An agency of the District of Columbia held a training session last month to teach illegal immigrants and other noncitizens how to vote, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.
News of the training session held by the local government in the nation’s capital comes as House Republicans push a bill—with the backing of Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.—to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote
The D.C. Board of Elections conducted the April 10 event, called “Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training.”
Judicial Watch obtained 13 pages of the training session’s PowerPoint presentation through a request under the Freedom of Information Act. On one slide, the presentation says:
Non-U.S. citizen residents can vote in District elections for the offices of Mayor, Attorney General, Chairman or member(s) of the D.C. Council, member(s) of the State Board of Education, or Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner(s) Non-U.S. citizen residents cannot vote for Federal Offices.
The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project previously raised concerns about noncitizen voting in the District of Columbia. (Heritage established The Daily Signal in 2014.)
The District of Columbia is joined by local governments in California, Maryland, and Vermont in allowing foreign citizens to vote in local elections. Federal law allows only U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections.
State courts blocked New York City from allowing noncitizen voting there.
“Illegal aliens and noncitizens should not vote in any elections,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “That Congress allows the votes of citizens to be legally stolen by illegal aliens in our nation’s capital is inexcusable.”
The District of Columbia amended its election code last year to allow noncitizens, including illegal immigrants, to vote for local D.C. offices.
As noted in my book “The Myth of Voter Suppression,” Democrats long have sought to change election laws to gain a political advantage. These noncitizen voting laws mimic a tactic used by New York City’s legendary Tammany Hall and other political machines that controlled big city politics.
The District’s presentation explains the qualifications for registering to vote when someone isn’t a U.S. citizen.
“To register to vote in the District of Columbia as a non-citizen, you must: Be at least 17 years old and 18 years old by the next General Election; Maintain residency in the District of Columbia for at least 30 days prior to the election in which you intend to vote; Not claim voting residence or the right to vote in any state, territory, or country; Not been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote,” the presentation says.
Neither the D.C. Board of Elections nor the office of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, responded to The Daily Signal’s request for comment on this report.
Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal. He is the author of “The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean Elections.”
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Fred Lucas.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
If non-citizens want to vote in our elections, there are two additional things they need to do: 1. COME HERE LEGALLY! and 2. Become citizens!
Here’s a question. Since DC is a federal district, all elections there are federal elections, by definition. Since non-citizens are not allowed to vote in federal elections, how .ca they be allowed in any election in Washington DC?
Training sessions for non-citizens to vote is traitorous activity. Uphold the Constitution and penalize all connected to this. They deserve to be ‘tarred and feathered,’ which was the way traitors were handled in our history.
As I stated once before, the writing was on the wall when they pushed to have ballots printed in foreign languages. So much for English as our national language.
First thing they are not illegal they are an invasive and attack on all true Americans! Americans need to stop and demand to take our country back from the Socialist Democrats! Stop trying to play politics, Democrats are the enemy and they can kiss my ass!
Here we go again — The Left ignoring the law and flaunting the reality of what might happen in the upcoming election. This is definite and flagrant abuse of the laws, and nothing is truly being done about it
Voter Identification is the best way to stop illegal aliens from voting. Proof of citizenship too.
Isn’t it sad that states will allow noncitizens to vote in their elections. This will lead to noting more than corruption when these people try to vote in our federal elections even though it is illegal to do so. You know they will try and do so. Biden and the democrats have been siting they want to save democracy, but yet all these democrat states want to do away with democracy. As one of the most (to me) respected commentors (PaulE) on these articles always state we need to wake up before it is too late.
Immigrate to America legally. Live here 5 years, apply for citizenship. Requirements: you speak fluent English, are not dependent on the government to live. Have a valid ID and green card. Only then should the process to become a citizen go forward. Every legal immigrant had to go through this process what makes these illegals coming over the border like they own America think there is no need. We don’t know who they are, where they come from. Are they healthy? Do they have a disease that can spread to everyone in America? Are they willing to work hard without holding their hands up for help from us taxpayers? ole Joe says we should take these foreigners into our homes like they are family. Why hasn’t he asked to take in the homeless. Especially our homeless veterans. Does he care about them? The way he acts I would say, NO. He hates all Americans except the Gays, trans, unions, and illegals. The rest can die as far as he is concerned. Why otherwise create inflation and raising gasoline prices. To get the middle class broke and under his control. And the dems will have power for all time. Legislating everything from the length of one’s hair to the color of your skin. Where to live. Where and how to travel and when. You are ordered to buy an e car, e appliances, solar panels, heat pumps. All the heating and cooling services every household has to do it themselves. No more gas or oil heating homes. All solar. He ordered millions of dollars for electric power stations for all the e cars we are ordered to buy. And thus far he has built 7. He should come out west and see how long our extension cords have to be to be able to travel in an electric car. The man has no idea. He thinks of something throws it against the wall and see what sticks. But with anything that is a bad idea it runs down the wall. In meantime America is getting weaker and weaker. Nothing is done. All the money went to the Ukraine. So Blinken can play guitar in a band in Kiev. It is disgusting what this man has done to this country along with the ultra left the MSM and the dems in Congress.
