AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

As the House begins impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his failure to do anything about the unprecedented number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, Republicans in Congress should not allow major transportation companies and left-wing special interest groups to escape scrutiny and accountability for their role in facilitating the crisis.
During the holiday travel season, several conservative investigative journalists began sharing videos showing large groups of migrants at airports appearing to bypass security and board planes to various destinations around the country.
One viral video shared on X on December 19 by Ashley St. Clair, a conservative influencer with more than 860,000 followers on the social media platform, seems to show a line of migrants at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport waiting to board a flight. “Entire flight full of migrants being shipped from processing centers on Delta,” St. Clair captioned the post. “Are taxpayer dollars paying for this?”
After St. Clair asked Delta personnel at the airport about the migrants, she reported that “a Delta representative followed me out of the Sky Club and had someone watching me because I asked if the migrants were being flown on my flight from the processing center.”
On the same day, Tayler Hansen of Tencent media reported that illegal migrants were receiving “priority boarding and expedited security” at the Phoenix airport.
Two days later, on December 21, St. Clair posted that she was “in possession of legitimate major airline boarding passes for migrants that quite literally have the name printed as ‘NO NAME GIVEN’” – appearing to confirm that migrants without valid IDs were being shipped from processing centers at the border and allowed to board flights with permission from airlines.
On December 22, Bill Melugin, a national correspondent for Fox News who has been covering the border crisis in-depth throughout Biden’s presidency, shared a photo from Tucson International Airport showing a terminal “full of illegal immigrants released into the US with their DHS paperwork.”
“Airport personnel are directing them into a specific ‘immigration line’ at security while all other passengers go thru regular line,” Melugin wrote. “I likely saw some of these people crossing illegally in Lukeville this week.”
Just a few hours later, independent investigative journalist James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, reported that migrants were being given temporary identification documents and allowed to board flights “based solely on their word.” As O’Keefe pointed out, “You and I could not travel without showing our ID numerous times and taking off our shoes, but these supposed ‘refugees’ as they’re calling them face none of that security or scrutiny.”
On December 20, O’Keefe also shared a video of an interview with a bus driver at the Phoenix airport who was seen dropping off loads of migrants. The driver stated that he “work[s] for Jet Limousine and take[s] a few trips a day” from the border to the airport – but became noticeably uncomfortable and defensive when O’Keefe questioned him on who was funding the migrant transport operation.
This secretive and seemingly coordinated effort to transport untold numbers of migrants around the country is likely not a new development. Back in 2021, Republicans in Tennessee provided evidence that the Biden administration had chartered planes to ship thousands of migrants to the state in the middle of the night. Similar reports soon emerged from New York as well.
So far, Republicans in Congress have focused most of their attention and inquiries when it comes to the border on members of the Biden administration. Mayorkas is now facing an impeachment battle, and the House GOP has held a number of hearings to question Biden’s top border officials.
But as these recent revelations make clear, Republicans should also consider questioning the heads of major airlines and other transportation companies about their role in facilitating the Biden administration’s schemes. If the federal government is indeed paying airlines to fly people who crossed the border illegally to all corners of the country without any proper documentation or way of tracking them, it would constitute a major scandal that the American people deserve to know about – not to mention a national security threat.
At least one Republican, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, has called for such scrutiny on airline executives. In a letter to Delta CEO Ed Bastion, Gaetz demanded answers on how many migrants the company’s planes have transported since Biden took office, as well as any communications from TSA to Delta about what forms of ID are acceptable for undocumented migrants.
Gaetz’s letter also specifically requested information on Delta’s relationship and communications with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like charities and nonprofits – another major driver of illegal immigration which often escapes scrutiny.
As some conservative outlets have reported, Biden and other Democrat presidents have for years pumped taxpayer dollars into NGOs to effectively fund illegal immigration under the guise of “humanitarian assistance.” After receiving grants from federal agencies like the State Department or Department of Homeland Security, NGOs then use that money to pay for things like maps and food for migrants coming to the United States and then flights and transportation throughout the country once they arrive.
