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Biden’s White House Becomes Frantic Ahead of Impeachment Coverage

Posted on Monday, September 18, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
Joe Biden impeachment with "Tammy Bruce Exclusive"

This month, President Joe Biden’s White House sent out a frantic missive to various news organizations with instructions on how to cover the Biden impeachment hearings. For most people who recognize that legacy media has, for decades, been a stenography service for the Democrats, this is not a surprise. What is unusual is the direct and public nature of the orders sent from on high.

The memo, sent directly to outlets like the New York Times, CNN, the Associated Press, and Fox News, and then later to the White House press corp list, insists they focus on the “lies” of the House impeachment hearings surrounding Biden’s alleged involvement in his son Hunter’s international business dealings. The memo titled, “Memo to Editorial Leadership at US Media Organizations” orders, It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies…’”

Sure sounds like a note you’d get from your boss about how to do your job.

We’ve known for decades that legacy media is a collection of stenographers working for the Democratic party. At least in the past, they made an effort to not have the connection be so obvious, and that’s what makes this development so revealing. It seems there is a general panic inside the White House about losing the fealty of the legacy media. Normally, you wouldn’t have to tell them directly what to do—the media would get their marching orders from the comments of the White House press secretary or what Pelosi or Schumer would say to the media. Even the media’s own far-left sympathies are enough to continue to steep stories in blatant bias for any Democrat or leftist issue. But are those days over? Not really. This is about Democrats losing the White House in 2024. They’re willing to throw Biden under the bus for any other genuine Marxist autocrat.

Most of the legacy media still try to pretend that they’re “independent” journalists, only seeking truth and justice. They’re not biased, they insist; they just have sole possession of the truth! So you would think there would be widespread shock and dismay that the people they’re “holding accountable” would insult them by issuing orders about their coverage when they don’t even need to. With very few exceptions, there was no outrage, just compliance.

There was some pseudo-concern from one reliably leftist newspaper which delivered on the memo’s orders and then, in the same piece, whined about the impression people would get from the memo. The Boston Globe, judged as a left-wing paper with a “media bias in ways that strongly align with liberal, progressive, or left-wing thought and/or policy agendas,” cried about being exposed as stenographers:

“Biden’s White House places the press in an impossible position: either news organizations will look like they are following the White House’s directive when they diligently, fairly, and with proper context report on the impeachment probe, or they will appear to be adversaries if they engage in coverage that the White House doesn’t like.” But if you’re independent, why would you worry about this? I don’t recall anyone from the legacy media being worried about being seen as adversaries to Trump; in fact, that seemed to be the gold standard. For the New York Times and Washington Post, you can even carry water for fake news and a completely false Russia dossier hoax, win the Pulitzer Prize, be exposed as fake news purveyors, and still get to keep the prize! It’s almost like everyone knew exactly what they were doing.

Signaling their disconnect from the actual world, the Globe then laments, “[The memo] also, intentionally or not, opens the door to further attacks on the media or, even worse, sets the press up as an easy scapegoat for any undesired outcome of the impeachment probe. Even if there is no chance that this investigation will lead to an actual impeachment — it won’t — any negative outcome, like poor polling numbers, will be blamed on press coverage as opposed to the White House’s own response.”

Who’s going to tell them their partisan bias cat has been out of the bag for decades? A Gallup poll last year made it completely clear that Americans know full well that the media has abandoned its mission and are partisan hacks for the leftist agenda. Gallup reported, “Just 7% of Americans have ‘a great deal’ of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have ‘a fair amount…’ Americans’ trust in the media remains sharply polarized along partisan lines, with 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence.”

Systemic bias is confirmed, not in that trust in media is at a record low (which it is), but that a super-majority of Democrats are perfectly happy with it! That is what should worry any serious journalist who laments the impact of the Biden memo.

For the left, controlling their partisan hacks in legacy media has been easy for decades. Not so much for social media. The Democrat Party’s plan to enact a censorship regime for social media has been dealt a serious blow by the Federal courts. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found Biden officials “likely violated the First Amendment” when they coerced social media platforms to remove content.

