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Defrocked for Opposing Abortion? Yes

Posted on Monday, December 26, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Father Frank Pavone speaking at pro-life event.

Priests – in the Catholic, Orthodox, and other traditions – can be good or bad, like political leaders. The Catholic Church has suffered ample scandal, confirming humanity’s fragility.  But sometimes, a priest – like any good leader – stands up, takes the hit. That just happened. I am not Catholic, but watching good people speak truth, consequences be damned, lifts a soul.

Father Frank Pavone is the “national director of the influential pro-life ministry” called “Priests for Life.”  He believes a child developing in the womb is a child. Hoping to save young lives, preserve the peace of those wrestling abortion, he has not worked to legislate society’s roles but to educate struggling souls.

A critic of those who compromise on “life,” advocate for those who suffer and gain from childbearing’s joy and pain, he believes humans are not God, that ending the life of a child growing in the womb is a grave error.

Setting him apart, he also believes that how people think about this issue, where they stand, how they assess what is right and wrong, worth the effort and not, how they view God’s providence, the gift of human life, reflects how seriously they take their faith.

Without beating around the bush, he says the Catholic Church’s stand – never mind yours or mine – on abortion’ wrongness represents a fundamental battle “for the soul of the Catholic Church.” In other words, he stakes his claim, makes the case, and cannot support abortion.

One might think this a simple thing, and frankly most clergy in most churches, indeed most parishioners, would have thought the same a hundred years ago, but not today – not in the world he sees. Today, he is a lightning rod, struck down by a chorus of critics, even within the Church.

In a stunning turn, he has been defrocked – or summarily “laicized” – by the Church, and in a startlingly disingenuous way, faulting his humanity, using it as a sword, far from the ideal of forgiveness. According to the Vatican, he was dismissed for “blasphemous communications on social media, and for persistent disobedience of lawful instructions from his diocesan bishop.”

What did he do? Beyond opposing abortion, he voiced frustration at the 2020 election process, and used the word “g**damn” in a tweet. For this offense, he apologized, confessed, and – one would think – was forgiven. Only not quite, not by those who resent this voice for life, engagement in modern strife, who think it odd, so declared him intolerable – on behalf of God.

While distressed, this priest seems poised. He says many support his work “at the heart of the church,” although “A certain segment of bishops…have really been doing everything they can to put obstacles in the way of this work and of my doing this work…They see the influence our ministry has…and feel they cannot control it.” He is measured.

Bottom line: Summary dismissal of moral convictions and moral people is becoming the norm. This defrocking is an ugly turn. Faith in a loving God – even defense of right and wrong – is under fire. Those who speak for rights – including life – should not be vilified. If society is to persevere, we must learn to hear – those of heart. That is not an end, just a start. I am not Catholic, but watching good people speak truth, consequences be damned – lifts a soul.

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David Block
David Block
2 years ago

This man is a true hero for life. I agree with him 100%. Abortion is murder.

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
2 years ago

If people had some personal responsibility and used it this would not even be a topic of discussion.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

whole Vatican system is corrupt & why Jesus said Come Out of Her IE Catholic church

2 years ago


2 years ago

Unfortunately a lot of people who call themselves Christian are Christian in name only.

2 years ago

Well the current Pope, who grew up in socialist Argentina, has made it very clear that he holds views that are somewhat to very counter to traditional Catholic orthodoxy. His decision to allow the CCP to have a say in who could be a Bishop of the Catholic Church in China essentially was appeasement to the Chinese Communist Party. Now this latest decision involving Father Pavone is an appeasement fig leaf to the pro-arbortionist movement in the United States. The less than subtle message from this Pope seems to be one of moral relativism, which of course is NOT what the Catholic Church or any institutionalized religion is supposed to stand for. Yet unfortunately, like so many other religious institutions of various faiths today, that is where we seem to be.

2 years ago not alone in it’s drift from Biblical principles by replacing it with man’s opinion and worldly “wisdom” whose only ending is confusion and destruction.

