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Biden’s Venezuela Capitulation Deepens Energy Policy Incoherence

Posted on Thursday, December 8, 2022
by Outside Contributor

At this point, Joe Biden’s affection toward petroleum-rich dictatorships and hostility toward American energy producers approach fetish status.  

Or, in the inimitable wit of Senator John Kennedy (R – Louisiana), the Biden energy policy amounts to a “moronathon.”  

In the latest episode, the Biden Administration just agreed to lift sanctions on the murderous, terror-sponsoring dictatorship of Venezuela and allow U.S. companies to resume drilling operations there. That reverses years of sanctions beginning in 2006 in response to Venezuelan interference in U.S. counterterrorism and anti-drug efforts, compounded in subsequent years due to human rights abuses and criminal activities.  

That reversal is repugnant enough standing alone. But it’s compounded by the Biden Administration’s treatment of U.S. ally Guyana, which sits just next door to Venezuela. The administration vetoed a loan for drilling Guyana’s far cleaner oil, based on the Treasury Department’s August 2021 guidance seeking to end support for fossil fuels.  

Except for fossil fuels in places like Iran and Venezuela, apparently. Make sense of that.  

The Biden Administration’s malpractice sadly recalls Henry Kissinger’s observation that, “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”  

When asked to justify its energy policy incoherence, the Biden Administration simply reverts to its deceptive and discredited “9,000 unused domestic drilling permits” rationalization. This week, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked National Security Council spokesman John Kirby why Biden would rather encourage U.S. companies to drill for comparatively dirty oil in Venezuela than here in America. Kirby answered, “The president has issued 9,000 permits for drilling on U.S. federal lands, Peter, and 9,000 are being unused. There are plenty of opportunities for oil and gas companies to drill here in the United States.”  

Energy policy specialist David Blackmon labeled that continuing rationalization “gaslighting,” and explained why:  

The taking of a lease, whether on federal or private lands, is a speculative act, an agreement between a lessee and a lessor to allow, for a price, the lessee to test and explore for oil and gas resources for a specific period of time. When a lease is taken, the lessee seldom knows whether economic volumes of oil and gas resources lie beneath the ground. That can only be determined by running seismic and other evaluation methods before then deciding to risk millions in drilling an initial test well.  

In many circumstances, the preliminary tests don’t produce results justifying such an investment… So we see that, just because a company has entered into a lease and then sought to obtain a permit to drill, that doesn’t mean that a well will necessarily be drilled and oil and gas produced from it.  

Moreover, many of those leases preceded the Biden Administration, which has actually leased fewer acres for onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling than any other administration at this stage in history – and it’s not even close. In the first 19 months of their administrations, President Kennedy leased 3.38 million acres, President Johnson leased 1.79 million acres, Nixon leased 1.87 million, Ford leased 10.23 million, Carter leased 11.77 million, Reagan leased 47.58 million, George H. W. Bush leased 17.23 million, Clinton leased 9.69 million, George W. Bush leased 12.74 million, Obama leased 7.25 million and Trump leased 4.4 million.  

And Joe Biden?  He has leased a miniscule 0.13 million, less than one-tenth the number of his closest competitor Lyndon Johnson.  

Accordingly, the Biden Administration’s repeated citation to 9,000 unused leases to portray itself as pro-domestic energy is the height of dishonesty.  

Meanwhile, American consumers continue to pay the high price of the Biden Administration’s energy policy debacles. This week, the U.S. retail gas price stood at $3.65 per gallon, versus just $2.39 on the day Biden took office in January 2021.  

In additional ominous news, the price of diesel fuel is up 50% since just last year, threatening American consumers as the holiday season approaches. Because ships, trains, trucks, tractors and other farm equipment run on diesel fuel, that translates to higher costs for gifts, food and other holiday goods and services.  

The Biden Administration’s indefensible energy agenda punishes American consumers, cripples our domestic energy industry, undermines jobs in that sector and strengthens hostile dictatorships like Venezuela and Iran. Stuck with a new Republican House, public discontent and Senate Democrats facing a particularly challenging 2024 landscape, the administration may soon discover that there’s a limit to tolerance of its mismanagement.  

