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Biden’s ‘America Last’ Health Treaty

Posted on Tuesday, February 28, 2023
by Outside Contributor

President Joe Biden’s diplomats are negotiating a treaty with the World Health Organization to promote so-called global health equity. The premise is that in a pandemic or other worldwide disease emergency, Americans should not get better or faster health care than inhabitants of third-world countries. If Biden rams this through, Americans will suffer and die needlessly.

Under the draft treaty, presented in Geneva on Feb. 1, the U.S. will be obligated to hand over a whopping 20% of its medical supplies, including diagnostic tests, antiviral medications and vaccines, to WHO for global distribution. Article 10 of the treaty specifies this will be done in “real-time,” not after American needs are met. The U.S. will no longer be able to rush treatments and vaccines to its own citizens, prioritizing them before sending aid to other countries.

Grandma will have to wait longer for her Paxlovid or other treatments because those items, now being stockpiled and paid for by American taxpayers, will be shipped to Nigeria, Uruguay, Afghanistan and other underdeveloped nations. The WHO will call the shots on which countries get what supplies.

Treaty supporters skewer the U.S. for using up most of the Paxlovid on Americans during the recent pandemic and monopolizing early access to vaccines. They think Americans should make their own family’s health secondary to achieving global equity. Harvard University health expert Jesse Bump says the treaty is designed to correct “the shameful and selfish actions of rich countries in the COVID pandemic.”

Worse, the treaty suspends patent protection for new vaccines and treatments whenever the WHO declares a pandemic. Drug companies will put the brakes on investing billions developing future antivirals and vaccines under such a threat.

The treaty deplores “intellectual property” as a barrier to “scientific progress for all.” Just the opposite is true. Where would the world have been in 2021 if Moderna and Pfizer hadn’t rushed to develop vaccines in order to reap profits?

Article 19 would require the U.S. and other wealthy countries to pay a fixed percentage of GDP yearly into a WHO pandemic preparedness fund.

WHO already collects sizable sums of money from the U.S. but unfortunately takes its orders from China. WHO’s subservience to China makes the treaty especially perilous. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus kowtowed to China in January 2020 to cover up the initial coronavirus outbreak. Then, Ghebreyesus bowed to China’s refusal to cooperate investigations of the pandemic’s source. He also barred Taiwan from observing COVID meetings on China’s orders. Despite this, Anthony Fauci calls the pro-China Ghebreyesus his friend. Fauci’s fingerprints are all over this treaty.

More worrisome is Biden’s acquiescence. When Ghebreyesus’ term as director general expired, Biden supported his reelection instead of proposing a candidate who isn’t in China’s pocket. To hell with American interests.

Now, the proposed WHO treaty poses a new danger. It is a toxic brew of confiscatory demands for global health equity combined with behind-the-scenes dictates from China. The treaty’s defenders claim that nothing would allow WHO to meddle in how the U.S. responds domestically to a pandemic. But the actual wording of Article 4 proves otherwise. It states that each country will manage its own domestic health policies provided these policies “do not cause damage to their peoples and other countries.” You can drive a truck through that exception.

The draft treaty says it will go into effect “provisionally” before each country’s legislature considers it. To block that end-run around the Constitution, 19 Republican U.S. senators introduced a bill Feb. 15 stating the treaty is not binding unless the Senate ratifies it.

Biden, Fauci and other government big shots pushing this treaty don’t have to worry that their family members will be denied ventilators and medications when a pandemic strikes. They always go to the front of the line. But ordinary Americans need to speak up forcefully and reject the notion that they should settle for a lower standard of care to promote global health equity.

America is a generous nation, but American resources need to be reserved to meet America’s needs first, Biden’s “America Last” policies be damned.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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1 year ago

Well its nice to see AMAC finally decided to bring up this international agreement. Although it is already too late to do anything about it. It was announced a few weeks ago that it is scheduled to be signed by Biden on February 28th, which is today.

Under this new agreement, which by the way doesn’t need ratification by the U.S. Senate to be enforceable as currently written (It’s not a treaty so Biden signing an executive order will suffice per the language of the agreement), the WHO will have total control of America’s healthcare sector once the WHO declares a pandemic. Everything from what drugs and treatments will be allowable or not, as well as what our government officials, healthcare providers and the media are allowed to say concerning the pandemic will all be determined by the WHO. Per the agreement, the WHO will have the power to shut down any so-called “disinformation” they deem appropriate to a pandemic, its treatment and drug options, any questioning of care options or how the WHO is dispersing resources. In short, the agreement is an end run around the American medical community, your own doctors and anyone that might question the official line coming out of the WHO. The same WHO that carried the water of the Chinese CCP during Covid and is still in the pocket of China. What could possibly go wrong?

1 year ago

That word equal means equal. In math, at least real math, not new math, equal is balanced and the same on both sides of the equation, A = A.

