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Biden’s Electric Vehicle Ambitions Hitting Major Roadblocks

Posted on Monday, September 18, 2023
by Neil Banerji

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji

Joe Biden looking at Ford Electric transit vehicle
President Joe Biden views the electric Ford E-Transit Van with Ford Exec. Chair Bill Ford and UAW President Ray Curry, right, as he tours the North American International Auto Show.

Biden Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm’s recent glitch-filled “electric vehicle road trip” is quickly becoming a metaphor for the White House’s failed EV agenda. Instead of convincing more people to adopt EVs as their primary mode of transportation, the White House seems to have made the inherent shortcomings of EVs more obvious, even as energy industry experts are increasingly warning that the added pull from potentially millions more EV chargers could overwhelm the grid.

Earlier this summer, Granholm set off on a four-day trip across the Southeast in an EV caravan to draw attention to the billions of dollars the White House was pouring into EV subsidies.

But as an NPR article published last week revealed, Granholm’s team was forced to “grapple with the limitations of” existing EV infrastructure. That included members of the secretary’s team – in gas-powered cars – driving ahead to block off chargers for the EV caravan.

In one instance, as Granholm was traveling through Grovetown, a suburb of Atlanta, a staffer parked a gas-powered car in front of one of just three working chargers at a local charging station. The act created a minor crisis as “a family that was boxed out — on a sweltering day, with a baby in the vehicle — was so upset they decided to get the authorities involved: They called the police.”

Unsurprisingly, left-leaning NPR concluded that the solution to the problem was just more chargers. But that brings with it a whole host of other, potentially even more serious issues.

The Biden administration has called for two-thirds of all new light vehicle sales to be electric by 2032. EVs made up just 3 percent of new vehicle sales in 2021, meaning that Biden’s goal would necessitate a complete overhaul by every major automaker.

But with energy demand already expected to sky-rocket 18 percent by 2030 and 38 percent by 2035, the grid may not be able to handle millions more EV chargers. A report released in April from NERC, a nonprofit whose mission is “to assure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid,” has warned that mass EV adoption could lead to unplanned blackouts throughout the country. With no power, EV owners will then be effectively trapped in their homes.

As the report explains, most traditional household electricity uses like heating, lighting, and cooking appliances, are considered “grid-friendly” because “as voltage drops slightly, the device power draw also reduces and hence supports stable steady-state operation of the grid.”

But EV chargers work differently. They instead seek “to maintain either a constant current level or a constant power level regardless of system voltage or frequency.” As a result, this constant power load “exacerbates system instability because, during events on the system when voltage reduces, the load draws more current in order to maintain constant power.”

This problem is likely to become even worse amid Biden’s push for more renewable energy production. Currently, about 79 percent of the country’s energy comes from fossil fuels. Biden has set a goal of 80 percent of US energy production to be renewable by 2030 and for the country to be 100 percent renewable by 2035 – targets that experts have said are completely unrealistic.

Yet even as adoption of renewables lags, Biden has continued to wage an all-out war on the fossil fuels industry. Earlier this month, Biden canceled previously-issued drilling leases in Alaska. Biden has also pledged to shut down coal plants “all across America” and has buried fossil fuels companies in a mountain of new emissions regulations.

These moves are likely to cause the price of electricity (and gas, for that matter) to increase in the months ahead, creating another headache for drivers.

With the 2024 elections now just over a year away, it’s worth considering how Biden’s failed EV push and parallel effort to snuff out fossil fuels might influence voters’ decisions.

While Democrats’ famous 2010 midterm “shellacking” is widely recognized as a backlash against Obamacare, many Democrats also faced a reckoning over their support for a “cap-and-tax” bill on greenhouse emissions. Americans are already paying an average of $2,800 more per year in energy costs under Biden. Further increases could make for a bad night for Democrats.

Incumbent Democrat Senators Joe Manchin, Sherrod Brown, and Jon Tester of West Virginia, Ohio, and Montana, respectively, all of whom face re-election next year, could be in for particularly rough campaigns. All of these states already lean Republican and have a significant economic interest in fossil fuels. If Republicans can tie these Democrats to Biden’s policies, they will be well on their way to flipping those seats red.

Biden’s presidency has seen no shortage of radical, ill-formed policies. But his energy agenda and obsession with electric vehicles may prove to be one of the most damaging of them all – both for the country and his re-election bid.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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legally present
legally present
1 year ago

IF people wanted EV’s, we would buy them, YOU are taking Tax dollars from everyone to give rich people to help them with the costs of their EV’s. WE DON’T WANT THESE VEHICLES!