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J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

This moron is delusional, he doesn’t have a clue on which country he is supposed to help grow and make prosperous, there is not one fascist or communistic country he won’t help to be stronger than America!
Wait I think that was his plan all along, he has a destroy America first policy!
With Biden and the Democrats, America is in its final hours!

legally present
legally present
2 years ago

So enriching America is not good, enriching Venezuela is, while thousands of their citizens are flooding over our border. Biden isn’t the only moron, all of his staff are, as are the Democrat Senators, thanks jerks for sending more Democrat Senators to DC to finish us off!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Senator Kennedy is one hundred percent correct in terming Biden’s policies (foreign, domestic, or any other kind) as a moronathon. Each morning I look at the news with total disbelief that any intelligent voter could think Biden is doing a good job.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

Under Biden and the Democrats our entire energy policy is idiotic. It is counterproductive at any level we can measure. There is a direct correspondence to his energy policies and the devastation we are watching before our very own eyes on our economy and rising inflation. All of this is deliberate and represents a violation of Biden’s oath of office. I do hope that the Republicans begin Impeachment Proceedings against Biden for his intentional damage to our country and our security.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Putin is in league with Venezuela and so is Biden, so what does that make Biden? A traitor to our country for sure. He’s in league with China as well. I hate him, truly. He’s not just a socialist but is truly out for the communists at this point. Why aren’t you writing about that?

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
2 years ago

Clear by now our current President does not care for our country or citizens. Disagreeing on a policy is one thing but the total lack of protection, war on our first responders, and destruction of our energy independence is a bitter pill.
As a retired military veteran it is heart breaking to see our military going downhill. Young people no longer dream of joining and no veteran I know would recommend service under this administration. Our values and morals as a society are shunned.
God help us!

2 years ago

The Presidential Dweeb is not capable of ANY coherence, on ANY policy, on ANY subject.

2 years ago

Once again, anyone that actually voted for this idiot should look at themselves in the mirror as they punch themselves in the face everyday. This man is a moron and IF he really received more votes than any other person that ran for POTUS, there are a lot of people that are responsible for the deliberate destructive approach that this administration is taking regarding America. They are deliberately hurting America and American businesses, while strengthening corrupt, violent regimes that use filthy methods to drill for oil. The first day Joke Biden took office he closed down the Keystone Pipeline, one of the cleanest operations in the world. he took away good paying jobs for American families and Canadians as well. Now, he is in bed with Iran and Venezuela, two governments that are criminals, at best. This is deliberate sabotage being done by whoever is pulling Biden’s strings, or Biden himself is actually this stupid. Yet, the mainstream media continues to go along with just about everything this stumbling administration puts forth. They are complicit and should be held accountable one way or another.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

We must produce OUR Own energy

2 years ago

Not incoherent, just a tune we struggle to recognize. Bidens actions re energy have been highly coherent. They reflect a joining of lunatic greenhards and marxists bent on paving the road to hell with ten dollar gas. They mean to fundamentally transform the country from the wealthiest in the world to something resembling norway. Yes, you can buy a car but the cost to average people will be prohibitive. Yes you can heat your hovel, but hand over all your money. Please amac, enough with the articles based on the premise that blunders are being made by our govt. Its all well thought out and on purpose.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden KILLED Keystone Pipeline January 20, 2021, saying the oil was dirty which is a LIE when the oil is far cleaner than Venezuela oil.
Won’t DRILL OIL for AMERICA but will ship in SOCIALIST oil putting AMERICA Last and HIGHER FUEL PRICES.

2 years ago

The most inept, anti-American president or PINO (Pres. In name only) we’ve ever had. He cares nothing about We, the People.
There’s enough oil in this country to supply us for years, yet, this socialist monster chooses Venezuela oil. There’s no sense in that except to ruin our Country.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
2 years ago

Isn’t it a known fact that when Biden was a Senator he was known for supporting things and voting for the things that were not in the best interest of the United States of America, particularly where foreign policy was concerned??? I believe for a long time he has acted in the best interest of foreign governments (ie China). I believe that the Biden family, the Harris family, the Obama family, AOC & squad, Maxine Winters, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and all the others who hate this country and all that this country has stood for and move to Iran, China, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Russia, wherever, and take up residency there where they all would feel more at home.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Moronathon! Hahahahaha! I love Kennedy.

