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Christmas – Gift of Hope

Posted on Thursday, December 24, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

ChristmasWhat is new this Christmas? Much – some timely and personal, some timeless, pure miracle. All good. Why?  Because Christmas – celebrating Christ’s birth – is a birth of hope. Who does not need hope?  We all need it – the fast faith of a child, that lifts and leaves you quiet.

The birth of hope dispels fear – and should this year. COVID-19 is on many minds, rightly or wrongly. Older Americans are told to hibernate, isolate, cloister from loved ones, and guess what?  They are lonely, discouraged, depressed. Who would not be?  So, they turn to faith.

Meantime, younger Americans are told not to endanger the old, wear masks, stay away, no socializing, no school, no sports, no retorts. Avoid friends and travel, stay remote.  Who thrives in that environment?  No one.  Even the young hunt hope.

To this, add social distancing on a grand scale – polarization of politics, an upside down, contested presidential election, fear of radical ideas overtaking time-honored traditions, values, common sense, and common purpose, never mind our Constitution, sacred rights, safe nights.

But hope lives.  Have no doubt.  Hope is born and beaming, beacon in the darkness. Perhaps no accident, this year is the first in 800 when a light as bright at the Christmas Star shines in the sky.  On December 21, for ten days, Saturn’s glow overlaps Jupiter’s, creating a beacon to the West.

Think deeper.  What message comes with Christmas?  What words do we hear – yet often never hear? How about these, displacing fear with hope.  From Luke: “Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”  From Matthew: ‘…behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid …”

And from Luke: “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone upon them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.”

And the joy itself – Christ’s birth, Christmas, promise of salvation – delivered in a child.  Like the poor to whom Christ ministered, fear is always with us.  But faith displaces fear with hope.

That is the message – so often delivered, so often lost, even at Christmas.  Experts say “do not be afraid” appears 80 times in the Bible, and “fear not” more than 360.  Maybe, there is something in this.  Maybe, after all, young children get it – even as we adults hurry on, missing it.

Think about concrete sources of hope – Supreme Court’s new composition, rulings protecting worship, speech, and self-defense.  Closer to home, families string lights, cook, cuddle and tease, place stars and angels atop their trees. They affirm – we affirm – faith survives adversity and grows strong through it.

I am reminded of a family event years ago, really two events – linked by the ineffable ribbons of time, fast faith of a child.  Some 30 years ago, I delivered a eulogy for my grandmother, voice cracked.  Close friend of hers said: “Do not be sad, be glad, few have a grandmother like yours.”  In time, that friend grew ill – and just before Christmas one year, she died.  Our daughter was very young.  Sensing our sadness, she refused it.  Like my grandmother’s friend, she lifted us.  “Dad, can you imagine a better place to celebrate Christmas than in heaven?”  I was speechless.

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4 years ago

We all may need hope but we certainly didn’t find it under “this year’s” Christmas tree! … Why is it that President Trump HAS to prove that he was cheated, why doesn’t Old Biddy Biden HAVE to prove that he “won” fair and square? … Also, shouldn’t Biden “ask” for an audit to “prove” that He did “win” fair and square? … Right!

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to all the AMAC family.
Jesus is the reason for the season.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Jesus is the reason & Pres Trump gave 4 US 4 super years in WH , ahead we dont know?
Remind yourself of these last 4 years.
Time to Unite & fight if Biden wins WH

4 years ago

A timely and comforting message, Bob. Your roots as a pastor’s kid are showing! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago


David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

We should listen carefully to the Christmas story… not afraid. God has rich promises for all of us. What a gift He gave us on Christmas day! Despite all of the challenges of this year, we should thank the Lord for being able to endure the issues brought on by the pandemic. We have probably all lost loved ones through the illness, but we should take heart that they are in a wonderful place with their eternal Savior. Our God of mercy and love will always look after us, and we praise Him for giving us his son. Amen.

4 years ago

I agree completely with you!! The Justices are cowards!!! They insulted all who died and will die protecting our freedoms the left so vehemently want to take away from us.

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to you!

4 years ago

Thank you for this. It helps to ease heartache too.
Christmas blessings to all.

Walter Presley
Walter Presley
4 years ago

As Christians we have much to celebrate this time of year. We are also saddened that our country has turned away from the principals on which this great country was founded. Let’s work hard and pray that the USA will be restored as a Christian nation.

4 years ago

Hope resides is People who love God,Country and each other.
If we stick together and honor out core Conservative beliefs, hope and brighter days are ahead.
Merry Christmas all

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to all the staff at AMAC and its members, i truly enjoy belonging to AMAC a place were every member can express their view. may God Bless each of you in 2021

4 years ago


Kathryn Di Piazza
Kathryn Di Piazza
4 years ago

Beautiful article of many ways we can hope and have faith. My mother passed just after Christmas eight years ago after a long illness. On the night she passed, December 30, it snowed and it was beautiful. My dad had passed many years before. Our thoughts at the time, now they can finally spend New Year’s in heaven and be together. What better way to bring in a new year! There is always hope if there is faith Merry Christmas .