The presidents and executives of these NGOs – many of whom earn salaries of up to half a million dollars per year – have avoided accountability for their role in fueling the country’s border and immigration crisis. American taxpayers deserve to know how much of their hard-earned money is going to these organizations and what exactly it is used for – particularly if those dollars are going toward funding the relocation and resettlement of illegal immigrants in their own communities.
After 2023 was the worst year on record for illegal immigration, and with a major election looming in November, the border crisis is sure to be one of the top stories of the year in 2024. This is the time for congressional Republicans to place pressure on the left’s entire open borders infrastructure, not just Joe Biden and the Democrats enabling it in Washington D.C.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.
The left (democrats) are smart, they took over our education system gradually starting 50 years ago and have produced a generation that is brainwashed and totally controlled. This open border fiasco is also part of their long term plan. The millions who have been welcomed in since 2020 are not traceable and will probably never be deported. In the next 20-30 years they will produce multi millions of children, most of whom will be educated in our left leaning schools who will be natural born US citizens and support the left. The only way to stop this is to deny citizenship to children of illegals, which will never happen or take back control of our education system. There are no easy ways to correct the damage done by the left, they destroy everything they touch.
It’s people like borack nobummer and george soarass that make this possible, they need to be stopped now.
the deep state wants this to destroy America
Sad to say there are also leftwing churches behind this. They’re as bad as Marxist organizations when it comes to destroying the country.
Can we stop calling these people Democrats? There is nothing at all Democratic about these people. They are Communists through and through.
These individuals should be charged with Treason against the USA.
It shouldn’t be long now before all these illegal aliens figure they’ve walked into a country that for the most part. is identical to the country they so desperately wanted out of. Brought to us all by the demolition-crats.
Just one of the thousands of examples of democrats corruption.
these corrupt behaviors are the reason people hate democrats.
We need to know who is financing their trip from their sh*thole countries to the Mexican border. How can they show up at our borders after supposedly walking 2-3K miles fat and in good health wearing winter clothing which they would never even have access to in most of the countries they come from. Who is paying their way from the middle east to South America. Whoever is financing this invasion needs to be stopped!!!
I am not using air travel any more. Especially Delta. Go woke go broke.
It goes even further than noted in your article. These “migrants” are also being housed and fed at taxpayer expense.
Just like when the “celebrities” from China visited San Francisco, they cleaned up, so too do Democrats out for photo ops only visit cleaned areas. Not forgettingnthe main issue created by open borders, where are the thousands of people? Where is the mountains of trash? The plastic refuse? The human waste? Perhaps if some 8 million people trounced through areas of natural beauty such as Lake Tahoe or Jackson Hole, WY. or Vale, Colorado Democrats would notice. Perhaps then it would be called a “catastrophe” not a “challenge”. He fact that the Rio Grande, by their actions and inactions, is being negatively impacted proves the hypocrisy of these so-called “environmentalists”.
I believe this is part of the Soros, Obama, Biden method to bankrupt this country leaving it extremely vulnerable to the bad actors of the planet!!! I believe that Soros, Obama and Biden are ones who think that they will be in charge of the New World Order and they are loving that idea!!!
This is an invasion of this country and these illegals are here because of the president’s ignoring the law and failing to attend to his Constitutional duty as President. He also is a traitor, since he directly impacts the security of the United States by permitting this invasion of illegals. He is harming every legal citizen of this Republic by these actions.
I do not fly anywhere, but I would like the names of these NGOs to make sure I’m not donating to any of them, and never will.
Illegal aliens – not migrates.
Democratic Socialists Party – not Democratic Party.
God loathing – not God fearing.
Corrupt politicians – not U.S. Representatives
Face it, joebama and the marxist democrat party hate America, ignore Our Constitution and laws and seek to destroy Citizens Faith,Family and Freedom.
