
Newsline , Society

Can Public Schools Survive CRT?

Posted on Sunday, July 11, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by David P. Deavel

public schools

Public schools lost about 1.4 million students this past year, Education Week reported, based on analysis of state-level data. While the publication’s reporter put the emphasis on the pandemic (more accurately, it would have been responses of schools to the pandemic), one reason to doubt that public schools will gain ground is the growing number of revelations not only about the poor level of instruction (which has been known for some time) in many schools but also the growing presence of Critical Race Theory in ordinary public schools. The reality is that there are only two courses for Americans regarding public schools: save them through reform and fund families via school choice. In either case we cannot continue to allow a pipeline of taxpayer dollars to flow automatically and exclusively to our present public school system.

Parents during the pandemic learned a great deal about what was going on in the classroom by listening in on Zoom classes. They learned even more from “listening in” on teachers’ public commentary on Twitter or other social media sites about their own work. In August 2020, Matthew R. Kay, a founding teacher at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, a partnership between Philly’s school district and the Franklin Institute, unleashed a Twitter thread worrying about parents finding out what teachers were up to with their students, including this comment: “And while ‘conservative’ parents are my chief concern—I know that the damage can come from the left too. If we are engaged in the messy work of destabilizing a kids [sic] racism or homophobia or transphobia—how much do we want their classmates’ parents piling on?”

Teachers like Kay, a math and science instructor, believe that their task is to advance their own “progressive” understandings of sexuality and race and indoctrinate children—parents’ understandings of those subjects be damned.

While not all public school teachers have this view of their job, the reality is that a great many do. Because of the work of investigative journalist Christopher Rufo and the rebellion of parents in a great many school districts across the country who have listened in on Zoom classes or started to read the materials their schools are using, Americans are now finding out just how much the entire education apparatus has been turning toward these politicized and destructive understandings of the human person. Though there is much to be done on the topic of sex education, the focus this summer has been on the use of Critical Race Theory in education.

Though parents and state-level lawmakers are now fighting back, there is the usual chorus of elite media and education bureaucrats alternating between denials that CRT is being taught and defenses of its justice.

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten played both sides at the AFT’s TEACH 2021 conference, first denying that it is being taught in elementary and high schools: “It’s a method of examination taught in law school and college that helps analyze whether systemic racism exists — and, in particular, whether it has an effect on law and public policy.” She then defended it as merely “teaching kids honest history.” Alas for Ms. Weingarten, eagle-eyed viewers of the AFT found tweets from the organization declaring CRT “isn’t ‘divisive’. It’s an irreplaceable lens with which we can view our nation’s difficult history.” The National Education Association, largest of the nation’s teachers’ unions, deleted an agenda item that pledged to “share and publicize” “information already available on critical race theory (CRT)—what it is and what it is not.”

The unions can try to hide their agenda, but there is too much evidence out there to deny what’s going on at all levels. The Legal Insurrection Foundation has recently launched an interactive map showing which higher ed institutions are using CRT training, but it will take a while for the site to catch up with all the schools that are actually doing it. Even where CRT is not being mandated for students and faculty, education professors have long been using it as the primary lens to train teachers and frame policy.

At a school board meeting in Slinger, Wisconsin, one parent revealed that, in the online courses she was required to take to be a substitute teacher, Critical Race Theory was pervasive and that it had consequences for children in the classroom: “You are told and taught that if you have any kind of views that are colorblind that is racist and if you treat children the same that you are racist and that you are not treating them well and that they should have different consequences for the same action based on the color of their skin.”

Curricula are also being exposed. Christopher Rufo recently reported on the discovery that at least thirty public schools across the country are using Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness by Amanda Higginbotham, which teaches kids that “whiteness” is the devil (complete with illustrations of a figure with cloven hooves and a pointy tail). Pizza Hut was recently revealed to be co-sponsoring a CRT curriculum text that attacks “greedy white men.”

Even where it is not mandated or forbidden, many teachers have pledged to continue to teach it on the sly. On a recent episode of the “Teaching Artist Podcast,” art teachers commented on how they can get around parents and administrators in “conservative” and “rural” areas to teach anti-racist material. In fact, over 5,000 teachers across the country have signed a petition sponsored by the Zinn Education Project (featured on the NEA’s website) pledging to keep teaching CRT no matter whether laws are passed in their states forbidding it or not.

