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Biden’s Energy Policy – Dumb and Dangerous

Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The Biden Administration thinks “turn everything electric” is how you solve energy problems, convince China to stop polluting, reverse God’s climate control, and make us safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. As cars are forced electric, gas-based appliances banned, and the nation’s energy eggs put in one basket – the power grid – someone needs to ask:  Is this smart?

Answer, no. Biden’s dumb energy policy is folly. Here is why. Everywhere you turn, the Administration – like religious zealots – is converting things to electric power, which means loading up the old power grid.

After using federal money to distort the free market and induce states, companies, and consumers to shift to costly, rapidly degrading, insufficient solar and wind sources, they now turn to mass regulation, pushing mandates faster and further than any time in history.

This Administration, reinforced by states pulling federal money, has set in motion bans on everything from gas-powered cars, trucks, and stoves to refrigerators, lawnmowers, and (now) water heaters. They push it to the grid, 60 percent fossil fuel driven, 18 percent nuclear.

Put aside the illogic, hypocrisy, and self-defeating notion that the grid is “clean” electricity, somehow cleaner than the gas we put in our cars, or that this does not come with a massive infrastructure price tag.

Put aside the idea that electrifying everything – replacing individually-determined, diverse sources with just one – is wildly costly. It forces us to abandon a hundred years of energy distribution infrastructure. 

Put aside the lunacy of imagining that if we do this crazy thing, China will follow us. They surely will not. They do not care one iota about the environment or human rights. If we cannot stop them from militarizing the seas, heavens, and our own air space, cannot get them to put in a hotline to avert accidental war, what in God’s name makes anyone think they will follow us to high energy vulnerability?

The point: Pushing everything to the grid, already wobbly, risks a nationwide, cascading power collapse. Having all our eggs in one basket is dangerous – and anyone thinking non-ideologically can see the folly.

Before we start this Rube Goldberg electrification machine, an illogical experiment in mass transition from multiple available power sources to one grand “all things electric” scheme, consider facts.

The national power grid is a give-and-go regional system, Eastern Interconnection feeding states east of the Rockies, Western Interconnection states westward except Texas, which is fed by the Texas Interconnected system. All of these systems are old, vulnerable, maxed out.

The grid is 7,300 aging powerplants, 160,000 miles of aging high-voltage powerlines, millions of miles of low voltage lines and transformers, powering what lets you read this, plus heat, light, food, everything.

To say we are already vulnerable – without creating more dependence – is an understatement. The grid is highly vulnerable to internal and external threats, accidental and intentional, cyber to sun storms.

Moreover, the system is like a two-way river. When a region gets low on energy, another backfills, but if the system is hit hard, that impact can cascade, creating nationwide vulnerability. Why? Energy runs everything. Everything depends on it, life support to emergency response, transportation and lighting to medicine and sewage removal. If an event – including grid overload – shuts things down, they all go.

While this has been studied, the combination of cyber vulnerability, terrorist, criminal, or political attacks, and natural disasters is growing. Do the math on combined vulnerabilities, and our reliance on an aging, uncertain, centralized source of power is scary.  To increase it is downright foolhardy.

Other facts: 70 percent of the grid’s transmission lines are 30 years old, at end of life. 60 percent of circuit breakers are older than that, already almost twice their foreseen lifespan. Even before GPS vulnerabilities, cyberattacks are up. They present a tangible threat, especially from China and Russia. From ransomware to selective shutdowns, they affect national security beyond public access to energy.

The threat presented by shifting everything to the grid should be obvious. It raises the chances of a catastrophic, cascading event. Chances are, even before higher reliance, rising. In 2022, physical attacks on the grid, potentially foreign and domestic, anarchistic and political, jumped 77 percent.

Even before Biden’s crazy, political bans, mandates, and efforts to coerce reliance on the grid, we are in trouble. Before these get irreversible – and the illogic is hurtling toward us – serious thinkers say stop.

