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Can Biden Save His Presidency?

Posted on Saturday, July 2, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Nothing seems to be going right for Joe Biden.

On Thursday, the beleaguered President’s approval numbers slipped to one of the lowest points in modern history – a dismal 36%. As the Fourth of July holiday weekend arrives, the Biden administration’s much-derided tweet from last year bragging that the cost of a cookout was 16 cents lower than 2020 has resurfaced, as that same cookout now costs a whopping $10 more – reflecting just how much the price of everything from ground beef to used cars has skyrocketed under Biden. Many within Biden’s own party don’t even want him to run for reelection, and Democrats appear to be on the cusp of major losses in November’s midterm elections. At this point, it’s fair to ask, what, if anything, can Biden do to salvage what’s left of his presidency?

It’s important to remember just how far Biden has fallen in such a short time. He assumed office in 2021 with an average approval rating well above 50% – a good start for any president. As the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine expanded during the early months of his tenure, his approval grew. The successful passage of the American Rescue Plan also helped sustain his early support. Even as inflation started to rise and the Delta Variant of COVID began to hobble American confidence that the end of the pandemic was near, his approval numbers remained solidly above water.

But that would all soon come to an end as an inability to halt the pandemic, growing economic challenges, a border disaster, Democratic infighting, multiple foreign policy fiascos, and social radicalism plagued his administration as the months went on.

By August of 2021 – just eight months after Biden assumed office – his approval numbers had truly crumpled, thanks in large part to the horrific collapse of Afghanistan and the death of 13 American servicemembers. But that incident seemed to awaken Americans to a broader range of Biden’s failures, as his approval on the border, economy, and COVID saw a sharp decline as well. By September 1 of last year, Biden was polling consistently underwater. Virtually no poll has had his approval above 50 percent since December, and things don’t look poised to improve anytime soon.

But it’s not just the more obvious external crises that are driving Biden’s approval through the floor. From day one, Biden has abandoned the pretext (albeit a thinly-veiled one) of moderation which characterized his campaign and embraced a far-left agenda more in line with Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Despite only controlling the Senate via a 50-50 split with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote, Biden pursued an aggressively far-left legislative agenda, openly proclaiming his desire to become a “transformational” president. This was most visible in his signature $3.5 trillion spending legislation known as the “Build Back Better” Act. These radical policies alienated even moderate Democrats . When the bill failed, it left Biden politically crippled. Today, Biden’s “transformational” legislative agenda sits in ruin.

Biden has also failed to take any accountability for the numerous crises Americans face. He continually asserts that high inflation and gas prices are not his fault but the fault of “Putin’s price hike,” “meat producers,” “gas corporations,” and even “gas station owners.” The problem with foisting these blames onto others is that it makes him look powerless or, worse, indifferent to people’s struggles. Former President Bill Clinton once said to his domestic policy advisor, William Galston, “You may not be able to fix the problem right away, but you have to be caught trying.” In this regard, President Biden has yet to be caught trying.

Yet, despite how bad things look now, there are still some actions Biden could take to try to salvage his presidency no matter who controls Congress after November. In short, Biden could reverse almost every one of his executive decisions from the first half of his term, renewing oil and gas leases to increase the energy supply, restarting the Keystone Pipeline project, cutting federal spending, and ending the federal government’s embrace of progressive identity politics. None of these solutions would completely erase the failures of his first term, but would be a start toward resolving the harm his policies have caused. Just as importantly, it would show the American people that he is trying, and that he cares more about bettering their lives than adhering to an ideological agenda.

Yet thus far, Biden has shown no indication that he is even willing to accept that things are going poorly. Whether his advisors are shielding him from the negative headlines or he simply can’t fathom that his presidency has been a complete bust, the leader of the free world appears wholly out of touch with the struggles of ordinary American families. It may then be that the best way to begin healing the wounds inflicted by Joe Biden is for Republicans to win back Congress this fall, and for voters to send Biden packing in 2024.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture. 

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Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Biden’s presidency is Carteresque in its ineptitude. He ran as a centrist but tried to govern as a leftist, a recipe for disaster.

Hopefully, the upcoming results of the midterms will convince him to get off the stage.

G. Summers
G. Summers
2 years ago

Going exactly as planned!

2 years ago


Chris Carlson
Chris Carlson
2 years ago

Biden is a combination of three dangerous things: He is not very bright, he is arrogant and he is getting more senile by the day. Our enemies smell blood in the water.

2 years ago

Let’s not wait for 2024. As soon as Republicans take back the House and Senate, that’ll be the time to impeach both Biden AND Harris, then install the new Republican Speaker into the White House as President Pro Tem. We have a LOT of work to do!

2 years ago

Well America you get what you vote for!

2 years ago

New Liberal World Order??? Over my dead body!