The appeals court injunction applied to the White House, the surgeon general, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI, saying they could not ‘coerce or significantly encourage’ the [social media] companies to remove content,” reported Reuters.

Apparently, for Biden and the Democrats, not attempting to violate Americans’ First Amendment is a bridge too far, and they have appealed to the Supreme Court. SCOTUS temporarily paused the injunction, giving the parties until September 20th to respond. The SCOTUS decision on this issue will tell us if the Constitution will remain relevant in the future of our nation.

The Democrats rely on controlling what information we receive in order to maintain their power over us. The good news is, even after decades of being hectored and gaslit by legacy media, we are not liberal zombies and remain independent patriots appropriately suspicious of a government strangely desperate for complete control over news and information.

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1 year ago

Don’t worry. I’m sure the Biden administration and the MSM will whip something up to deflect attention away from any potential impeachment coverage. They are very good at creating a crisis on demand for such purposes. Look at how many Americans to date have no clue about any of the so-called business dealings old Joe was involved in with Ukraine, China, Russia and elsewhere. Talk about a significant portion of the American public being completely clueless.

Whatever additional information and records that the House GOP committees dig up on Joe Biden’s multi-million side business of influence pedaling, I’m sure the MSM will continue to say there’s nothing there and refuse to cover any hearings on the subject. Democrat politicians, in general along with their MSM allies, are very good at creating a new shiny ball for the public to fixate on, in order to deflect attention away from things the Democrats don’t want the public to know.

Everything going on currently in the United States under Democrat rule is completely consistent with what you will find in any authoritarian regime on the planet. A fully weaponized “justice system” and MSM whose primary purpose is now simply to protect the regime and punish its opposition. The MSM is acting exactly as one would expect it to under such a political regime. As for the impeachment inquiry, I’m sure the DOJ, FBI and every other federal department and agency will continue to ignore the steady stream of subpoenas sent their way by the GOP House. Fun times indeed.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The MSM as I call them has been the mouthpiece for the dems since O became president. Only now they don’t hide it anymore. They see possibly a loss next year and that is not in their plan like Trump winning the presidency in 2016. That became the battle cry GET TRUMP. He was the one that interrupted their plans to make America a communist country. Why any thinking American would vote for ole Joe is beyond me. But the MSM is a good propaganda outlet for him and his minions behind the screens. What in heavens name has ole Joe with the dems done for America. Only made us a third world country by using mandates, intimidations, and most of all big lies. No truths about the war in the Ukraine, the debacle in Afghanistan, the border, homelessness in our inner cities, people going hungry, kids dying from Fentanyl. Inflation breaking many people’s budgets. Disaster everywhere. Our education system is shameful. The CRT and Trans they are teaching. The racism they are spreading. But the MSM doesn’t talk about that.

1 year ago

The only thing Biden’s laughable ‘campaign’ is based on is ‘DON’T VOTE FOR TRUMP’.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

What gets me is that allowing millions of illegals to cross the border isn’t impeachment enough! In the Navy it was called “willful dereliction of duty”.

1 year ago

“It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies”, …PLEASE,..The only thing based entirely of LIES is Bidens entire political career.

Rita Kiah
Rita Kiah
1 year ago

Nothing like the reign of the EVIL Empire????We are the laughing stock of the WORLD and our status is imploding as we watch our inside enemies sell us out. What a grievous state of affairs. Re-read the Emperor with No Clothes and that, at current times, is no JOKE!!!While the Biden Crime Family & friends consort to sell us down river. Thanks Joey for all you and you corrupt family & friends for selling us to any bidder. May God have mercy on your collective famous sell out oligarchy. It just doesn’t look well for you Joey. Remember the Quote – “ You can’t take it with you???????????????????? You’ve made quite the History Joe. Enjoy your day in court with God. He always makes sure True Justice is done. You still have A little time to repent man!!!!
Serve God or serve the devil!!! Which will you do??? Time is running out on all of us…

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Biden Will not be convicted of removed from for running a Family Crime syndicate. Criminals don’t convict fellow criminals.

1 year ago

Add that Joe Biden, known longtime friend and associate of the Ku Klux Klan hate group, is tied to the Aryan Nations neo-nazis racist cult whose members recently endorsed him for re-election, all filmed and documented. This guy Biden has been lying to the races for a very long time and will use others for his own benefit.

