It has now been revealed that when the Biden administration learned Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ nations were going to cut oil production the administration implored Saudi Arabia to delay the decision until after the midterm elections. This little scheme has nothing to do with helping the American people or stopping Putin. Like true malignant narcissists, everything is all about them and their prospects. The rest of us are meaningless shadows to these people.
With winter looming and energy costs skyrocketing as a direct result of Biden’s executive orders and policies, they did not pressure the Saudis to completely cancel the cut. Instead they asked that they delay the decision until conveniently after the election. The corruption of this should confirm for everyone that the Biden agenda revolves around helping himself and harming this country.
There are a few things we know for sure: The Biden administration is determined to crush our access to energy making Americans victims of undependable resources and therefore more dependent on socialist government. But they need to lie about that and manipulate us until after the election. Back to the business of destruction as usual.
If Biden wasn’t trying to destroy domestic energy in the name of pleasing the woke evangelists, we wouldn’t be in this position at all. His goal is to continue the left’s vile and destructive “painful transition” only with a brief election pause.
That is why this matters. This isn’t Biden trying to get gas prices down and making sure we have enough energy for our homes for this winter so our lives will be better and safer. Biden could accomplish that by ending his war on our own production. This was a purely political move, and now he and the Democrats want to punish the Saudis for not going along with their little scheme and for revealing it.
The Wall Street Journal was the first to report on the situation, which has now been confirmed by the White House. But there’s more! The administration threatened the Saudis that if they did not comply they would be labeled as colluding with Russia.
“U.S. officials warned Saudi leaders that a cut would be viewed as a clear choice by Riyadh to side with Russia in the Ukraine war and that the move would weaken already-waning support in Washington for the kingdom, the people said. Saudi officials dismissed the requests, which they viewed as a political gambit by the Biden administration to avoid bad news ahead of the U.S. midterm elections, on which control of Congress hangs. High gas prices and inflation have been central issues in the campaign,” reported the Journal.
Any other government hearing from US officials that their nation would be labeled as colluding with Putin would interpret that as a threat to withhold or end previous agreements and the likely implementation of sanctions.
Senator Marsha Blackburn got down to the bottom line on Twitter, “Joe Biden demanded a political favor from Saudi Arabia and begged them to hold off on slashing oil production until after the midterms.” Moreover, it was also a quid pro quo, exactly what the Democrats alleged Trump was doing with Ukraine and for which he was impeached.
The Journal reported, in addition to the threat to align them with Putin, that if the Saudis went along with the scheme US officials offered to buy Saudi oil for our Strategic Reserve whenever the market price got to $75 a barrel. As the paper noted, “Such a large American purchase of oil could have put a floor on prices. The Saudis refused the offer.” There is now discussion amongst Biden and the Democrats to “punish” the Saudis which some Democrats argue should include withholding military aid.
The Biden administration is known for its dangerous and idiotic foreign policy. Remember, this is the same team of smug maniacs that gave us the Afghanistan catastrophe. The corruption involved in this adventure is shocking enough, but it also exposes another moronic unforced error brought upon the country by the Biden clown car.
The Journal had a few things to say about the administration’s unhinged response to OPEC’s refusal to comply. It almost looks like the Democrats are trying to create a diversion to obscure the real story of Biden’s political quid pro quo: “President Biden and Democrats in Congress are furious at Saudi Arabia for pushing the OPEC cartel to reduce oil production, and they’re threatening ‘consequences.’ The ingenious plan seems to be to tell the Saudis that unless they do what Mr. Biden wants, the U.S. will shoot itself in the head…
“The White House does all it can to discourage U.S. oil production in the name of climate change, but then it begs foreign countries to produce more to reduce soaring gasoline prices. It alienates allies like Saudi Arabia that could produce more, but then courts the dictators who lead Iran and Venezuela so they can sell more oil and have more money to stir anti-American trouble. Wouldn’t it be easier, and better for U.S. interests, to unleash U.S. oil production?” asked the newspaper.
Yes, wouldn’t it, but at a certain point we have to admit that the Biden administration and the Democrats in general are hostile to what’s better for US interests, here at home and abroad.
