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Biden’s Border Invasion Stacking Congressional Deck Against Conservatives

Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2024
by Shane Harris


Immigrants at US Mexico border. Asylum seekers waiting on the Progreso International Bridge between Us and Mexico. The Bridge connects the cities of Progreso, Texas, and Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas.

Along with posing an existential threat to American sovereignty and national security, the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens crossing the border under Joe Biden is also supercharging longstanding Democrat efforts to hand liberal states more representation in Congress.

Because illegal aliens count toward a state’s overall population for congressional apportionment but can’t vote (at least, in theory – the threat of illegals voting has never been higher) states with high illegal alien populations in effect have outsize power to decide control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the presidency.

In practice, this has created a significant advantage for Democrats. Liberal states such as California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois take in large illegal alien populations thanks to state and local policies that effectively prohibit immigration authorities from tracking down and deporting illegal border crossers – even those who commit crimes and victimize American citizens, as the country saw in the Laken Riley atrocity.

The intentionality of this scheme was laid bare in March when every Senate Democrat voted against an amendment attached to a $460 billion spending package that would have excluded illegal aliens from being counted on the census for purposes of apportionment.

The amendment, offered by Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), failed on a party-line vote that Hagerty said “confirms that [Democrats are] using illegal aliens and sanctuary cities to increase their political power.”

“[Democrats] are seeing people leave their state,” Hagerty continued. “They’re seeing the potential of the next census to lose congressional districts and electoral votes. I think most people in America are shocked to find out that we count the presence of illegal immigrants in determining the allocation of congressional districts and electoral votes.”

Back in 2021, Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) also appeared to confirm the political incentive for the left to encourage illegal immigration during a congressional hearing on a surge in illegal aliens from Haiti. “My district can absorb a significant number of these migrants,” she said. “I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes.”

According to an analysis from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), as of June 2023, there were 16.3 million illegal aliens in the United States (by some estimates that figure is now as high as 20 million). Because every House seat accounts for 761,168 “persons,” that means illegal immigrants account for a population equivalent to the citizens of 22 House seats, or 22 votes in the Electoral College.

Importantly, the illegal alien population is not distributed evenly throughout the country, giving some states a decided advantage when it comes to apportionment.

Deep blue California, for instance, has an estimated 2.7 million illegal aliens, while deep red Indiana has just 102,000.

Another report from the Center for Immigration Studies found that all immigration (including legal immigration) accounted for a shift of 26 seats from one state to another following the 2020 census. Of those 26 seats, 24 shifted out of states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016, while 19 shifted to the solidly Democrat states of California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Texas and Florida were the only states that went for Trump in 2016 and 2020 who gained at least one congressional seat due to immigration following the 2020 census.

Currently, Republicans have just a 218-213 majority in the House, and the corporate media is already speculating that control of the chamber could flip to Democrats even before the November elections. If that were indeed to happen, or if Democrats manage to win a slight House majority this fall, it will likely be thanks to the illegal alien populations of liberal states.

Notably, former President Donald Trump tried to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, warning that allowing illegal aliens to be counted for purposes of apportionment is “part of a broader left-wing effort to erode the rights of the American citizen.” But an unfavorable Supreme Court ruling in 2019 largely doomed that effort.

As alarming as the situation currently is, the worst may be yet to come. The current House apportionment numbers were decided by the 2020 census – conducted before the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens under Biden.

According to Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas, the illegal immigrant population has already nearly doubled under Biden and could increase to more than 30 million if Biden wins another term.

Of course, that’s not to mention the ongoing Democrat effort to give all of these illegal aliens the right to vote – something which would instantly and irrevocably change the political identity of the United States and make it virtually impossible for Republicans to win control of the presidency or either chamber of Congress. Already, states such as California, Maryland, and Vermont allow illegal aliens to vote in some or all local elections.

It’s no secret that Democrats’ far-left agenda is becoming increasingly toxic to the American people. But instead of changing their policies, Democrats are doubling down on their efforts to use illegal immigration as a political weapon to cling to power and perhaps even create a permanent electoral majority.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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John Bass
John Bass
5 months ago

The fact they are illegal should be the determining factor whether or not they are allowed to vote, have a drivers license or have any rights whatsoever.
Go to any of these illegals home country, do as they have and cross their boarder illegally and see if you get treated in the same manner as we are treating our illegals…again the key word is ILLEGAL.
We should be treating all these illegal immigrants as criminals, and not coddled like children.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
5 months ago

It’s time for congress to step in and require all states to do the following; First if they issue illegals drivers licenses They should be of a different color and specify that they do not qualify to vote and second remove illegals from the population count for the purpose of representation.

