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Bidens’ Corruption – “Lies, Sweet Little Lies”

Posted on Wednesday, April 6, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Some remember Fleetwood Mac’s 1987 hit, “Little Lies.” Lyrics include “tell me lies, sweet little lies, tell me, tell me lies,” in one stanza, “I’ll settle for one day to believe in you, tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies.” Are we there again? National media – neatly divided – tell us lies, and too many want the lies.

The latest lie? Somehow, in the swirl of a world determined to stir just the right mix of misinformation – the right tilt to sell shows, podcasts, and digital papers – we learn that a major story spiked by the liberal media in 2020, was exactly right. More than right, it could well have swung the 2020 election.

What story? As one-time liberal television host Bill Maher noted this week, a story that we now refer to as the “Hunter Biden laptop” story. See, e.g., Bill Maher: The ‘left-wing media’ buried the Hunter Biden scandal because ‘it wasn’t part of their narrative’.

What is this? A salacious tale about a onetime vice-president, who is now president, and his “ne’er do well” son, borrowing Maher’s phrase. The story was neatly ignored by all but one or two conservative outlets in 2020, as facts – verifiable than, now tending toward potential indictment – carried a punch. See, e.g., The media avoided the ties between Joe Biden and Hunter’s laptop.

If true, facts found on a computer laptop presidential son Hunter Biden left with a repair shop, could have summarily ended Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. The laptop was apparently in law enforcement hands, and has now become the centerpiece of a serious, albeit slow-moving investigation.

Why is this laptop – and the story unfolding now – so important? Three reasons, and they should matter to all Americans. 

First, the “real evidence,” as lawyers call it, appears to be verified and points to criminal behavior by a presidential son, at a time when his father was vice president. If so, a reasonable expectation is that a grand jury is studying that evidence. See, e.g., Washington Post joins New York Times in finally admitting emails from Hunter Biden laptop are real;

Second, based on what is already known, the potential information trove is not just about the presidential son’s sexual predilections, offensive and potentially criminal behavior in that sphere. It goes beyond the idea that we have another presidential relative who wanders widely and wildly.

This is about the veracity – when all is said and done – of the vice president, now president, since much of the swirl around Hunter Biden has to do with Joe Biden seeming to clear the way for highly profitable deals that are highly questionable between his son and Communist China, Ukraine, and other places. See, e.g., Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad; The Washington Post Finally Gets Around to Confirming the Hunter Biden Laptop Story.

Put differently, there would be no prospect of a strangely wealthy, politically connected, arguably politically corrupt first son … without the hub of the wheel, Joe Biden. Compounding the mystery and seriousness of recent revelations, claims by the senior Biden to know nothing, are slowly eroding.

How could the senior Biden have known nothing of his son’s actions and collections in China and Ukraine, when he facilitated the son’s activities, travels, and perhaps became a beneficiary? How could the sitting president not have known what his son was doing, in view of what is known of the laptop? 

Other questions swirl, and are so far unanswered but worth asking. When did the FBI come into possession of this laptop, verify it, and know what it contained? Why did that not become public faster, that is – in 2020 when it might have swung centrist voters away from Biden?

When did the major media know – and they chose willful ignorance, why? If the laptop is a reservoir of information tied to foreign engagements if they necessarily implicate the former vice president, are there other issues at work? Are there national security concerns that have yet to see the light of day?

Third, perhaps most important, this issue should now concern all Americans because it looks like it will get more serious, not less. As Bill Maher noted last week, in his own unique and incomparable way, what does this say about the integrity of major news outlets? 

The real issue raised by willful suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, and lately the admission by major outlets that the facts are real, material, serious, and could have affected the 2020 election – could now affect the sitting president and his family – is why we’re known facts suppressed?

In truth, we know the answer. It is a powerful indictment – not criminal but public and scathing – of the integrity of today’s leading media organizations. Public trust in mass media is low to start, but this may be the “coup de grace,” a turning point in what people allow themselves to believe.

Maybe we are getting to a point where, instead of being content with media lies, we are increasingly concerned that the lies hurt. Fleetwood Mac’s number one hit “Little Lies,” imagines that some consolation attends the idea that you will “tell me lies, sweet little lies …” rather than truth. 

Sometimes, the “sweet little lies” we get from our favorite media become too much, intolerable, and no longer comforting, but fundamentally undermining trust in people and institutions on which the nation – and the nation’s future – depends. That looks like where we are headed. We will see.

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2 years ago

I have scheduled is a sporting fishing event of a lifetime! Great White Shark Sport Fishing! Can anyone recommend a bait to me that will result in success? Prefer live bait that will go berserk at the sight of a Great White Shark!