Sam Chapman
Sam Chapman
1 year ago

Biden and his handlers are nuts. How do these idiots actually expect our country to be 100 percent renewable by 2035? The real goal seems to be to eliminate petroleum. How will these things run – trains, cargo ships, aircraft? How will we make plastics or what will replace them? How about things like asphalt, composition shingles and so many very common and much need things?

1 year ago

With no power, EV owners will then be effectively trapped in their homes.” Then the push for 15 minute cities will start.
Take a hard look at what they are doing, it is all about people control. In a free country we the people controls the government. In a not free country the government controls we the peoples.

1 year ago

Jack*ss Joe Biden is obsessed with trying to transition America away from oil and gasoline and he doesn’t think We the People DON’T KNOW that he’s LYING because the Mainstream Media NEVER calls him out for it. The AUDACITY of this Jack*ss overwhelms his ability to care whether it’s right or wrong for the American Citizens. He thinks that if he forces the prices at the pump to get higher that will force people to buy electric cars. He doesn’t care whether the electric grid can support the increased demand. I guess he must think by doing so that he will go down in history as one of America’s “greatest” Presidents! I think that he and his handlers believe that this Fairy Tales can come true. WRONG AGAIN JOE!

1 year ago

We do not have enough electricity to supply our most basic needs. See all the brown-outs across the nation during air conditioning season! Also, we do not have the minerals needed to manufacture the batteries. WE DO NOT HAVE READINESS FOR THE CURRENT DESIGN FOR ELECTRIC CARS. And our electric grid is very vulnerable to enemy attack as would be our transportation abilities. Until those TVs are reengineered, we should not be driving them. But like the Green absurdity and Gore’s “climate change” lies who is getting rich off this fiasco?!

1 year ago

The biden administration is not concerned about charging a battery or if the grid can handle the loads. Their only concern is to do the most damage on America and American’s. To cause great and lasting damage.

1 year ago

Biden’s worst ill-formed policy in my opinion is the wide open southern border.

1 year ago

GOOD! he has no right to force this idiotic, unpractical idea upon the American public. I will celebrate the day he’s is removed from office. He has done nothing good for America since he was supposedly elected, but we know the truth behind that, don’t we?!

1 year ago

When the government decides you need a product so badly that you have to be forced to buy it, the product is probably not something you want, at least not yet. EVs are expensive. Besides buying than EV, you also need to invest in charger installation. What do apartment dwellers do about chargers? EVs are not good for long road trips. No one needed to be forced to buy a telephone, radio, TV, cell phone, etc. The value of these things was obvious to the public and prices came down as demand increased. Some products take longer to introduce because they depend upon other things happening. The value of frozen food was quite obvious, but when frozen foods were first introduced, most people owned a refrigerator with tiny freezer compartments. So people needed to invest in a new refrigerator or freezer, which were relatively expensive purchases at the time. Of course when one replaced their refrigerator, the new models had larger freezers. EVs are like frozen foods. EVs will take time. Try as they might, government bureaucrats just can’t make everything happen quickly. Bureaucrats may be able to a afford virtue signalling EV, but not a large segment of the population.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

My EV Issues:
Locked In/Out
battery fires
Lack charging centers
Charging time
No AAA Road service
Stop midway during drive ( UK)

MAGA 2024
MAGA 2024
1 year ago

Delusional Progressives can F-up anything! A bunch of clowns.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Biden’s Energy Secretary didn’t seem to hit any roadblocks. Unfortunately other people hit many.

stephen stewart
stephen stewart
1 year ago

Lets start charging ev per mile for the road repair, like the gas tax we pay? Its only fair right?

1 year ago

The fact that biden thinks (or is told to think) he has the authority to force Americans to buy EV’s, is Communism at it’s best. Most normal people don’t want EV’s and it’s not for the president to decide for us what we will drive – period! Those who do want and / or own EV’s and really believe they are going to “Save the planet” need a dose of reality. Mining the minerals alone is worse for the planet than just continuing to use oil. I imagine because they don’t see the destruction mining does, makes it all OK, and they feel all warm and fuzzy thinking they are doing their part. Add to that the child slave labor they don’t see – to them it doesn’t exist. It’s all goodness as long as they have their EV and think they are doing their part. Rainbows and Unicorns! The sad fact is, the only thing they are doing their part in is bolstering China’s economy. This whole scam is becoming more obvious to the normal people that it is just that – A SCAM. But hey, bejing biden owes the Chinese!

1 year ago

One word for — Electric Vehicles, Covid Clot Shots (AKA Covid “Vaccines”) The Green New Deal, 2020 Election, Climatology, Global Warming, Digital Currency, — The Word is FRAUD!!!!
I’m sure I missed something. Feel free to add to my list : )

David Campbell
David Campbell
1 year ago

The real goal is not to have a “cleaner” society and “saving the planet”. The real goal is to push individual car ownership out of the reach of regular people. With that in mind, it all makes sense.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We are trapped in the twilight zone

1 year ago

It occurs to me that the reason Biden created and sustains high gas prices is to encourage people to buy electric cars???