Thankfully, there are a great many places where such laws are being proposed, including Texas, Utah, Idaho, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina, Missouri, and Ohio. While it is good that in many places parents opposing CRT have been able to seize control of school boards, legal obstacles to teaching these divisive programs that directly oppose the equal treatment of all races are necessary.

Sadly, some “establishment” conservatives downplay the danger. David French, along with Kmele Foster, Jason Stanley, and Thomas Chatterton Williams, has written an opinion piece that opposes this legal approach, claiming control over public school education qualifies as “speech codes” that “ban ideas,” a violation of “the fundamentally liberal democratic nature of the American project.” This criticism is odd because it treats public education as if it were the public square in which teachers are thwarted in what they say in their own spare time rather than what they are teaching. One of the aspects of our liberal democratic project is that we the people get to say what goes into our public education.

French et al suggest that in order to counter CRT parents simply “propose new curriculum” or file lawsuits and make complaints based on Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Without control of school boards, where will these proposals go? As Stanley Kurtz observed, complaints to the Department of Education are futile given that it is in the hands of progressives bent on mandating CRT nationally. In fact, the White House signaled its own support for CRT via Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who responded to a question from Real Clear Politics about the NEA’s maneuvers by saying the President supports teaching “history,” including the claim that “there is systemic racism that is still impacting society today.”

As Kurtz also noted, the admission that much of what is taught might go against the Civil Rights Act is an admission that it is destructive to the American project. Why should it be up to parents to propose lawsuits that will take years to wind their way through the courts while their kids are being taught that “whiteness is the devil,” equal treatment under the law is racist, and that any “inequity” (different outcomes among races) is clear proof of injustice? If some of the legislation proposed is overly broad or vague, then French et al should suggest how to fix it, not ask parents to simply abandon the possibility of reform.

Americans should make it their goal to stop the destructive teachings on race (and sex and gender) or allow parents to escape the schools that continue to propagate them. Ideally, they can approach both goals. The American Federation for Children reports progress on school choice initiatives in 20 states this year alone. Making money follow children rather than corrupt institutions is essential to enabling parents control what their children learn. It is also essential to creating a situation in which state-and-local educrats might be forced to listen to what the public does and doesn’t want. Legislation stopping their indoctrination and allowing parents an escape route when rogue administrators and teachers get around it will certainly do something. A million-plus students leave public education every year and pretty soon we’re talking about real money. We might discover that money talks and CRT must walk.


David P. Deavel is editor of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, co-director of the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy, and a visiting professor at the University of St. Thomas (MN). He is the co-host of the Deep Down Things podcast.

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3 years ago

This country is heading down the wrong path. By allowing crt to be taught in schools to indoctrinat students that America is a racist country is just wrong.

Teresa Ayars
Teresa Ayars
3 years ago

Parents need to get control of the school boards and the far left teachers. Support the good teachers who are stick in a terrible situation. In both the public and private schools.

3 years ago

What are we talking about????
PUBLIC SCHOOLS….. We Do NOT have Public Schools!
We do HAVE Government Schools…. With Government Curriculums established by Democrat Socialists for the purpose of Indoctrination!
The National Socialist Democrat Workers (Arbietung)Party the NSDAP …. NAZIS were very good at it with the Hitler Youth and their Kinderbundt!

William Finch
William Finch
3 years ago

The time has come for parents that care about what their children are taught to homeschool their children. This way parents know and control what is taught to their children including religion and sex! Public schools today are nothing more than indoctrination camps for Socialism. Public schools have outlived their usefulness in America. All children should be home schooled or placed in private schools that will teach children needed classes to be successful as adults in the real world of work! Taxpayers are tired of paying for bullshit courses that do nothing to prepare kids for work and life!