Imagine this for just a second, America actually producing her own oil once again with enough proven oil reserves that will last for decades… The final paragraph pretty much sums it up in this Tammy Bruce article… ” Yes, wouldn’t it, but at a certain point we have to admit that the Biden administration and the Democrats in general are hostile to what’s better for US interests, here at home and abroad.”
Bill… :~)
First off, lets all celebrate Keystone Pipeline Day. Today was the scheduled date when the pipeline, should it have NOT been canceled by Joe Biden on Day One of his presidency, would have commenced full operation and started pumping 800,000 barrels a day of Candian crude oil down to U.S. oil refineries for conversion into gasoline, diesel fuel and other petro chemical products. Which would have served to lower our already low domestic fuel prices of the time even further. What a difference an election makes huh? Instead the project has now been completely abandoned by Enbridge after it incurred huge financial loses due to Biden’s decision to kill the pipeline and Canadian oil is now largely being directed westward for sale to…China. That’s right, China has yet again the big winner from an executive action done by Joe Biden. So lets all celebrate what might have been the advent of even lower domestic energy prices here in the United States, if Joe Biden had never assumed the office of POTUS.
Now for the article. Does it really come as shock to anyone that a 47 year professional career politician, with absolutely no experience, knowledge or concerns for the private sector economy or the American people he claims to care so much about, would think only in terms of what would be best to try and sway an upcoming election in his party’s favor? It shouldn’t. That is how most life long career politicians, who have never held a job in the private sector think. They see the world through the lens of election cycles and how close to having to campaign for re-election they happen to be. The only difference with Joe is due to his dementia and generally low IQ to start with, he is actually stupid enough to voice his true motives to the people he is talking to on his own team and they are dumb enough to relate it all to the Saudis during their visit. Were Biden’s handlers actually stupid enough to not think the Saudis would discuss with the press, that the fact that Biden’s chief concern was delaying any OPEC oil production cuts until AFTER next month’s midterm elections? Apparently so. Then again, the dismal performance to date of team Biden does reflect a complete incompetence to do any part of the job properly. So another clean up on aisle 7 for team Biden.
So now lets see what the Biden administration does to further piss off Saudi Arabia and the other members of OPEC that we are now back to being fully dependent on for our energy needs. Maybe team Biden will actually be stupid enough to cut off arm sales to Saudi Arabia and drive the Saudis into the waiting arms of China, who would be more than happy and willing to fill the void created by yet another idiotic move by the Biden administration. The self-inflicted wounds to this country just keep coming with every passing day Biden remains in office.
I wonder what happened to the strategic reserves that President Trump filled to the brim, and projected to fuel our national economy for 13 years. Last I heard it was only about 45% full.
Very informative. Thanks for sharing.
Joe Biden is an empty suit puppet manipulated in front of the cameras by the deep state people who are actually running this country. He is prevented from making any off script remarks and carries prepared index card notes to interviews. Even so, he sometimes says things that his handlers quickly “correct” for the record.
Unless the Saudis do what Biden wants, he U.S. will shoot itself in the head…!
Since Biden is the the “president,” I believe many Americans will agree with me: Obiden, since you are the head of the US Government, please show us how to shoot our selves in the heads! BE our guest!
Biden is by far the worst President in American history. More corrupt than Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton added together and far less competent than Jimmy Carter. That, on its own would be enough to awaken the most dedicated person to question how this person was elected in the first place. You don’t have to do a lot of extensive research, it’s the SWAMP. The unelected government groups that continue to claim more government resources a power to maintain control. They hated Trump, he wanted to drain the SWAMP and that would mean they lose control, power and money. The totally corrupt SWAMP has to be cleared up as soon as the mid-term returns the Senate and House back to Americans, who are elected and will stear us back to our Constitutional Republic!
The Saudis know we have plenty of oil. They just know Biden is a fool.
I am convinced that Kamela Harris is Joe Biden’s “impeachment insurance” just like Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s “impeachment insurance”.
Joe Biden: First and America: Last.