Old Swabby
Old Swabby
2 years ago

After the event that Obiden was literally snubbed at, it’s very apparent he’s going down. Either Article 25 or resignation. Even MSM is turning on him.

2 years ago

The Biden criminal and traitorous family…May they live long , suffer much and burn in everlasting hell with their lord Satan.

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

There is and has been an ongoing conspiracy between the media, our politicians, fbi, cia, state legislators, governors, mayors, to push this nation into the new world order. It’s that simple and it won’t stop unless these treasonous bastards are dealt with as the criminals they are.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

The media is not simply undermining our trust, they are undermining our country. Why is that exactly? Could there be power and money behind them ensuring they do exactly that—undermine our country? Why else would they pass such up such incredible journalistic stories? It has to be more than just ideology at this point. There is something far more nefarious going on behind the scenes.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

when was the last time we’ve heard anything credible from the media truth would be equal to dropping of nuclear bomb

2 years ago


2 years ago

The FBI/Doj/CIA/Secret Service and many in government services are bought and paid for, there is no law and order and no accountability for the commie dems

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
2 years ago

As corny as it sounds, there are many Americans who believe in integrity, honesty, truthfulness, selfless service should be baseline qualities of our government leaders. Unfortunately that is not the norm now for our public servants. They forget they are to serve us and govern accordingly what is best for you, me and our country.
Now we have supposed “leaders” (?) who are now corrupt and thinking only of themselves..aka the Biden crime family.
With the rise in violence and destruction of the family unit as the foundation of our country, we are one day closer to another event like January 6th; only this time they will achieve their objective and overthrow our corrupt government.

2 years ago

The man in the WH is a pseudo president propped up by his wife who helped put him there, despite her knowledge that he was incapable of being president, and by the MSM who believed Biden would be easily manipulated to do their bidding along with the Left Wing Progressive Democrats who cheated to enable Biden’s path all the way to Penn Ave. The fact that he raised a tragically lost son who seems to be the front man in the profiteering grifting of U.S. adversaries is frightening but more so now that we see the payback the adversaries are getting at terrible cost to our country and the world. One wonders if Kamala was put in place to be Biden, Part 2, just in case he had to be replaced; she is another who can be easily manipulated by those Deep State Leftist powers that be.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

By the time I was 8 years old I had learned to take everything the news media said with a grain of salt. That was in 1964. They are still lying.

Linda M
Linda M
2 years ago

What does it say when the smartest man Joe knows leaves a laptop with all this stuff on it at a repair shop?

2 years ago

Lest we all forget….Joe can’t deny knowledge of this because he is on tape at a press conference bragging about how he demanded that the Ukrainian government halt an investigation into Burisma corruption, which just so happened to be where Hunter was collecting political bribes, errr a salary, when Joe was VP. As he roughly said. Remove that prosecutor or you don’t get your 2 Billion in aid from the US.
Why on earth would Joe say that if he had no knowledge of what Hunter was doing there?

2 years ago

Ukrainian was one of the most corrupt countries during biden’s time in the White House.
You can bet this is only the beginning, BUT with the Washington Communist in power
nothing will happen. Just fodder for the news networks today. Corruption through and through.
Start checking beau biden foundation for money laundering just like clinton foundation. Millions of money unaccounted.

Fred Rose
Fred Rose
2 years ago

There’s nothing sweet about the BS this malignant, toxic son of Satan says.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been lying during campaign & in office day 1

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

What this proves is that we are not a government of LAW and ORDER. We are soon to become a dictatorship. Why? Because we don’t want Harris as our President and Nancy as VP. SO the Republicans are willing to continue to the “election” under this criminal. They have their heads up-their-A**s if they think they will win the House or the Senate. THE ELECTIONS ARE FIXED and we will never get rid of these liberal crazies.

Anna Johnson
Anna Johnson
2 years ago

What amazes me is that the News Papers have decided to tell the truth now. why? Why now? After it was going around that all this could be true about Hunter and Obiden , still they wouldn’t tell the truth at the News Papers .

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

If the Bidens were investigated as much as they investigated Donald Trump, Joe Biden would not be President, Joe and Hunter would be in PRISON.

2 years ago

The ethics of the mainstream media are the ethics of revolution. Everything out of the mouths of lenin, mao and castro furthered their movements. Conservatives tend to see truth as standing alone, as objective and immutable. Solzenitsyn has stalin say that ‘language is a tool of production’ in one of his novels. For our lefties truth is maleable, to be forged, bent or twisted to meet the needs of the moment. In 2020 that need was to get rid of trump, by any means necessary.