Pray, pray, pray
The ONLY reason Lying Jackass Joe Biden ALLOWED ILLEGALS entry was to “Guarantee” Future Democratic Voters! I just hope that when Trump WINS Reelection he rounds up ALL THESE ILLEGAL ALIENS AND DEPORTS EVERY ONE OF THEM!
No wonder people are moving to a state that is in line with their values, some are leaving the country!!!!! It took that Clown a few years to destroy America! The Clown is despecitable!
If it were not so serious and criminal it would be comical The people probably illiterate in their own language used as a prop Instructed how and for whom to vote Those instructing are not volunteers I am sure How many ways to extra And we thought the wild west was lawless
Republicans should be holding classes for illegals to teach them this: “You came to the USA to escape the politics in the country you left. When you can vote in the USA, if you vote for a Democrat, you will be voting for the political system you left behind. Vote Republican to preserve the freedom for which you came to the USA.”
NO NO NO! This is all wrong!
I do not think that non-citizens should be able to vote in ANY election; however, I am afraid that somehow some will sneak in votes in this November’s election for president. Simply do not trust Biden and the democrats.
If there is any way to trample on the rights of U.S. citizens, rest assured that the Communists will find it. It’s their favorite sport.
I guess this is saying that it is alright for the Dems to do as communists do and fix elections. The Dems would cry like the world has never heard before if Conservatives would try to fix the election by illegally training illegals and other non-citizens to vote. The ones doing this should be thrown in prison for subverting the government and incarcerated for 20 years like they even the Jan 6th people they threw in filthy prisons. Our country and leaders have lost all sanity and is turning our country into a Third World Country.
Unless things are changed in Washington, D.C., including the swamp, eventually the democratic party will be in power for a very long time (the idea behind the open border and allowing illegals to vote). The democrats are smarter than the republicans, they are sneakier than the republicans, and they will do anything, including ignoring election laws to win. They want both Houses and the White House and if that occurs, this country will be third world like, 1st and 2nd Amendment rights limited, EVs that don’t work in every driveway, and socialism. Meanwhile, the republicans will be looking at each other, wondering what happened. A number of republicans will choose not to run (knowing that they are wasting their time), and each will be replaced with a liberal democrat like those of the so-called squad. Just think, AOC may be president in the not-so-distant future.
So here is a message to all republicans reading this, go ahead and sit home. Don’t bother to vote in this election because you don’t like former president Trump, his mean tweets, you’re for abortions on demand, or some other stupid reason, and let the democrats win and take power. If they do, look for amnesty for every illegal entering / sneaking into the country, foreigners voting in our elections, higher taxes, and some of your constitutional rights taken away, and criminal gangs running neighborhoods. I would not be surprised that if this actually occurs, the country may be in for another civil war. Go ahead sit your lazy butt home.
This is absolutely evil. Non-citizens should never vote in any election – period-end. Come to America legally. Go through the process and then vote. That’s how my grandparents came here and that is how it should be now. Our government has let us down for decades. Government is there for our protection not for political parties to use to stay in power. We the people and the immigrants are being destroyed by this sick ideology. NGO’s are no better. They use the system to do the same thing. Prepaid credit cards, cell phones, free food and shelter. Disabled Vets thrown out of apartments or hotels to accommodate illegals. All with our tax dollars. Hard working poor families are having a hard time keeping food on the table and hard-working middle-class people have to pick up an extra job or shift to survive. Pure spiritual evil has taken hold of America. Wake-up.
Round them up and deport.
Make the Democrats pay, NOT AMERICANS!
All involved in that “training”, formerly known as soliciting, aiding and abetting the act of committing voter fraud, on the government part of it, need to be arrested, charged, and tried for their crimes. If Washington, D.C. can’t police itself in that regard, then, since the founders never envisioned D.C. as a state, or anything other than a very temporary residence for government employees only who could still vote in their home state, either Washington, D.C. residents in general should loose their voting rights; or better, and constutionally correct, the respective parts of Washington, D.C. should be returned to the jurisdiction of the states of Virginia, and Maryland from which it was created. That will also answer the Democrats’ continued call for statehood for Washington, D.C., albeit different from what they’d like, and it would solve the issue of Washington, D.C. judges, and jurys being continually lopsidedly biased against conservatives without challenges allowed.