Loss of the grid from any reason would be catastrophic, imperiling access to life-saving energy and flinging the doors open to national security threats. Everything – including responding – depends on energy, that would be missing. Nonpolitical analyses say “casualties could run into the millions.”

Bottom line: Biden’s energy policy is pure folly, an unforgivable gamble. The mandatory, undemocratic, costly, illogical electrification of everything – puts Americans in jeopardy. It is dumb and dangerous.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Had King Clown tried to enact these stupid policies during the Dust-Bowl days, he and his, would have been run outta the country or lynched. Stupid clowns are not so stupid. They are getting richer pushing the Climate agenda. Anyone with any common sense would know that man cannot control the climate. They are laughing while getting rich on their way to the bank. MAN CANNOT CONTROL THE CLIMATE.

1 year ago

I’ve been in my home going on 40 years. Until recently my power has weathered every storm coming thru the Atlanta area. Now just a thunderstorm sends my power off! And most of my old appliances are gas and I planned to change them to another gas appliance when need be! I can’t afford all these electric appliances and I’m planning on retiring soon. I just got a new heating and air system that has to be paid off! Biden doesn’t give a crap about any of us and would rather we all be living in tents as homeless folks kissing government’s backside for survival while he and his cronies live high on the hog! Just like the pigs of Animal Farm! Welcome to Biden’s Amerika!

Don D
Don D
1 year ago

Its not just bozo joes idea its his far left r*** brain trust Scumbuma. He wants to ruin this country and turn it over to China. They need to be locked up in Gitmo!!!

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

The policy of the real culprits hiding behind the cardboard cut-out figure of Joe Biden. That’s all Joe amounts to is a front for the shady Deep State operatives running the show at the White House.

1 year ago

Oh, just say it like it is, EVERYTHING about Biden, his presidency and his administration is DUMB and VERY DANGEROUS! Empeach empeach empeach!!!! That is the beginning of solving many of our problems!!!! Then immediately empeach our idiot VP!!!!

1 year ago

Jack*ss Joe’s energy policy was planned knowing the damage it would do because it is calculated to destroy Capitalism and help the Communists in taking complete control forever.

Last edited 1 year ago by Grace Rowan
1 year ago

Biden was a vice president to Barrak Hussein Obama for 8 long, interminable wretched years. At that time we saw the first destruction of our southern border and the masses that flooded in. Our health organizations were turned upside down. Apparently far too many only watched the lamestream “news”. During Obama’s regime our cops were under attack even sitting their squad cars trying to eat lunch!! One spot on Black pastor described Obama as a “long legged mack daddy”. We listened, with rising gorge, this Obama (by the by who could never prove his citizenship and produced two different “birth certificates” both of which proved to be bogus after extensive research by Joe Arpio once Sheriff in Arizona) in one of his self serving “speeches” say: “I’m going to fundamentally change America”.
Just what do folks think he meant especially with the absolute destruction, danger, insanity now gripping our once strong Republic? He has been seen numerous times “visiting” the White House. He is also the one who opined; “There comes a time in a man’s life when he’s made enough money.” This same Barrak Hussein Obama now owns 3 multi-million dollar mansions, one on Martha’s Vineyard, and flies around no doubt on his private jet. I read with rising nausea his first two books…he hates everything about this nation and is determined to destroy it. Some may remember George Bush Sr’s. presidential acceptance speech when he said” “We must usher in the new world order.” We watched that speech! What do folks think that is? Add in now the growing hostility towards God’s church…the comments on article comment sections are often downright ugly towards the church. ‘There is no god; god is a fairy tale, god is evil and on and on. Thousands of acres of farmland has been bought up and taken out of production in our nation alone. Farmers in other parts of the world have been told not to use fertilizer from cattle, along with thousand of cattle being destroyed. Now they’ve been forced to use a synthetic fertilizer with crops producing only a percentage of the yield. Our “justice system is a sick joke that’s been weakened incrementally over at least the last 30 years…and who was president then? William Jefferson Clinton who literally got away with mass murder at Waco….aided by the “press” basically said daily “they had it coming.”
These are not isolated incidences. We must open our eyes and not get focused on one thing. They’re all connected and our beloved nation that our Founders pledged their lives, honors and fortunes to build is being bled to death daily.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This Emperor is not only naked but mad as well

1 year ago

Dumb and Dangerous……..applies to every thing in the Biden administration: foreign policy, economy, immigration, etc., etc., not just energy.