2 years ago

In a previous life, Joe Biden was a mountain lion. Joe the lion was not a good hunter and often went hungry. Once, Joe was successful and killed a bull. He was so hungry that Joe ate the entire bull at one sitting. He was so happy that he roared and roared. A hunter heard Joe the Lion and stalked within rifle range and shot Joe Biden the Mountain Lion.

Moral of the story? Joe, when you are full of bull, keep your mouth shut!

It is obvious that when Joe Biden was a mountain lion, he did not learn his lesson! Still shooting off his mouth! Now, we need a real “Hunter” to come along…

PJ Thom
PJ Thom
2 years ago

Yes, as Levin said on his latest segment of Life Liberty and Levin. “We need a special council to investigate the Bidens.” We also need a special council to investigate the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, McConnells, and many more of our corrupt government. We need to clean DC top to bottom. They do not care about this country or any of it’s citizens. They only care about their bank accounts, powers, and control. We Americans need to call it like it is and stand up to all of the issues that face us.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Like the restof them,they will never see a day in Jail. Kyle L.

gary kistler
gary kistler
2 years ago

those responsible at foxnews, cbs, abc,cnn, msnbc, wapo, and nyt for killing the hunter biden scandal should all be tried for treason and capital punishment carried out just like in lincolns day.

2 years ago

Joe Biden knows all of his son’s business dealings with China and Russia. Remember when Eric Trump had to dissolve his Charity for St. Jude. What a contrast between Presidents’ sons! Biden is the most comprised president in history. And we are all his victims because of it.

So the media and Democrats in Congress spread Russia lies about President Trump throughout his entire presidency and the MSM ate it up. What a bunch of soulless fools!

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

gee remember when all the liberals, democrats, progressives were screaming trumps a liar?

remember Rachel madcow’s lie counter? where are those things now? Rachel’s trump lie counter is spinning backwards so fast it is goign to put someones eye out ad the non-existent Biden lie counter woudl be hitting light speed counting his lies.

don heer
don heer
2 years ago

The democrats do not lie they just do not tell the truth because to them they believe what they say is right

2 years ago

Mr. Charles, I really enjoyed this article. Thank You.
It’s truly shocking that too many politicians lie without remorse,regret or shame and actually expect intelligent people to believe them.

“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”
Comes to mind , along with My Father saying ” nothing is lower or less redeeming than an unrepentant liar”.

All representatives may need to practice honesty and morality for a change.

2 years ago

President Biden has NOT told the truth to the American people in over 40 years.
But he kept being voted into office because the people are gullible. And that is
what the politicians bank on. The Dems win.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

Given the publicity which the subject has been given, the implications to national which ties with communist and formerly communist countries would have, security must have, logically, been a consideration, despite the 30 years since the end of the “Cold War.” The expectation is that the amount of “quid pro quo” that goes on between members of the business, diplomatic, intelligence and military communities of all countries would surprise the average citizen. As to how much of it is in violation of the law, in the age of globalism, what laws, actually, govern the actions of people, anyway?
Corruption is prevalent, so it is likely that purpose, with respect to relationships, would be, at least, a tacit consideration, the idea of advantage being abandoned for mutual security by cooperation.

Charles Palumbo
Charles Palumbo
2 years ago

The Media needs to held accountable for their actions
Simply stating “We were misinformed” is just not good enough
Enough of these circle backs
I pray, somehow, The Truth will prevail

2 years ago

Hunter Biden’s

2 years ago

“Lies, Sweet Little Lies”? this clown doesn’t get the seriousness of what they are doing. must have been born after 1980 and an ivy (algae) leaguer. stop fxxxing around!!!!!

Linda Saffel
Linda Saffel
2 years ago

Time for the truth to come out and Biden needs to go. He has been dishonest from day 1 in my opinion

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I hate to say it, I really do but nothing will happen, it will be all swept under the rug again just watch and see the democrackheads get away with another crime.

2 years ago

That’s why I listen to The Stew Peters Show on Rumble. He always backs up the truth with documentation or video.

2 years ago

Biden and his socialist group have come to take (never to give) so I’m not surprised by this but it will be swept under the rug like it always is for the DemoRats

2 years ago

If this gets swept under the rug, then we need to burn that rug!! Because this can’t be let go, because then everybody will honk they can do the very same. Some already are!

