
Newsline , Society

Biden Makes a Mockery of Gender Equality

Posted on Saturday, May 25, 2024
by AMAC Newsline
President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Pride celebration, Saturday, June 10, 2023, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

As students throughout the country wrap up the school year, they head into summer with the knowledge that their places of learning will likely be vastly different when they return.

On April 29, President Joe Biden’s Department of Education officially published its sweeping rewrite of the Title IX rule, which will go into effect on August 1. As a result of this new policy, the trend of biological males using women’s restrooms and locker rooms, until now mostly confined to far-left jurisdictions, will now be a protected act in the entire country under federal civil rights law.

As Kristen Waggoner, president of the Alliance Defending Freedom, put it in a recent op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, “Virtually every school in the nation that takes federal money will now have to allow boys who identify as girls to enter girls’ physical education classes, locker rooms, showers and bathrooms. Schools will be compelled to disregard the rights of women and girls in favor of a male’s subjective and sometimes temporary feelings.”

Retired lawyer and psychology professor Joachim Mathias Mannheiner, a prominent figure in shaping youth policy for the German government in the 1980s, told me that Biden’s Title IX rewrite is a “treacherous, upside-down rule.” He added that he believes the new rule will “undermine cohesion in American society,” calling it “utterly divisive and unfair,” especially for women and girls.

Attorney Candice Jackson, who served as Acting Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education during the Trump administration, has also warned that Biden’s Title IX rewrite creates a “corollary legal consequence” for schools. Specifically, the new rules, she said, could imply that schools must consider parents who do not “affirm” their child’s self-professed transgender identity to be abusive and report them to child protective services. 

The new Title IX rules will also be particularly detrimental for girls’ sports, denying many the opportunity to compete in school athletics and putting those who do at significantly increased risk of injury.

For instance, during a women’s high school field hockey match in Massachusetts last fall, a male player who identified as a girl hit an opposing player in the face with the ball, causing her to fall to the ground and scream in pain. In February, another male transgender athlete in Massachusetts reportedly injured three girls during a single women’s basketball game, causing that team to forfeit.

In another instance, a female soccer player in Australia had her leg broken in two places by a male who identifies as transgender. According to a report from The Telegraph, the victim was a five-foot-six player who weighed less than 130 pounds, while the male who injured her was six-foot-two and weighed nearly 200 pounds. The injured girl had to retire from her sporting career.

Payton McNabb, a former North Carolina high school volleyball player who was injured by a male during a 2022 match, still suffers from lasting physical and mental injuries.

Men identifying as women have also stolen titles and prizes from female athletes – something which Biden’s Title IX rewrite further paves the way for.

The most famous such case is that of Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimmer who has spoken out against males competing in women’s sports. In 2022, Riley tied male transgender swimmer Lia Thomas at the NCAA Division I women’s swimming championships. During the awards ceremony, the NCAA denied Gaines her trophy and spot on the podium, instead giving it to Thomas.

Taylor Silverman, a female skateboarder from Michigan, has spoken out about how males identifying as women are now taking over that niche sport as well. In one instance, a male skateboarder who identifies as a woman beat out Silverman for the top spot at an event in 2022, denying her the $5,000 grand prize.

Earlier this month in Oregon, Aayden Gallagher, a male athlete competing in high school women’s track and field events, won the 200-meter race with a time of 25.49 seconds – shattering the prior 30-second state record set by a biological female. It seems unlikely any female will ever be able to beat that time.

“Instead of inclusion, it is a mockery of women’s sports,” Professor Mannheiner said of the implications of Biden’s Title IX rules, adding that moral leaders in American academia needed to be more vocal. He also said that mandating teachers and students use “preferred pronouns,” as is required in the new Title IX rules, amounts to an attack on democracy since it denies free speech.

French philosopher and mathematician Professor Dr. Roul Descoteaux, who is Catholic, told me he believes the Title IX rule is more than just a legal atrocity, and is in fact a “violation of natural law itself – a denial that all cells of the body testify to a person’s real identity.”

