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CNN Tapes Show Extent of Media Coordination on “Propaganda”

Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

CNNLast Thursday, Twitter permanently suspended the account of James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas and a prominent conservative activist, just one day after Project Veritas released a series of damaging videos that show a CNN employee detailing how, among other manipulative tactics employed by CNN, the network used what he described as “propaganda” about President Trump to defeat him in 2020. While the bombshell revelations in the videos alone sparked renewed concerns about the integrity of mainstream media reporting, the move by Twitter to de-platform Mr. O’Keefe once again reveals how Big Tech and liberal media outlets work together to silence dissent and push a partisan political agenda.

In the series of videos that were recorded secretly by a Project Veritas staffer, CNN technical director Charlie Chester brags that the network was responsible for ousting former President Trump, saying, “look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.”

Chester goes on to talk about how the network sowed doubt about Mr. Trump’s health, bringing on “medical people to tell a story that was all speculation” and “creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about.” The network also apparently went out of its way to portray then-candidate Biden as “a young geriatric” in order to quell doubts about Mr. Biden’s mental and physical ability that plagued his campaign.

Chester also revealed that CNN purposely capitalized on the fear of COVID-19 in order to drive viewership, saying that the deadly virus is “gangbusters with ratings.” Chester claims that CNN President Jeff Zucker has a “red phone” that he uses to order producers to play up the COVID-19 death count on screen. As Chester put it, “fear is the thing that really keeps you tuned in.”

Mr. O’Keefe described the revelations in the tapes as “the most devastating material in Project Veritas history,” saying that “it showed the nucleus, the heart, and soul of what’s wrong with the media.”

Following the release of the videos, Twitter claimed that O’Keefe’s account was suspended “for violating the Twitter Rules on platform manipulation and spam.” However, critics have pointed to an accelerating trend of users being kicked off social media platforms for simply voicing conservative viewpoints or criticizing Democrat politicians and activists. For example, Twitter and Facebook recently censored stories critical of Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors for going on a real-estate buying spree to the tune of $3.2 million that led to calls for investigations into how BLM spends its donation money. In the final weeks of the 2020 presidential campaign, Twitter and Facebook also blocked users from sharing the New York Post report detailing the contents of the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop, which could have hurt then-candidate Joe Biden’s chances of unseating President Trump. Twitter also suspended the New York Post’s official account for two weeks following the release of the story, something Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey later called a “total mistake” and a “process error.”

Beyond simply censoring conservatives, CNN and other liberal media outlets have also come under fire for coordinating with one another and with social media websites to push false or poorly sourced narratives that favor Democrat politicians and liberal talking points, a theory Project Veritas’ investigation seems to support. According to Mr. Chester’s statements on the tapes, CNN has already selected climate change to replace COVID-19 as the next main issue driving coverage on the network: “It’s going to be our [CNN’s] focus. Like our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying it, that’s what it was, right? So our next thing is going to be climate change awareness.” Chester cites the “longevity” of the climate change issue as its main appeal, suggesting that “constantly showing videos of decline in ice” may have more lasting potential in inspiring fear in viewers than the pandemic.

Other news outlets already appear to be joining CNN in this coordinated shift in coverage. Time Magazine recently released a new cover showing a map of the world going up in flames, while many news outlets have announced they are ditching the phrase “climate change” in favor of “climate crisis” or “climate emergency” in an apparent effort to heighten fear about the issue.

Finally, Americans have hard evidence of what many have suspected for years: the media is intentionally engineering false and misleading narratives, all designed to advance the political objectives of the left. We have now heard it from the mouth of an insider. When you watch the news, beware: they are not trying to inform you–they are trying to manipulate you.

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3 years ago

Project Veritas does real journalism. Well worth supporting.

Patty Ralabate
Patty Ralabate
3 years ago

However, aren’t all news outlets pushing one narrative or another? Many years ago, I tuned out CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, ABC, NBC. I stopped the local newspaper as it only had a left leaning agenda. Now, I turned off Fox News for the same reason, too much of one side and the constant hammering in of their points. I joined AMAC about a year ago and just downloaded this app, but I’m watching and reading. I will take my own advice on what the “real story” is.