2 years ago

A truth: “that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.”This is what Americans understood about truth before the election of President Clinton, who befriended China and allowed his wife Hillary to begin changing our education systems. Hillary injected government control to influence and indoctrinate younger and younger children to look to the government to provide an existance for them, as long as they followed without question.Now the definition of truth has added options to facts: “a fact or belief that is accepted as true.”This definition was accepted by most people because ‘Faith’ would fall under truth. That’s the lie the left uses to blur their primary objective, Total Governmental Control!Faith is a personal truth. Faith is the armory for the individual, the link an individual accepts as their truth. These words should never be used together and truth should never be accepted without fact.Using the controlling concepts of misinformation and fear are not new tactics used by governments to control people. Bend the facts, change the understanding covering the facts or the meaning of the facts. NAZI Germany, Communist China and the Sovivet Union are three examples of governments that use misinformation and fear to maintain power. The same way elitist in America, who already have money, now want power over the American people to sell their version of the truth, without facts.Our forefathers already knew that governments are corrupted by power so, they collected the thirteen governments that were in the country and made them independent of a single government ruler by allowing them to govern their countries, states, separate from the collective government with protections for the individuals in the separate states, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is why the left lies about their objectives in trying to change these ruling documents and their drive for total power. After all, they know what is good for you and the collective, you don’t!Keep in mind that no American representation party is innocent when comes to misinformation. There are people in all parties who think the Federal Government should be in total control. That mindset has to be changed. The first step in changing that mindset is to vote in new represenatives in every state who will vote for parental control of education by state, term limits for every elected representative and shifting the management for any welfare from the government back to each state so the money collected by the government for schools, welfare, other than Social Security and Medicare, is managed locally not in a federal bucket where the money is being used to grow bigger government, like illegal immigration and selling American property (land) to foreign nationals, instead of protecting American rights and property.Talk to everyone about voting in November and voter ID. Stop illegal mail-in ballots with out vetted requests for mail-in ballots. There were nurses in nursing homes filling out ballots for elderly Americans and mailing them as well as collecting ballots in areas where address were the only vetting used to allow a person to vote, so thousands of illegals voted with false ID, by address. These situations are fact, not misinformation.The Hunter Biden criminal activity is a cover up of Joe Biden’s corruption and as long as the left is controlling the federal government there won’t be any prosecution, little lies can hurt! Vote in November!

2 years ago

I have scheduled is a sporting fishing event of a lifetime! Great White Shark Sport Fishing! Can anyone recommend a bait to me that will result in success? Prefer live bait that will go berserk at the sight of a Great White Shark!

Old Swabby
Old Swabby
2 years ago

After the event that Obiden was literally snubbed at, it’s very apparent he’s going down. Either Article 25 or resignation. Even MSM is turning on him.

2 years ago

The Biden criminal and traitorous family…May they live long , suffer much and burn in everlasting hell with their lord Satan.

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

There is and has been an ongoing conspiracy between the media, our politicians, fbi, cia, state legislators, governors, mayors, to push this nation into the new world order. It’s that simple and it won’t stop unless these treasonous bastards are dealt with as the criminals they are.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

The media is not simply undermining our trust, they are undermining our country. Why is that exactly? Could there be power and money behind them ensuring they do exactly that—undermine our country? Why else would they pass such up such incredible journalistic stories? It has to be more than just ideology at this point. There is something far more nefarious going on behind the scenes.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

when was the last time we’ve heard anything credible from the media truth would be equal to dropping of nuclear bomb

2 years ago


2 years ago

The FBI/Doj/CIA/Secret Service and many in government services are bought and paid for, there is no law and order and no accountability for the commie dems

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
2 years ago

As corny as it sounds, there are many Americans who believe in integrity, honesty, truthfulness, selfless service should be baseline qualities of our government leaders. Unfortunately that is not the norm now for our public servants. They forget they are to serve us and govern accordingly what is best for you, me and our country.
Now we have supposed “leaders” (?) who are now corrupt and thinking only of themselves..aka the Biden crime family.
With the rise in violence and destruction of the family unit as the foundation of our country, we are one day closer to another event like January 6th; only this time they will achieve their objective and overthrow our corrupt government.

2 years ago

The man in the WH is a pseudo president propped up by his wife who helped put him there, despite her knowledge that he was incapable of being president, and by the MSM who believed Biden would be easily manipulated to do their bidding along with the Left Wing Progressive Democrats who cheated to enable Biden’s path all the way to Penn Ave. The fact that he raised a tragically lost son who seems to be the front man in the profiteering grifting of U.S. adversaries is frightening but more so now that we see the payback the adversaries are getting at terrible cost to our country and the world. One wonders if Kamala was put in place to be Biden, Part 2, just in case he had to be replaced; she is another who can be easily manipulated by those Deep State Leftist powers that be.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

By the time I was 8 years old I had learned to take everything the news media said with a grain of salt. That was in 1964. They are still lying.

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