1 year ago

Biden’s Energy Policy – Dumb and Dangerous Just like him.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

For many systems ,of any kind, to be dependent on one source , in order to operate, to function — is not good planning. The things that make for good management are planning, organization, scheduling — all connected by clear, intelligent communication. In the 1990’s I visited a water treatment plant , had an interest in water treatment , hydrology then , still do, and I was very impressed how all the various systems operated . The controls for the entire system , from the water coming from the river ( Delaware River — for one of the Philadelphia water treatment plants ) to the water entering the distribution system , were connected to an electric /electronic , computer network, however in the event of some disaster that would make the electric supply unavailable everything could be manually, mechanically operated. So, that is a good example of using good sense for operating a system like that.Very good article Robert, an interesting book written by British writer , newspaper reporter Dennis Bloodworth , who spent many years in and around China — 1950’s — 1970’s , married a Chinese woman , knew the country very well is ” The Messiah and the Mandarins — Mao tse tung and the Ironies of Power.” It has much to do with ways that Mao and his communist followers caused many setbacks in China — due to lack of intelligent planning, lack of good sense — two examples , boilers in factories that had pressure rating limits , the limits were purposely disregarded thinking more productivity would be possible — the result — many boilers exploded. And the use of twice the amount of fertilizer on certain crops , with the unsound idea that crops would increase, — the result, soil being poisoned so crops could not be grown. Maybe another title for that book could be ” A guide for how not to do things right ” With the situation here and now, I reckon one of the best things to do would be make sure that essential services are maintained in the event of power grid difficulty. Being Ready, always the right , sensible way to do things responsibly.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

WE Lose all

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

You have to have an energy source to back up electric. Our electric sources throughout the country are antiquated.

1 year ago

Direct result of lack of education on the subject.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

No Energy. No Oil In National Oil Strategic Reserve. No ammunition to Defend country. No Manufacturing in USA.
No Borders.
Fantasy World so-called Green Energy.
Global Warming lie.
Bow down to Communist China.
What could go wrong?

Darin S.
Darin S.
1 year ago

The single biggest “Trojan Horse” on the world’s economic standards and our personal and collective global freedoms to take to the roads and go anywhere and do anything we want, a Marxist/Communist agenda to rid the world of, not fossil fuels but, each of our own personal independence and individual freedoms and liberties!! You put all energy futures in one basket and remove our ability to govern ourselves when all energy resources are locked down to “save the planet”, then anarchy becomes the rule and not the exception without the right to choose to travel; the right to travel or to live as we see fit then becomes the SOLE right or discretion of the government. Fossil fuels are not and have never been the problem when increased CO2’s have helped to quadruple green plant and tree growth in the US since we began driving vehicles! CO2 is not wrong but right and our American oil companies have given us the fullest possible benefit we could have ever dreamed of having compared to all of history before us! We can, today, begin to run our fossil fuel vehicle engines on HHO without so much as a micron of carbon emissions, what exits the exhaust and enters the atmosphere is water vapor, the science is real and we are talking about the purest form of oxygen rich “waste” from all of our vehicles! I wish America were to become as true and honest as we pretend to be?! Fossil fuels, which is an actual natural mineral, is our friend! Democrats are the enemy of America and their unrelenting efforts to destroy our single greatest asset and product of gainful independence and happiness is the only danger we face. They would have us believe that if they can tax us at 100% like Bernie and all Dems truly desire, take our personal liberties away, to spend us all into the ground and then tell us that their leadership is the single greatest resource we have.. Heaven help us!

