MEDIA HAS NOT GIVEN HIM ANY SUPPORT, JUST AS DEMOCRATS AND CERTAIN REPUBLICANS HAVE NOT. We remember, and we are still out here, and we do not like what we see on our media. Reason so many are failing, as I will not pay for such trash, lies, and their obvious selling out to Rich Donors, with own agendas.
—————JUST LABEL ME A DEPLORABLE, WHO ENJOYS CRUMBS, INCREASES IN MY PENSIONS, AND DECREASE IN MY TAXES, AND HAVE FILED THIS YEAR, AND AM STILL IN 10% BRACKET, living in retirement, with properties paid for, and assets , though last 40 years has been more expensive. And I kept my guns and religion, Thank you and others. Take that Nancy and Chuck.
(note added:
——— By the way, don’t bother checking who I am, or trying to call me. I have software loaded, to block anyone who does not know who they are, for any reason. If they don’t know who they are, I don not know them, either, so cannot help identify who they are. Will let computer server folks do that, and charge them for wasting network power, and time.

Michael Cajohn
Michael Cajohn
5 years ago

An outstanding article. This article shows why we need term limits and no retirement for our congressmen/women. They get a 401 or thrift savings like all government personnel are offered.

5 years ago

As I watch all the “Fake News” the controlled media places before us which they feel we are so eager and gullible to read these so called “journalists” are just as stupid and ignorant as the members of the Demonizing Party. Six year old children raised in a sound family atmosphere have more common sense than these idiots who call themselves members of the Democratic Party. It is apparent that they don’t care what veterans have or had to experience to make this country free. Yes, they have the right of freedom of speech, but every time they open their mouth they just prove to the American People their stupidity and power hunger struggle they are attempting to obtain to take this Great Country down to nothing. They appear to care less that they are the laughing stock of the world when viewed by other countries. It is apparent that they are attempting and really working at it to make the USA another Socialist Country so they can control everything in the country. Control health, population size, medicine, and access to the very things we take for granted in this country at the current time. They must really believe that the American people are that stupid to accept their concepts.

Pam Littleton
Pam Littleton
5 years ago

We desperately need an assembly of States for a quorum to put forward an amendment to the Constitution, enacting Term Limits. I think this would pass the 2/3 majority needed. If our “Representatives” knew they only had a maximum of 8 years of elected Office, we would have a lot less corruption, and the enrichment of people who are supposed to be serving the CITIZENS and not THEMSELVES would hopefully cease.

Judy R.
Judy R.
5 years ago

Extremely well written article, and I can only hope that the American people are “turned off” by the actions of the Democrats in that Committee hearing. It would seem that ALL respect in this country has gone out the window, and that is NOT what the Americans I know want to see in Congress.

Larry Peterson
Larry Peterson
5 years ago

The last Democrat worth his salt was John F. Kennedy. After Johnson took over the White House it’s been all downhill.

Ollie Octopus
Ollie Octopus
5 years ago

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is a hero and should be treated that way!

5 years ago

This was the last straw for me. I was and I emphasize Was, a Democrat up to This morning. I changed my registration and I have Walked away from the Democratic Party and have vowed to never vote for another evil Democrat for the rest of my life.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
5 years ago

Normally do not respond as I often believe that nothing can be done. But, maybe the citizens that voted for some of these “representatives” need to take a very careful look and see if they are rallying fulfilling their oath of office to “uphold and defend the Constitution”. Judging by some of the very uneducated (at least on constitutional matters) comments that these people have made, it appears they have no intention of fulfilling their oath of office. If they do not, maybe a recall election of a citizens’ lawsuit is in order.

Robert Palmiter
Robert Palmiter
5 years ago

They are like little kids, want everything their way. We would be able to get are country moving quicker if they would stop playing politics and do the job they were elected , and well compensated for. The situation calls for term limitations we need new blood not the same people making Congress a career. All the percentage of members do is try to advance them selves , instead of advancing the country.

I for one voted for president Trump because was not a politician. Congress especially the liberals are afraid of him because they may loose extravagant life style.

Geraldine Slaght
Geraldine Slaght
5 years ago

The Democrats on that commity, make me ashamed.

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

How a rational, intelligent and informed citizen can vote for any Democrat is beyond me. This is what the Democratic Party stands for today:
Party of (in no particular order):
1. Hypocrisy (both parties are guilty, but the Democrats far out do the GOP)
2. Leftists & “Progressives”
3. Judicial Activism
4. Moral Relativism
5. Historical Revisionism
6. “Democratic” Socialism
7. Humanism/Secularism (Anti-Judeo-Christian Values)
8. Misleading Euphemisms…“pro-choice” (abortion), “Planned Parenthood” (abortion), “undocumented workers” (illegal aliens), “democratic socialism” (socialism),
“affirmative action” (reverse discrimination)
9. Emotional Manipulation
10. Ever-expanding Government Overreach
11. Increased Taxation
12. Increased Regulation
13. Minimum Wage/Guaranteed Employment
14. Political Correctness
15. Identity Politics
16. Planned Parenthood/Abortion on Demand
17. Victim Mentality
18. Uninformed Opinions (low-information)
19. Equality of Outcome (vs. Equality of Opportunity)
20. No Voter I.D.
21. Illegal Aliens
22. Anti-ICE
23. Sanctuary Cities
24. Optics over Substance/Facts
25. Situational Rule of Law/Due Process
26. More Social Welfare
27. “Free” Government Healthcare For All
28. “Free” College/Trade School Education For All
30. “Snowflakes” and Safe Spaces
31. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ (all avowed racists)
32. Nany Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Charles Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren (and the list goes on and on….)

Can anyone add more?

Susan Dale
Susan Dale
5 years ago

Once again, Democrats should not be surprised when the Silent Majotity votes in 2020.

5 years ago

The cynic is me thinks they *want* to undermine the public’s respect for Congressional oversight — its part of their game plan. You see, the next time someone like Obama gets into the Oval Office and is faced with a Republican House, the threat of Congressional oversight will be far less, if not gone. Not that you could really tell, but that was a restraint keeping Obama from doing even more “executive orders” in his march to transform the country.

To put it more bluntly, they want an overpowered executive that they think they can control and a strong legislative body stands in the way of that. Look at history, for too many Republics that failed, the first big noticeable, no-turning-back step was delegitimizing the legislative body. Once they are out of the way it allows the executive to do whatever they want without oversight.

Martin Steed
Martin Steed
5 years ago

It’s only gonna get worse, before it gets better. Like many of you, I have trouble understanding just why the Dems take the positions they do and have finally resolved myself to the fact that these people do have Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s the only explanation. Politics alone cannot explain why so many Dems have completely reversed positions they have espoused for years. One can only hope that voters in their home districts will finally vote to replace some of them. So very sad to see.

5 years ago

Refresh my memory – when in the Constitution does Congress have “oversight” of the Executive Branch?

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

democrats have not a thing to worry about. They control the media and our side makes no attempt to make inroads into it. In fact, many of us will not even vote in 2020 because the MSM will come out with some breaking last minute story (false) from an “anonymous source” “proving” dirt on the Republicans. President Michelle anyone?

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