3 years ago

CRT does Not belong in Primary and High Schools and also Not in the Workplace…it was a different approach in the 1990s in the workplace but still wrong is this so called indoctrination. The Nazis tried this in schools during WWII..parents need to push back.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

What I find disturbing in all of this is the schoolboards themselves lying about this, the NEA teachers union taking it, i.e. CRT off of their website, i.e. ” out of sight- out of mind ” Well I do believe they have rec’d a wake up call from America & it says:” We don’t want this evil indoctrination taught to our children! ” Another disturbing thing coming out now is some teachers taking it upon themselves to teach this TRASH in their respective classrooms anyways, despite the vast majority of parents objections to this evil scourge…
I think it is high time, in fact long overdue, to rein in the power of teachers unions in this nation, ASAP…The NEA is a PRIME example of what I’m talking about…
Since we are talking about teachers unions, it long overdue for individual schools to have the ability to FIRE a tenured teacher that FAILS to perform his or her duties in the classroom…
If said teachers are caught teaching racist theories, the schools should have the ability to FIRE said teacher immediately…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

I’ll quit before I have to teach this crap. My job is not to teach politics or religion. That should be left to parents. Unfortunately liberalism has been taught at LSU since the 80’s. Luckily I had parents who taught me to be proud of myself and America.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

But CRT wont include Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, Omegans, Martians into mix

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

The really sad part is, the recent past years prior to 2020 election, books were written about this very topic; if they could get published. Lock down was the perfect opportunity to catch up on the world around us, at large. The public is just catching on. Hello?

3 years ago

John Kennedy destroyed the public school system in America when he injected the Federal Government into it. It was a slow motion destruction but inevitable. How did the teachers unions gain so much power? How did we allow all of this to happen. The unions, the government bureaucracy: They no longer care what the public thinks.

Rosemary Terryn
Rosemary Terryn
3 years ago

Unfortunately, some of the Catholic schools are teaching CRT. They use IReady which is an indoctrination book that is part of the curriculum.

Edward Gaul
Edward Gaul
3 years ago

Public schools should be most concerned with the education their students are receiving. Every year scores go down and textbooks are being dumbed down along with declining graduation: America spends the most per student in the world yet rates 22nd in the world! A lot of this problem is the unions which protects weak teachers: what about a merit system for achievement and then raises?

3 years ago


3 years ago

Public schools in our country were already getting poor scores. We should just defund public education and start over.

3 years ago

It is good that people are waking up to what teacher unions are brain washing our children with. We need to persevere, and not capitulate , this is a battle for the minds of our youth, and the future of our Republic. It is going to take all of us, to take more seriously who we elect to school boards and local governments, and to call out and remove all the teachers caught teaching this garbage.

3 years ago

The answer is to pull your kids out of the government institutes of indoctrination and brainwashing and either send you kids to a good church supported school, or home school them. Let the so called public schools wither on the vine and die.

3 years ago

It’s disgusting that public schools be allowed to teach this crap. We need more school choice where parents can send their kids to the school they choose. Why should ANY public school be allowed to teach CRT. What happened to reading, writing and arithmetic? They should concentrate on teaching kids things they can actually use, such as how to make change, balance a checkbook and write a letter.

Lynda Buchholz
Lynda Buchholz
3 years ago

I don’t think that government interference was ever intended in our schools. I think parents will begin pulling their kids out of public schools and using other alternatives. Then it will happen that they will begin petitioning that their tax dollars don’t go to these public schools. Our kids are strugglling with the basics of reading writing and arithmetic without adding personal beliefs into the mix. I have read some of the comments and most are right on.

3 years ago

it’s a joke! teachers should be fired – i hope parents reteach their children to love who they are and nopt apologize for their skin color. I tell my grand kids to listen to teachers when they are teaching real subjects and to leave the other info to their parents.

Jerry Lessardd
Jerry Lessardd
3 years ago

Most Parents are irate over the demands and downright threats from the school boards,Teachers Unions and Teachers intent on indoctrinating our children. I believe most parents will pull their children out of these schools. No students,No Teachers,No Union in those schools.The big money making machine Unions will take a hit of Millions $$$$ .With the loss of teachers membership fees. The education system will take a loss of revenue as well due to less tax money because of less schools.Those schools would benefit by leaning on the schools and teachers intent on brainwashing our children with CRT ,sex,and hating America.