Recall the phrase boasted by Obama starting in 2008. “I want to fundamentally transform America.” What do you think e meant? Most people did have a clue and completely misinterpreted his ideological wet dream. Why do you think that the left fights so hard to eliminate Trump? He set the transformation back by 4 years. Think Biden’s in charge? He’s a mere demented puppet in the overall scheme of things. Obama is still at the fore but buried deep behind proxies of his recruiting. Nothing makes sense. Yes it does. All of the things you seem round you that are daily gaslighted, lied about, don’t make sense, etc., they are all clear tactics of Marxism.
The packing of the United States with illegal drones is the pathway to packing the ballot box for good and paving the way to a one party dictatorial system that we will never recover from in our lifetime. Fundamental transformation. Why lift up the world when you can cut the United States down to planned mediocrity. The left faith so hard to make damned sure that Trump is taken off the table. What happens if the left cannot take him down by all tried means to date? Think about it. What’s next?
Another truth comes out about Sloppy Joe and O funneling tax money to big corporations to get America so far in debt till she is destroyed. This is not humanitarian aid to these migrants, they are just the pawns in their scheme to break America. Americans are always generous and will help support those that have less than themselves. And our current regime is milking that for all its worth. They are not following the immigration laws on the books and put the border problem on the reps because they will not blindly appropriate more money for the border crisis. Come up with an immigration plan Joe!!
Of course the government pays for all the transportation. Many many companies and individuals are becoming rich off this crisis. That is why it keeps going on. MSM for years and still are not reporting about the thousands that come across every day. This year there will be more than last year. One big push in case Sloppy Joe does not get re-elected. For they all know there will be changes happening. We American citizens are subjected to scrutiny at the airport. Take off our shoes, being strip searched, which I was at one time as a 75 year old great grandma because I have an artificial hip. Standing there for the whole world to see spread eagled while they searched me. And these people have no name no ID of any kind and get to go on a plane. If they were on my plane I would get off and demand they all be screened and searched. I am 83 now why are younger American citizen allow this to happen? There are people in this world that want to do us harm. The biggest ones are Sloppy Joe and our real president O. Stand up America.
The UN, cartels do the illegal invasion
The last 3 years was an audacious and illegal plot to alter U.S. demographics to that of a Third World nation, making a (Sociaist) Third World government inevitable.
When is the Congress, Senate and House members going to file and pass the needed authority to IMPEACH BIDEN, FIRE MAJORCA? I agree with immigration when people PROPERLY file documents needed to approve their entry into the USA. This mass invasion by way of Mexico must be STOPPED.
Very alarming and demonic. Apparently Biden and others want to destroy the U.S. and Christian values that underlie our Constitutional Republic.
Its just sick what the dems are doing to this great country
Please, lets stop this abuse of the laws of the USA. If the feds can run rough shod over our laws like this, then we have lost our democracy. Drain the fetid swamp!!
It is time for mass deportations. There are at least 20 million(!) people in this country illegally. Even if we completely stopped anymore from coming in, and deported a million people a year, it would take decades to get them all out.
This started with Obama. Bring in millions of poor illegals, settle them in red states and districts, give them amnesty under the no discrimination angle, and watch them all vote blue cuz Democrats gave them freedom! Than control those folks with government handouts and the Democrats have their permanent voting block to maintain their power until all the freedom lovers are exterminated! Read Animal Farm again!
TRUMP IS A GOD SEND! biden and the left are dead ends!
I used to work for the Department of Social Services, Family Support Division in my state. ORR
(Office for Refugee Resettlement) was handled in my office group—a few cubicles away from me. The charity’s, particularly Catholic charities, played a huge part in getting immigrants established.
A large portion of the funds was provided by the federal government. Money for food, housing, living expenses, which I believe was several hundreds of dollars each month. They also help find employment for them. There were many benefits for them that citizens do not get. A heavy muslim population was established in St. Louis, Kansas City area, Columbia, and I believe, Springfield, MO. One thing that alarmed me was the ambiguity of the names—not just that group of peoples but other minorities as well. Individuals of many different cultures may have only 2 names—like Ali Baba or John Smith, or many names!….Ali Abram Moses Mohamed Jehu Baba….that is a problem too! It was my job to enter these names in the system in which one time I came across a person with 7 names! (Not Muslim) (Which name will be used today?). We have an enormous problem when we can’t accurately identify persons in our country. That is why we MUST have photo ID’s. Also, ORR must be monitored closely and conservative guidelines established by congress.
