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Defending Independent Thought – Essential

Posted on Monday, July 20, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

thoughtTo look forward with clarity, we must sometimes glance backward.  Friedrich Nietzsche, a 19th century philosopher, wrote: “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”  If that was true in his day, it is doubly true in ours.

Modern media are corrupt, modern youth unfamiliar with logic, ignorant of American and world history, blind to critical thinking. Why? Because “group think” is rewarded, sameness and conformity enforced, independent thought increasingly condemned.

The media’s talking heads and too many modern educators – often unable to think logically themselves – are afraid of differentness.  Like the Shakespearian lady who “doth protest too much,” they urge diversity as long as “differentness” is the same as what they think.

Modern media and organized educators promote those “different like them,” while seeking to silence anyone different “not like them.”  The hypocrisy is, of course, transparent.  It is also coercive, anti-democratic, anti-free speech, and pits the “collective” against the individual.

Sadly, suppression of independent thought is the hallmark of a sick, unthinking society – one increasingly underconfident in its underpinnings, ignorant of how it got to where it is, afraid of history and the future. Deep conversations get superficial, as citizens are unable to defend ideas.

In the case of American politics, media, and left-lurching educational institutions, such behavior suggests a society dangerously listing toward socialism, communism, fascism, and centralization of power – at the expense of independent thought and individual liberty.

Needed is more honest thinking, blunt (rational, even offensive) talk, restored capacity to listen, a desire to learn and seek truth – not suppress it.  Needed is courage to accept that humans see the world differently – and that is good. By listening, reading, and thinking, we inform each other. That is rational thought. The opposite is dishonest thinking, and the end of integrity.

Today, irrationality is winning.  The idea of promoting intolerance in the name of tolerance, conformity as diversity, violence in the name of peace, cancellation as open-minded, destroying history to preserve it, lack of intellectual curiosity as education is where we are.

The good news is that heartland America sees the slide – and wants to stop it.  Examples are everywhere.  Dozens of conservative writers, thinkers and speakers have been disinvited from campuses, after being invited by curious students. Leftist groups and administrators ban intellectual discourse, labeling traditional, historical, different, and diverse ideas as anti-social, unsafe, emotionally violent, triggering, or – sweet irony – intolerant.  See, e.g.,

Likewise, teachers’ unions – tip of a a left-lurching lobby – insist on idea suppression and socialism.  Last week, the Los Angeles Teachers’ Union threatened to stop teaching unless socialist demands are met – “defunding” police (in a city with a 250 percent spike in homicides), “Medicare for all,” a “$10 billion dollar wealth tax,” and “moratorium” on charter schools (which encourage independent thought, reward merit, and offer upward mobility). See, e.g.;

Again, the irony is acute.  Bad enough would a union holding public hostages, but children for socialist demands?  Worse, the coercing union is composed of 35,000 teachers, who will teach these values to kids.  Could anything be more offensive?  One wonders why parents and leaders do not push non-political standards for teacher certification, insisting on no indoctrination.

The most recent example of media corruption is CNN – again.  Nothing new, just emblematic.  On July 15, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany offered a detailed recitation of prevailing science behind reopening the nation’s schools.  She hit 19 issues, then took a question on Virginia using CDC numbers to stay remote.

Referring to case numbers, she said:  “The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said – I thought this was a good quote, ‘Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here.'”  She quoted a former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

She expanded:  “The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools.”  

Incredibly, CNN cast these remarks as “anti-science,” tweeting: “The White House Press Secretary on Trump’s push to reopen schools: ‘The science should not stand in the way of this.'” That CNN tweet got 30,000 retweets.  Hours later, one adding context got 700.  See:

Integrity?  Hardly.  Pushing untruth.  Obviously.  MSNBC did the same. See, e.g.,

So, what is the point?  Integrity, liberty, and truth leak from a society that fails to defend them – and to keep government, educators, and media honest. Nietzsche was right: “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” We must teach respect for independent thought – or lose the chance.