Steve Wilhelm
Steve Wilhelm
3 years ago

They are still going to appeal to the the left voters who don’t know any better. Thats how a majority of people get their news and vote.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Media & Big Tech merged to oust Trump day 1
Combined effort
Apply for 2022 & 2024 races unless remedy from now to then

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

So sad that Americans can no longer get FACTS———————–instead of liberal garbage and socialist thinking. Furthermore, if you are an overpaid pro athlete or a Hollyrude idiot, I really do not care to hear your political manure professing your ignorance !!!!!!

Phillip McWilliams
Phillip McWilliams
3 years ago

Why not a daily replay of bits and pieces of the video by the more honest news organization. Repetition , repetition !!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

It is my opinion that ALL news media with the exception of FOX is liberal. However, I have never seen the media as it is today. I believe they should all be investigated and penalized for not reporting things that the public should know, such as Hunter Biden/Joe Biden/ChinaGate. The Watergate cost Nixon the Presidency. Why are the democrats any different. I pray every day that ALL DEMOCRATS INCLUDING BIDEN, HARRIS, PELOSI AND SCHUMER will get on their knees and pray that God will help them make Godly decisions instead of those they are now making. We must ALL do everything in our power to fill the House and Senate with good conservative Republicans in 2022 as well as the Governor of Virginia and in 2024 put a good Republican into office as the President (hopefully Trump).

3 years ago

FINALLY! There is conclusive evidence that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, 60 Minutes and Disney along with TWITTER, Facebook and the rest of the MSM have been distorting the news and outright LYING to the American people. WAKE UP AMERICA! Stop passively watching these “news” outlets and get your news from FOX, Newsmax , The Epoch Times or AMAC.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Crap gets thrown to see if it sticks. Throw enough and you may have something making a grip. President Trump was correct from the get go. Most reasonable people saw through the fog. MSM became the electronic version of the printed rag called the “National Enquirer.” Now they have a new spin imperative making the lefties look good. I miss real reporting such as Mike Wallace did.

3 years ago

Oh yea, the Communist News Network!!!

3 years ago

Communist propaganda, compliments of the traitors in the anti American democrat party!!
We the People must remove this cancer and save OUR Country!
Clearly dishonest, corrupt democrats attempting to destroy America.
Enough is enough, ALL of the House or senate with a D next to their name are enemies of America!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

It is all about fear and manipulation….nothing new here. The lame stream media lie about everything and anything. The public knows this quickening trend of the lame stream media, and they don’t watch the garbage they put in their shows. They have done this lying act for so long that the lame stream media cannot capitalize on the fear aspect any longer. To that extent, people distrust anything that is said, so even stories that may be true are heavily discounted by any viewer. The lame stream media folks like CNN only carry the water for the Marxist Democrat party. As shameful as that is, the only result is the damage to the country.

3 years ago

Nobody here doubts that CNN really STANDS FOR Communist News Network!!! … and MSNBC really STANDS FOR Mostly Spewing Nothing But Communism … and CBS really STANDS FOR Communist Broadcasting System … and NBC really STANDS FOR Nothing But Communism … and ABC really STANDS FOR Always Broadcasting Communism … and FOX NEWS really STANDS FOR Finally Observing Xcellence!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Communist News Network.
I would like to know who is pulling the strings at Ministry of Propaganda. Someone is behind all this.

3 years ago

When I was in grade school back in the 50’s we talked about yellow journalism it has been around as long as the has been print and now the media.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
3 years ago

At best CNN is no better than a tabloid. At worst they’re just a propaganda arm for the anti-American Democratic Party.

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

Main stream media and just about all your local media outlets are in the bag. You would expect this kind of propaganda if you lived in a COMMUNIST ran country. They all have done the American citizens a grave disservice and should have to pay a penalty. Our for fathers would have already tared and feathered these criminals but all we hear is contact your elected officials and tell them how you feel and demand they do what is right. Where do you go when it falls on DEAF EARS? The election was stolen, Chinese Virus was used as a weapon of fear and the crooks in Media and Government continue to get away with it.