“This is an identity which God created for us,” he continued, adding that what Biden is attempting is a form of thought control straight out of George Orwell’s 1984. “I am at a loss for words, but it would take bravery to oppose [the rules]. It is unfair, it is an injustice,” he said.

Injustice, indeed – but soon it will be the law of the land.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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8 months ago

The frog is nearly boiled. The Democrats have stepped out of bounds too many times with no flags thrown by the courts or by a majority of Republicans. It is time to put in some controls to protect girls in the schools and women’s sports. Pull your daughters out of schools that are federally funded, home school and form girls sports clubs and groups away from the schools. Church sponsored education and sports?? Protect and elect Donald Trump to start the reversal.

Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson
8 months ago

This is totally disgusting and needs to be changed. Men are men and women are women!

George H
George H
8 months ago

What would one expect from a man who has absolutely no morals? A person who showered with his teen aged daughter, what would one expect? This morally decrepit moron is doing everything that he can to destroy this Country and civilization as we know it. The sooner that we take out the trash, the better!

8 months ago

I have such a hard time believing that our country has sunken so low to allow such leadership to treat women this way. How did we let this happen? Are we that stupid? We need God to get us back on the right path. Pray to Him for accountability and restitution. Our country will not survive this way much longer.

8 months ago

Why will it be the law of the land? Seems congress should be able to correct this abomination through oversight. After all it may be okay in some people’s eyes it is clearly not GOD’S eyes. Wake up people…

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
8 months ago

Our pedophile in chief makes a mockery of the concept of humanity. In spite of his Satanic drive to dehumanize women is typical of the demonic rats occupying positions of power in our government. One more in the growing list of reasons to home school. For me it’s reached a point where PhD has become more of an embarrassment than a qualifier.

Armed Patriot
Armed Patriot
8 months ago

November can’t come soon enough…

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
8 months ago

I’m just stunned that the women’s movement hasn’t stepped in to protect Title IX. They have turned into a paper tiger. Are they so blindly liberal that turning our country into a Marxist style gov’t that they’re willing to sacrifice both free speech and women’s sports?
I’m afraid the answer is yes.

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

I bet Dictator Beijing biden doesn’t even know what sex he is. But he is DEFINITELY NOT a MAN.
If he was a MAN, he would Protect Girls and not be sniffing their hair and their mother’s hair.

Pat Mcmurry
Pat Mcmurry
8 months ago

How Shameful,,, liberalism is a Mental Disorder

8 months ago


Brenda G
Brenda G
8 months ago

As a parent, one of our main jobs is to protect our children from anyone,anything which might be dangerous to them. This agenda that the current administration is supporting is, in fact, doing the opposite. Parents’ rights are being ignored. Our government is imposing this law in support of the transgender students. This is actually unlawful and disqusting as the youth involved are minors.

Heather Evans
Heather Evans
8 months ago

Not only unfair to all participants, extremely unsafe. Not sure I would have my kids participate in sports

8 months ago

This is completely unacceptable. A kick in the teeth to woman. I refuse to use any bathroom but my own, the one within the confines of my home. I know who is in that bathroom and I know I will be safe!

8 months ago

How can sexual assault be legalized in this country??? Of course, Joe’s track-record on this perverted activity has always been swept under the rug… NOW HE’S THE POSTER CHILD! SO SICK… SO SAD.

8 months ago

The Hits Just Keep on Coming from Obama through Jacked-Up Joe… some day, we’ll find out the miracle drug that gives him temporary Insanity to keep bending over for more.