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David Wyncoop
David Wyncoop
4 years ago

To sum it all up since the what’s going on in our country is so unbelievable and upside down. I think you could safely say that the Corona Virus IS NOT the ONLY virus going around. If you are ignorant or weak minded you had better watch out, you might catch it:)

Virginia Beaver
Virginia Beaver
4 years ago

How can we get our society, world, thought process back in sync with all that we know to be obvious???

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
4 years ago

It’s about time to defund the state and local governments from federal funds, along with public schools. Democrat-run states and cities are in secession and teacher union don’t want teachers to work. STOP PAYING THEM.

dan gremillion
dan gremillion
4 years ago

you are preaching to the choir. Most conservatives can think logically, but, I for one cannot entertain the ideas of the left as I know from studying history just where those ideas will lead us–down the road to serfdom (where we are going now). Since it is almost impossible to get anyone on the left to consider conservative ideas and to avoid useless arguements, I prefer to either avoid these people or just to only speak of their dogs and cats drink habits when around them.

donald lonhart
donald lonhart
4 years ago


4 years ago

It’s time to fight back! … Defund Sanctuary Cities and their States from Federal funds. Order in the Military to quell the rioting and looting of cities and states that aren’t letting the Police do their jobs. Shut of funding for states educational systems that aren’t opening. Definitely shut off funding to Colleges and Universities that don’t allow Conservative viewpoints. Denounce Socialism as the failed Marxist Doctrine it is and don’t be afraid to point out lawmakers as Marxists that are promoting this failed doctrine. Arise We the People, or you will lose your independence and freedom of thought and actions. And most of all … God Bless America and President Trump!

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
4 years ago

Excellent article, Mr. Charles. Parents are just realizing how warped schools are as they home school their kids for the first time. We are in deep trouble.

4 years ago

Yes, I’d like to send this specific article to Facebook but do not know how.

4 years ago

They are, and it’s called Political Correctness. Being PC has been destroying this country since it’s conception.

donald lonhart
donald lonhart
4 years ago

It all goes back to our CONSTITUTION! All these agencies and unions and departments
that have been created by our uneducated but connected congress people are killing
the most properly constructed government in the history of the word. The department
of education should be the first one to go. All government employees should not be
unionized. Any law should apply to every citizen, especially no one should have
exceptions from what everyone else must comply with. And I am in favor of strict
enforcement of immigration laws.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

I wonder if the Demsheviks and their libtard toadies and other lemming-like adherents are using George Orwell’s book, 1984, as one of their playbooks? Or is it that the world of 1984 is just where they genuinely want to ultimately take us (i.e., is it their goal line)? Or, in the alternative, maybe these folks are just too ignorant and stupid to realize that they are marching us headlong into becoming the dystopian world of 1984.

4 years ago

What is best for ordinary citizens was always the same as what is best for teachers. The biggest mistake was recognizing unions for jobs paid for by taxpayers. This began a split between ordinary citizens. Now there seems to be no way out of unions for government jobs, but this divisiveness should never have started.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

Tyrannical takeover 101:
1) Indoctrinate
2) Take God out of the equation
3) Control the media (news and entertainment) message
4) Disarm the citizenry
5) Divide and conquer through chaos
Truly sickening to see it happening here in America.

Richard (Rick) Glover
Richard (Rick) Glover
4 years ago

I am a WW2 vet so I remember a few things from that time to explain my theory. Right after the war finished I remember the “Balance of Trade” we had with other nations was not enforced so they could rebuild their nations from devastation, primarily Europe and Asia. Thus the problem with China. On to the second observation. Secondly right after the war there was a Dr. Named Dr. Spock. He came out with “Don’t spank your children it’s cruelty”. Flash forward 20 years these never spanked newborn children are in the Vietnam “Hippie period”. Free love, emancipation, hippie communes, etc. Then came in Dr.Timothy Leary. He said to them “Drugs are great”, so they took to drugs. Some of these then 20 year old’s came from affluent families, became tired of their lifestyle and returned home to get an education. These educated former hippies now educated (brainwashed socialists) have become politicians, journalists, editors, CEO;s, educators etc. They have permeated our entire educational system with “socialism” for 74 years. They have no respect for our flag and the man and women who have died for it to preserve our Democracy for them. They know NOTHING about our country and how we have evolved in a relatively short period in time as compared to other nations before us, to become the most prosperous of all nations. Capitol-ism, entrepreneurship, etc. have built this nation as well as protecting the rights and freedoms that we now entertain. That is why people from all other nations want to come here so they can better their lives. I could go on, but will not. Now I have vented myself and wait for any remarks or rebuttals. Thank you, GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP, OUR HUMAN SAVIOR AND PRESERVER.

