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Daniel Penny Is On Trial, But So Are Blue States

Posted on Sunday, December 8, 2024
by David P. Deavel

New York, New York, it’s a helluva town!  No, literally. The Bronx may be up, but under Alvin Bragg’s District Attorney’s office, the whole city is down. The “Frankenstein case” Bragg’s office cooked up against Trump this past year, as CNN contributor Elie Honig called the absurd 34-count felony conviction against Donald Trump, was a case of prosecutors who “contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey.” Now, that same office is attempting to put behind bars a 26-year-old Marine veteran and current college student named Daniel Penny. On May 1, 2023, Penny subdued a frenzied homeless man apparently high on drugs who was slamming into people and threatening to murder riders on the New York Subway. Because the man died, Penny was later charged.

Ladies and gentlemen of America, I submit to you that it’s not Mr. Penny who is ultimately on trial. It is Alvin Bragg’s office on trial. It is New York City on trial. It is the blue city and blue state model that is on trial. Democrats’ loss this fall included losing ground even in traditionally blue cities because more Americans grew tired of paying the price of supposedly “socially just” criminal policies that result in more injustice and danger. How this trial turns out may well be a harbinger of further losses.

Bragg’s office has been vigilant about prosecuting Penny despite witnesses’ testimony to Neely’s menacing behavior and his saying that he was not afraid to go back to prison and even, “I will kill.” As Andrew C. McCarthy summed up, there was never any serious case that Penny was attempting to kill Neely. Nor was there even a case for recklessness on Penny’s part since the jury has “evidence that Penny moved Neely into a position that would make breathing easier, waited for the police to come and fully cooperated with them, and did not even know Neely was dead when he voluntarily spoke to police and explained what happened—that he wasn’t trying to hurt Neely, just subdue him until the police arrived.”

Yet despite this narrative having not been proven false at all, and despite the jury’s inability to come to a unanimous verdict on the more serious charge, Judge Maxwell Wiley accepted on Friday a motion from prosecutors to drop the most serious charge of second-degree manslaughter after jurors deadlocked on it twice, while allowing the jury to come back this coming Monday to consider the second count of criminally negligent homicide. While Penny’s lawyers objected that allowing the jurors to consider this second count is unprecedented and asked for a mistrial, the judge granted the prosecution’s request anyway because he said the two counts were closely related.

Penny attorney Thomas Kenniff stated that he is worried the judge’s actions amount to “elbowing the jury,” meaning nudging them to come to some sort of “coercive or compromised verdict.” In other words, that the jury is being urged to convict on something, even if not the higher count. After all, the jurors were not supposed to consider the second count unless they acquitted Penny on the first charge. As a New York Sun editorial put it, “such an all-fired push for a verdict in the Penny case risks trampling on the due process that makes verdicts sturdy in the first place. Already the 11th hour decision to pull the top charge appears ready-made for appeal. Were the government as convinced of its case as it purported to be, why say ‘never mind.’?”

Indeed, with this unprecedented move, it looks as if the DA’s office wants to prosecute Penny at any cost. And the fact that the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yoran, is a left-wing activist who consistently referred to Penny during the trial as “the white man” makes it look as if the question isn’t justice but the destructive notion of “social justice” that holds that race is a determining factor in whether one has committed a crime or not—not the facts. As those following the trial have since learned, Yoran prosecuted Matthew Lee, a black man who killed an elderly Asian professor while robbing him at an ATM, for a lesser charge because she “felt sorry” for Lee due to his troubled background.

While this trial has been going on, New Yorkers have discovered that Ramon Rivera, the 51-year-old suspect in a deadly Manhattan stabbing spree that left three New Yorkers dead on November 18, had been released from Rikers Island on October 17. “Manhattan prosecutors successfully pushed for a supervised release” for the chronically mentally ill man with a long history of crimes, including an assault of a corrections officer in May while he was still in custody.

These three stories—Trump, Penny, and Rivera—stand in for the entire blue state model in which justice has been politicized. The image of Justice as a woman with a scale and a blindfold over her eyes has been replaced in places run by Democrats. You can still use the image of a woman such as Dafna Yoran, but the eyes must be open and pondering the politics and the race of those involved. It’s not actually Justice; it’s Social Justice. And, as in the joke about the Holy Roman Empire, Social Justice is neither social nor justice.

