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China-Russia Summit – Evil Empires Conspire

Posted on Tuesday, March 21, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

China’s President Xi will visit Russia’s President Putin this week. No secret are the topics of conversation – how China can help Russia avert Western sanctions, and provide weapons, ammunition, and political cover to Putin; how Putin can formalize his land grab in Ukraine, under the guise of a “peace deal;” how public opinion can be swayed to use the Chinese yuan not US dollar as the world’s reserve currency; and how the Chinese-Russian Axis can sideline historic Western leadership and values around the world.

Not likely to be discussed are Putin’s recent – largely symbolic – arrest warrant, issued by the “international court” for war crimes, including kidnapping Ukrainian children; China’s oppressive human rights record, accountability for COVID, violations of military, trade, and international legal norms, or how both countries can adopt CRT (Critical Race Theory), ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance priorities), DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and transgender sports role models.

China and Russia – Xi and Putin – are on a quest for power. They are using the West’s internal divisions, sown – not coincidentally – by leftist rabble rousers across Europe, and especially in the US, to accelerate their push for dominance. If they can divide Western populations, as the Soviets did with the “nuclear freeze,” they can seize public attention with calls for order and claim moral equivalency.

More to the point, they want to dominate the airwaves, with Russia borrowing international legitimacy for their immoral Ukrainian war from the global economic power – and growing military might – of China, while China seeks legitimacy for a future capture of Taiwan, and a newly prominent role on the world stage from Russia.

Although fictional, China has recently offered “American-like” peace, economic and diplomatic plans for the Middle East, Far East, and as a phony “broker” of peace between their “no limits” ally Russia, and the decimated, Western-aligned Ukraine.

Of course, no one in their right mind – even third world countries – yet take seriously either Russia’s claims of legitimacy in Ukraine, or China’s bid to be an honest broker of peace anywhere. China is a transparently illegitimate communist nation, founded by Mao on the Stalin model, led by an unapologetic admirer of Mao – Mr. “President for Life” Xi.

The whole notion of a non-human rights, openly oppressive, take what you can get, damn the West “new world order” is a bad joke, an abomination premised on the Marxist- Maoist notion that morality and individual rights, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” do not matter and must be sidelined.

Truth is, individual liberties and equal opportunity for all individuals – not between groups, not equity, not mass redistribution of wealth, not reparations, or Marxism, or Maoism, but God-given rights – are timeless. They are part of Mankind’s unending, irrepressible quest for sovereignty of the soul.

The American Bill of Rights embodies this idea. No wonder it exists in 50 languages and is codified and revered in almost 200 countries. This document – and the American model – stands in direct opposition to the crave quest for personal and party power personified by Putin and Xi.

So, now we have a much-ballyhooed “summit” between Dictator One and Dictator Two, like Dr. Suess’s Thing One and Thing Two, only more dangerous. Their goal is to start a wave, formalize their – well – axis of evil, and bring two seemingly evil empires into alignment to contest Western power.

And what will come of this? Not much. The two leaders will jawbone and confirm that all they are doing is appropriate, should be understood to be great power prerogatives, and is historically justified. China will parrot Putin’s default to history, hoping the message will catch on, justifying his conquest of Taiwan. Putin will puff and strut with the leader of the world’s other big economy, basking in Xi’s presence.

The real question is what will the West say? What will R’s and D’s in Congress say? What will Mr. “China is our friend” Biden say? Likely answer is, not much.

The right answer, however, would be for every American and Western leader to take a page from Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II – and make clear, this is an evil empire times two, a Communist nation and an autocratic, ideological despot, both on a beeline for American and Western power, both entirely illegitimate.

Perhaps not coincidentally, this is the 40th anniversary month of Ronald Reagan’s bold “Evil Empire” speech – and this would be a remarkable time to see R’s and D’s, perhaps even Mr. Biden, finally wake up, stand up, and step up to identify Communist China and invader Russia as inheritors of the mantle. If Soviet Russia was an “evil empire,” Communist China and Putin’s leadership seem equally qualifies.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

<div style=’font-size:200px’>asdasd</div>

1 year ago

Our country’s politicians have bungled it so badly with China and Russia and most of the rest of the world we deserve whatever these two countries’ leaders have cooked up for us. I am so disgusted with Americans I could puke!!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Finally, an article that speaks the truth. CBS news, last night issued a warning, but the other news stations didn’t, and no other news haven’t today either. The White House issued contradictory statements about this meeting. Their supporting Iran, should be warning enough. We are in the last days and that’s warning enough for me. We are in an axis of evil.

Arnold DeAnda
Arnold DeAnda
1 year ago

I believe we have more evil entities running our country in the shadows, than Russia and China.