1 year ago

The real problem is the large number of people who still believe the media. They have been brainwashed so long they don’t question the news. I know many liberals (not leftists) who still follow the Democrat line. They will not be convinced otherwise.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 year ago

Encourage, subscribe to, support conservative publications.

Cindy Hayes
Cindy Hayes
1 year ago

Hmmm… Sounds like the White Hats are in charge and outing the Left’s Media Fan Club. Airing their dirty laundry helps wake up those still asleep.
We are a Republic, so there must be buy in from We the Broke and Abused People before we can be totally free of the Deep State. It will get worse until this happens. It has to.

1 year ago

I feel like I am in a conference meeting with JB, Harris & Fetterman. This is the best our country has to represent us. Make no mistake, Biden has sold out America. He has taken monies from our enemies and has rewarded them at our expense. He has done nothing for America. Just look at Afghanistan, our Border, economy, security issues with classified information not protected all over his properties, on and on for years and years. Just follow the money trail. He belongs in prison NOW! Who the heck voted for him anyway? That being said do you really think he got more votes than any President-really. What a voting scam, and this is backed up by the corrupt FBI and Judicial system. Our representatives violating their oath to our Constitution is the real insurrection. Legal American citizens are in trouble. Who the heck is running and ruining our great country now, it can’t be JB, he’s just an incompetent corrupt bobble head.

1 year ago

Propaganda marching orders to their party media cohorts pull the mask right off the one party state – corporate fascist establishment of Democrats and Big Media. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of his children in the DNC, they are what he had always imagined for his NSDAP. Biden’s impeachment needs to be expedited if we want to save our country from becoming Nazi Germany on AI!

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

This sums it all up: SCOTUS temporarily paused the injunction brought by anti-Republic traitors (fraud puppets Obiden and their Marxist totalitarian-desiring comrades)…giving the parties until September 20th to respond. The SCOTUS decision on this issue will tell us if the Constitution will remain relevant in the future of our nation.

1 year ago

Paul E. is correct, of course. A day after $3billion from the Pentagon budget goes missing, Russia invades Ukrainian territory. Hunter laptop? Just throw out an impeachment charge against Trump. And it goes on and on. This would be the perfect time to ramp up health scares again like, say, another Covid outbreak—oh, wait, mission accomplished. These tactics have become so obvious and trite, one wonders why ANYONE, even brain dead Biden supporters would fall for them anymore. Go ahead, tell the press what to do, Mr. OBama—but there’s really no need, they’ve been well trained already. A smack on the nose with a newspaper and they’ll all fall right into line.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Put biden in prison and put his entire extended family in prison right next to him. make it a prison with a very large white supremacist population.

1 year ago

Biden/Obama, really…it is the time to do what both of you have done to this case…it is get rid of the evil

1 year ago

Joe and his family have a lot to worry about!!! And there are so other Democrats who should be worried now, too!!! I just hope they all get their just reward!!!

1 year ago

Boy do I ever hope you’re right !!! Two big hurdles: Keeping the desperate dems from making up some convoluted rule whereby Trump cannot run….and hoping that the trunks of cars aren’t loaded with “lost ballots”. A lot to hope for….but I do.

1 year ago

Funny that worthless piece of protoplasm and his hench men weren’t worried about impeaching Trump or indicting him. They are all garbage as far as I’m concerned.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

It sounds like it’s about time for the Communist Dem’s to wag the dog again.
God save the USA.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Whats Biden hiding for Impeachment ??

1 year ago

I whole heartily agree with MOST of what you wrote. Not so sure about the whole ‘civil war’ scenario, but it could indeed get ugly IF the RINO’s stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. I know the devious Dems will STOP at nothing to derail Trumps campaign. And if that doesn’t work they’ll figure out a new way to Rig, Steal, Cheat another election. IMO, Trump most likely won by a LANDSLIDE in 2020. How else can anyone explain how Trump vigorously and energetically campaigned for a whole year, with 2 – 5 stops a day, attracting anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 wildly supportive supporters, …all the while ole Joe barely ever came out of his basement to campaign, and when he did make a rare appearance, he was lucky to get 50 to 100 (mostly media) supporters. I think Governor Kristy Noem of South Dakoda would make one excellent VP for Trump.