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

Like 2:11 ” For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
May the beautiful gift of Jesus fill your hearts and homes as we celebrate His birth today.”

4 years ago

Merry CHRISTmas AMAC and to all!

4 years ago

Keeping the focus of the true meaning of Christmas, we can have hope. Not looking forward to Biden’s army invading DC.

Sonja Moreau
Sonja Moreau
4 years ago

We enjoyed Christmas dinner and sharing gifts as usual this year. It’s was even more special this year seeing the Star in the sky. First time since the Middle Ages. Most notably the Star from Bethlehem. God is with us. Seems to be rocky now and the “swamp” in D.C. is deeper than we thought. We need to pray as a nation, for God to intervene and help President Trump to secure 4 more years on January 6. MAGA rally is that day in D.C. If you live in one of those swing states put pressure on your elected officials to do the laws according to the constitution they swore to. It’s our only chance, come January 6, and if not decided, January 18 is the final day. The constitution only states January 20th. So the fight is not over. Stop listening to all fake news channels. Go to the Epoch Times, ONAN, Parler, Rumble. We need to break away from Facebook, Twitter, Google. Google has been sensoring my emails, so I’m searching for an alternative. God bless America and happy holidays to everyone.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
4 years ago

First, ignore whatever the government threatens you with, they have ZERO constitutional authority to shut down the economy, close down churches, or any of the other things they`ve been doing.

Secondly, God is still in control, still on His Throne. He has a Divine Plan, He has His Will, and His Will will be done. Keep your faith, and know that His Kingdom is coming, much Sooner than most suspect. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Mary Wilson
Mary Wilson
4 years ago

Such a positive message. I loved it. Thank you for sending it my way. God bless all of you.

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to everyone here. Hang on to that hope!!

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to all!
We all need to remember this message, fear not. However it goes these next four years hang on and FEAR NOT! Blessings

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
4 years ago

Christmas has become what it is because it has nothing to do with the birth of our Lord & Savior. The very celebration of births is a Pagan concept. What we call the mass of Christ is 100% Pagan, using Jesus Christ as a marketing tool. Let Xmas be secular.

4 years ago

Mr. Carlstrom, an absolutely wonderful,hopeful and perfect article for Our Christmas Season.
The little girl was right no place better than heaven!

4 years ago

This was certainly their moment. If the Supreme Court did the right thing, at the very least, they would’ve examined the evidence. They would’ve made the attempt to preserve the integrity of this election as well as those in the future. They didn’t bother trying. They used their legal jargon as a means to turn tail and run. Shameful!

4 years ago

Oh, All-Knowing and Righteous Judge, You Who knows every living human being better than we know ourselves, You Who knows all of our ways, all of our thoughts, and all of our words before they exist, look down upon Your People and judge righteously on our behalf. You Who are active in the affairs of men, we bring our concerns, our wounds, our fears, and we look to You in hope. Help us frail and pining human beings to seek you out relentlessly and look to you in the faith that only You can give. Forgive us of our sins and heal us and our nation. Gird up our leaders and change their hearts and minds so that they will seek you out relentlessly, as well. Wash us in Your shed blood, redeem us from our sin, and cleanse us from all of our unrighteousness, so that we are worthy to stand before You in Your presence. In our hearts and minds, we bow before You and give You all of the honor of which such frail creatures are capable of. Lord, increase our strength in our knowledge and adoration of You. AMEN.

Carol Smith
Carol Smith
4 years ago

Amen to your opinion on the Supreme Court Justices. Didn’t they swear an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution? The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution was violated, along with the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution and they refused to hear or consider the cases? Various state constitutions were also blatantly and deliberately violated and not one true Patriot stood up and said this must stop.
We are in for a rough 4 years with the Harris/Biden party stealing their way into the oval. Let us all pray they do not succeed in stealing the 2 US Senate seats in GA.
Merry Christmas fellow Patriots, spend it with family and sing praises in your local churches.

