AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

Every time abortion returns to the national news cycle, the American people are bombarded with an outpouring of arguments, slogans, and ad hominem attacks from abortion activists seeking to discredit and disparage the pro-life movement. Following this month’s leak of the draft Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, progressives are once again pulling out all the stops to convince Americans that abortion remains a moral and constitutional necessity. But in reality, the left’s favorite platitudes and talking points on abortion are misleading at best and outright false at worst. As the nation awaits the High Court’s official ruling on Dobbs in the coming weeks, here are five of the left’s go-to pro-abortion arguments—and why they’re wrong.
“Abortion is a Constitutional Right”
Senator Elizabeth Warren recently joined the growing chorus of left-wing voices urging the Supreme Court to uphold Roe and, in her words, “defend our constitutional rights.” But, as Justice Samuel Alito noted in the leaked Dobbs majority opinion, abortion is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, and Roe is widely acknowledged by legal scholars on the left and the right to be poorly reasoned as a matter of constitutional law. Pro-abortion legal scholar and dean of Stanford Law School, John Hart Ely, for example, has written that Roe “was not constitutional law and gave almost no appearance of an obligation to try to be”—a perspective shared by liberal constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe, who asserted that “behind [Roe’s] own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found.” Even Edward Lazarus, a former law clerk to the justice who authored the Roe opinion, Harry Blackmun, conceded that no one has “produced a convincing defense of Roe on its own terms.”
Many progressives also claim that Roe must be upheld on the basis of stare decisis, the legal doctrine which says that judges should adhere to precedent wherever possible. But when prior decisions like Roe are so “egregiously wrong from the start,” as Alito writes of Roe, there is no obligation to allow such flawed decisions to stand. After all, Dred Scott v. Sandford, the notorious decision that held that black Americans were property and barred them from U.S. citizenship, was at one time constitutional precedent. If liberals consistently applied their logic of adhering strictly to precedent, Dred Scott would still be the law of the land today. The same can be said of Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 decision which established the infamous “separate but equal” doctrine until the Court overturned that precedent in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.
“Thousands of Women Will Die of Back-Alley Abortions”
Another popular claim among abortion activists is that the end of Roe would lead to an increase in so-called “back-alley abortions,” in which women would be more likely to die from illegal or self-induced abortions. In 2019, for instance, former Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen claimed that “thousands of women” died on an annual basis as a result of these procedures in pre-Roe America.
But the factual evidence for this contention simply isn’t there. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 1972, the year before Roe was decided, there were 39 deaths resulting from illegal abortions and 24 deaths resulting from legal abortions—far from the “thousands” asserted by Wen. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, no abortion—whether legal or illegal—is safe for the unborn child.
“It’s Not a Life, It’s a Clump of Cells”
No matter how persistently progressives claim the contrary, an unborn child – from the moment of conception — is a human being. The scientific community agrees overwhelmingly. In the McGraw-Hill textbook Patten’s Foundations of Embryology, for instance, biology professor Bruce M. Carlson from the University of Michigan writes that “the time of fertilization represents the starting point in the life history, or ontogeny, of the individual.” Likewise, during a 1981 government hearing, Dr. Watson A. Bowes of the University of Colorado Medical School said the following: “The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter—the beginning is conception. This straightforward biological fact should not be distorted to serve sociological, political, or economic goals.”
Though pro-abortion advocates relentlessly attempt to reduce the unborn child to a mere “fetus” or a “clump of cells,” the science is strikingly clear. It is a deep irony that the self-avowed “party of science” fails to recognize this simple scientific fact when it comes to the issue of abortion.
“What About Rape and Incest?”
Though the left is ever-eager to invoke cases of rape and incest as proof that unlimited abortion rights are necessary, such invocations are generally an effort to use a vanishingly small number of cases to distract from the overall issue. According to the Guttmacher Institute, abortions in the case of rape or incest each account for less than half of one percent of all abortions—making them exceedingly rare. So why is the left so keen on focusing on them?
As Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire writes, abortion advocates “would much rather talk about a 15-year-old girl who gets an abortion because she was raped by her father (an extraordinary hypothetical that probably accounts for half of half of one percent, if the number is even that large) than a grown woman who gets an abortion because she doesn’t want a baby to mess up her career plans.”
Moreover, as difficult as those situations may be, the left’s “rape and incest argument” still dismisses as out of hand the humanity of the children conceived as a result of those heinous acts. In the Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary, conservative author and military veteran Kathy Barnette brought attention to this issue when she revealed that she was the product of a rape. As much as abortion advocates accuse the pro-life community of having no compassion for victims of rape and incest, they themselves fail to explain their lack of compassion for the unborn child conceived in such circumstances.