5 months ago

This summer ole Joe will make citizens of all the illegals that have come into America during his dictatorship including the millions that have come in over the years prior under O. Including the children that came here over the years as small children. He is the worst president ever. He has no feelings for the citizens of this country. He is president of the illegals, the Muslims in this country. And hates the rest of us. Trying to eliminate any political candidate. Not just defeat them, totally see to it that they do not appear on the ballot. By him saying Trump is going to ruin America if elected. Thanks Joe you have handed him a country in total decline. Your interviews are held with cue cards because you can’t put one sentence together on your own. I would rather have a man in the White House that has a sharp mind, has ideas, and is pro America. Not your America where the illegals are screaming death to America. Under whose regime did that happen. Yours OBiden.

5 months ago

“If Biden wins another term…” our country will destroyed sooner than later and redistricting that will result from ILLEGAL ALIENS invading America will be a moot issue. Prior general elections were labeled “our last hope” but this November is TRULY our last hope to slow the EVIL liberal agenda.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
5 months ago

requires proof of citizenship via birth certificate or “Certificate of Nationalization” which is presented when citizenship is attained. If an illegal alien is caught voting or attempts to vote they should be immediately be deported and put on an immigration watch list.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
5 months ago

Accepting illegals in the count for Representation in the House is actually corrupt and anti American — no matter what the Marxist Democrats say. Allowing millions of illegals into the United States of America is also corrupt and anti American. Allowing people to vote without identification is not only corrupt and anti American — it is also a way for Marxist Democrats to keep themselves in power indefinitely. The will of “we, the people,” is being destroyed on a daily basis. Our Constitution is being shredded by the power-hungry Democrat Bolsheviks. Americans are losing the freedoms and liberties that selfless patriots died for.
Biden and his traitors are destroying the American Dream.

5 months ago

The last 2 paragraphs of this article states the obvious plans of the enemy.

5 months ago

Biden and the Socialist Democrats are allowing our country to be invaded by enemies! Then they want to take your guns or have you arrested for defending yourself! Democrats are the worst enemy of America!!
I am sick of them and their socialist ways!!! We need Trump!!

5 months ago

What part of “illegal” do they not understand?

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
5 months ago
  1. First of all the border should be closed. With that being said, if you are not a citizen you should not be able to vote. Joe biden is making this country a third world country.
5 months ago

So tell me what can be done to stop this leftist power machine supported by the Chinese, Biden, and Obama?????
It probably means and all out civil war or a complete surrender to America being a Marxist run country with guns stripped away, all freedoms being subject to the government, and Christians being killed at will.
Welcome to the future, the only way they will take my guns is by prying them from my cold dead fingers, which I’m just an old white privileged fart anyway so the sooner I’m dead the better.
The good thing is I know where I’m going when I die (Heaven)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Rigged By Deep State day 1

5 months ago

If Americans want to keep their Country, hopefully they will vote the radicals and their attempt to change America to a Socialist Country OUT OF OFFICE! Under President Trump SAFETY and PROSPERITY were Available to all Citizens and under Biden, Safety and Prosperity are non existent! Biden’s wide Open Border is ruining the lives of Americans all so he and his ilk can stay in Power to rule our lives. Those are the real DICTATORS!

5 months ago

Read that that the biden administration has now allowed over 13.7 million illegals to come and live off hard working tax payers. This is in a four year period! When is enough going to be enough??

5 months ago

I agree that this is exactly what the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrade’s want.
But we can counter the effects by changing our stance on what will happen once America takes back the Presidency and both house’s.
All illegal alien’s (immigrants) will be issued 3 year visa’s once they come forward and submit to identity verification.
They will than have to fill out citizenship papers and apply.
They will need to take mandatory Citizenship classes with the hopes of passing the test and become a legal citizen’s.
We need advertisement directed at the illegal immigrants that if they do vote for the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Comrade’s they are just going to turn America into the Tyrannical countries they just fled from.
So now us conservatives have changed the narrative form how to stop the illegal immigration, to how do we handle the ones that are already here and what happens to them when we finally close the border.
Which we are going to do regardless of which party is in office.
The best parts of the plan if we do it is we get to vet all the illegal immigrants, they get a path to citizenship, our nation will swell with citizens that have lived under tyrannical rulers.
Also the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Comrade’s will have used our tax dollars to bring about there own downfall.