2 years ago

For me, its not Biden. Never has been, even before the last election. This is what Obama promised to us all before he was elected for 8 years in office.

As he said on television “We are going to fundamentally change America”.

I was stunned then and never forgot his line. He and his internal minions are pulling the strings of the wooden puppets mouth piece.

The surrounding minions must tow the party line and do whatever they are told. They know what will happen to them and their families if they try to walk away…

and talk.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 years ago

I have never heard anyone say that “joey mumbles”was very smart,even in his corrupt earlier years.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

The concentration has always been upon shifting the financial center of gravity from fossil fuels to “renewables.” Massive subsidies and no accountability creates new political contributors and supporters for the shifty advocates.

2 years ago

At this point all we can do is realize how stupid the American people are. Democrats, I won’t waste time listing all the bad decisions, and Republicans so lazy 40% could not get off the couch and go vote in the mid-terms. The country is not recoverable at this point. The DOJ and FBI are at the will of Biden, Inc. I feel sorry for my kids and grand kids, but I don’t think we can turn this thing around. What a waste of the best country ever existing on earth.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Through Biden,Obama will ruin the U. S. Then the 30 and under crowd will get their Nanny Govt. Kyle L.

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 years ago

The 9000 lease BS is a non-starter. You can’t drill a well without a permit which is a separate negotiation which has been almost completely stifled by these hypocrites

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
2 years ago

Biden and the dem9crats are completely insane.

Anyone who supports them is either delusional or equality insane.

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

Is there any way that we can throw this idiot out and I do mean out out out of office

David Block
David Block
2 years ago

Joe Biden continues his quest to destroy the USA. Impeach fast.

2 years ago

Did not vote for Biden and his last corrupt president

Pastor Ron
Pastor Ron
2 years ago

I agree with all of the posted comments. The man has severe dementia and everything things he says or does is given to him in his daily talking points from the progressive left. On a side note I feel sorry for all of those in the military who have him as their CINC. And we know the progressive left hate the military.

harold reyes
harold reyes
2 years ago


2 years ago

I really think he’s getting paid monies (for keeping the border open) from the cartels.

2 years ago

He is really sticking to us, one good turn deserves another!Keep it in mind 2024

2 years ago

IMO Biden, as much as I don’t care for him, would not make these ruinous decisions. China has a ton of videos of Hunter which would blow things wide open. Daddy is protecting his Son, e.g. being blackmailed by China. In addition don’t disagree with comments of Obama (and others from his administration) being involved.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
2 years ago

This article has some good points,BUT will not change a thing. Please put the weight of our memberships (AMAC) behind correcting the failed voting system in the blue states. When we can hold honest and fair elections, elect House and Senators that have a clear understanding of the Constitution and how to serve the people, with a fairly elected President, this Nation might get to be a great Nation again.

2 years ago

Just one more horrendous decision and failure of this administration.They just keep adding up.

2 years ago

Just don’t understand how the American public can see how this incompetent president is destroying there lives and this country.

2 years ago

Absolutely fix our voting system, and also clean out the corrupt politicians and Judges that make laws from the bench.

2 years ago

He is doing what the “elites” want done to increase their power and wealth. They couldn’t do it in an HONEST FREEMARKET SYSTEM!!!!!

2 years ago

No there isn’t. They cheat every election cycle. Soon the Bolsheviks will control everything

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Wonder if hunter pocketed a few million with this slimy deal with another communist regime, and how much his compromised and completely treasonous father put into his.

Don L
Don L
2 years ago

Why doesn’t anyone talk about the Royalties our government receives on federal leases ? 12.5% is what our government would make on every Dollars worth of Oil

J. Salazar
J. Salazar
2 years ago

Just this observation. The FOX continues to guard the HEN HOUSE! It never changes, and probably not for the foreseeable future either.

2 years ago

As I see it, the tremendous efforts to weaken or UTTERLY DESTROY the Second Amendment entirely (and its provisions guaranteed by the US Constitution) by the traitors and their cronies in the White House is because these traitors greatly fear the real possibility of a bloody coup d’etat successfully launched against them!! I think that this scenario will become more likely as long as the living conditions and prosperity of the American people continue to deteriorate under the evill Biden Administration! This famous phrase could soon apply: “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”!

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Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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