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Biden is as dumb as they come the grid will never handle all those chargers for cars and Trucks what about the people in this country not everyone can buy a $50,000.00 car or truck which we all know will cost more than that the average person cannot afford these cars and trucks. The dummies in Washington are in LaLa land time for Joe to go and his VP and others in his cabinet we need a clean sweep of the White House we need better leadership.

James Samuel Carlyle
James Samuel Carlyle
1 year ago

No one has conducted a viable study of the cost/benefit of electrical vehicle mandates outside of the Manhattan Institute. Their research indicates that the entire program has no benefit and their carbon objectives are unachievable and have NO benefit. Common sense achieves the same result

1 year ago

FJB, he’s an absolute moron.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
1 year ago

So even if the grid is upgraded, there still needs to be much more power put into that grid. Where is that massive increase of power going to come from?

1 year ago

All these car companies are pushing this nonsense down our throats because it would cut their workforce down 25-30%. Money the car companies would pocket. These vehicles start on fire in the rain and not in the rain, these vehicles are twice the weight of our gas powered cars thus destroying our roads, they’ll say the range is 300 miles-that is if you don’t use anything-lights, heater, ac, radio, etc., vehicles don’t charge in the cold or hold a charge, take forever to charge even in 80 degree weather and you have a lline ahead of you-spend half your vacation trying to charge the stupid vehicle, batteries last 8 years-$30,000 for new batteries, the list goes on and on with this scam Obama/Biden are perpetrating on the American people. Just like the phony vaccine, transgender surgeries, stealing money from hard working taxpaying citizens and giving it to the illegals, public schools teaching propaganda-lies . A never ending list to destroy the America our forefathers gave their lives for.

1 year ago

The thing to remember always about the left is that whatever they’re pushing at the moment is never the core issue. The elimination of petroleum is about tightening their grip on ‘the masses’. We dont think of people that way but they do. The core issue is control. Once they have complete control of energy they will control us completely. They can then make it impossible to afford heating your house or driving to visit your gkids and they will if they’re not stopped very soon.

1 year ago

Well, it’s official, at least with me, Joe Biden has taken over first place, ahead of James Buchanan, as the worst president in the history of the country, and he’s getting worse daily. Obama and the rest of the far left Democrats, have no plan. Making everything electric by 2035 isn’t a plan, and getting rid of fossil fuel also NOT A PLAN, it’s suicide for the nation. Are these people really this short sighted stupid – probably not, so it must be they want to take over the nations energy. I don’t see that as a good thing.

1 year ago

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” As the saying goes. Gas powered vehicles need to continue to be available. Electric vehicles won’t make enough difference in the “Green house gases..” Also there won’t be enough charging stations when they’re needed! AND LASTLY THE LONG LINES WAITING TO CHARGE THEIR VEHICLES!! No one wants the GRID to CRASH EITHER!!

1 year ago

We went through rolling blackouts last winter when our area hit a record -18 degree wind chill, we are pretty far south- it caused major issues! We are on a well- shut off our power, pipes froze fast! The power came on – busted 8 water lines!!! Now they want to add huge amounts of stress on the grid for cars very few can afford or want! This will not work!
Now, add that EV cars that were in hurricane, the salt water shorted out and have been burning….
We are no where near ready for getting rid of fossil fuels- like another person mentioned- it’s not just gas! It is a whole lot of products!

1 year ago

The biggest roadblock should be the mining being done on the backs of the babies doing the work in the mines.

Irv C
Irv C
1 year ago

No surprise here as we all no biden could is the only person who could burn water trying for a cup of tea. Hydrogen is tha planetary answer.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Once you realize that their goal is the destruction of the US, then it all makes sense.

1 year ago

As usual the democrats want what they want, and they want it NOW ! Never mind if it’s not practical, costs too much, and doesn’t work very well. My son is a Ford mechanic and he hates the electric cars. The batteries are dangerous, the parts are expensive and hard to get, (you have to wait for a slow boat from China to arrive) and they break down within months of buying one. Quality control in China is practically nonexistent. Most of the time when a little liberal is patting themselves on the back for buying one, the car is just about ready to break down. They’ve had some just barely off the lot before they had to be towed in for repairs. What a mess this whole thing is turning out to be. The industry is not ready. Not nearly enough time has been given to produce a dependable EV. California is pushing hard to get these things on the road and they’re just not ready. Plus definitely not enough charging stations to handle the demand. What a typical democrat mess!!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

There are no rational arguments to greatly reduce combustion engine vehicles while greatly increasing EV’s; NONE! The U.S. already has a strain on our electric grids, which are mostly powered by fossil fuels. Most times, an EV is actually provided energy to operate from coal plants.