What the illegal immigrants don’t understand is that the Democratic Socialist will eventually turn on them as well. If the goal is to have a new world order where you will own nothing and be happy, that would include these folks.
Why don’t we boycott the airlines… stop flying! That’s the only way to stop the airlines for helping the government…. Put the airlines out of business or hurt their bottom line…BOYCOTTS WORk! Too bad we can’t boycott the IRS!
Who is paying for these “New Democrat voters” to travel anywhere they want to go? Our tax dollars are being wasted! This is just awful
Left and it’s blind followers believe that everything that exists is rotten bad and unjust It must be smashed destroyed and blown to pieces Newcomers will do just that They are good at it From the ruins will be built just and compassionate society where everyone is equal It’s that simple
I’m sick to my stomach reading this Our children and grandchildren will never recover this debt and my social security that I contributed to and funded will likely run out before I’m dead due to this administration
One of the biggest problems are NGO’s assisting in the Invasion
Middle of the night flights … 3 years ago several planes of mostly children landed at Avoca airport in Pennsylvania. Videos appeared on a local news station.
How about someone (honest reporter) identifying these NGO presidents and executives? Tell the public who they are and the amount of our taxpayer dollars being spent on all this crap. Follow the money and give us honest answers.
Why do we allow the executive branch to fund NGO’s? This is US taxpayer money. it needs to be managed by government, not by unaccountable “charitable” organizations. Such transfers should be outlawed.
Why can’t we file a class action lawsuit against the airlines and other organizations that do this. It is discrimination. Every time I fly I have to go through the check points and every other time I get pulled out of line and frisked. I’m an old senior citizen yet I’m treated like a criminal and they get VIP treatment. Grrr.
As some wisely point out, Joe Biden is ‘not’ the or a President. He is a puppet as in ‘puppet regime’ and those pulling the strings are ‘one world order’ proponents and harsh dictators (Red China comes to mind – and don’t think for one minute those foul people have not penetrated our government. While his drinking habits were abhorrent McCarthy was right way back then) who wish to either subjugate or kill free people. I don’t think there is any mistake with the rumors/reports of a great pandemic of death in 2025 (as reported by many, 50 to 70% of Americans who took the jab – time will tell but that is not below the behaviors of our inbred enemies) and the resultant enslaving of the rest. No one knows if the military and law enforcement groups in America will turn against the so called ‘elected leaders’ and side with freedom. Again, time will tell. But those who think this is just politics are absolutely blind to reality and voting blind. Very sad.
So much disgusting, anti-America filth in this WH; we need another revolution to rid ourselves of these Marxist rats.
I think it is just sick that we pay dummies in Washington that means the president on down do nothing people that they cannot close the border and start sending people back to where they came from, what is bad is the people of this country will foot the bill for these people so they think that we the people are fools well we need a change and no more putting the blame on President Trump just stop then from coming in close the border send all the ones you let into this country behind the voters backs Time for this to stop
Impeach is boss Biden. Kyle L.
it’s a disgrace – if these illegals are coming here and some states are letting them register to vote then they should be serving in the military – see how fast they wouldn’t want to come here! i’m sick of paying for them and our water supply will be used up yet you have biden the buffoon telling us we need to take less baths etc. what an idiot – a sleezy, slimey idiot
the dumbocratic party doesn’t care about the American citizens they just want people to vote for the dumbocratic party candidates!
I’m so old I remember when the democratic party was ‘for the people’….now they’re for themselves. And are more of a demon-rat-ic party against the people.
Should take all those bus loads of illegals (that Butthead Biden wants here) and dump them off at his doorstep of his fancy shmancy house. Give them tents to set up residence on his lawn.
Biden and the communist/democrats are sick people. NOTHING is beyond their lust for power and the new world order.