Joan Gillespie
Joan Gillespie
3 years ago

I went to a local board meeting last night that my granddaughter goes to. They didn’t seem to say anything controversial. They made a comment about there being more people attending than usual. So maybe other parents are concerned well. I wasn’t sure if I should ask any questions so I just listened and took the handouts.

Ann Correll
Ann Correll
3 years ago

CRT is teaching our children to hate. We have done so much work trying to “kill” bullying and now we are trying to promote a program that puts all of our children at risk. The children of color will be taught that liking a white child is bad…what kind of curriculum is that? We will teach children of color to bully white children. Is this the type of world we want in the future. I can’t even imagine what America will look like when these CRT children become adults. Kind of reminds me of Hitler’s youth program in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s. Come on moms and dads, show up at the PTA and be heard.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

I don’t think that’s the major question here. I wonder if our nation will survive CRT and all the other divisiveness being promoted by the left. What we are seeing has nothing to do with strengthening our nation but instead is damaging it perhaps beyond repair. And I argue it is all being done not to help any minority but for raw political power. Today we can witness what raw political power means in places like Hong Kong and Cuba.It appears that kind of power is what the left envisions for us, with them in control of course. Note that in the examples cited as in every other example of historical tyranny the people are deprived of the means to resist. That’s another large part of the left’s playbook, and when talking about the left today, that enpompasses virtually the entire Democratic Party.

james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

If you can afford it, and if you care about your kids as you do, if possible send them to parochial schools.

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

Communism has penetrated all aspects of our society and we must take back control. It starts at meetings and the polling place. And to all the teachers out there that think this curriculum is ok move to a Communist country where useful idiots are wanted. And to all the companies and business’s that want to push this indoctrination garbage stop giving them our money.

3 years ago

The teachers union needs to be shown the door! Every state and local school district should lose federal funding as long as they support CRT. Parents should be on the warpath over this Marxist ideology.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Our children will not survive CRT at all. Need old fashioned teachers to step in and take over. No political views should be allowed in teaching. This will really help destroy USA. Lord, help.

robert manfre
robert manfre
3 years ago

this is with the US gov’t approval! Get rid of the Dept. Of Education , you see what they have done, and the country can see by how WE rank in the WORLD !!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

No school needs to allow critical race theory to be taught.
Art Chance is now adviser to the governor of Alaska. I don’t think this will be an issue in Alaska.

1987 wasn’t the happiest year of my life. I got divorced after 16 years of marriage and became a single father of a teenage daughter. I had to give up a job I really liked because I needed a job with less travel so I could take care of my daughter.   
I was looking for a job, and the State was looking for a labor relations analyst 1. I had become a pretty good bureaucrat after three years at a professional level with the federal government. I had a background in labor relations on the union side and had the University of Alaska’s masters/professional level courses in labor law and collective bargaining practice.  
I used the tried and true Alaska method of conning my way into the job and seeing how long I could keep it. My time on the Boards of Laborers’ Local 71 and the Alaska District Council of Laborers and with the Anchorage Central Labor Council gave me a decent 10,000-foot level understanding of State politics and union relations, but while I wouldn’t have admitted it at the time, I didn’t have a clue about actual policy and practice at the State’s Division of Labor Relations, but I’d spent a lot of my life on a stage or behind a lectern, so I was confident that if you hummed a few bars, I could fake it.

I was a stranger in a strange land. The manager who hired me left for a new job in Oregon the day after I started.   My new co-workers were all people who went from school, mostly college, to work for the State or came up through the largest State employee union, the Alaska Public Employees’ Association and moved over to the State.   I came over from the very hierarchal and rule-bound Federal government. My culture was to start a letter or memo with something like; “pursuant to the authority granted me by 25 CFR nnn.nn I have determined that …”   
I quickly learned that the State was a cult of personality; if you were in the right place on the org chart, “because I said so” was the state of the law. It was only the rarest State employee who had a clue about the statutory or regulatory authority that authorized their actions; the State ran on the concept: “We’ve always done it this way.”   But, the State wasn’t doing what it had always done.