3 years ago

If this is news to anyone. It is only because they have maintained a willing ignorance as to the conspiracy of the left to convert America into a ‘Progressive’ (Communism re-named) nation. Flooding America with 3rd world people who will vote left, censoring and even criminalizing any and all forms of opposition, taking away the last few bastions of freedom, The Supreme Court, The US Constitution, any ability to defend yourself, your family or your country, and owning the voting machines which can manipulate any election outcome in their favor. Look at Venezuela and Cuba. This is our future if we continue down the current path.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

‘The Continuing Saga of Attila The Hun’ by: MSNBC & CNN. MSNBC has CNN beat all to ‘Hades’. About 2 years ago; it became almost intolerable to watch either network. It was all gut wrenching, nauseating propaganda. It grossly deviated from ethical, sensible, accurate; ‘journalism’!

Joe B
Joe B
3 years ago

The media in the US is the enemy of the people

3 years ago

One crisis follows another and another until the most important crisis is never mentioned and soon forgotten,

CASE: The Hunter Biden laptop and the information verified and confirmed on it that should take down a fraudulently sitting president. TREASON, but will the FBI and INTEL do the job chosen for them? I see no evidence of it. Even in the Trump Administration little was done even in the Mueller report, but it died when 30 democrat lawyers had found “NOTHING” weeks after they convened, but had to keep it a crisis to embed the lame brain democrats who meant to destroy the best president this nation has had since President Lincoln.

Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long
3 years ago

I am republican etc. but i can understand why CNN would THIS. With a flexible mind of what we REALLY are up against. We really ALL DO need to talk better care an be careful of our environment! Maybe the climate issue is in part, part of covid-19… Nature is crying out in it’s own mysterious way to step UP to ALL play a careful avoid buying and using plastics, drive car less, ride bike more, to getting an using an electric car. CNN or any news network should, at least, show HOW the environment issue IS a real threat to change how ALOT of people STILL live and If the news don’t try to aggarate the climate issue than some people will not take THIS serious issue serious. Get my point!? I’m even wondering IF it would be possible or made possible for ALL our gas run cars to be changed into having electric battery powered engines. And have more solar power for rentals even! Then figure a good environmental way to reuse or recycle old car batteries. Etc. ANY news may HAVE to change the wording of climate change to climate crisis or climate nature call. Maybe a creative phrase to attract attention to the NEED for EVERYONE to play a role for nature and for our healthy futures!! Our kids/ kids futures! It’s also got to be LESS economic material gain an MORE for us ALL and our Mother Earth to stay WELL!!! We take good care for Earth and it takes care of us ALL! I’m tearing up almost JUST thinking about the immensity of THIS subject! PLEASE ALL people, color,. Race, political party, culture, religion/faith DO your part to take better CARE for our planet AND US!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Another reason why media needs to be held responsible!!

3 years ago

Looks like the CNN (Clinton New Network … or Communist News Network) are rolling left at an astounding pace. CNN, among others, should set up their base office networks in China (or maybe Russia). We need to clean up elections (get rid of mail out/in ballots, etc.) so the government can focus again on Constitutional governance, not Democrat Commie Self-Serving Political shenanigans to illegally hold power.

3 years ago

CNN, all of Main Stream Media, Twitter, and Facebook are enemies of the Constitution, Federalism and the United States and are practicing a form of domestic terrorism to destroy the greatest country ever conceived. And they need to be, not just called out, but defeated and destroyed, this is a civil war being fought in a way that will have the same results as any other war, only without bombs. Wake up American Patriots, our nation is in crisis, we need to fight for our liberty just as the minutemen did 250 years ago! ,

3 years ago

The only way to stop the communist left is to arrest jail and execute them all for treason!!!…A civil war is coming and they will be utterly destroyed!