2 years ago

Why in the hell would we want his fraudulent presidency saved?

2 years ago

81 million voted for him. What does that tell you about it? Many stuffed ballot boxes that there is evidence of proves it was a fraud,,,-and it will be proven down the road. If they won’t look at evidence then that means we can stuff ballot boxes too I guess?

Russ Sinkler
Russ Sinkler
2 years ago

What a good reminder of what many of us were saying before the 2020 election: the Dems were standing up a surrogate, spent candidate while privately brokering the agreement with the extreme left wing of their Party to implement the Senator Sanders agenda. He is probably glad that it’s Biden’s name on the agenda, not his, but of course, if given the opportunity the extreme left wing would try again while simply blaming Biden’s execution of “the plan”, Putin, the pandemic, and certainly President Trump. Just my Saturday morning viewpoint. Keep praying, America!

2 years ago

No, because he’s not the president.

2 years ago

Biden is “wholly out of touch” because and let’s say this outloud is called DEMENTIA. Of course he’s out of touch…dementia causes that. He has no idea and this disease causes brain blockage of regular “common sense”. As a retired caregiver I know and have seen a lot. Basically, he should never have been allowed to even run.

2 years ago

Biden has never been good at his works. His grey matter has been lacking his entire life. All he knows is how to cheat and steal. His whole family has followed his foot tracks.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

He can do the world and our country a huge favor by committing suicide!

2 years ago

Him and his Admin do not care about this constitutional republic. Their policies are only about destroying the freedoms we have taken for granted and accumulating more power for the government. The global elites via the world governments are getting more control every day. The Nov elections maybe the last chance to save this country.

2 years ago

No one, absolutely no one with functional gray matter between their ears, wants this Administration to flourish!
What person wants to walk down crime ridden streets except the dregs of society !
What parents want to send their child to school to learn they may be the wrong gender?
What hard working citizen wants to find their income isn’t enough to pay the expense’s to live?
What sane person wants to see open boarders, with the drug cartels pushing drugs that kill our young? Not to mention allowing people in, who have nothing to offer, other then swelling the welfare system, which was taxed before they got here!
The never Trumper’s along with progressive socialist will never admit that Americans were far better off when Donald Trump was the President.
Don’t know about anyone else, but I am fed up with with RINO’s and most Democrats ! If America is to
survive, literally, bad people need to be voted out of office which they were never worthy of holding to begin with!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Why should a DICTATOR and FASCIST Party be saved?
ONLY the INSANE/COMMUNIST would want that.

2 years ago

biden had no idea what he was saying much less what to do. The election was stolen and so obviously. Sadly, any and all recounts were stopped for reasons I do NOT understand other than money was exchanged for favors. Personally, I am not so sure I am not wrong with this train ???? of thought. Washington, DC is a Swamp and a place in which even good men eventually bow down and are corrupted by the money ???? floating around so freely and easily.

2 years ago

You have to be duly elected by the people first, not by stealing an election to be president, then you can talk about saving your presidency.

James H
James H
2 years ago

Everyone who cares about America needs to vote out the foolish progressive left this November. We need to make sure the left is not allowed to cheat this election cycle. Then we must insist that legislators invoke the 25th Amendment and remove senile Joe from office. Once Harris becomes President, it won’t take long to impeach her and remove her from office! Then we can start recovering from the most foolish and destructive administration ever! We the people have to hold Congress accountable to doing what is right for our country and freedom!

2 years ago

Recently I read that Joe Biden is angry most of the time. He grumbles in the WH and the staff has noticed his grouchy behavior. My approximate text below says what my point is and he should do something good for a change.

I sent the WH an email with a suggestion how he can become appreciated and respected by Americans. Admit the election was stolen and he is not qualified for this position and will surrender the Presidency to the REAL winner, Donald J. Trump. Many Americans appreciate and respect honesty, joe, and people will cheer for you and tell you that you are their hero!

I also add: Your former boss, Barack Obama once stated: “It’s amazing how fast Joe Biden can F%^K things up!”

What do you think? Wouldn’t this be an act that many Americans would be in favor of because for about the first time, approve of Joe Biden’s action by being absolutely honest? LOL! Dreaming I know, but what the heck! Have fun prior to the Fourth of July!!

Who knows, I might disappear so at least I”m making this public! At least he now knows that one American believe what he can do that is good and America will approve!

2 years ago

Joe got elected because he convinced Bernie, he’d give him everything he wanted if he didn’t run against him. And he told a lot of folks that. And he meant it and he has tried but he can’t make it happen. As Trump found out, the Presidency is not a Dictatorship. You certainly can do a lot but there’s a lot you can’t do. So, Joe has failed to cover his promises and has created a mess of things. Will Bernie or the others who didn’t get what they were promised support him next time around?