In response to the 1985 collapse of world oil prices and the resultant collapse of Alaska’s oil revenue, the Legislature had refused to fund the monetary terms of the third year of its 1984-1986 labor agreements with most of its unions.   Governor Steve Cowper, who’d been elected with heavy public employee union support, had famously announced that “all bets are off.”   
You can tell how much I needed a job in town to have walked into the 10th Floor of the Juneau State Office Building on April 14, 1987.  The State was at war and in court with its unions, the major contracts expired on June 30, 1987, and needed significant economic concessions from those unions, and it didn’t really have a clue how to get those concessions.   

The State’s labor relations policy since collective bargaining for all employees began in 1972 had basically been, “ask the unions what they want.”   
Gov. Jay Hammond got a little feisty with them in ’78 and the Supervisors and ferry unions went on strike.   Getting them back to work was pretty much like “The Ransom of Red Chief” and thirty years later I was trying to take or buy back stuff that the State had given them to settle those strikes.   
The State’s reticence to confront them was aggravated by the fact that the Bill Sheffield Administration had given them all sorts of goodies to try to placate them for the Legislature having refused to fund their promised 3.8% general wage increase for 1986. I spent 20 years being harangued by union reps about how the State owed them 3.8%.

The State had to learn something it had only barely contemplated: Understand its rights and duties under the Public Employment Relations Act (AS 23.40.070-260). When the law was passed in 1972, the State hired a nondescript Seattle arbitrator to analyze the law and brief them about rights and duties. By my time there wasn’t even a copy of his analysis in the Division; State Labor Relations ran by rote.   
I managed to acquire a copy from a departmental personnel office’s files; those people never learned nor forgot anything.   
It was useless, so we had to figure it out ourselves.   The bible of labor relations practice is an American Bar Association book called “The Developing Labor Law.” Its primary focus is private sector labor law and practice, but Alaska’s public sector law is pretty much the pre-1948 National Labor Relations Act with a few concessions to legislative authority. I don’t remember if we even had a copy in the office in those days, but we soon got one.   Since I was the only one in the office who’d ever had a labor law course, I did still have my old textbooks from my UA classes. We didn’t have anyone to ask what we’d always done, because nobody had ever done this before, and that was true not just in Alaska, but in every state that engaged in public sector bargaining.

But, once the private sector had actually challenged labor unions and there was a good body of law on that, and our law mirrored the federal law on fundamental rights and duties.  When I first joined the staff, the plan had already developed to take the APEA units, supervisors and general government, to impasse in bargaining and then impose terms on them, which they could either accept or strike.   
Looking back, the State’s plans were astoundingly naïve.  My boss and I didn’t like each other and my resignation got written a lot of times in those days, but I had a mortgage to pay and a kid to take care of. She spitefully gave me a “training” assignment of writing a briefing memo on the State’s rights and duties at impasse in bargaining and the necessary processes for the employer imposing terms of employment on the union. This, of course, was by design a critique on a decision that had already been made and approved all the way to the Department of Law and the Governor’s Office. I was born in the morning, but not that morning, so I saw the set up, and dived right in.

I pulled no punches in telling them that they couldn’t do what they planned but were stupid for thinking they could and were going to embarrass the Administration. I didn’t learn to tell people they were stupid from the safety of Facebook. There were screams of outrage and calls for my head up and down the org chart but nobody with the courage to do it since they’d already taken the initial steps and the unions had filed for a temporary injunction.  I got to bask in smug self-satisfaction on that fateful Friday afternoon when the judge handed down the TRO at about 4:15 pm and ended all the self-aggrandizing plans. Funny how much the judge’s order read like my memo that caused so much upset. Never heard much about that memo thereafter.

Somewhere in there – there was lots going on that spring – my boss came back to the office after APEA had walked out of bargaining and announced, “I just refused to bargain classification of jobs with APEA; somebody tell me why I did that.”  That spring and summer I laid the groundwork for what became my advocacy and managerial style for the next two decades; I worked hard at being underestimated. I wanted an arrogant and underprepared adversary, and my first significant adversary was my boss and her boss; they were the past and the problem. The upper levels of the State administrative and managerial bureaucracy, the State salary ranges that start with a two, are a clique, a social club, and I hadn’t been invited into the club house. So, without an invitation, you have to make smoke and noise and break things to get in.