1 year ago

Barack Obama coordinated getting puppet Joe installed, is guiding Joe’s failures and Michele may helicopter in as the dem candidate in ’24 to “rescue” the USA from Joe and Kamala. If that happens, BO will have had at least 4 terms in which to “fundamentally transform America” — his two, Joe’s and Michele’s. What a clever, clever man he is.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

I find it supremely ironic that if the media were slapped-down for their acting as shills for the subversive Left, they would be screaming about violation of “freedom of the press guaranteed by the 1st Amendment,” as they lie to, deceive, and censor the American people.

1 year ago

Wonder what’s next for Trump in their attempt to take the heat off?

1 year ago

WWWIII and “ that’s all folks”! Looney Tunes fer sure. A disgusting embarrassment of a corrupt

John Smithson
John Smithson
1 year ago

Some good points here, but the idea that the government cannot “significantly encourage” social media companies to remove content is ridiculous. Of course it can. The government cannot coerce them to do it, since coercion effectively turns the companies into state actors as they have no choice. But the government can encourage, as significantly as it wants to encourage.
Here the social media companies had a choice. The government did not coerce, but relied on permissible persuasion. The companies chose to remove content, not the government. Indeed, in many cases the companies chose not to carry out the government’s requests. Anyone who doesn’t like the companies’ practices has a beef with the companies, not the government.

1 year ago

Legacy? Biden has a legacy? Oh that’s right, he’s the all time best and biggest liar. Not to mention he is a Godless satanically controlled person of incredible evil. There should be nothing even vaguely positive in his so-called “legacy”. By the time the democrats get through spinning their countless lies, he will be nominated for sainthood.

Gary Bestwick
Gary Bestwick
1 year ago

Based on the old CFR video alone, I think we can be sure Biden is guilty. I was disgusted when they impeached Trump over the phone call because I want my leaders to investigate any foreign corruption–Trump asked for the right thing. By the way, I am not a Trump fan.

1 year ago

This is typical of the Obama & Biden communist regime presence in the fake news cycle. This impeachment will not be able to be covered up nor made the fake news media. Justice is coming and maybe faster than we think if the military take over. This charade cannot go on because the world is on the verge of WW3. It is time to take down these criminals and put them on trial for crimes against humanity……..

1 year ago

My friends and I are wondering what this administration is going to do to derail the 2024 elections? They can’t talk about lower food prices, lower gas prices, lower inflation-as they are going up almost weekly. Bidenomics at its finest. They have intentionally allowed over 5 million people to cross the border illegally from over 150 countries including 250 on the terror watch list that have been caught. That doesn’t count the “got aways.” They talk about lower unemployment but the Labor Participation rate is still lower than it was with the closures in 2020, Over 7 million able-bocied Americans between 20-50 not working, getting some kind of covid, unemployment, etc.

Vietvet 6769
Vietvet 6769
1 year ago

Finally some action for puppet and to his master will put to task!

1 year ago

Every news station when they even mention that Biden is possibly going to be impeached, They always add that the Republicans are impeaching him with no valid reasons. It seems they are all following orders, except Fox.

1 year ago

I don’t recall Trump pushing the media to dampen down the coverage of his 2 impeachments even as the media was doing just the opposite as they ramped it up to front page, headline news on a daily basis.
Could have been because Trump is a leader/fighter and does not need the bogus media plus he knew the impeachment articles were total BS. That the evidence is coming out showing exactly the call to Zelensky was spot on. Yep, a PERFECT phone call!

1 year ago

Who GAF? THIS guy is a scumbag, his White House is embarrassing, and we cannot afford this weasel’s spending habits and decision making any longer. 82,000,000 votes. Hard to believe there are THAT many stooopid people in the USA. And they VOTE. Lord help us…..