James D
James D
2 years ago

Biden’s only way out is to fade into that good night, enough said.

R. Seal
R. Seal
2 years ago

All of the above!!!

2 years ago

Can Biden save his Presidency? Sure he can and the DNC is no doubt already on the case. It all depends on how well the Democrat Party can steal another election for him. Maybe in 2024, the Democrats and the MSM will claim Biden broke another record and got 100 million votes on the next go round. It all depends on how many phoney ballots they print up and dump into the system to be counted.

2 years ago

Speaking from the left, Biden has been largely a train wreck who has caved to the right since the beginning. He’s working hard to be every Republican’s favorite Democratic president since Clinton.

I really hope someone good can primary him (I.e., not the centrist cop Kamala Harris).

2 years ago

So if Joe deposed, we get Kamala. When she goes, we get Pelosi. Then Schumer. How does that help anything?

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..arrest all of the biden administration for treason and send them to GITMO for punishment!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

First off, I don’t believe for a second that Biden ever reached a 50% level of approval. Just by the way he assumed office has been questionable from the start. That kind of supposed poll is saying that half the registered voters, ( primarily dems & RINO’s ) approved of the 2020 election fraud that propelled sleepy Joe into the WH…
Most of this lousy written article is obviously casting light on this demented idiot in a favorable way…
How could Biden have a 50% approval rating early on in his presidency when as stated in the article from day one Biden along with his Obama administration’s radicalized social behavior, that statement needs more clarity, i.e. ” radicalized socialistic administration ” by Biden’s puppet masters, i.e. the former Obama administration. It began on DAY 1 with the EO canceling the Keystone Pipeline & cutting off of all future Federal leasing of land for oil & gas exploration. There is no way in hell 50% of those folks stupid enough to vote for this embecile could grant him a 50% approval rating, it is all moot at this point & I give little to know trust in poll numbers in either case as the 2016 presidential election clearly demonstrated, predicting HRC the win by overwhelming numbers as we all know how that turned out, so much for polling numbers.
To even remotely consider that Biden will change course now that he has done all this damage to our once beautiful nation is a case of wishful thinking by the authors part at best…
I give this article a negative rating for the quite obvious reason that it’s author speaks with a forked tongue imho… Time to go back to the drawing board Mr. Abbott, this story stinks!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Better yet, can America survive Biden. Could give a rats behind about his Presidency but more concerned for the survival of the great country from those within who are determined to destroy it!
The wealthy globalists at the top determined to control the populace with dependency on the Government.

Excerpt of article 2 years ago: .In the U.S., this anti-globalist rhetoric was on stark display at the Republican National Convention, where speakers implored voters not to let the Democrats—supposedly under the control of the dreaded globalist cabal—dictate what voters think or say. At last year’s U.N. General Assembly, President Donald Trump declared that, “the future does not belong to globalists,” but to “patriots.”

Once again President Trump was spot on wth the radical left agenda which now is in place!
Remember America is not exceptional? Really?
One proud veteran

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

If you actually understand what this president is accomplishing, he’s already a hero to the leftist socialist democrats new socialist system, this is almost definitely a one and done presidential term for this absolutely destructive and in all likelihood biggest enemy of all our constitutional and freedoms that our founders gave their lives for. This is now a liberal world order agenda and with outright corruption and an administration that is totally focused on as mush change and dysfunction are extremely satisfied with everything that’s happening right now, if it was completely in there hands we wouldn’t even have a car or any other kind of transportation ( probably a bicycle, as long as it meets the carbon emissions standards that they would fully enforce) . This goes far beyond anything this country was meant to be. Basically the progressive socialist party and unfortunately way to many so called republicans have turned on all American citizens, there’s obviously many reasons for this $$$$. But trust me all of us have been completely sold out for only one reason. These are extremely difficult and dangerous times for our country and the world, This is a well oiled organization that is right now relentless in there power grab . We need a solution now before it’s completely over for everything and everyone of us.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

WHY is the IRS Buying AMMUNITION every year spending $750,000 of our Tax Dollars with Ammunition Shortage and DICTATOR Beijing biden trying to Ban U.S. CONSTITUTION, Guns and Ammunition?
Since when does the IRS need ammunition when it ONLY does Taxes?
DEMAND the IRS Return ALL Purchased Ammunition and Tax Dollars back to the AMERICAN CITIZENS (LEGAL CITIZENS ONLY).
DEMAND the IRS be ABOLISHED and MAKE IT AN ISSUE for Midterm Election.
FAKE FOOD (FAKE MEAT that Bleeds like Real Meat) and wants EVERYBODY (Except FASCIST DICTATOR Beijing biden and FASCIST liberals) to be FORCED into EATING ALGAE ONLY getting rid of ALL FARM ANIMALS?
WHY is Bill Gates allowed to keep buying up Farmland across the UNITED STATES of AMERICA?