Americans found out shortly before the elections that, as John Lott reported at RealClearInvestigations, the long-running Democratic claim that crime in America had dropped precipitously with Joe Biden (nominally) in charge was a falsehood. The FBI’s 2022 data indicating a 2.1% drop in violent crime was quietly revised to show a rise of 4.5%. “The updated data for 2022 report that there were 80,029 more violent crimes than in 2021. There were an additional 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults.” We will no doubt find out that 2023 data was similarly mistaken. (Why did mistakes in government data from 2021-2024 always happen in a direction that benefited Democrats?) We will also likely find out that much of the violent crime was committed in blue cities where DAs such as Alvin Bragg or Los Angeles’s George Gascoigne were in charge.

One doesn’t want to have to be unduly optimic about California, where Gavin Newsom and company seem determined to make the worst decisions possible. But it is heartening that George Gascoigne was voted out in November. California Democrats will want more of these figures are voted out or removed from office if they don’t want to see more of their tax base fleeing to other states and more of their reliable voters pulling the lever for others.

It is the Democrats’ embrace of politicized and racialized justice that is really on trial these days. Americans would like to see Lady Justice with that blindfold again. They are continuing to learn that the alternative version is one that leads to the innocent being punished, the guilty being coddled, and the streets being unsafe. Their verdict will be harsh if that alternative is not abandoned.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.   

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2 months ago

 …Yoran prosecuted Matthew Lee, a black man who killed an elderly Asian professor while robbing him at an ATM, for a lesser charge because she “felt sorry” for Lee due to his troubled background.” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?? Troubled people should be treated and released only when they can function peacefully in the community, but kept secure in an institution if they can’t.

Prosecutor Yoran referring to Penny as “the white man” should immediately get her dismissed from the case and fired. This isn’t justice! Penny shouldn’t be in front of a judge for being a good Samaritan.

As long as these stories persist—weaponization of government offices—criminals will roam free and the innocent will be locked behind bars. This is so far off the mark of our being a serious nation as envisioned by the founding fathers. Social justice, quotas, affirmative action, political correctness, and pseudo magnanimity are OUT. There ought to be a law…

2 months ago

Dan Penny is a hero for stepping in & stopping this man from harming other innocent people. We will never know, but I believe that Penny probably saved lives that day. It is too bad that this person had mental issues, but that does not give him the right to harm other people. Dan Penny stopped a crime & should never have been charged in the first place. The family is just looking for a law suit to get some money out of this situation.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

These prosecutors and co are spitting in the face of justice and laughing in the the face of tax payer who pays them for it.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
2 months ago

It is absolutely clear that the Democrats are trying to create the kinds of chaos that almost always leads to totalitarian regimes as the people beg for relief. See Russia 1917, Germany 1933, Italy 1922 or Spain 1939, for example. Why is George Soros still in the U. S.?

DK Bomkamp
DK Bomkamp
2 months ago

Great article!
How can Yoran, and Company, hold her head up in public.
These Dems should remember Karma is a Bitch!!

2 months ago

I am so sick and tired of the people of color that were ranting and raving about the white man who literally saved the lives of people by stopping a lifelong criminal from hurting anyone. Those people should get a clue of what is right and what is wrong. They are just looking to ‘cash in’. What a joke.

2 months ago

The jury found Penny innocent, but the damage is already done.
Who, in their right mind, wants to be “Pennyed” if they step in to help ANYONE else? Nobody will step forward to help ANYONE else when they will be Arrested, Charged with a Crime, Jailed, and even if found innocent (costing them thousands of $$ AND Time), Sued in Civil Court.
Why would anyone willingly put themselves through any of that. Easier to turn and walk away.
Criminals in blue cities/states Win.

Bob Brown
Bob Brown
2 months ago

America has suffered from a) Fake pandemic; Fake race war; Fake election; Fake “vaccine”, and now Fake justice!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

Now we know that the prosecutors and the judge in this case were trying their best to get Penny declared guilty. That in itself is disgusting. Thank God he was acquitted of both charges. Of course, now the criminal’s family is going to bring a lawsuit against Penny. It was enraging to see the BLM members on camera ranting and raving that Penny should have been convicted. When will the militant blacks in this country stop yelling “racist” every time it suits their own racism?? They are more racist than any other group of people in this country. When they carry on like this, spewing lies and hate, how can they be respected?

2 months ago

The monsters of the ID are running amok in blue states. Good is bad and down is up. But still, young people from the heartland move to nyc and chicago like moths to a flame.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

BLM says we should go out and celebrate Christmas ignoring Neely family pain. For once I agree with BLM! I believe I will, thanks!

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