The energy secretary and the transportation secretary have both admitted they are pushing hard to make (MAKE) people buy EV’s. How? Fixed income of less than $2,000 a month pay for an EV? What a joke!
NO We drill our own OIL OK
He’s as evil as they come.
EVERY single thing that this illegitimate, treasonous regime has done since Day 1 has proven that they are America last. Everything! It’s deliberate and it’s malicious.
If you were trying to destroy a country from within, your playbook would look exactly like this nwo shilling regime’s agenda.
I hope all you libs, socialist under 30 and Afros that voted for Biden near freeze this winter because you cant afford these energy prices to come. . Gaurente you J .b. andbthenWhite House will be comfortabler this winter. Go move in with your savior. Kyle L..
Biden and company are hopeless, hapless and corrupt self-serving individuals who shouldn’t be in any position of power and should never have our respect. They’ve produced one disaster after another, both domestic and foreign, and made our nation a laughingstock, but worse, a nation few others consider necessary to follow anymore. The state of the world today is directly due to Biden’s ignorant, selfish approach to about everything.
Great article and comments. How in the world can one explain the enthusiasm among the dem electorate for their partys offerings? How can people be motivated enough to put up yard sings for these people?
Thank you for all u do in interest of our republic. One topic I’d really like to see u dig into is the influence (control) imposed on us by the Council on Foreign Relations
Someone in promotion should make a hat that says (top line:) BIDEN2nd line: MAL3rd line: “MAKE AMERICA LAST( MAL)this is especially good in Latino communities, as “Mal” means “bad” in Spanish.????
Biden has the Midas(s) touch. Everything he handles turns to sh*t.
Payasos Rule!
He and the Dems are the biggest liars and hypocrites in the universe! As long as their a**es are covered, they don’t gad about anyone else! Hey Biden! Jesus didn’t pay for you to act like this you bastard!
It would help everybody including agriculture if DICTATOR Beijing biden quit having Jets SPRAY 2-3 days before it Rains.
Geoengineering SPRAYING is keeping it HOT and NO RAIN.
Just look up and pay attention and you’ll know why your nose burns and runs and eyes burn every time Jets SPRAY and Weather Forecast goes from RAIN to NO RAIN less than 24 hrs. And the birds disappear with other critters.
It is all to STOP FOOD PRODUCTION and Live by Candlelight.
Add that to list of putting AMERICA last.
This would NEVER happen with PRESIDENT TRUMP.
Watch what happens in Saudi Arabia soon now that their leader has told Brandon that the interests of his country is more important than is the number of corrupt Democrats get booted from office in the mid terms. We can expect to see perhaps a coup attempt……an assassination……..put nothing beyond our Drooler In Chief Joe Brandon.
When you insult the leader of a country, why would expect him to HELP YOU out? The crown prince is returning the favor by poking Senile Joe where it hurts!
Dear Mr. President
By: 4 Non Blondes
Song says a lot about today when you listen to the words including this article.
Nothing proves the fraud of the election of 2020 like the consequences of the policies of the current administration. What an utter travesty!
I stated this the past few days: BUREAUCRACY — Turning ENERGY into SOLID WASTE since 1789.
Impeachable offense if committed by a conservative if it’s a Democrat Move Along nothing to see here
Impeach this awful man. Joe Biden is a corrupt president with a clueless administration and a terrible family. Worst President Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally out of touch with the American people.
He is a Traitor, He is a Liar, He is a Criminal, He has been Compromised.
He should be Tried for Treason and Sentenced. Along with the Rest of the Communist Demon-rat Administration.
Biden and his administration are treasonous. They all need to be impeached for treason then hung for their crimes.
I only have one question for my fellow Americans. When are we going to put a hard stop on Biden’s treason and tyranny? This senile tw*t is the worst enemy that our country has ever had to deal with! Being dead is way too good for him, he needs to suffer the worst that civilized people can pronounce on him and his family! I don’t want to see him impeached; I want to see him executed by a firing squad!
Biden is proving himself to be the most arrogant, ignorant person to have ever, purportedly, been elected to the office of president. Nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 like the consequences of the policies of his administration, regardless of who is the author of those policies.