AMERICAN education, as totally wasted as it has become over the past three decades, still teaches A = A. If we pay for our government to protect Americans from harm = we receive protection. No where in any third world country is their governments doing anything to better their country. Most have just become give me states!

America has had two wars that defined our rights. The first to establish a free country and government, a country and government where the individual has rights and can use their rights and freedom to achieve success. The second was to reestablish rights and freedom for every American and the right of each state to maintain their governing rights as a member of the United Srates. Have third-world countries done this? Do they have governments that allow individual freedoms, do they have blood in the sand to achieve the success Americans did and has?

There are 8 billion people in the world today. Tell the WHO to go to every country in the world and once a year get 1 dollar from every adult in each country and put those dollars in a world bank. Those funds can only be accessed by WHO during another pandemic. They can’t touch the money for any other reason. That way, they can distribute funds equally per country to pay equally for medications and other medical needs.

Joe Biden is a brainless A#%! America contributes more worldwide than any other country. WHO will not be dictating which Americans might die because we don’t have needed medications because they were given away. Equal means everything in the equation is equal!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

I am an AMERICAN and will not comply to the Wuhan Health Organization (WHO).
My medical care is mine and my doctors business alone.
Not some Communist China controlled so-called health organization that constantly lies about China Virus and its origination out of Wuhan and is trying to FORCE CONTROL of my medical care on me violating my Constitutional rights and threatening the sovereignty of the United States of America.

1 year ago

Hell NO, It must go through Congress and the Legislature, If it is a bill and even if it is not the American people have the say in it, The American people should reap the benefits of their own labor!!! NO MORE SOCIALIST?COMMUNIST IDEALS FROM THE PUPPET IN RESIDENCE!

1 year ago

the absurdity of this abomination shows further how liberals hate and want to destroy this country. they are despicable human beings. america first joe biden and the liberals last, they don’t like it move to europe or africa.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Well, Greedy Joe and the Rx companies stand to make a mint while Americans pay more and die more. Who in our goofy government thinks THIS is a good idea???

1 year ago

The Supreme Court should immediately go to this and make it null and void today!

Is it possible for this to happen?

1 year ago

I quote AMAC: “Where would the world have been if Modern and Pfizer hadn’t rushed vaccines in order to reap profits?”. Probably in better shape due to the amount of deaths caused by these very same vaccines. They were rushed into use before any due diligence.

Pam Chitwood
Pam Chitwood
1 year ago

This is ridiculous and should not happen. The WHO is not something most of the country even wants to be a part of now. Stop this group of crazy people doing this stuff

1 year ago

Why has he not been charged with treason? Obviously he is not even an American. He is not respecting his oath of office. He is head of a criminal family. After what was done to Trump, this is an absolute evil administration being run by an evil tyrant.

1 year ago

…”designed to correct “the shameful and selfish actions of rich countries in the COVID pandemic.”

It is the “rich” countries that develop treatments, vaccines, medication, and equipment to fight pandemics. The left’s definition of “equality” and a level playing field is to bring all nations down to the lowest common denominator. Our grandmas will die, but the bomb making terrorist and the Taliban will get the most and best of our health care products. Insanity!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Great. Lets hear it for the New World Order. Revolutuion is coming to this country, You can bet your sweet ass. Quicker we get rid of the Joe Bidnes ,the betyter. Kyle L.

1 year ago

ALL of Jackass Joe’s policies put AMERICA LAST!!! . . . This is not new!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

That kind of horse hockey is one of the things the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is about. This is the kind of thing that should require Senatorial consent. If he does it alone, the next GOP prez should void and issue an executive order that can never be done. I have targets consisting of light blue helmets and O.D. helmets with red stars.

1 year ago

I have been advocatiing the USA get out of the UN and kick UN headquarters off USA soil for about 50 years. Now, we must add the WHO to the list of organizations that are anti-USA. They only tolerate our membership so we will provide the most financial support to their efforts to destroy our country and way of life. I, for one, am totally fed up with supporting our enemies abroad.

Nancy Weres, MD
Nancy Weres, MD
1 year ago

This is unconstitutional as not passed by the Senate. All of these Globalist schemes that want global control of our bodies are unconstitutional. Any US official aiding or abetting this is guilty of TREASON.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

NO dont want UN WHO dictating MY HC
Do U

Henry D
Henry D
1 year ago

It was dishonorable for the Supreme Court to rule on abortion now we have the WHO ruling on our medical profession; SO, what do they plan to do about the fentanyl epidemic, thank you very much Communist China!!!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

There is a bill co-sponsored by my House Rep. That prevents any WHO funding by us. Let us hope it passes.

1 year ago

The sooner that nut is gone, the better!

1 year ago

So Americans will once again fund the world’s ills. Oh by the way Traitor Joe doesn’t really run the country. He just mimics what his puppet handlers tell him.