8 months ago

When I was in my early 20, which was the early 1970’s, there was a big push for companies to hire women for non-traditional jobs. The radical feminists finally convinced the government to regulate hiring, so women in non-traditional jobs was a big deal. I had no clue what I wanted to do for a living and was tired of cleaning motel rooms and working in a nursing home kitchen.
I decided to go to welding school. Yeah, I did. I was the first woman to take that course at the Billings MT Vocational-Technical School. I loved it. I worked in refineries, for the railroad, in the oil field and 1500 feet underground in a mine. I was exposed to asbestos and other toxic crap I set on fire, and I destroyed my back lifting the same stuff men lifted. I was stubborn and a big, strong German farm girl starting out, so I kept up. Now, in my 70’s, I realize how much damage I did to my body. My lungs are full of crud and my lower back has deteriorated into severe sciatica.10 years of men’s work in my 20’s and early 30’s left me a pain-ridden person with stuff in my lungs that can’t be taken out.
I know what it is like competing with men in a physical way. A woman will always lose. I sure did. I made great money, had a grand adventure and am now a broken person in severe pain and with breathing problems not easy to treat. It’s not like they can flush all that stuff out of my lungs or repair my joints and back.
These young women who play sports against men will never win, and like me, will end up broken physically. Men are just stronger. God made us that way. Women are smarter and can do many things men cannot do. We just can’t beat them in anything that requires physical strength or speed.
Men in women’s sports is just stupid, dangerous and not one tiny bit fair to women.

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
8 months ago

It’s time to set up a privately-run, privately-funded sports program for women and girls. And while we’re at it, let’s advocate for an across-the-board 15% cut in funding for all Government-run schools

8 months ago

Parents protect your daughters! Pull them out of any federally funded schools that are required to follow Title Nine. The Democrats are totally insane! Homeschool Church schools whatever this rule is insane and is dangerous. Mass civil disobedience needs to be the order of the day. Throw all Democrats out of office. Get them classified as a domestic terrorist organization, the Democrat Party needs to be destroyed

George M
George M
8 months ago

Is it to early to predict that the first prolife girls that get raped by Biden’s new trans friends in a school locker room will win some of the largest jury awards in history. How much money does a school owe a girl forced (by her beliefs) to carry a baby full term and then to raise and care for that child for 18 years? In what world is the school not required to guarantee young girls complete safety in a locker room or bathroom?
I am pretty sure the school doesn’t want me on that jury, as I am not sure there is enough money in the world to properly compensate that young lady!

8 months ago

Not surprising that this Biden guy gravitates towards other perverts.

8 months ago

Schools need to recruit and train bathroom, dressing room, etc monitors. Hold any male out of the room until all girls are finished and out of the room then let the boy in. Anyone claims it’s not fair, the question needs to be; why do you need to be in there with the girls. The request was to use the girls room. Why do you need the girls there?

8 months ago

I truly am sorry for all this crap; the reveal is that a lot of Money was stuffed into Lying Joe’s pockets, thats the norm. His entire political career has been based on that; a rouge servant of the People.

Dennis Crawford
Dennis Crawford
8 months ago

Women now know that while training is essential, being born with a scrotum offers two chances to compete, 1st on men’s teams, then as a champion against true women

Mike Haas
Mike Haas
8 months ago

Lost in all this is the real purpose of Title IX, which goes well beyond sports. By any objective measure, higher education is failing men. Proper application of Title IX would require programs to improve male recruitment, retention, and graduation. Instead, Biden’s DOE allows men to improve their educational opportunity by pretending to be women.

8 months ago

This country is the laughing stock of the world,if I had a young girl there would be a serious problem with this bullshit

8 months ago

This is an affront against God, Himself. I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of those who did this, and I pray God opens their eyes.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

If I wear blackface and “identify”, do I get reparations because if my “historical racial oppression”? Stupid is as stupid does.

8 months ago

We, who are of an older generation, have always been taught that there are checks and balances in the Constitution and in local and state laws. Why must a tyrannical dictator be allowed to impose insane rules, regulations, and laws. Is there no way to stop this insanity????

8 months ago

Congress has totally abandoned its responsibility under the separation of powers and given over to this despicable scumbag of a president the power to make laws, and the Republicans and the courts are allowing him to get away with it. I do not understand why people keep voting for this miserable excuse for a human being!

Jim Kessler
Jim Kessler
8 months ago

Joe Biden is a very mentally disturbed individual

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Are so called democrats trying to outdo the Nazis in their indoctrinations methods? It would seem that the same puppeteers that were pulling Hitler’s strings ( I don’t believe for a minute that a little nobody from the obscure village could become what he became without push and pull) are pulling now Who are they? Who is the Grand master?