2 years ago

It appears that attendance at Catholic Mass (and other Christian churches) has dropped off…perhaps, the Pope hopes to attract more attendance by caving into the “woke.” He will rue the day…the only entity this priest needs to worry about is God. I don’t believe that our current Pope is truly God’s representative here on earth, and he will be held accountable when his time to leave this earth comes around. It can’t come soon enough…

2 years ago

The so called Pope is a phony.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

The Catholic church has no credibility. They condoned and hid abuse of young children. People may Overlook that fact but the Lord will not. He will stand in judgment and they will pay the price

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Father Pavone is what a priest should be. He is passionate about life — both mortal and spiritual. He is not afraid to speak the truth. He answers to God, not the political Marxist that we now have as pope. Tragically, our current pope is all left wing lunacy. He represents fringe ideology much better than than the actual teachings of the Catholic Church. I am very saddened to see a good priest being unfairly persecuted, while a controversial pope is ruining the appeal and substance of Catholicism.

2 years ago

The Catholic Church has been showing worldwide cowardice for some time now. It only took a strong stand against the abuse of children under its control when everyone outside of the church stood up and complained about the hypocrisy. Now they are jerking around on social issues by continuing to be cowards Condoning pro abortion stands by some very notable ” Catholics” is just one area. If you are a politician who supports abortion you are allowed to pretend to be a Catholic and receive the sacraments. According to the pope everything is now permissible as long as you don’t shake the boat by sticking with “un – popular traditional Church Doctrines” which may annoy certain political groups. Sadly the Catholic Church has become the DISNEY OF RELIGIONS !!!

2 years ago

Father Pavlone is not the one in the wrong here. He is what a good priest should be doing. The control issue within the church is hypocritical to say the least on the part of the ones persecuting the priest. Absolutely ridiculous and not of a loving God. Unconscionable.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
2 years ago

Imho we are at fault, we allowed the news media and political motivated to use the term fetus, to justify their support for abortion. When the term baby, with all the emotional attachment, was deemed to be a poor choice of words, we the people done nothing. This acceptance of words has undermined our people to the point of accepting a pope that is truly not of God. Political/business/ religious leaders with a view for socialism not capitalism follow right along. We who are and/or have spent all our time earning a living (keeping up with the neighbors) need to, and should have focused on correcting faults such this, and less time talking about who will win this or that championship, or who got a new car. May our God protect this good man.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

I think theres more goin on than meets the eye. Kyle L. P. S. The Catolic Church is 2-00 years behind anyhow.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Why should a POPE have so much influabce over so many people. ?? He aint GOD. Kyle L.

George M
George M
2 years ago

If he said G *damn . Then he is not much of a Priest. A Man of God would not ever say that!

2 years ago

Stay tuned. I predict the current pope is going to radically change established church teaching on sexuality, abortion and communism. He is working arm in arm with all the forces pushing to topple tradition in all its forms in order to usher in utopia. Look for it.

2 years ago

Let us not forget how the Catholic Church partnered with the Nazis in WW2. NPR did a story on Catholic priests attending homosexual parties before going to mass the next day. They believe the position, not their actions makes them holy. Partnering with Satan appears to be their norm.

2 years ago

What happened to the days when Catholics didn’t even believe in birth control and now they say it’s okay to kill the unborn baby?? And this pope evidently hasn’t even read the Bible since he okays gay marriages. So glad I’m not Catholic….if I were, I’d have changed when this pope was put in the vatican.

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
2 years ago

The Catholic Church is way off base in defrocking Fr Frank Pavone for standing up for “life” and speaking out against the abortion industry.The bishops who aligned against Fr Pavone are also seriously misguided; they’ve evidently forgotten what it means to be a Christian. Jesus would’ve been more forgiving — and more understanding. When the pope in Rome and his minions agree to kick one of their own to the curb, you gotta know Satan is celebrating. It’s definitely not a good look.

2 years ago

I was raised in the catholic faith. I left many years agoThe current pope is a socialist sob.If the catholic church had priests like Fr Pavone and Pope’s like John Paul and got rid of some of the woke bishops who allowed the “lavender mafia” to rampage through the church, I might still be a catholic.

2 years ago

As a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ (God made into man), one must embrace certain theological concepts. And if a Christian can not adhere to the second commandment, a relatively easy one to follow, then it may be time to turn in the Christian card and find a less stringent religious faith…

2 years ago

Before you make any further comments I would remind you that the Catholic Church is neither a republic not a democracy and that Frankfort Pavone on his ordination talk about obedience. Now I ask you to read the following article which explains more than I could ever attempt:

2 years ago

Have my comments suddenly been blacklisted by the AMAC censoring board for some unknown reason? IF SO I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY.

