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BOMBSHELL: 200 Undercover FBI Assets at US Capitol on Jan. 6, Congressman Estimates

Posted on Wednesday, January 10, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Clay Higgins

A member of Congress investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol estimates the FBI had 200 undercover assets both inside and outside the building.

“We believe that there were easily 200 FBI undercover assets operating in the crowd, outside the Capitol, embedded into groups that entered the Capitol or provoked entry of the Capitol,” Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., said.  

Higgins appeared on the Tucker Carlson Network for an interview that aired Saturday, the third anniversary of the day now commonly known as J6. He’s among the few elected Republicans still questioning the official media narrative about the day’s events.

“Given the scope of the operation and the number of doors where entry was allowed or even encouraged—and the number of people that were actually outside the Capitol and that entered—we believe 200 [is a] conservative number,” Higgins said of his estimate.

Carlson reacted with alarm.

“It’s shocking what you’re saying and confirms everyone’s worst suspicions about this,” Carlson told Higgins. “It’s clearly true.”

Based on the evidence he’s reviewed, Higgins said FBI assets worked with the local Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department and U.S. Capitol Police. The assets were dressed as supporters of then-President Donald Trump inside the Capitol, “because those were the guys that knew their way around the Capitol.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray has refused to answer questions about undercover FBI assets on Jan. 6, telling Higgins at a congressional hearing, “You should not read anything into my decision not to share information on confidential human sources.”

In remarks about the Jan. 6 anniversary, Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted Friday that more than 1,250 individuals have been charged for their involvement, with more than 890 convicted.

“Since the Jan. 6 attack, the Justice Department has engaged in what has become one of the largest and most complex and resource-intensive investigations in our history,” Garland said. “Our work continues.”

President Joe Biden used the anniversary of Jan. 6 to attack Trump in his first campaign speech of 2024.

“It was on that day that we nearly lost America, lost it all,” Biden said Friday at a speech in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Carlson opened his interview with Higgins by criticizing “professional liars” who have presented a one-sided narrative about what happened on that day. Higgins, who worked in law enforcement before his election to Congress, has led the charge after being frustrated by the official congressional committee that investigated Jan. 6, which was stacked with anti-Trump lawmakers. Ever since Republicans reclaimed control of the House in 2023, members like Higgins have pressed for answers.

For example, as a member of Congress familiar with the U.S. Capitol, Higgins said it’s unfathomable to believe that everyday Americans in Washington, D.C., would know how to navigate the building without help.

“There’s no way they can come in some random door that gets opened and then get their way directly to Statuary [Hall] or the House chamber or the Senate chamber. It’s just not possible,” Higgins explained. “The FBI assets that were dressed as Trump supporters that were inside the Capitol were there, I believe, and evidence indicates that they were there to specifically wave in the Trump supporters that had gathered outside the Capitol.”

Higgins told Carlson these undercover assets guided protesters “directly to the areas where the FBI, the DOJ, and the Deep State actors” would later be able to implicate them for arrest and prosecution.

When pressed on who could have orchestrated such a massive operation, Higgins put the blame on not on a single person but rather a combination of anti-Trump actors working in cahoots with Democrats.

“It’s a complex web of FBI assets across the country that can be activated. So, if you have authority at some of the highest levels in the FBI, it doesn’t take much,” Higgins said. He added that those who planned it were “the faction within the FBI and within our intelligence services that would coordinate with the most extreme liberal factions within the Democrat Party that were desperate to keep Trump out of office.”

Higgins identified the 200 undercover assets as confidential informants, registered informants, nonregistered informants, and voluntary informants.

Ultimately, Higgins said, they had a goal of tarnishing not just Trump’s reputation but also the people associated with the Make America Great Again movement.

“Their objective was to destroy the entire MAGA movement,” Higgins said, “to forever stain the patriotic fervor that was associated with the America First MAGA movement that had won in 2016 and we believe won again in 2020.”

Higgins called the FBI’s involvement “conspiratorial corruption,” and said it predated Jan. 6 for many months when FBI assets were engaged in online forums of Americans who questioned COVID-19 restrictions and the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.

“I’m following the evidence, and to my horror, it implicates our FBI at the highest level,” Higgins told Carlson. “A conspiracy within our government at the highest level to set the stage for a compromised election cycle in 2020. And then the actions that took place on J4, 5, and 6, and then the criminal investigation, arrest, and prosecution of Americans that they were able to entrap.”

Higgins, who was first elected in 2016 to represent southwestern Louisiana, is now pressing House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., to release more information, beyond just video footage, about Jan. 6. He said the only true way to uncover what really happened is for the American people to have access.