5 months ago

I am highly disappointed in the SCOTUS not supporting Trump on the census issue. But the one that I am the most disappointed in is Amy Coney Barrett. She has proven time and time again that she mainly supports the liberal agenda, as does Roberts, a poor excuse for a Chief Justice, both appointed by Republican presidents.

5 months ago

Never forget that Democrats cannot win unless they lie and cheat. And everything they do is with the goal of putting Democrats permanently in power. Republicans walk around with fire extinguishers working out the little and ignore the big picture of the Democrats are working on. The Democrats are so far down the road outsmarting Republicans is freaking scary. I swear Republicans are like chimpanzees with power tools, all they do is make a lot of noise and get nothing

5 months ago

I actually think that people assume that Biden will eventually do something to close the border. He will not. The border will not be closed until January 20th when he is gone.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

THANK YOU! This is the first article I’ve read here that didn’t only becry the massive numbers crossing our open borders but the motive behind it. And I’ve been citing this motive for a while now…

5 months ago

America should not count Illegal Aliens for any political purpose, especially apportionments, that has nothing to do with anything that’s legal! it is totally illegal for illegal aliens to vote, but that will not stop Bidum from doing just that! That is the sole purpose of why he “invited” every illegal alien in the world to come without a VISA and invade our borders! The 2020 election was fraudulent and the 2024 election will be too! Soros funded Dimocraps are winning, while a splintered Republican Party engages in infighting while losing the war. There was/is enough evidence against Joe, Hunter Biden, Mayorkas and the rest to put them in jail for good! But instead Republicans fight each other and let Bidum’s DOJ tie up Trump and his supporters with false charges to jail them and huge fines to bankrupt them. While America burns to the ground! I am ashamed of the Republicans in Congress!

5 months ago

We sit here complaining and have no power to change anything. I saw this happening as soon as the illegals were taken to the DMV, given Driver’s Licenses and registered to vote. None of our so called representatives did anything to stop this blatant attempt to bypass our Constitution. The dumping of illegals into Red States is intentional yet the red states have not done anything to relocate the illegals out of their states. This is why we must insist on mandatory voter photo IDs and PROOF of citizenship before anyone can vote or be entitled to a mail in ballot.

5 months ago

I declare open season on all democRATS (aka demon-communist-cRATS) and illegal aliens. No limit.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
5 months ago

“16.3 million illegal aliens in the United States (by some estimates that figure is now as high as 20 million). Because every House seat accounts for 761,168 “persons,” that means illegal immigrants account for a population equivalent to the citizens of 22 House seats, or 22 votes in the Electoral College.”
Take note! There goes our legal representation in the House and Electoral College. If Dems have their way these same illegals will get the right to vote.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
5 months ago

Biden no more needs congressional action to close the border than he needed action to open it. He is just stalling for time in order to squeeze in as many new voters as he can. He should be removed from office for violating immigration law.

5 months ago

Perhaps President Biden should have had better training and guidance in his formative years. The soiling of sidewalks in LA and elsewhere would appear to emulate his behavior, given his lack of decorum and rebellious nature. On the other hand, he may also benefit from knowing he’s older than six.

5 months ago

No Democrat would allow a NON member of their Yacht or Gold Club VOTE in Member meetings. BUT, they Allowed Over 11 MILLION “NON” Citizens to Walk into Our Country. This is what a DELUDED Mind looks like.
Any other President that Did what Joe Biden and Administration Did with the Border – Would Be IMPEACHED FOR TREASON, – The Biden Administration Put AMERICAN CITIZENS in a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT from the ILLEGALS Who HATE AMERICA.
This is NOT Just Stupid, but DELIBERATE Socialistic Government CONTROL, Fundamentally Changing what America’s Founder’s Protected America From.
Nevertheless, The Solution is EASY.
1) NOT a LEGAL Citizen > NO Vote, and NO American Citizen Taxpayer Benefits.
2) MUST Show Picture ID to Vote or Get a Mail in Ballot. OH, by the way, ISSUE EVERYONE in the USA a NEW ID and on ALL Driver Licenses, That Shows USA CITIZENSHIP.
3) ANY Illegal Migrant that does NOT Apply for Legal Citizenship within a year, will be DEPORTED. If you came here, become a USA Citizen.
5) Lastly, ALL SCHOOLS WILL TEACH Real American History of HOW America Became FREE from Tyrants and the COST of FREEDOM and Protecting FREEDOM.
Oops, Also, LAW and ORDER at “ALL” Protests. No More Organized Theft and Destroying Property. YES, This may need Immediate help from USA Military to STOP Organized Crime.
Blessings to ALL Who Love God, Jesus Christ, The Bible, and AMERICA.