1 year ago

A basic tenant of communist takeover is to control movement. We miss the real point debating enough electricity, slave labor to create batteries, govt subsidized E-vehicles, etc. We should be exposing who and why powerful forces buried within our fedgov are pushing to control our attending church, family gatherings, political groups, gun enhancement shows, etc. In nazi Germany it was “show me your papers” for travelers. A big part of people control is movement control.

The forgotten man
The forgotten man
1 year ago

Electric vehicles are useless, they are not selling because the batteries cannot provide sustained energy to perform the same functions as a gasoline-powered car. They are symbolic of this useless Government.

1 year ago

The goal is: no meat, no dairy, no cars, 15 minute cities, max 3 articles of clothing per year, and travel will be limited to 1500 km once every three years by the year 2030. The Global elites have said so. Go to We have to stand.up. and.stop.this.

1 year ago

Ole Joe decided to shut down the oil wells and turn on the lights.
Maybe he saw his father blow out a candle and lite a kerosene lamp. You know switching from that dirty wax to dirty kerosene. Like now turn off dirty fossil fuels and turn on power, dirty power at that, where does he think the solar panels and windmill parts are made from. FOSSIL FUELS.
ole Joe has no plans he was bought by the solar panel and windmill industries, hates oil, it has got to go, plus it is racists. His buddies in the environmental industry have bought him.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

EVs are nice but what is even nicer is having a choice not a mandate. I can go across the country in 4 days but they need a convoy of blockers to go 350 miles? What ppl don’t realize is these cars lose money to the Big Three which is augmented by government funding. There are places in the country that don’t have cell service but they’re going to put chargers everywhere in a wink? Give me a break.

1 year ago

How are we supposed to produce the additional electricity: wind, solar, or other unproductive sources?

1 year ago


Jim McDowell
Jim McDowell
1 year ago

There is one thing that I know for certain about EVs. I’m never going to own one.

1 year ago

The “roadblocks” Biden’s energy policies are hitting have a name. It’s called “reality”.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

How can some peop-le be so damn stupid. ??? Your pot on the stove about to boil over, ??? Add more water. Kyle L.

1 year ago

The country,infrastructure and consumers are not ready for or don’t want to be force fed ONLY electric vehicles.
Everybody know this is just the latest SCAM being shoved down Citizens throats by the marxist democrat party and joebama so they can STEAL from taxpayers!
Hell NO

Cindy Hayes
Cindy Hayes
1 year ago

All anyone needs to know is that it required OUR taxpaying subsidies for corporations to pick up this Great Green Idea. How many successful endeavors of the past, that should bring profits to a company, had to be subsidized by We the Broke Abused People?
It’s a scam! It’s cost prohibitive and both the mining and disposal of EV batteries is more dangerous to our earth than gas powered vehicles.
Net Zero isn’t possible and we wouldn’t want it even if it were. Not healthy or livable. CFACT/Climate Depot has real Climate Scientists if anyone requires more research. Or you can just subscribe to the UN News. The indoctrinated write their media, so you don’t need a green background like me, to see through the scam.

1 year ago

“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” Barack Obama

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
1 year ago

Our current electrical grid cannot even sustain hot summers and air conditioners running 24/7. How in the world does anyone think it will sustain EV recharging as well? C’mon man . . .

1 year ago

I hoped more Americans would recognize the many extreme problems with EVs and rebel before now, but I thought the same about Bidums illegal border crisis too, but again we have heard little from Americans. Does anyone realize what an invasion of 7 Million illegals (and still coming) will do to America’s economy? Think cheap job replacements and it could be yours! That is what Pelosi said she needed to pick her grapes! America has immigration laws and this is why, they just have to be enforced! When it starts hurting and it finally dawns on people, it will almost be too late! The cost to undue the mess Biden created will be enormous, in money, time and effort. It takes time for major disruptions to be felt in people pocketbook, but when they lose their jobs, their house and or transportation it will hit home. But by then we all will have lost much and it will take a long time and much suffering before it can be turned around. Biden, Biden, Mayorkas and Garland should all be in jail for treason and grand theft

1 year ago

Hey Joe, is the presidential lemo electric powered? I think not!

1 year ago

I find it hard to believe that these politicians don’t understand that the infrastructure to support the all electric vehicle agenda doesn’t exist and won’t for many years.
The Biden administration is more interested in making money by selling out the country to foreign interests that are not following the emissions standards they have set for the US.
It’s time for JOE TO GO!

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