The set-up memo about the events that led to the TRO was basic tradecraft; I just did what you were supposed to do and researched the facts and the law, albeit that was a foreign and controversial concept in the State’s cult of personality.   Answering the “… why did I do that” question was my, and I think the State’s first foray into seminal thinking on labor relations policy.   There was nobody to ask what we’d always done, because we’d never done it before.   Heretofore, if the union wanted to talk to you about it, you had to talk to them; we were seeking legal justification for refusing to talk to them.

Under most bargaining laws you have to negotiate with a union about wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment.   Wages and hours are pretty easy. Lots of walls are lined with shelves of books reporting cases about just what is a term or condition of employment. Alaska’s law has an interesting and unique phrase that exempts “policies expressing the essential functions and purposes of the public employer” from the duty to bargain. We, well, to hell with modesty, I, developed the theory that how the State ranked the value of one job relative to another was an essential function and not subject to bargaining. And, funny thing, the Alaska Supreme Court agreed with us.

An essential part of the Supreme Court’s analysis in this case, styled APEA v. State, was a group of cases under the teacher bargaining law in Title 14, now supplanted by the teachers having been placed under the PERA. As I recall there are three of them called “The Kenai Cases,” in which the teachers sought to define the contours and limits of the right and duty to bargain.  The court articulated what it styled a balancing test to measure how much the issue affected the employee and how much it affected policy; if it more affected the employee, you bargained it, if it more affected policy, you didn’t.  It is a good test and it directly affects the current controversy about Critical Race Theory.

The National Education Association has precisely zero authority to bargain or dictate the curriculum of a school.   They are showing their true colors as a leftist political party disguising itself as a labor union.  No public employer has any duty to bargain with the NEA about what teachers teach. If you have a School Board bargaining with its union about curriculum, it is either stupid, owned by the union, or both. 
Americans are being fed union propaganda.  If a state says you can’t teach CRT in state law, and a teacher decides to defy that law, the teacher gets fired, and his/her only hope is getting before a judge that wants an appointment to a higher court from a Democrat; that’s really the way it works.
Art Chance 

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

I compliment my fellow Amac’ers able to get through this article without pangs of nausea.
This isn’t merely a warning shot across our bow, it is a cannonade.
I am being told that I must assume guilt for my race and for the sins of my antecedents. Even more perverse, this toxic dogma is being taught to impressionable children.
This is rank child abuse.
Quite by chance I read a similar article in the Akron Beacon Journal while sitting in my doctors office this morning waiting for my semiannual checkup. I could feel my blood pressure rising. Indeed, when checked by the nurse my BP was elevated.
It is said the devil quotes scripture when it serves his purpose. So it is with this meretricious dogma fed to our kids by its advocates.
Asking 2nd or 3rd graders to visualize, to play act out being racists boggles the mind.
So now the basic core subjects must yield to CRT?

3 years ago

Yes, first get rid of the teachers union. Unions are so one sided they’re sickening. And CRT …and political views ….should NOT be taught in our schools. If by the time you’re an adult you’re still ignorant enough to believe all that BS, then that’s up to you but don’t be brainwashing our youth with it.

3 years ago

If we’re looking for a silver lining to the pandemic/lockdown, this revelation of public school curriculums is one. I applaud parents who are now motivated to challenge this damaging theory.

John Beavin
John Beavin
3 years ago

Racists are essentially mentally ill. They believe that one race is fundamentally flawed and that they can determine which race that is. Proponents of CRT want to indoctrinate students into the belief that “white” people are inferior BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. This is blatant racism pure and simple.
These people need to find help for their mental illness and abandon this CRT brainwashing.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

If you value your child’s OR grandchild’s mind then you need to find the $ $ $ $ to send them to private, Catholic, or Christian schools. Also need to make sure that they teach – CIVICS / GEOGRAPHY / NON-REVIONIST HISTORY / and traditional MATH – ARITHMETIC. The ( D ) communist NEA and ATF need to be broken and to their knees. The marxists have infected those “unions.” America’s children are at stake.