Excellent article. The Illegal Alien Terrorist have ZERO rights and cannot Vote legally. Therefore, it is Election Fraud and each Illegal Alien MUST be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY.
This is more Proof of how corrupt the Communist democrats and Dictator Beijing biden are.
They can’t even win legally so they have to rigged the election by committing Election Fraud which is a Felony.
Each vote by an Illegal Alien is punishable by a Fine and Prison starting with putting Dictator Beijing biden in Prison with each person that helps Illegal Aliens vote Illegally since he is using Hitler and Stalin tactics.
The start of the socialist marxist democrat party third world elections in America?? The District of Columbia is joined by local governments in California, Maryland, and Vermont in allowing foreign citizens to vote in local elections. Federal law allows only U.S. citizens to vote in federal elections. That won’t stop china joe and the liberal elites, right??
What a joke these clowns are!! First of all, that is unconstitutional. Enough said!
Treason. ALL NGOs should be identified by NAME. We have a Right to research any of them acting Against our Country’s best interests who also get our hard earned tax dollars!
Democracy specifically refers to the power or the will of the people. I have always believed that the title “democrat” is the greatest misnomer but perhaps, or so it seems, the “democrats” have taken the term to signify ALL the people (of the world), in existence or expired.
Fully contrary to the Constitutional Republic in which the political power rests with the public through their (duly elected) representatives.
The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic in which voting occurs in a democratic process.
Seems dumbocraps have “missed the boat”.
DC, being a foreign corporation to the states and having no constitutional duties—gets by that way.
A very strong reason why Washington D.C. should NEVER be considered for statehood! These liberal fools think giving illegal aliens/non-citizens the right to vote will ensure the Democrats stay in power…but they are too foolish, blinded by desire for power that they don’t realize that as soon as illegal aliens/non-citizens have the right to vote…they will vote for themselves and their fellow illegal aliens because that is who they know and share experience with…and will vote the stupid Democrats (and Republicans and Independents) right out of office!
keep your guns clean/your ammo dry
Good grief! The Democrat Party has gotten away with so much of their nefariousness that they’ve become inured to lawlessness. They don’t even care anymore if we catch their criminalities in broad daylight.
Learn, then TEACH the US Constitution. Hillsdale has online classes, and the Institute on the Constitution (theamericanview.com) teaches local, in-person classes. Also, check out constitutionstudy.com. Paul Engel has excellent commentaries about the Constitution. Disclaimer: I volunteer at IOTC.
Traitor Joe and the rats will do anything and everything, legal or illegal, to stay in power. I believe we are near revolution time.
The Democrats will stoop to the lowest levels. They can’t win on an event playing field.
What happens when an illegal alien becomes mayor and the city council is majority illegal aliens?
I can’t believe what is going on in this country. Everything is completely the opposite of what it should be. If you are not a citizen you should not be allowed to vote. Also why don’t they go back to voting on the one day that is scheduled to vote and no early voting or late voting. I guess this would give the dems less time to cheat.
Illegal Immigrants should have no right to vote in this country. If you want a say, become a legal citizen of the USA.
This is a way for Democrats to win! Obviously don’t care about people that came here legally! We will be taken over from within by illegals!
This vile, evil Regime along with its cadre of aliens needs to be removed. We do not need any more immigrants and the false narrative of ‘migrants”. The real immigrants came to America to flee oppression and to work, not to be used as a Trojan horse operation for the perverse, useless government that has been a dictatorship.
Somebody should be shot. These are the slimiest people on the face of the earth, undermining their own country. Shooting is too good. Stoning would be more appropriate.
Washington DC should change the name to Moscow
Anyway they can buy votes they will do it… they do not care about this country only themselves NOW: not thinking for the future!!
It doesn’t matter what anyone does now. The socialist left got their way and now they enough illegals in this country to guarantee they continue to be “elected”. Laws, Americanism, the Constitution nor anything else means anything to Democrats, the left and especially the socialists.
They don’t have that right they are illegals. Do not count any votes they cast.
My question is, what are you “watchdog groups” doing about it!!?? Let’s lawyer-up, put a stop to it.
they are illegal —NO RIGHTS____
Now we know what “DC” means: Devoted Communists. Really. Why aren’t we dumping tea in every harbor by now?
Illegals are not allowed to vote!!! Democrats don’t care about the law! And that disgusts me!!!
Well, isn’t that the way to “stack a deck”? You fill all the offices that do get to campaign for a Fed candidate and then their state/city of registered voters tip the scales. The poor overworked, worried citizens struggling to feed their families have no time to look into all this convoluted deceptive and underhanded political manipulation.Thank you AMAC for your hard work and expertise. Without your posts we would be like sheep going to market!