1 year ago

We, the people of what once was the No.1 country in the world, has been in a downfall since the bigshot O was voted in as our leader. Though Joey boy was dealing in deals from other countries since his years of being a Veep, probably when he was merely a resident of the USA he could have been wheeling and dealing with them! More so after Hunter started doing what he has done, Joey boy was behind all of it. He IS a liar, that we know. day in WH as president he nixed all that Mr. Trump had done for this country and now he blames Trump for all of our problems. But with very severe dementia and Alzheimers very close, Bidey doesn’t know UP from DOWN! It is his staff that does all of the writing for him and makes all the plans for where he goes, etc. I would not be surprised but what his wife helps him out as she was so anxious to get into WH because of the number of years Joey supposedly served our country she apparently felt he should get his hat in the ring so that she could blab about their work while in the WH. Anyway, we have a lot of Dems in the country who would vote for him again – I’ve overheard different conversations times I do get out. CAN THE USA BECOME NO.1 AGAIN before the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ? I’m praying for it; others should be too!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Biden probably thinks impeachment inquiries will net the same bump in the polls Trump gets with every indictment.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 year ago

Biden’s staff might want to begin exploring other employment opportunities…just in case. No succeeding administration should want to retain any of them.

1 year ago

Show trials, control of the media, persecution of dissent, wake up and smell the bananas.

1 year ago

The far left globalist deep state has permeated our institutions it might not be able to be overcome by normal means. I am fed up with the handwringing inertia of those on the right of the constitutional government and leadership in our institutions who whine and wag their heads but do nothing about the problems.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Why impeach him at this latter date. Only 13 months to go till elections. Time it gets started till it ends will drag on and on. Harris maby in for 3 months. Some people should march on in and just toss him out the door. . Kyle L.

Will O the Wisp
Will O the Wisp
1 year ago

Blind, dumb, and lying, a combination that needs the BOOT! You seek to break the country, well, let us see how that works out at the end of the day. The bunch of you need to go. Class action suit coming on spending above what allowed. Ha, HA!

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
1 year ago

The MSM is not happy with winning the last election for Joe Biden by hiding the truth from American taxpayers. They want to do it again.

1 year ago

The government always tells the media what to say and what words to use. Remember when Rush Limbaugh used to play sound bites back to back from all the networks and they were all using exactly the same words? It is hysterical that people think They’re getting news coverage. The reporter from The Washington Post that just a pin no Pine that the Biden should probably not run. If the reporter opens his mouth it’s actually the CIA talking as well known that they leak everything to him. I hope they wet their pants trying to stay on top of this

Jimmy B
Jimmy B
1 year ago

Joe Biden believes himself bulletproof. He began his political career having lied about his educational accomplishments, his credentials and his achievements. His deceptions were exposed, but he was elected by uninformed or unconcerned voters who don’t particularly care about honesty, integrity or propriety. And so his legacy goes. He has NOT changed but rather engages in the same egregious violations and corruption on a much larger and dangerous stage…and at a cost of untold $billions to American taxpayers. What they try to impeach and indict opponents for pales in comparison to the now rampant corruption in the Biden administration and family. The magnitude of their Constitutional and rule of law violations threatens the very fabric of America. Our USA is now an endangered country.

1 year ago

To the low information voter who watches CNN, MSM or reads the New York Times, Washington Post and other liberal sources for their information they are preaching to the choir. To everyone else it’s a slam dunk that Joe & Hunter have extorted millions of $ out of businesses and countries in the course of their influence peddling schemes. We’ll get the same talking heads trying to defend the indefensible in their efforts to manipulate the facts of Joe Biden’s Impeachment.

Old Man
Old Man
1 year ago

It’s all window dressing. If Biden is impeached (and I doubt he will be), nothing will come of it.

1 year ago

ejf – I would like to think your are right but the democrats are NOT fighting each other. Everyone of them voted for Hakeem Jefferies as the minority leader and when did they ever go against Pelosi on anything. Even the few that call themselves the Squad still vote in line 95% of the time.
Right now the infighting is with the House GOP as a few of the Freedom Caucus want to return to a balanced budget with 12 separate bills rather than an all encompassing Ominbus that nobody ever reads. As you noted we have Conservatives and RINOs in the GOP, the infighting is all ours and we need it to save this nation!

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