1 year ago

As a Red Blooded American, it pains me to say, but we might be the ‘Evil Empire’. To flat out say “no” to a ceasefire without hearing the asking terms is ludicrous.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Incredible! Almost every word of this article is little more than rehashed deep state talking point bull crap.
Did the author ever consider that MOST of the world is turning away from the dollar because it is……worthless as in backed by NOTHING. Heck its originating country, the USA is not just broke but over 31 TRILLION dollars in debt.
I also want to ask anyone reading this to ask themselves a couple of questions.First, “What has Russia ever done to either you or your country to make you hate them”? Heck, though in practice the old long dead Soviet Union was a horrid governmental system, what did even the old Soviet Union ever do to either you or the USA?
Second, ask the same question about China. Don’t be surprised if you can’t think of anything
It isnt Russia or China that has HUNDREDS of military bases scattered across the globe maintaining a dying sense of power by force…….it is the UNITED STATES!
We have been lied to for a long time. Wanna look up something that will blow your mind about something we have all been lied to about for all our lives? Look up “The McCullom Memorandum”…….dont read what various opinion folks say about it…… the actual memo
We havent been that “shining beacon on the hill” for a heck of a long time………if ever.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden’s weak and feckless policies toward his “friend” China is creating a giant vacuum in world super powers. While President Trump was in power, the USA was easily the most influential and powerful nation in the entire world. Russia and China begrudgingly respected President Trump, and kept themselves politically and militarily well behaved in the world stage. They knew that President Trump was a strong proponent of “America Great” policies. Biden, on the other hand, believes in cooperation and compromise between nations, to the point where he is much better at calling MAGA patriots enemies of the state than standing up to our true enemies — China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Biden’s horrible failure at pulling out of Afghanistan in a functional and organized manner made it very clear to our true enemies — China, Russia, North Korea, Iran — that the US was no longer tough and competent. Evil takes advantage of dysfunction and weakness. As a result, Russia and China are setting up an alliance with each other, because China’s goal has been for decades to be the number one super power. Meanwhile, Biden keeps on having a very light work load full of concerns that push critical race theory and transgenderism.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

The New Axis: Iran, China, Russia, No Korea

1 year ago

No matter what comes out of this summit, China will be in control and get what they want. Nobody will be the wiser. China is patient and will orchestrate what it needs to undermine the rest of the world to achieve its objectives.

Jim Gordon
Jim Gordon
1 year ago

Personally, I prefer to think of other nations as strategic competitors and not using terms like evil empire. I believe we are moving into a time where the USA is not the center of the universe any longer. I love the USA but we have enough of our own problems that we need to deal with instead of moralizing about other nations. I have moral/civil rights concers about China and their influence in the USA but I see Russia quite differently. Russia is no longer the Soviet Union. I am hoping we can all get to the point that we honor the sovereignty of other nations (even when we have disagreements with them) and interact with them through business ventures and tourism instead of special ops and war.

1 year ago

Anything these nations want to do will depend on God. See the bible book Jeremiah chapter seventeen verse nine. This is hard to believe for a great percent of people, but God really is in charge. He’s wrapping things up for the end times which consist of a 7 year tribulation period before He rules for a thousand years with David beside Him. During that time people will still be making a choice between good and bad. Then eternity begins. He alone is good. He loves and wants to save everyone, but the choice is up to us. If we want Him, and are sincere, He will save us. So many things, e.g. the death of Lenin, that happened in the past were thought to be coincidence, but were really the hand of God in the lives of humans.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Brandon’s answer to Xi and Putin summit, America is back.
Enough said.

George M
George M
1 year ago

America was sold out by a few fat cats who made Billions by closing factories and sending jobs to China. We buy that cheap Chinese made crap and China has gone from a backward Country to a Super Power on our dollars. They have Beautiful New City’s, roads, bridges, factories, all the most modern things money can buy. And the USA , well we are falling apart ! City’s are run down, roads and bridges are literally falling apart. Only jobs are delivery jobs , delivering Chinese made crap. We need a REAL leader for President to make America the Great Country it used to be…….

1 year ago

The two biggest Commie Nations are so desperate they are trying to put one over on the other. Very hard to do since they both have the same basic political tricks. China knows the Ruskies are a bit in over their head with Ukraine , but I cannot see China doing anything useful to increase the success of the Ruskies in that battle. But the World might be better off if they wind up taking shots at each other!!!!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

When I heard that JACKASS spokesman say that Biden wouldn’t combat this axis but would promote our actions around the world I wanted to puke or shoot somebody. These sons of female dogs are going to give the country away.
And we should either give Ukraine what it needs to beat Putin or get off the pot. We’ve been conducting piecemeal wars since Korea except for a bit in Desert Storm when sort of kicked Sadam’s ass and then let up. Nam should tell us that kind of “war” doesn’t work.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Does anybody find it interesting that as soon as Xi and Puddin’ meet that DICTATOR Beijing biden has to meet with Xi immediately after by pushing WWIII closer?
I’m willing to bet that since DICTATOR Beijing biden won’t protect the USA like Obama wouldn’t that he has our own country targeted with Nuclear Weapons instead of Russia and Communist China or Iran.
I’ll even go further…I’ll bet DICTATOR Beijing biden would launch Nuclear Weapons on the USA and blame President Trump for it since he blames him for everything.

David Block
David Block
1 year ago

This article needs to read and heeded to all the free world.

John Diaz
John Diaz
1 year ago

With everything happening in the world. Having two powers to unit is worst in many ways yet to be seen. Today biden doesn’t stand for anything, but himself. He does think he is going to Walk away from the white house without a penalty. That’s why they want Trump out of the way completely out of the way and to destroy the MAGA movement. What we know of the CCP is that they want to rule the world. And when Russia is in the way after Russia gets what it wants. The CCP will move against them also. If the United States does not show a swift hand against an evil tyrannical power. We are doomed.

Constitutional Patriot
Constitutional Patriot
1 year ago

I don’t buy the BS from someone who served under Colin Powell and the former head of the CIA, Bush 41. If Putin is so evil, then why does Biden get a pass from the neo-con RINOs? If AMAC “stands with Ukraine”, then I will end my membership with AMAC. If Xi and Putin can come to an agreement with Zalenskyy to end the war, so be it. If Biden and the RINOs (Lindsey Graham included) keep poking the bear, then what is Putin supposed to do? I’m not taking sides, but I do hope that Xi and Putin expose the Biden crime family. TRUMP WON. Charles does not speak for me, a veteran and a patriot. UKRAINE, the money laundering capital of the world, IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY. No more money to Zelenskyy, and keep our troops away from the Russian/Ukrainian border. Sorry if this offends anyone here – Too bad.

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