1 year ago

I got halfway through the article and had to stop. What sane person would deprive their countrymen of cures? What sane person would condemn Americans to die. I know Joe isn’t sane but God is looking down and saying “sorry Joe your family has to wait for the meds until everyone else in the world is cured. And since many of these countries have leaders who confiscate much of the aid your future isn’t looking too bright. “

1 year ago

He is truly insane!!!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

WHO uses AMERICA for our dollars and the loonie,goonie democ rats and the figurehead robot go along with this organization that is out to destroy AMERICA.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

More of the plan to destroy America and Americans. The WEF has decreed.
Do you think that Brandon is going to go against the WEF and Xi? De satanisten want our blood.
Brandon is providing it.
And the congress does nothing as long as kameltoe still has the deciding vote.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

1 year ago

The big question is: Can we get out of this under our next president? How many of Biden’s stupid atrocities against our country can we fix/reverse? WE MUST!

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

Does this include delaying treatment for politicians? Didn’t think so. How is Brandon free to sign away our health care? Just one more area the FED does not belong in.

1 year ago

I have proof today that there is rampant fraud in the Medical world. They are alleady stealing Medicare money. I received 8 Covid tests I did not order, which is being charged to Medicare.

I found out about this last month, when I checked my Medicare account, and saw that I had been charged for these tests. I reported it to Medicare. Instead of fixing the problem, they had the tests sent to me.

Medicare is completely out of control. I think they may be part of the problem. The organized crime has gotten into everything.

There needs to be immediate investigations into this Covid related SCAM!!!

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Not only no; but hell no. This will not be tolerated!

Shirley Webb
Shirley Webb
1 year ago

February 1st of what year? This is March 2nd 2023!

1 year ago

The WHO needs to be dismantled! They are toxic and a front for $$ making themselves wealthy!!

1 year ago

Joe Biden puts Americans last. He is our worst enemy. Can’t wait till he’s gone. Trump would never stand for this.

Joe Almendarez
Joe Almendarez
1 year ago

we need to stop these fools America will and should be first we already give alot of money to other countrys

1 year ago

The Senate must ratify the treaty before it becomes the law of the land.

Someone should have told Obama and the Democrat Socialist Communist Party that before he took his phone and his own to enter into a “treaty” with Iran.

Oh to have my country back.

1 year ago

Once again let’s drag America down to the low standards of the world. We are a giving people. This is wrapped up in the one world government

Obama and Biden go away. We do not need to keep lowering our standards

1 year ago

What a mess the incompetent Biden Administration has wrought. We already give money to other Countries. Our President and Vice President are nit-wits. Well all I can say is God help us all. Conservatives stand up and make your voices be heard.

1 year ago

This could be the trigger that starts civil warll

Sharon T
Sharon T
1 year ago

Satan is working overtime in this administration, and they don’t seem to give a hoot about anybody but themselves!

1 year ago

What an a hole

1 year ago

It won’t be long beforeBiden and Harris has the American people walking on our knees begging other countries for our every need. Conservatives need to prepare for civil war against our government!
Lock and load everyone!!

1 year ago

A travesty!! Wyoming is not allowing this, reported Glenn Beck this morning.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

I got one question for the WHO- do you think these TREATY countries would use their medical supplies for THEIR countries FIRST?

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

I bet you PT BIDEN gets his order of DEPENDS no matter what TREATY organization needs them!

Dr. Truth
Dr. Truth
1 year ago

The WHO has been around since the end of WW2 and is an arm of the United Nations. It does not represent health but control and drugs. This jackass dummy Biden has no business making a “treaty” with this Marxist pseudo-health organization regarding anyone’s health. Biden needs to be removed along with his criminal cabal and dealt with. The United Nations also needs to be removed as it is a dangerous organization.

Jim Nostrant
Jim Nostrant
1 year ago

The worst leader , in the history of leaders, Joe Biden just became worse. How do we stop this administration. If these people worked for any company, they would have been fired long ago.

1 year ago

Our health isn’t the only thing that Biden has America last on!! It seems that anything and everything that Biden and his administration touches end up in failure and it’s despicable that any American President should put his/her own people last on the agenda!! Anyone who proclaims this type of ideology should never be allowed to run for any important office!! We don’t need anyone in an important office who considers anything less than America first!!! That should include bringing back manufacturing and pharmaceutical production and anything else that China took from us because of cheap labor!! I have very little trust or faith in this administration to do anything for us, the American citizens!!!

James trent
James trent
1 year ago

The U.S. Senate is the only entity that can ratify a treaty. If I remember correctly, Obama tried to ram through a treaty that would have placed U.S. armed forces under United Nations command. This was as asinine as Biden’s so called “treaty” with WHO. There is no doubt in my mind that Biden and the far left are trying to ruin our country. Insofar as impeaching Biden it will never happen because the U.S.Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the senate is the legislative body that would ratify or not ratify Articles of Impeachment approved by the republican controlled House of Representatives.

1 year ago

Without 67 votes in the Senate, all this is academic.

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