“No Uterus, No Opinion”
Many liberals vehemently insist that men have no authority to weigh in on abortion, and that only women should be permitted to express their thoughts. As actress Jennifer Aniston put it in response to Texas’s heartbeat bill: “No uterus, no opinion.” But this declaration stands on incredibly shaky ground. If abortion is indeed murder, as the pro-life community believes, don’t all human beings—male and female—have a moral obligation to stand up for the legal protection of the most innocent? Furthermore, Roe was decided by a Supreme Court of nine men. Do leftists, then, believe Roe should be discounted in its entirety because the opinion was handed down by seven uterus-less men?
Additionally, all children are equally the product of one man and one woman. That the father of an unborn child has nothing at stake when a woman terminates a pregnancy is manifestly dishonest. Yet even if the Court strikes down Roe, fathers will likely still have no power to protect the life of their unborn child in most cases. The idea that men are somehow trying to assert control over women’s bodies through abortion restrictions is again a distraction from the real issue at hand, which is the murder of an innocent human being in the womb.
As Bishop Robert Barron once observed, “In 1850, lots of good and thoughtful people defended the institution of slavery. Now, only insane people would.” Today, he continued, “lots of decent and thoughtful people defend the pro-choice position. One can only hope that these recent [pro-life developments] will hasten the day when only insane people would.” As the Supreme Court nears the end of its term and prepares to issue the final Dobbs decision, Americans should not be fooled by the left’s deceitful claims about abortion. And most importantly, they should pray that the day when abortion is seen as unthinkable and “insane” will come sooner rather than later.
Don’t these women who have unprotected sex know how babies are made? They have a choice about getting pregnant or not and should be held accountable for their actions! IF they insist on being irresponsible (you have to remember to take birth control pills or use a condom) there’s always the “morning after” pill. Pro-choice? Call them what they truly are — ANTI-LIFE!
You omitted the talking point that States could reduce the number of women seeking abortions by offering families better:
Child care assistance;
Family leave programs;
Pre-school programs; and
Nutritional and medical services for young children.
A great article with some good arguments for us Pro-life folks. The problem I see is that most progressives won’t be convinced. As with most of their beliefs, it’s their way or the highway. We must continue to support our conservative representatives and grow our numbers so we can squash these folks who believe the murder of a fetus is perfectly permissible.
I for one have not completely given on people to come to their senses and realize it is murder and should be treated as such. this should never be a “on the fence” issue. I once believed this was a women’s right but no longer can I deny the truth.
I believe every person conceived is a precious life in God’s eyes. I think God grieves every abortion and we do too if we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible offers enough insight. Just because wrongs have been done in the past, we should not allow murder to continue. I pray the Supreme Court will act to turn back the tide and history then sees this as a moment when hearts corrected minds.
This is perhaps one of the best renderings of the left’s perspective on the murder of unborn children.
While pro-life advocates can use this as good argument, you can rest assured the left will not concur, nor will they consider the fundamental truths being conveyed here. They do not care about the science, the facts, or the reality that abortion has been a stain on the soul of humanity……God forgive us all.
Why do they say ‘my body, my choice’ when it comes to abortion but yet we are ‘mandated’ to get a clot shot that do no good and could kill or maim us???
if abortion isnt murder, then why is it when a pregnant woman is killed it becomes a double homicide? Double standards just dont work.
Psalms 139 says it all! It is not their bodies! It is an innocent human being that GOD created with an action on the part of two humans! It is MURDER!!!!! I pray that The Supreme Court will act properly and that it will be 6-3 vote.
“No Uterus, No Opinion”. I LOVE that one. So along those very lines, if you don’t own a gun, you STFU about 2A, right? Ahhhh ha ha ha, Stooooooopid lyin little liberal lemming losers, so entertaining.
Killing an unborn child is horrible. Killing an unborn child during the third trimester is monstrous. Those women who act as if a fetus is part of their body and has no rights of his/her own are not only very compromised ethically, but also very stupid and evil.
When the progressive crowd cannot define what a woman “is” and that men can have babies, how in the world can they ever agree on when life starts? All the left does is make things up to justify their insane narratives. Abortion is murder no matter how you slice it, and the pro-abortion crowd will have to explain this very carefully to their maker (like Biden and Pelosi) …. or maybe they will just be happy with the devil’s choice.
Dems want to kill babies before they’re born. New York passed laws that made it ok to let the baby die after a botched partial birth abortion resulting in a live birth. But for some reason, they’ll invoke national war time policies to import emergency shipments of baby formula so that new born babies won’t starve. I just don’t follow their logic.
This will be restricted but here goes. This whole “reaction” is just a “reaction” Abortion is government subsidized. How about various heart surgeries? No government subsidies??? There is no Constitutional Right to abortion other than the government pays for the womb vacuum service. Wise up.This is another “CRISIS” akin to gun control. Lots of gas and no flash, Armament of the of the Citizenry is needed. Hey== has anyone heard of birth control?????????????????????????