8 months ago

Absolutely outrageous, unfair, unethical and unacceptable, plus any other “uns” we could come up with. Civil society is in danger of becoming obsolete and it may be too late to turn it around, as so many people have been brainwashed.

Patty Anderson
Patty Anderson
8 months ago

This is beyond absurd and very unsafe for our biological females bot to mention unfair. Will the government be paying for the coat of injuries and rate in the locker rooms and bathrooms? This government is putting our children in great danger!

8 months ago


8 months ago


8 months ago

How does the executive branch, specifically the departments under it, have the legal authority to rewrite this policy? A case in the Suoreme court right now is looking into overturning the 1984 decision, the Chevron doctrine, which literally took the power from the Legislative branch to make laws and gave that power to the ‘alphabet’ agencies under the Executive branch. Solely unconstitutional.

Diane W
Diane W
8 months ago

As a child, I often wondered what would happen that would cause Christians to pray, Lord, come quckly (Rev. 22:20). With Biden

Ann Wigand
Ann Wigand
8 months ago

I remember a time when if female athletes tested positive for higher than normal levels of testosterone they were disqualified from competing. Today we have mediocre male sports enthusiasts who wake up one day and say I’m going to win me a medal, by saying I’m a girl. I would say to that young man “You are a lying dog faced pony soldier.”Where is Jane Fonda on this issue? How about Gloria Steinem? Helen Reddy is rolling over in her grade. If the female athletes won’t refuse to compete against a girl with a penis then I say for every boy who identifies as a girl to make a mark in sports a girl should be added to every boys sport in that school. Let’s see how long this trend continues when the boys football, basketball, and track teams have to have a bona fide girl not just on the team but must actively compete. Maybe then we can get back to sports as we know it.

8 months ago

More red meat for A Republican victory in November. Bring them on!

8 months ago

The only way to combat this BS is for the time being, at least till the government comes to its senses, all girls and women should refuse to play with a “pretend women” on any team. Team O’Biden is pushing to ruin this country.

Fed Up
Fed Up
8 months ago

Every girl that is forced to shower with a male girl will also get to look at his male parts. Most male females have their male parts with no interest in getting rid of them.
Thank-you Biden for traumatizing even more females and at a younger age! But then what do you expect from a pervert who liked to shower with his daughter? Does anyone have respect for girls & women anymore?! This forced action did not work well in college. Just as the females who were molested and attacked by male girls.

8 months ago

Not sure how this will play out come September in Dearbornistan Michigan……home to the highest Arab/muslim population in the country. Outside of this fact, every pedophile can now “identify” as female and enter girl’s locker rooms in schools. Not sure how any woman will be able to use a public bathroom ANYWHERE and feel safe. Dementia brain Joe must have a ton of money invested in companies manufacturing adult diapers.

8 months ago

Your “share this article” link does not work. On ANY article!

8 months ago

sports leagues always have been sorted by gender and age , and for obvious reasons , for starters its a matter of fairness , if a team could pick players that due to physical and or mental attributes give them a edge over other teams than games no longer be fair ! having a “transgender” “woman” play on a womans team is not any different than dad playing on his daughters little league team

8 months ago

Here ya go: Girls invade boy’s bathrooms, kick boys out. Boys then use girl’s br. Trannies then use boy’s br to be with the girls. Girl’s quit school, get home schooled, their own sports teams, fook the scholarships. Trannies in their proper place, boy’s can give a rip and have fun pelting each other with tampons. Problem solved!

george burdell
george burdell
8 months ago

Well ok but we are constantly told that the majority of women um… “persons with the capability of birthing” vote for these same demoncrats and do so regularly. And it appears that it isn’t even close — so one would have to assume that adult women want these things to happen — otherwise we would see a mass defection over to the side that would NEVER advocate such a position. So let’s sum this up: real women want this and fake women want this. Now they have it so what’s the problem?

8 months ago

Where are the Republicans? Their in on the take like the Democratics.God save the USA!

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