2 years ago

Can we still save America from these tyrants?

2 years ago

“Can Biden save his presidency “? Let’s hope not. The country is already in enough trouble. Democrats can only make things worse.

Dewey V Rotruck, Jr
Dewey V Rotruck, Jr
2 years ago

I am a Vietnam veteran and felt the hatred and disregard of the radicals who spit on returning vets and called us baby killers. These same radicals are now teaching their children and grandchildren to use violence when things do not go their way. Their current violence and total insanity on Roe Wade now display the hate they have for our great Republic. I readily admit that I get really emotional and shed tears when our politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Warren and even our president condemn America. These are Marxists plain and simple. God Bless America.

2 years ago

Only the rinos

2 years ago

Won’t happen. His “belief system” is too ingrained in error and evil to really “see” how devastating it is for our Country.

2 years ago

I hope he is out before the year ends. He is the worst president we ever had. If people really believes what he says they need help.

2 years ago

Don’t forget there are lots of leftists who contribute to low poll numbers.
They’ll campaign and vote hard for Dems! Don’t think the Red Wave will happen just because of low poll numbers.

2 years ago

The Biden Presidency is an example that even an idiot/crook/Commie can get by with bad decision making and the Nation can struggle on … hopefully girding for the day when that Idiot/crook/Commie leaves office. Biden has been 100% in his governance decisions/actions … 100% wrong. For the life of me, I can’t understand how a majority of DemocRat party members can’t read the incompetence and crookedness in Hidin’ Bidens function.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

One word: NO

2 years ago

Maybe Biden should quit taking advice from Jimmy Carter???

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden deserves nothing from the American people. Biden does not deserve to save his reputation or position. He has disgracefully failed his oath, his country, and the American people. There is no excuse in the world which justifies Biden’s lack of honesty and performance. He has been corrupt and incompetent even when he still had his wits about him. President Trump deserved and deserves much better treatment. Even though he was not Mr. Rogers, he was and is a true patriot who loves his country and people. He was and is more capable than America could ever have hoped for.

2 years ago

How long he stays in is dependent on the people controlling him.

Alan Power
Alan Power
2 years ago

Biden’s impeachment will begin on the 3rd of January, 2023. Should he be removed from office, one day later Harris will be impeached. Should we be successful, McCarthy will be come president and the nightmare created by the democrats will be over. Vote conservative.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Biden has never been a shining star and now that he is suffering from dementia, it has only gotten worse. He is also very deep into the pockets of the Chinese. That is why he was selected by the DNC as he is very easily controlled. He is the perfect straw man.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Ditto: NO! This disgraceful man’s term in office should crash and burn noisily as an example of what happens when certain conditions in this nation permit the elevation of parasites like him to high public office. I always disliked Donald J. Trump. He has an undisciplined mouth and demeanor, inappropriate for leading such a great country. But, I despised, and still do, Hillary R. Clinton for all the reasons compiled since her days in Arkansas, her husband and her band of supporters and followers, complicit all in the corrupting activities of people determined to wrest power from the “deplorables.” I voted for Donald J. Trump, twice. I do not want him to run a third time, I would like to have someone possessing certain of his ideas, policies and attributes appear as the GOP candidate. However, if DJT is selected as candidate, in spite of his advanced age and energetic mouth,I will vote for him a third time. The dismantling of the swamp and bringing some of those characteres to justice must continue.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
2 years ago

This whole fiasco started with covid. The Democrats used it to start the great reset to where we are at now. He finally admitted he wants a One World Govt. Now we have elections coming up. Americans better wake up and change this course we are on. I cannot believe there are people who want socialism or communism. Stop complaining and whining about our problems and change it. Quit listening to the left,and thier bullying. We have the power in the vote. Do it right.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

When you reject Almighty God all your life, and pursue a career filled with deceit and conceit, there comes a time when the Almighty allows you to believe the lie and you can no longer discern truth. The national leadership of the Democratic Party is at this point and has been there for awhile. We saw it when the criminal Obama lit up the White House in rainbow colors. We hope these present tribulations will awaken our fellow citizens to dump the radical, Marxist woke people who are destroying our beloved nation. By God’s grace alone, we shall emerge from this stupidity.

Paul Wolf
Paul Wolf
2 years ago

While I agree with the general sentiment of the article, it proceeds from two erroneous notions.
1) This stumblebum IS NOT POTUS.
2) He isn’t in a position to save, or not save anything. He is a puppet. A face man. His strings are being pulled by the nwo globalists and EVERYTHING that they’re doing is directed toward one objective…the intentional destruction of the United States of America as we know it.
Until people fully recognize these facts, any assessment of the stumblebum’s “presidency” is flawed from the start.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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