3 years ago

Perhaps I am a bit simplistic in my thinking, but what is wrong with this picture when someone says that if they had known what Joker Biden was really like, they would not have voted for him! Duh! Come on, as Stupid Joe would say. Americans need to start using the gray matter that God gave them and start deciphering truth from fiction from the extreme leftist MSM, unless they are so far brainwashed that there’s little hope for them.

3 years ago

Agree ????%

3 years ago

When good people do nothing… evil triumphs.

3 years ago

The main stream leftist media has coordinated their communist bs for years. They are plotting America’s destruction and their power grab daily!

3 years ago

Criminal Network News is slowly disintegrating. They lost the contract for broadcasting at airports and now their viewership has dropped like a rock to only about one million folks! People are wising up to the fact that this marxist propaganda reveal these people has basically sick. And they still preach to us that they are unbiased, fair and for democracy. Fair, democracy, are you kidding?

3 years ago

74 Million Patriots Stand Strong.

3 years ago

Americans just stop watching CNN and WHITEROSE them to death. They CANT stop you from doing that. It a million WHITEROSE soldiers take this on I promise we can make an impact on the network.

Jedidiah Newell Snyder
Jedidiah Newell Snyder
3 years ago

CNN is about as untrustworthy as are Bill and Hilary Clinton. Everything they say needs to be doubted for its veracity. Don’t trust unless you can really verify.

3 years ago

Once again facts matter, and facts mean the difference between being informed and being manipulated. This is a repeat, and repeating performance….and key in on the word performance, after all people in the center of things do just that, they perform….playing to ratings and the like. My question is what can we, do we do, to keep the truth and the facts available to the majority of the people while the tech giants keep shutting down the sources. It seems we are fighting a loosing battle, even when we tap into our “representatives” in state and national arenas who seem impotent to act. I stand on the words of my father regarding politics and polititians,” don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.” One has to wonder, what’s next??? D.P.

3 years ago

The Communist National News (CNN) simply doesn’t want you to know the truth. Any other questions?

3 years ago

I stopped watching all cable news except for OANN and Newsmax. Clearly most if not all the other “news” channels (really opinion channels) are constantly pushing the liberal socialist democrat narrative.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 years ago

I’ve often said that mainstream media doesn’t report the news, they invent it; and there seems to be no mechanism to punish them or stop them. The only power we have is to ignore them, and try to point out the most blatant lies to our progressive friends. If the media lie about anything, they cannot be trusted with any news story. That’s what a rational person would believe. But my progressive friends don’t seem to possess rationality.

3 years ago

CNN is an enemy of the people of the US of America. ALL FAKE NEWS ALL THE TIME !!!

3 years ago

WOW …. others are FINALLY figuring out , what I figured out 30+ Years ago….. and that is that our so-called “media” LIES to the American people on a Daily basis….. they are NO better than the State Run PRAVDA of the old USSR…. only today’s PRAVDA owes its allegiance to the Democrat Party, and pushes out their PROPAGANDA and Silences and LIES about the other side…

The problem is that NOT ENOUGH Americans are NOT aware that they are being LIED to…

3 years ago

Ever wonder WHY our so-called “media” is so heavily invested in the Democrat party under Obama…

Talk about the Pravda West Media having a VESTED INTEREST in the Democrat Party…… No wonder we hear so many LIES….

 1. ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor.
 2. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications.
 3. NBC News Political Analyst, David Axelrod was Obama’s Chief Campaign Advisor and Senior Advisor directly to Obama himself.
 4. NBC CEO Stephen Burke is a Board Member of Warren Buffet’s Company Berkshire Hathaway. Buffet donated almost a BILLION dollars to Obama’s campaign.
 5. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who now works for CNN as a commentator.
 6. ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
 7. ABC News chief political correspondent and anchor George Stephanopoulos was the White House Communications Director then Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy for Bill Clinton, and was just caught secretly donating $75,000 to the Clinton foundation.
 8. ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.
 9. CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
 10. NBC Chelsea Clinton was making $600,000.00 a year + benefits as a starting reporter.
 11. Univision’s Emmy Award Winning Anchor Jorge Ramos’s daughter is working on Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.
 12. Yahoo is partnered with ABC News. The CEO of yahoo, Marissa Mayer is also an Obama campaign donor. 