Scott Christy
Scott Christy
4 years ago

She’s the best White House Spokesperson ever !

4 years ago

Independent thinking is great, but it needs some common sense thrown in & willingness to listen to comments from others before putting out to public.

4 years ago

This article is right on the mark! So much so that I can’t share it on Facebook because some people have deemed it offensive!!! So much for our freedom of speech!

4 years ago

Something wrong when misinformed people are pushing an agenda that’s disastrous for America, harmful to our children and absolutely without facts or science.
Stop being lemmings for the politically correct,un -american democrat left.
Where have all the clear thinking, common sense REAL Citizens gone?
Time to stand up, speak up and end this ridiculous behavior!
CMON America, we’re better than this.

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
4 years ago

❤??CHRISTrumPenceBarr and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US2020Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen??❤

4 years ago

I think we should fight, fire with fire. No matter what words we use, they don’t listen or care. There (Dem5) only goal is power and more power, plus the more power they have the more money they make. There you have it, bottom line, more money. Money the root of all evil.

Linda Gregory
Linda Gregory
4 years ago

I am a retired teacher. Always a closet conservative (yes, there were several of us), I still felt the need to help both students and teachers by being a Building Rep. Today I ended my lifetime membership with NEA. It’s been coming for a long time. Helping children succeed, in and of itself, is a noble cause. Destroying our country is something completely different.

4 years ago

I want so bad to be optimistic but in light of what I see going on, I can’t. It seems the only way these indoctrinated kids are going to see the truth is to let them have what they want! Socialism comes to America and all these useful idiots become wards of the state into a prison of massive poverty, scarcity and serfdom! Then when the government collapses due to the debt load it will have to emass, another revolution will need to take place with many innocent dying before these immature indoctrinated fools rise up and appreciate the freedoms our country has always fought to preserve! I hate this outlook but I don’t see any other way out of this since indoctrination is not stopping and there are more of them voting every year than the elderly who remember the TRUTH about America and her greatness as a beacon of freedom!
Look throughout history and all civilizations have fallen when the people get too lazy and feel entitled to whatever they want without responsibility. The old 80-20 rule where 20% of the people do 80% of the work while the 80% lie back and do nothing! It’s easier to claim victimhood and blame others for failures than take responsibility and learn from bad decisions made! LIfe was never supposed to be easy and one big picnic or party! Suffering, struggle, and hard work creates character and helps us all realize how much we need God and his love, forgiveness and mercy! AMERICA NEEDS GOD! God have mercy on America!

4 years ago

READ-find books by Mao Tse-Tung, Marx, Lenin And especially Stalin.-their game plan: get rid of free speech ( ie: political correctness and black balling), infiltrate education systems, get rid of religion. And last but not least-intimidate oh and NEVER NEVER give up all of the above. People who watch CNN, MSNBC are so frightened right now because they just KNOW that we’re all gonna die from Chinese Virus. PS find the books fast-because they will begin disappearing.

RJ from Az
RJ from Az
4 years ago

I don’t have a lot of years left, but when I go I can say that I lived in a era when USA was greatest nation the world had known

4 years ago

I agree with Rik. It makes you wonder with all these tragic incidents going on in our country-why Congress took a vacation. It is not President Trumps fault that the virus is here. He seems to be one of the few working on the problem. If the hypocrite Democrats have a solution to this why don’t they bring it up instead of talking bad about our President and taking another vacation. The destruction of our great cities by the radical terrorists is enough and being authorized by the weak Democratic mayors, governors, and respective city councils. When it is time to make a decision these incapable politicians are unable. They seem to support the terrorists. Its time to move our troops in to support the police and physically remove the terrorists. If you really want to stop them I believe you must use force and then go right to the source who funds them. Who the heck is voting these dumb Democratic politicians in office? And where is Biden the groundhog-I guess back in the safety of his hole.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Everyone should have their own personal opinion despite what others think! Just because you think for yourself does not mean you should be bullied, etc. Everyone having a different opinion makes thinks progress, grow, and prosper!