Bernard Nathanson, the atheist co-founder of NARAL, admitted that HE fabricated the number of 10,000 deaths a year from “back-alley abortions.” Fortunately, he later became pro-life and became a believer in God as well!
Anyone who looks at an ultrasound (especially the 3-D ones) and is still pro-abortion is a moral reprobate!
This should be put on a ballot with well written narrative then let the people in each state vote on the issue. Make each state have a vote for abortions. If you listen to Marxist Washington they want an abortion on the 9th month. So if you are carrying a boy but decide you want a girl Schumer said just abort the baby. There has to be specific criteria’s for any abortion. VOTE DON’T let people travel from one state to another like California to have an abortion. This is wrong
You folks really do want the government staying out of people’s business, huh?
There should be no argument. Cancelling Roe V Wade is not denying abortions to anyone. It is simply turning the decisions of who/what/when to each state to allow the voters in each to decide. Why isn’t that being made clear to all in this ridiculous emotional breakdown? Because Democrats will use anything they can to stir their base into violent actions!
Killing babies is wrong , being irresponsible or selfish and killing babies is wrong, using killing babies as your excuse is wrong!
If you have a brain, if you can understand reproduction, if you are an adult……either you’re stupid,lazy or immoral to kill babies as opposed to taking the required thinking person’s approach to NOT kill babies!
Human life is sacred ALWAYS!
NO excuses, NO its my body, NO I can choose, KILLING is KILLING , killing millions of babies is WRONG!
All the baby killers had a mother who understood life is sacred right???
Elizabeth Warren needs to read the Constitution and take a basic American History Class. I am so disappointed the leaders of USA do not even have the basic knowledge of what the most important documents of our country say.
First of all we Americans should not be identified by our political parties, we are Americans and have allegiance to our country, not to any political party.
Each elected person’s job is to run their branch of government and let each branch (Supreme Court review what applies to the Constitution and Bill of Rights). When the President over reaches his authority the Legislative branch should be the check and stop the over reach because the Legislature is responsible for spending and making the laws..
Just wondering, would the social security trust fund still be running out of money if 63,000,000 souls had not been aborted, but allowed to demographically work and contribute to the SS trust fund? I believe that actions DO have consequences.
The argument of no uterus no opinion is absurd. I have long thought that it takes both the Male and the Female to produce a child. They both made a choice to be intimate and both should make the decision together concerning the child they have produced from their seed. They are now forever connected through the child. Also if the father was made (or allowed) to take more responsibility for the child they would make different decisions concerning that child. This child is the product of both of them and both must take responsibility for it. It is not and never was only the women’s body or choice. It is not her body alone once there has been intimacy between them. As for rape or incest the child produced is not a punishment but a gift. Any child conceived is now a living human no matter the circumstances. Harsh as this may seem to allow this pregnancy to continue the attitude about the child produced should not be considered punishment or a burden but an opportunity to bring something good out of evil. There are so many that want a child and cannot conceive they would love and cherish these children. Women are not forced to care for a child as long as there are other options available. It is a lie lie lie that these women are going to ruin or destroy their life by birthing and raising a child. This whole argument about the right to have an abortion is a lie from the devil himself and evil persists because we as humans have rejected God and elevated ourselves to a god. This has not worked our well for us and we must wake up and realize our focus should be on the real God and not on ourselves. He (God) created us and brought us into existence He has the right to allow us to continue living. He provides for us in ways we do not understand but that blesses us IF we acknowledge him and follow him.
I can honestly tell you abortion is murder. I can also tell you that not everyone that has an abortion is stupid, evil, or heartless. I would tell you that many are scared. Rape is devastating, being abandoned by someone you thought loved you but used you and left because you became pregnant is betrayal of the worst kind. Many of the females seeking to have an abortion are not grown career women they are frightened, hurt teenagers. They don’t have the maturity to raise a child or the funds. They don’t always have a support group so abortion (especially when they go to planned parenthood) is presented as a way to regain control of their out of control life. When it’s done and you almost die from it (as in my case) the knowledge that you just murdered your child is heavy on your heart and is something you never truly forgive yourself for. Abortion is murder…but if you truly want a change are you going to provide a healthy, safe alternative for the mother and child? Planned parenthood, as corrupt as they have become, is more available and better funded than other alternatives. I know women that would have given up a child they feared they could not provide for if they had been given a better, safer solution.
Abortion could be halted altogether if we provide, safe, healthy alternatives to the people involved and make the help easy to access without making the female feel shamed for looking for a better future for her child. I hope all of you who want to see this murderous practice stopped will be as supportive of ways to help women that can not or will not keep a baby after becoming pregnant and make that help available without harsh judgement if for no other reason, for the sake of the child.
“No uterus, no opinion.” Well, now. That’s rich. The radical leftists claim men can get pregnant. They also claim pregnant men can get abortions. For this to be true men must also have uteruses. Therefore, using leftist logic, men can have an opinion.