3 years ago

# 1 The ‘ election’ Was Stolen thru corrupted bureauocrats, politicians in plain Sight, while the Mad Oligarics of internet & msm Propagandists , With all their slavish minions, spewed fake stories & created narritive lies , Into a Huge National ‘Psyop of cognative dissonice …Package.
All the worms coming out at once in the corrdinated attack on the symbolic Heart of Liberty, of Freedom, that has Inspired all Peoples all Nations!. The Spirit of Our Lady of Liberty has welcomed oppressed peoples always. As a Nation we were born in brutality, warring against Our First Famiies of Indiginous Nations, then allowing the ancient evil of slavery to continue and grow, Gods will drawing people of all colorsinto this young global melding pot. Our Highest aspiratios have fought to create a Spiritual Home for we grow Up, into this Great Unknown together. IT IS TIME TO RECOGNIZE THE LIGHT WE ARE…& TO LOOK AT THE BROKEN DARK SIDE, OF DIVISIVE NEGATIVITY SEEKING TO DESTROY TODAYS’ CIVILIZATION .
Face our fears and dry our tears
Rebuild our cities, our towns.
Fight the Monsters Stealing our Children
Stop all Enslavement- All Human Trafficing.
Feeding on the Young, the Innocent,
Savageing, Destroying Love and Life.
May GOD Live In Our Heart
The Eternal Spirit of Love
The Flower of Life

3 years ago

Ugh! Spare Me…….known this for a long time. Too bad very few are not aware. Maybe the few will find out in 2022.

3 years ago

Go to frankspeech .com that platform will allow Veritas, also go to theamericanreport .org site for real conservative truthful News and reports, also a list of other trustable news site’s and groups you can contact to help with this fight. We have all got to join together to defeat this Evil, and above all keep praying. STOP WATCHING MAINSTREAM NEWS, THAT INCLUDES FOX, AND NEWSMAX. oann is a good news source they at least report so you can decide. also rsbn. com is usually good, they carry a lot of the controversal election fraud news and hearings and reported the truth on Jan 6, no Weapon (guns, knifes) on anyone, only person killed was unarmed and shot by a State employee (named covered up) the young women was crawling through a broken window, shot in the neck/back of head. Plain and simple Murder, it will be up to God’s to prosecute the Man that shot her, because Pelosi nor the FBI give a crap. You must get off your couch and go find out what is going on at your town council, local school board, county level political movements, and your state level movements, pick a battle front and get involved.

3 years ago

What brain trust took this long to see this??
I the Historic past… Lenin was a master at Propaganda.
Joe Stalin polished Propaganda Fear and Death into an artform.
And Hitler with The NSDAP … we do not even need to go there!
Let’s not forget Chairman Mao and the Islamic Jihad Mullahs….

3 years ago

So we all agree that the media is a propaganda machine of democrats and a destructive force for America and Freedom.
OUR mission becomes sharing our dissenting view and support for OUR Country through person to person conversation and contact that our opposition cannot control.
A ground swell of anti democrat,anti communist, anto media, PRO- American Action.
Daily and in 2022,We the People regain control of Our Country and throw out ALL politicians who do not follow OUR Constitution and laws.
Who the heck do these failures think they are????
WAKE UP AMERICA , it’s up to US

Eugene King Freeland
Eugene King Freeland
3 years ago

People, magazines, news services all hav a right to an opinion or political leaning. Having said that most of you disagree. But, what is missing is legal sanctions for news services giving comentary and calling it news. For example their opinion on the situation at the border and the lack of control is clearly commentary and should be so labeled. The number of children kept in a certain facility and the actual verified conditions, that is news.

gerald serlin
gerald serlin
3 years ago

It IS infuriating, isn’t it?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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