4 years ago

Independent thinking is okay, but being stubborn & saying I am right a lot more than others about Covid-19 is a big ego. Would like to see a poll AMAC on how many people think WH has done great job with virus. Today, WH is talking about cutting funding for CDC & testing. The fastest way to get schools & economy going is Nation direction to states & strong support to get testing on track. Testing is not greatest in world as Trump keeps saying. It was way behind at start & has never caught up. Why do people have to wait in line of cars for 8-10 hours to get tested & then results are days or weeks out.

4 years ago

Kayleigh way be good spokesperson, but hammering on Gov. of Maryland was slanting truth a lot. The Maryland Gov. said testing was not a problem there at this time cuz went out on own & bought 500,000 tests from South Korea & built Maryland lab to process tests. Appears that he made the right move, but why do not other states/feds go this route?? Testing is way to defeat virus.

Magic man
Magic man
4 years ago

The blm slogan on the streets is not a mural. A mural is something painted on a wall. We new Make America Great murals all over this country.

Joanna Johnson-Smith
Joanna Johnson-Smith
4 years ago

ALWAYS choose TRUTH over Political Correctness. Yes, honesty can be painful, but it is also essential in a free society of thinking people, and we are dangerously close to losing both. Do NOT be afraid to “Offend” if necessary, such as admitting what we have all known for years, such as “Young Black Males are America’s most prolific criminals”, or “Liberalism is a Mental Illness”, “There are ONLY two genders”, and so forth. These are TRUTHS, and yes, they are painful for some, but their effects can never be addressed if we refuse to face the facts surrounding them.

Homer C. Bosworth
Homer C. Bosworth
4 years ago


Homer C. Bosworth
Homer C. Bosworth
4 years ago

What this author is referring to is the Double Speak George Orwell addressed in his book 1984. It is so evident reading the articles posted on MSN. Our youth are being programed by Big Brother. The Lemming mentality with group think are marching our youth toward the cliffs overlooking the raging ocean!

4 years ago

Time to go on the offense. Enough! Stop supporting these organizations that perpetuate evil. Pay close attention on who you vote for in politics. Turn your TV off more often; cancel hollywood, disney, espn, etc. Start networking/organizing around like-minded people – can’t fight this alone.

Mickie Enders
Mickie Enders
4 years ago


Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Thank God for President Trump!!  Americans, we are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Our founders left Europe because of stifling regulation!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Stand up for America!!  Buy Goya.  They are being boycotted because their CEO praised President Trump.  Give your custom to America’s friends, not our enemies such as Nike!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

There is ONLY ONE CHOICE this November – The United States of America OR The United Soviet Socialist States of America!!!!!  Stand-up for America.  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Become a Counter-Revolutionary!  Demand Authority ENFORCE OUR LAWS!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Anyone watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC National News and Local News, are being BRAINWASHED!!!  Almost nothing but LIES, DECEIT, and PROPOGANDA!!  Includes almost half of FOX News Broadcasts.  Turn-off Mainstream News!!!!!

Danny Lowry
Danny Lowry
4 years ago

No truer words have I read lately. Great.

4 years ago

I read this morning that people are happier with NC Governor Coopers leadership during the “Pandemic” than they are with Trump. Who has shown more leadership? Really? Why is that important. Who has shown more awareness of the oath of office they took? We the people are NOT supposed to have a leader! Article 2 section 2. Trump has done everything he can to keep from imposing rules and regulations on We the People. It was the Governors who shut down the economy. It was the Governors and mayors who allowed the riots. Trump offered to help as the commander in chief, but he did NOT impose the Army on We the People. He did attempt to protect Government property and he did try to protect us from virus carriers coming from China. Governor Cooper (and many other mini tyrants) has done every thing you would expect a tyrant to do. He has ignored the rule book he swore to uphold.

The aftermath of a disaster while the flag hangs.
Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.

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