“He has a responsibility to fully release that data,” Higgins said of Johnson. “And then the American people will see for themselves what some of us have already learned, to our horror, to be true.”

Rob Bluey is executive editor of The Daily Signal, the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.

Reposted with permission from The Daily Signal – By Rob Bluey

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Ronald Hearn
Ronald Hearn
9 months ago

This confirms my feeling, from day one, that j6 was a planned plot instigated by the Democrats from the beginning. Also, if a thorough and truthful investigation had been done on the last Presidential Election it would prove that the election was stolen by the Democrats. I watched it unfold and went to bed before it was halfway through, knowing that the election was lost for the Republicans by trickery and criminal actions.God please save our Nation!

9 months ago

I hope the Republicans keep looking for all those bad actors (name names), put them on trial, open the proceedings to public view, and drain that dirty swamp. These turncoats should be shamed, made to pay, and banned from government and lobbying positions for life.
Thank you, Tucker, Rep. Higgins, and all the house and senate Republicans who show courage on behalf of a very angry populace.

9 months ago

They need to set all the falsely accused J6 prisoners free, and allow them to go home to their families. They don’t deserve jail time. IF they did wrong then allow them to appear in court…due process I believe it’s called. They give that to the illegals and they don’t even show up, they just disappear in the population. True Patriotic Americans are a dying breed. God help us all.

9 months ago

I’m not surprised by any of the information that is provided. There is one thing that is missing from this report however and that is “Nancy Pelosi” had a significant influence on this report of outcomes.
“President Trump” requested of her prior to the to be able employ services ensuring safety and refused. She should be held accountable to setting up the “J6” outcome!!!!

9 months ago

All these should RATS and including Biden, Obama, pelosi, Schumer should go to JAIL – no pass!!

9 months ago

Yah and they just had fraudulent trial for RAY EPPS who got off!! I wonder why as there is proof of HIM in video two days in a row begging pleading people to go in to the Capital . I smell a dirty sticking rat!!! A liar and crooked government top to bottom.

9 months ago

The REAL question is: Why does the FBI HATE President Trump so much? Trump should clean house when he’s reelected!

John Shipway
John Shipway
9 months ago

Weird. The worlds most heavily armed civilian populace yet not a single member of the so called Jan 6 “insurrectionists” had so much as a knife on them.
Somethin’ sure don’t add up…….besides the 2020 vote count.

9 months ago

When any of this is proven, Heads need to roll hard and fast. Republicants and Dimocrats were in on this to stop President Trump. The Good Ole Boys in DC are terrified that an outsider can have so much power they cant control and see Trump as a threat! DC is a cesspool not a swamp and now history shows us it needs to be drained, cleaned up and started over! We need to demand Term Limits, accountability and service to the people, not political party or ideology, not to elect people that have no intention of doing what is right for Americans but to do what was originally intended for elected officials to do, serve the will of the people that elected them!

9 months ago

I said all along the demoncrats were behind this. They need to be punished.

9 months ago

So we almost lost democracy on Jan-6 , what a crock !!! … what about all the rioting the left has caused across America all the innocent people that were attacked and some of them even killed , what about the lawlessness that still consumes America today do to the far left , and the police officers that were killed in cold blood do to racism that Obama and the far left continues to do today . What about the open boarders that has flooded our country with illegals along of them are probably teorrist that got away , and the fentinal that has killed over a hundred thousand people in our country . The human and sex trafficking, the list just goes on and on , if anyone is trying to kill our country that would be Biden ,Obama who has been running the country since Biden came on as president, and his administration. We have a dictator and traitor in the white house who has committed multiple treasonist crimes starting with not up holding the constitution to protect the American people , and the genocide thats has been going on since the boarders have been wide open.

Jim L
Jim L
9 months ago

Interesting the FBI still hasn’t identified the individuals who planted the alleged pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC on Jan 5, or maybe doesn’t want to.

A Voter
A Voter
9 months ago

Of course this was an FFE, (False Flag Event). Orchestrated and organized by the communist left.

9 months ago

The wrong people are in jail. Sickening.

9 months ago

I have been suspicious, from day 1, that this Jan 6 issue was a setup perpetrated by Democrats, especially Nancy Pelosi!!! I thought there were FBI agents, (I didn’t think there would be as many as 200 but I thought there were some who would either rile up the visitors to the Capital with the intent of causing a riot!!!! This is a distinct effort, for several years, to remove Donald Trump from existence, period!!! Democrats have spent so much time and money showing their hate and disdain for one man which means that they didn’t have their full attention on what’s going on the in the world or even the country!!!