5 months ago

Resident Biden and his evil minions will destroy this country if we can’t turn it around. Only God can save this country now and if He decides to let the unbelieving radicals have their way, it will get very bad very fast. If there is ever a revolution in this country many citizens and non-citizens will die. The evil is running rampant and at some point the American citizens that are effected by tragedies from illegals will have to take care of these matters on their own. It might sound heartless but when you deal with brutal murderers there is no other way. Pray hard that God will save us from these communists that are now running this country.

5 months ago

Biden, and any other politician or activist who wants all the illegal immigrants to come here, should be required to take four to six of these immigrants into their personal home and feed and clothe them. And if they have more than one home, they should open those ‘extra’ homes for illegal immigrant’s use as well. And they should have NO SAY in which immigrants they ‘serve’…random illegal immigrants including M16 and other gang members.
Until it impacts them personally, they will NOT understand how the average citizen feels about this issue.

5 months ago

Demonrats want to get amnesty, That’s why now all of a sudden they say there is a crisis on the border while they have ignored the problem up into this point. Demonrats now say we have to have immigration reform-phonies!!! ABSOLUTELY NO AMNESTY so the demonrats can continue to steal all of our elections!!! We know darn well that there are a bunch of demonrats in political offices that never really won, but cheated themselves in. Republicans need to become election officials or at least observers in ALL POLLING PLACES, even rural areas!!! If there are only demonrats running the polls, we are going to continue to lose!!! The only way they win is by cheating!!! Wake up and get involved or else America will become an ash heap in history!!! PLEASE GET OFF YOUR BEHINDS AND ACT, NOW!!!

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

Well it’s not that difficult to see who is working out all benefits for the Democrats – the devil himself. What ‘power’ would manage to give ILLEGALS such benefits that even American citizens don’t have the privilege of receiving? And who else worked out to give ILLEGALS rights (driver’s license, vote in local elections as tho a citizen, etc.)? The Dems are satanic-driven and aided.
Now ILLEGALS (most of whom are in Dem states) will be counted (just as citizens) in census to give more representation in the House of Congress.
We are very much in a state of evil is overcoming good. Why? Go back to the public-legal start of it — allowing prayer, Bible reading, 10 Commandments to be removed from schools then all things “public”. AND we wonder why this country is in such a mess…!! AND don’t forget legalizing abortion for decades, then legalizing homosexual marriage.
Don’t ever think God our Creator will ever look kindly on a nation who openly, legally allows those things that are an abomination to Him.

Robert Weil
Robert Weil
5 months ago

I will say it again, as I have said often, that all of these concerns and issues mean nothing, if all of the voting machines are connected to the internet. The ballots will be altered, just as they were in the last presidential election, Biden will once again will be elected illegally, in the U.S. will soon after no longer exist.
And since very little has been done, is being done or will be done to address the issue of the ballots being altered through the machines being connected to the internet, we will witness a landslide victory by the Biden socialist manipulators.
We desperately we need former President Trump at the helm, but due to the rigged voting, he doesn’t have a chance…..

5 months ago

Sen. Hagerty’s amendment situation is a great illusion that there are no ‘moderate’ Democrats left. I can’t stand it when I hear anyone in media (to include some so-called Conservative talking heads) refer to Marky-mark Warner as anything but a Communist POS.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
5 months ago

If our great government do not do something there will be more illegals here then citizens that are legal this country will be over run watch and see time for Biden and Harris start acting they care about this country and that goes for the rest of those up in Washington and the White House time for all the lies to stop. Stop funding other countries there wars and more.

5 months ago

I guess, like the invasion..nothing can be done about this??!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Congress you say Would that be the same body that formed the committee to deal with insurgency and treason?Where are they now when there is a real insurgency and treason for if chanting death to America on American soil is not it and they try to appease and apologize I’d say they are on the side of the enemy Treason right there

Dean Hardy
Dean Hardy
5 months ago

AMAC is starting to be a depressing read. Everything has become doom & gloom. Please pick it up some. 

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