Biden is not only the worst president, but a despicable creature of deceit, deception, divisiveness, and corruption. He represents what evil does to your soul.
It’s not our government that’s trying to ruin our nation. It is the elites! They are trying to kill us! The people at the top are the elites. You should all order the series of dvds from Billy Crone entitled Beyond Covid The Global Elite’s Plan For Human 2.0!
Not only is Biden an evil, hate filled person but a true disgrace to the office of president. His whole administration is nothing but a sh*t show who preach hate and have done absolutely nothing positive for this country. He has and continues to divide the citizens of this country. He and pisslosi are filled with and make their decisions with the devil looking over their shoulder. God help us!
Typical of this corrupt cabal of dem politicians who have all enriched themselves. Mostly all trial lawyers who need to be outed
Who is behind this? Biden is NOT capable of the thought processes needed to think this out. So many corrupt politicians and others are screwing our lives up. Sickening……..
Couldn’t have said it better myself. We need to be “energy independent” again!!
This is what you get when you elect a Corrupt Career Politican and a Whore. Glad i didnt vote for them
We are led by a demented fool who is a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of these United States.
Impeachment and removal are the solutions for this daft “wrecker” of our country. Lefties ARE nuts.
Our electrical grid is already in crisis and vulnerable. This moron of a so-called President is going to be the end of America! We need to be energy self-sufficient! OUT WITH THIS GERIATRIC, ALZHEIMER-RIDDEN. MORON!!
It’s amazing that Trump was accused of “quid-pro-quo” when asking about Hunter Biden’s role in the corrupt Burisma, but Biden can openly ask Saudi Arabia to delay oil production reduction until after the election to help democrats get re-elected and no one says anything about “quid-pro-quo” or impeachment. I think the press, formerly the fourth estate, is now the first estate.
So you try to figure out where all this is heading and is there indeed a plan an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. This latest bill that Biden & company just had to pass the inflation reduction act. Buried deep inside this bill is the allowance for licensing & permitting of Nuclear energy. Some of the big boys in social media companies have invested heavily in mining companies for the elements necessary to produce nuclear power. So is there a story going on in the background and we are about to experience a huge take over of the energy services in this country?
This is Election Tampering of the highest order! And an offer of Quid-Pro-Quo . Where is the media outrage? The charges for impeachment and recall? It’s time for a tax revolt – they know it and have built an IRS army to force us to fund this corruption.
Notice how quiet Republicans are in this entire Energy for America issue? Very few, and it is not even united against this administration and the Democrats in correcting, or vocally challenging the energy policy of the admistration. Maybe some should stay quite, or their IQ would show. But there is no united voice being proclaimed throughout the land, about how horrible and inept Biden and gang are leading this country. A few voices in the wilderness YES. A united voice, loud and determined there is not. The Republicans need to project a visual and vocal united stance of being FOR AMERICA. What is wrong with politicians, except being against term limits, that they only cry wolf around election cycles? They are paid for seeing America is served, not themselves. Public service used to be a priviledge and honor. Politicians these days make it a dishonorable service. Look at the role models: Shumer, Pelosi, Manchin (why would Republicans want this man in the party?), Bernie the socialist; Burr the corrupted, and the list goes on. Where are those who have carried America’s mantle of the freedom that folks around the world used to respect? No where it appears. Republicans want your money and your vote, but on 9 Nov 2022, where will they be? Speaking for America, or for themselves? We know where the Democrats will be, and the moneychangers table, counting their coins. Ever met a poor politician? Not an honorable one.
Trump faced impeachment for suggesting to Ukraine President they should investigate the Bidens or risk losing funding. So much for that whole “nobody is above the law” Garland shtick… apparently SOMEBODY is: “anyone with a (D) after their names.
Another form of tampering yet AGAIN!
It is sickening how they just cheat and lie stealing half my paycheck every month. To give to Ukraine, illegals and themselves!
They only want the black vote at election then crickets!
Republicans are so hobbled they are impotent!
Where is the America I fought for and love ?
The POS has been on an “America Last” narrative his entire miserable life.