Tom Fargher
Tom Fargher
9 months ago

So, when the democrats accuse you of something, they have already done it, and try to smokescreen their involvement. The insurrection was actually done by the DOJ, Democrats and these bad actors, during J6. The Republicans need to quit pussyfooting around and get TOUGH!

9 months ago

Pardon me. I must go throw up now. Where our justice system and government have fallen makes me ill.

9 months ago

There are too many liars in the democratic party!! Give us the TRUTH!!

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
9 months ago

Obviously a page taken from the Crooked Hillary playbook! Not surprised in the least.

9 months ago

All anti-American members of Congress must be weeded out as well as their cohorts in the FBI and other agencies. When elected to Congress they take an oath to defend the Constitution and these vermin have committed perjury. It is obvious that they have no real love for America. They are in goverment to benefit themselves. Congress, the FBI, FDA, USDA, CDC, etc. have lost all credibility. Americans are waking up to the fact that we have all been taken by scum who are into it for money and power alone. Many failed to recognize how much President Trump gave up while he was trying his best to serve us. He put his life on the line for America. I had a daughter who was totally against him from what she had heard, but because of me…she took the time to listen to him. She recognized his sincerity. She was angry that she had been taken in by the Democratic Party and by all the lies she heard.

9 months ago

Pelosi set the stage for Democrat subversion when she tore up Trump’s speech. They’ve been hounding him ever since, and probably before.

9 months ago

Without imagination, the Democrats are a disgrace to the US Constitution and the fairness and law of our country. Treason!.

9 months ago

They know this. But can do nothing. In the meantime there are young men, senior citizens, separated families, careers ruined, finances drained all because of a set up and gotcha moment for Pelosi and the liberal left. They hated Trump so much then and now they are persecuting Americans, have had suicides on their watch and they care less! Is there not some kind of a ‘movement’ (which isn’t violent) which can get these people released and home with their families. Then dissolve the FBI’s top three layers…down to the GOOD guys in the FBI once more. This is so tragic. How can we get them released?????

9 months ago

It is very apparent that the Democrats and their allies in the FBI and Deep State used the opportunity of a Donald Trump Rally in Washington to create a so called “insurrection”. It is obvious that the FBI planted agents into the crowd to lead them into the Capitol. It was all an attempt to discredit Trump and the MAGA Movement. Of course the left wing media created the narrative and the Democrats hired a Hollywood Director to cherry pick the video coverage to make it look like a riot. The public never saw all of the media where the FBI Agents participated in organizing and storming the Capitol Building. This is just another political cabal set up by the Democrat Party.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
9 months ago

The FBI had 200 people there. DC had undercover cops. The CIA had people there. yet we keep seeing articles claiming there were no governemnt people involved.

The number one person pushing people to enter the capital was ray epps and the FBI magically does not want to charge him.

This fake insurrection was clearly a made for tv plan to get trump.

The entire government is terrified trump will expose them. We need to vote in republicans at all levels so trump can clean out the governemtn and throw the entire soros family in prison.

9 months ago

The DOJ and the FBI are both filled with anti American traitors.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Look how long they’ve held onto information about JFK assassination that’s still locked away. I wouldn’t doubt their were agents implanted, undercover on January 6th; as we’ve seen, Democrats will go to any lengths. Look at the Hamas protesters signs: “by any means”. I’ll go one further: COVID wasn’t an accident but was released. That’s why no one seems to want to find out the “origin story”. The economy was Trumps biggest bragging right, what better way to sabotage it? But if it wasn’t intentionally released, Democrats exploited it with shutdowns and unconstitutional measures to defeat Trump. Remember: “by any means”?

9 months ago

This is the same FBI that used 19 swat troopers to kick down the doorof Roger Stone’s home and (grossly) examine Melania’s garments while allowing the cities of Minneapolis and Portland to be destroyed following the death of George Floyd. And used the Jan 6 event ( not “insurrection”) as an excuse to arrest 1200 people. I’m tired of hearing “most of the agency’s employees are good people ” Really ?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

MANY questions need answers! Why did one short Capitol officer wave people TOWARDS the Capitol? Who were the people changing clothes behind bushes? Why did the officers next to the outside windows suddenly move away which allowed the “protestors” to smash their way in? Why did the 2 inside officers, who were not being touched, suddenly move away, stand against the wall, and allow the dirty cop to murder Ashli Babbitt? Why did Ray Epps, who was urging people to violate the law, get a suspended sentence?