3 years ago

What is wrong with schools just Focusing on Reading Writing and Math. Worldwide, the US is not rated very high in these areas now are they. Legal parent taxpayers should have a major input into what is being taught in our schools-not sure if the PTA really follows through with this. Seems like the left Teacher Union is running the whole show. Are they really teaching this at the AF Academy. I heard they were, not sure about this. As an old Vet, I hope not. I can assure you that no matter what color you are, all are blood is still red. I do not like anything about racism-it is terrible. So I hope the powers that be get rid of Affirmative Action and Black History month as well. These programs may have meant well but truly further divide many of us.

Stephen Greenwell
Stephen Greenwell
3 years ago

Can public schools survive Communist Racial Theory? From my lips to God’s Ear, NO! Are enough Americans willing to count, and pay, the cost of taking back the responsibility of educating their children? This remains to be seen.

America in Decline
America in Decline
3 years ago

Moral absolutes come from the Bible. Americans are drifting away from their spiritual roots and are like a ship without a rudder. It is showing up based on the people we elect.

3 years ago

School choice. – all the way!!!

Dana Miller
Dana Miller
3 years ago

Classes in Norman Okla. are making “white” students stand in front of the class and apologize for slavery. Most all did NOT have slaves back in the day, most don’t know family history that far back.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

I hope they do NOT! Our schools need to be totally torn down and re-built, on the INSIDE. Liberal teachers who push their agenda need to be fired and replaced by teachers who leave these issues to the PARENTS, where they belong. It is NOT their job to indoctrinate our children to ANY, one-sided view, or to discuss sexuality, religion, political preferences, push socialism, or divide by Race. Kids can choose what to study in college when they get there, but prior to that, all parents want teachers to teach are Reading, Writing, TRUTHFUL History, Geography, Basic Science, and Mathematics. PERIOD! Everything else is none of their business! Empty the Classrooms, and you cull out the Liberal Teachers. Eliminate the teachers, and the Evil Teacher’s Unions go away. THEN, we can re-build COMMUNITY- Operated Schools, with the only people on School Boards being parents of present students. #EMPTYTHECLASSROOMS.

3 years ago

This CRT , Criminal Racism Teaching ,will ensure that more concerned parents will remove their children from public education and demand THEIR tax dollars fund whichever school they choose.
The vast majority of thinking adults will quickly recognize this ridiculous and damaging push to divide people , after decades of coming together based on charector not color or ethnicity.
Once again the democrats 50 year failed playbook of hatred, racism, for ONLY politics,power and money surfaces to show their true motives.
Lets hope ALL Americans REJECT this destructive path.

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

The Radical Leftists are fanatics who do not respect or tolerate moderation of their agenda to destroy America and western civilization from within. As to race relations, they despise MLK’s Dream of racial harmony and the eradication of skin pigmentation as a significant factor of one’s status and relevance in society. They prefer to use racial discord as a political and social war club to drive a dagger through the legacy of Dr. King. It’s pathetic and sad that so many “useful idiots”, to coin a Vladimir Lenin term, are so gullible as to buy into this ancient con job that has failed so miserably everywhere it has raised its ugly head. That is why it must be implemented and maintained by force since factual objective history, rational analysis, common sense and natural law do not support its pathetic promises built upon deception and mob mentality.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
3 years ago

CRT is obviously racist. On top of that, if the teachers want to influence the children in this way, then they should also pay to support them since they are taking away the duty of parents. It’s not their job to tell my kids that they are worthless if they are white. It is their job to teach them skills they will need in life and how to think, not what to think. I’m glad I have no children in school but I do have great-grandchildren in school and will check with the parents to be sure they are not being subjected to this type of “education.”

Mark Coffey
Mark Coffey
3 years ago

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has no place in American public or private schools and should not be taught or studied. This dangerous “theory” is divisive and destructive to the traditional American values where “All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator”, which comes from the Declaration of Independence.

Black chalkboard background with The Catherine Project Logo
Soldiers silhouette saluting the USA flag for memorial day or veterans day.
Wooden gavel on constitution document. Wooden court gavel on United States Constitution document and American flag
National Assessment of Educational Progress logo with image of report card

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