1 year ago

What is there to stop free enterprise and capitalism automobile manufactures from continuing building gas/diesel powered trucks and cars. What law/mandate forces them to comply. Americans will buy what works for them at a reasonable price. Americans need to get some “CO Jones’s “ and push back on this blatant insane administration. The strong will survive and it’s not the current idiots in office or the Lemmings who follow them!

1 year ago

To say this is all a well intentioned gamble is not credible. Biden does what his handlers want. Now why would they wish to imperil our energy supply? Its either that they truly believe in climate catastrophism or that theres a deeper reason. After researching this as well as speaking to greenie people i am convinced they’re aiming at drastically reducing human populations here and abroad. They believe earth is already at max carrying capacity. By making energy scarce and costly they plan to stop people from having families. They have a vision and in that vision people are forced into high rise apartments. Car ownership becomes too costly. Veganism becomes the norm. Air travel becomes what it was in the fifties and sixties- open only to the jet set. From their perspective degrading the grid makes perfect sense.

1 year ago

Not dumb and dangerous, but traitorous and evil.

1 year ago

Current energy policy alone should doom Biden’s re-election.

1 year ago

The Weakest Link in the infrastructure of the USA is the electric power grid. To force electricity to be our only means of power for everything is to doom the USA to being suddenly thrown back into the Dark Ages. Only a complete idiot would insist that coal, natural gas and gasoline be thrown out with the baby’s bathwater. Coal, natural gas and gasoline are NOT fossil fuels. That idea was debunked long ago. They are elements created by Mother Earth and will serve us well for another million years if handled properly. This “climate change” insanity MUST be STOPPED. CO2 is essential to all life on planet Earth. It is NOT a pollutant. Neither plants nor animals (including humans) can survive without the symbiotic relationship between Oxygen and CO2.

1 year ago

My house and most of those within a 50 mile radius are contractor homes. Nice houses 30 years ago. They still have high market value (almost twice the original purchase price) and people are lining up, desperate to buy them. My house was wired for the code of what was in my house – gas Coleman furnace, gas water heater, gas stove. For my house to become the electric model it will have to be completely rewired with a new break box to electrify these items. For people who can barely keep up with their mortgage this ain’t doable and purchase new electric appliances at a much higher price than what they are replacing. It’s not a matter of plug and play…do that and you may well find out the hard way if your fire alarms work.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

This is a really good article exposing the dangers of a real threat. Missing is a suggestion what readers who share the author’s concern can do about it?

1 year ago

Most of dementia joe’s (Obama’s) policies and everything that comes from White House is very dangerous and unnecessary ly DUMB! I worked in the electric sector for 30 years and I know the grid is stretched beyond its limits.

Cap'n Bob
Cap'n Bob
1 year ago

And China is building 10 plus coal powered electric plants as coal prices fall allowing for their massive expansion of the already overwhelming manufacturing capacity. Biden is probably cutting a deal to give PRC our coal, as long as Hunter gets his million dollar monthly royalty increase.

1 year ago

I am by no means an expert in energy policy, but I do know that we need to gradually switch AWAY from fossil fuels. If we do not do this, Climate Change will destroy our Civilization. Greenhouse gasses trap ever more heat in our atmosphere with each passing year – and the Humanity is a major contributor to this year in and year out. And every year we all need more and more energy. As somebody who is not even 40 yet, Climate Change actually scares me the most. I read recently that the sheer energy trapped in the atmosphere due to climate change is an equivalent of many millions of atomic bomb explosions.
The heat and moisture that is being trapped is leading to ever stronger storms. This disrupts ecosystems and human livelihoods all over the globe. You think present migration crisis is bad? Climate change is going to impact the tropical areas: South America, Africa, India, Indonesia. Imagine 2.5 Billion people on the move!
So we in the United States need to be doing our share. Other nations are doing what they can too. There is a carbon budget. But for the sake of fairness, we need to understand that the developed Western countries had a head start in industrialization and they used up more of that carbon budget over time compared to developing countries. So while we are paying them some money to help them in their transition too, this is literally peanuts and we are the ones being most selfish here. While the current administration does engage in international climate deals, the United States still has the upper hand by a mile in those negotiations.

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