9 months ago

This means that all who were arrested must be released and compensated at once. These people’s record must also be expunged from all court documentation.. AND the Jan. 6th panel, including Nancy Pelosi, ringleader, Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger (sp.?) along with their Democrat comrades would be held accountable for the lies and venom they spewed in their kangaroo court during and after their mockery of justice. This needs to be BIG Headlines, not just one article in one publication.Pelosi must be made to pay for her constant, consistent fabrications against President Trump, worthless charges that harassed him as well as the American people, Pelosi who spent $Millions of wasted money and was purposefully divisive.

9 months ago

The Jan 6 riot was instigated by Nancy Piglosi, she is more communist than Putin.

9 months ago

This shouldn’t be any surprise. Wray’s unwillingness to specify how many undercover agents were involved spoke volumes.

9 months ago

This article just solidifies what many have long suspected happened that day. The FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police and other anti Trump agents had a stinking hand in this. I am sure old Joe Biden knew what was going on. This shout rile up every law abiding citizen! Keep this in mind when you go to the polls in November.

9 months ago

Isn’t there some way Congress could free them and send them home? Is there no way to overcome their false arrest?

9 months ago

How do these people Know this information and do NOTHING ABOUT IT? People Americans were killed, their lives destroyed, and they keep quiet? How can any decent person do that? Truly evil, vile and Sick

9 months ago

Although this is outrageous to God-fearing USA citizens, we are not seeing this country being led by God-fearing, God-loving, law-abiding people ( they can hardly be called “citizens” as they live in their own alternative world). Yes, it’s so disheartening, disgusting to witness all these travesties of justice. The God I serve still sits on His throne, knows all, sees all, and allows sinful man to continue on his path of destruction. He alone is the Supreme Judge in the Highest Court and will call out ALL those who have perpetrated these awful deeds for the pride, lusts and power in this world, forsaking His Salvation and Eternal Life. Yes, it’s a wakeup call for more than political reasons ….but I know that my uncompromised vote is according to God’s Truth, not twisted by (even some conservative) men/women. I will yield only to Christ, and pray for the sinful heart of this nation to repent, ask forgiveness, and turn from evil, so our God will hear our prayers and our nation will be spared from self-destruction.

Paul Davis
Paul Davis
9 months ago

Having read Mike Pompeo’s book this is entirely believable, despite not wanting to know that our national agencies that are supposed to be preventing and prosecuting crimes are the ones perpetrating them.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
9 months ago

The FBI is rotten from top to bottom.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
9 months ago

We are very close to losing our freedoms. Very close.

Randy Schroder
Randy Schroder
9 months ago

Why would Nancy Pelosi agree to Trump’s request for National Guard troops when she already knew her goal was to sabotage our president by having FBI agents pose as Trump supporters. We need to vote!! Remember the old joke; Grandpa voted Republican all his life until he died then he started voting Democrat.

Dean Howerton
Dean Howerton
9 months ago


Nancy Kremsreiter
Nancy Kremsreiter
9 months ago

The horror of this is the government can arrest, prosecute & jail any American at any time it chooses. We have of lots of news people telling us of the about this but no one has any suggestions how to end it.
maybe we have already lost our free country.

Donna J Cohagan
Donna J Cohagan
9 months ago

Assets or agents?

9 months ago

Why is everyone focused on the FBI starting J6?! They are intentionally making you think you must defend what Patriots did!! When, in fact, what they did was legal under the United States Constitution when a Coup d’état happens ????????????????

9 months ago

There is only one party that is so completely lacking in morals and honor. Democrats have shown that nothing is beneath them. Russia collusion, fake impeachments. I bet a through investigation into this, where unwilling witnesses we’re convinced that prison awaits them for even the slightest lie, would shed the bright spotlight on this leftist fraud.

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
9 months ago

Garland: “Our (dirty) work continues.”

Douglas Post
Douglas Post
9 months ago

Republican leadership has no balls and no spine. All of this information and evidence and there will be nothing to come of it. Johnson has lined himself with the cowardly rinos.

William Hodge
William Hodge
9 months ago

Investigate then jail! Much too much of this government investigating government leads to nothing. They kick up enough dust to cover up the facts that then turns into silence until it goes away.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

this is not a shocking discovery and the cover up is nothing new or surprising either just the usual nothing to be alarmed about

9 months ago

The most important sentence ignored by all is the last one. Speaker Johnson hasn’t (won’t?) release all of the tapes. It puzzled me at first how easily a “conservative Christian” representative was so graciously elected by his peers. But now we are finding out in spades what he is made of. We should have all known from his New American magazine Freedom Index of 76% this session. Not bad but not the Freedom Caucus in congress trying to protect us and follow the constitution. Now let’s watch and see if he holds tough on the budget and no compromise unless the dems help halt the migration from the south.

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