2 years ago

I am sure that 99.9%of pregnancies would end with the birth of a healthy child. So an abortion is murder! What if Mary’s parents would have decided she should not have Jesus. Life would be completely different as we know it. And what if in some future “virgin birth” of another gift from god has an abortion. Then God will know we are lost and will take appropriate action.

I cannot believe the Pope could ever condone abortion. But in the end he is just a man. And we cannot put our faith in men.They are imperfect and will make mistakes.

This also will cause many Catholics to question their faith and the Catholic church. Satan works to destroy us all!

2 years ago

How can the Roman Catholic Church, especially their hierarchy, not condemn abortion when they condemn use of contraceptives? Or they used to…

I am not a Roman Catholic, but had several really good friends that were.

2 years ago

I have a hard time believing that the Roman Catholic Church would condemn this man, for speaking his morals, and those of the church.

2 years ago

What’s wrong with Pope Francis? He leans a little too far left for my taste. Father Pavone asked for forgiveness for using God’s name in vain. When a person asks God’s forgiveness and repents, they are forgiven. If God has forgiven Father Pavone (and He has), what right has the Catholic Church to withhold that same forgiveness! That is so unbiblical. From what I can see, the Church has placed themselves above Almighty God.

2 years ago

This pope should be excommunicated. He needs to watch his actions, there is a very hot place in hell for those who preach knowingly presch lies and harm the innocent.

Bishop Jack Wisor
Bishop Jack Wisor
2 years ago

I do not condone abortion, although before you start pointing your sin finger at someone, your responsible as a Christian for every child that dies from the effects of starvation and thirst. Worry about your own sin of greed and failures Church.

2 years ago

Even Jesus was expelled by His Church! Father you are supported by Truth Himself! There are many who see Jesus in you and support your mission! Love, a longtime follower of your work, a blessed baby who’s parents experienced love from me when I entered their world 80 years ago!

2 years ago

Matthew 23:9
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Priests are NOT “fathers” according to God.

2 years ago

The church of Laodicea is fully intrenched. (Rev 3:14-22)

2 years ago

Being brought up “Catholic” was another way for my mother to teach discipline to her 5 children but we children all escaped! . . . I can’t answer for my siblings but I just didn’t feel comfortable needing to “confess my sins” to another man when I could just as well do that directly to God in my daily prayers. Also, if both my parents didn’t attend church services what example does that really set?
Besides, can a woman be a priest? And why not? In my Protestant denomination, women can become ministers and some mighty fine preachers at that. Plus, I don’t even remember a priest or a nun ever encouraging us to “read” the Bible! And why is that? Was it because we, common people, are too stupid or like politicians just a way to control us? Sorry, but I believe in having a “personal” relationship with my creator makes me a better person! Do I still sin? Unfortunately, every time I listen to Jackass Joe Biden I get frustrated and angry and begin to swear. I just can’t help myself and then immediately have to ask my Lord for forgiveness! I’m “just” human and unfortunately humans are sinful but that’s what repentance is for. But when it comes to Jackass Joe, I just can’t help myself!

Brian Hutchinson
Brian Hutchinson
2 years ago

If the Catholic Church won’t support Fr Pavone’s public & aggressive stand against abortion, I’m absolutely positive another denomination like the Anglican Church would love to have him.

2 years ago

You are all looking at this as a Christian/religious issue. It is not. Just follow the money and you will see why the church is trying to silence him.

2 years ago

This was the work of the antipope. BTW the real Holy Father, Pope Benedict, passed away today. FYI trivia, at the end of WW2 in 1945, a 15 year old Benedict was drafted into the German military as a crew member of an antiaircraft gun battery shooting at B17 bombers over the Reich.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
2 years ago

Maybe a sign from God that he needs to leave the Catholic Church.

Rick Villa
Rick Villa
2 years ago

Those of us who are taking unpopular stands need to remember that we can’t give our enemies ammunition to use against us. Sad that he opened himself up for being taken out.

2 years ago

Perhaps Father Pavone should look into The Saint Benedict Center, in Richmond, NH! I often refer to them (nonderogatorily) as “The Branch Benedictines”. The FBI and BATFE must be watching them, as they are on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate list.

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