4 years ago

Democrats like China Joe promise us doom and gloom, dark, cold, and “the worse is yet to come”. However, Trump, not necessarily Republicans, is labeled a cheerleader for the USA. We need Trump to overcome in January more than ever, but we this reminder of the first gift of Christmas was a child, “THE CHRIST”, redeemer of of all mankind, who will one day rule the nations.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The BIGGEST Issue is the fact that we have no equal and fair election process!!  The DOJ (include the FBI) and the Supreme Court have both become Communist!!  Therefore, the Federal Government is no longer Legitimate!!!!!  The evidence shows that approximately 45 to 60 percent of the 2020 Votes were fraudulent and unconstitutional!!!!!  Therefore, the Federal Government is NOW Illegitimate!!!!!  Establishment Republicans are accepting/welcoming the FRAUD!!  Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!  President Trump’s Movement and have consolidated the base!!!!  The American Revolution 2.0!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Most Minorities want out of the DemocRat/Communist Party but refuse to become Republicans because of past history and the treason of the Establishment Republicans and RINO’s!!!  Many Minorities are just waiting to join with their fellow Americans in forming a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!  President Trump’s Movement and have consolidated the base!!!!  The American Revolution 2.0!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

It is time for law abiding Citizens to take OUR Country back!!  When the FED’s allow fraud to stand and do not prosecute  the guilty (DemocRats, RINO’s, Socialists, etc., voting is not a viable way help OUR Country!!!  Our Federal Government (Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary) are no longer LEGITIMATE!!!! !  Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!  President Trump’s Movement and have consolidated the base!!!!  The American Revolution 2.0!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

2020 PROVED that All Federal Elections are fixed, shams, and useless!!  Lets have a MAGA- FREEDOM March to the Congress and the Supreme Court demanding the REMOVAL of all Socialists, Communists, and COWARDS who are refusing to defend – and live by – OUR great Constitution!!!!  Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!  President Trump’s Movement and have consolidated the base!!!!  The American Revolution 2.0!!!!!

4 years ago

Wonderful message of hope in such turbulent times. The light of the world, Jesus is with us.

Henrietta M. Foy
Henrietta M. Foy
4 years ago

I am convinced that most Americans believe in the grace, power and mercy of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And we have never lost faith in our great Nation or it’s citizens. It is political power, greed and fear that hovers over us like a great dark cloud. Besides voting (which is now in doubt) how can individual citizens hope to clean up the ‘swamp’.
To God be the Glory now and forever.

George James Delgado
George James Delgado
4 years ago

I am 78 years of age and a Vietnam-Era Veteran and proud to have served our country. Not proud to have served some of the cowards in this country who I am ashamed to call Americans, for they are not. I served during Vietnam conflict in 1964-1970. I am now ashamed of the supreme court of America that failed to have the intelligence and the guts to stand up for our freedom and if we fall to the Biden commies, it will be on the hands of the Supreme Court and they will forever go down in history with that brand of their souls.

4 years ago

Not only are they cowards, they are traitors, not willing to enforce the laws they were appointed uphold to as a supreme court judges. To neglect their duty because there might be illegal civil unrest by illegal organizations. To me this is a massive derilection of duty! At stake is why this country was originally conceived. Now because some of the justices will not hear the texas case, they are neglecting the MOST important case “the presidency of the united States of america”. If this is how this justice is to be determined, it encourages unrest to get your views.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
4 years ago

Sir as a Retired Marine and three (3) tour vet of Viet Nam, I first say Welcome Home Sir! Then that your statements are spot on.

Marty B
Marty B
4 years ago

My response to Mr Charles’ article AMEN!

4 years ago

Always keep in mind that the greater majority of the people voted for President Trump, the election was stolen through cheating the system, and lying about it. The Democrats knew that they could not win an election in the fair manner. So they came up with every device and plan to cheat… Even , Butter brained Biden , stood in front of the cameras and spoke of how great of a job they had done in the formulation of a complete flawed election process that would favor the democratic party !
And the supreme court, 7 of the 9 , voted to not review the Texas complaint , in part of addressing the fraud and other voting irregularities. I would say Biden was correct in his statement. That statement also means that he knew of the fraud and conspired in taking part of it…what was the word that was tossed around a few months ago by the news media of the First Lady’s lack of total knowledge of the word….collusion , laced with sedition!!! Which is a well known combination for the democratic party . As it has been proven now they used both !

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

The Supremes are a bunch of cowards as they fear to start riots over Trump’s case that has validity. Abolish the SC. It is NOT mentioned in the Constitution.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

And I’m about ready to go house hunting in Switzerland. Serious. I cannot stand another ‘election’ like this. And the only chance this nation has is if Trump invokes his 2018 Exec. Order. There may be rioting but many in anti-fuh will be deservedly be killed and politicos arrested / imprisoned.

Fred Roach
Fred Roach
4 years ago

A tip of the cap to Bobby Charles for his articulate way of blending faith, spirituality and politics. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear thought the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, ….” Psalm 46:1-2

4 years ago

My mantra for the year 2020 has been & continues to be, “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” while stopping & taking a few slow, deep breaths. It tends to help me escape from whatever anxiety is triggering it. Feel free to use it as needed.

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