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Biden and Harris Said “Don’t.” Iran and Its Proxies Did Anyway

Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2024
by Outside Contributor

As the likelihood of Joe Biden retaining the White House declines, the likelihood of Iran and other geopolitical foes exploiting their narrowing window of opportunity proportionally increases.  

That means a more dangerous world for America and its allies in coming months.  

Although Biden routinely casts himself as some sort of internationally respected leader, nearly four years of experience show the converse to be true.  

Biden’s catastrophically incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal brought a dawn of worsening global chaos, from Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to Hamas’s unprecedented assault against Israel.  

In the immediate wake of that October 7 assault, recall that Biden and then Vice President Kamala Harris offered a one-word admonition to potential adversaries contemplating escalation:  “Don’t.”  

Well, they went ahead and did anyway.  

Iran’s Hezbollah proxy in Lebanon immediately commenced attacks on Israel’s northern end, which remains a potential point of full-scale war to this day.  

Then, Iran did the previously unthinkable by openly attacking Israel from its own territory for the first time in history.  

Elsewhere, ragtag Houthi militants shut down commercial shipping through the Red Sea with attacks that continue to this day.  That has diverted an entire U.S. Navy carrier group to the area at a time of elevated global chaos when they’re desperately needed to contain powerful navies of nations like Russia and China.  

Then this week, we learned of an Iranian threat on an even higher level of menace.  

Namely, the U.S. Secret Service acknowledged that it received credible intelligence in recent weeks that Iran was plotting to assassinate Donald Trump, separate from last weekend’s assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.  

Accordingly, instead of stopping Iran in its tracks, the “Don’t” from Biden and Harris had the opposite effect and was followed by escalation that previously seemed unthinkable.  

In contrast, compare how resolute Biden was in commanding Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu not to forcefully retaliate against Iran following its assault.  

According to the sympathetic New York Times, which prefers to prop up Joe Biden rather than undermine him, he refused to support a proportionate Israeli response to Iran’s massive attack.  “If you launch a big attack on Iran,” Biden told him, “you’re on your own.”  When Netanyahu, who truly does face existential threats against the nation he leads, insisted that deterring future Iranian attacks demanded a stronger response, Biden replied, “You do this, and I’m out.”  

As reported by The Times of Israel, Netanyahu cancelled the planned response after that call with Biden.  

All of that followed Biden’s inexplicable decision to reverse President Trump’s program of strict sanctions against Iran, which had driven its oil export revenues – and thereby its ability to subsidize terrorist proxies like Hamas – toward zero.  Biden also resumed nuclear negotiations that have allowed Iran to advance its weaponization program, and went so far as to admonish European allies to refrain from tightening Iranian penalties for violating earlier commitments.  

Clearly, Biden prefers to stand more forcefully against America’s friends than its foes.  

Meanwhile, contrary to Biden supporters’ robotic attempts to cast Trump as some sort of Putin lapdog, Trump correctly pointed out during the June 27th debate that whereas Putin invaded other countries during the Obama administration and then again under Biden, he didn’t sack an inch of territory under Trump.  That reflects Biden’s weakness, whatever his delusions of international respect.  

Through it all, Biden continues to insist that he’s an unparalleled leader on the international stage, even descending into screaming the point at fellow Democrats in Congress during a bizarre conference call this week.  

Whether Biden’s self-aggrandizement reflects an attempt to cover an inferiority complex or he truly believes them to be true remains an interesting psychological question.  In either event, America’s adversaries measure him and his understudy Kamala Harris as weak and incompetent leaders unable or unwilling to stop them.  What should worry America and its friends across the globe is the likelihood that they’ll capitalize on whatever opportunity remains during their time in the White House.

Reprinted with permission from CFIF by Timothy H. Lee.

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7 months ago

How much more obvious does Biden need to be to show he’s in cahoots with our adversaries, not our friends?

7 months ago

Biden is correct when he says he’s an unparalleled leader on the international stage. He’s an unparalleled failure as a leader. He’s unparalleled in dishonesty, corruption, manipulation and mental inabilities due to his dementia. Joe must go!

7 months ago

Biden and Harris service themselves… but not our republic.

7 months ago

Are they trying to convince us that Iran was who made the attempt President Trump?
I guess they think we are as delusional as they are. No, I don’t for one second think that Iran had anything to do with assassination attempt.
When Obiden said “to put a bullseye on Trump”, he wasn’t telling anyone to vote for him, he was putting a bullseye on Trump to be assassinated. And now Biden is trying to tell Congress they are not allowed to do their own investigation??
With all the mounting evidence on how the Secret Service was looking the other way while the guy with an AK sniper rifle was crawling across the roof, from where he tried to shoot Trump, does anyone with half a brain believe that the assassination attempt came from any where other than the White House??
No matter how pure and lily white the FBI finds the Secret Service to be, I won’t be buying it, especially since the FBI has been in the pocketbook of the deep state ever since the last election. And now, the Secret Service as well.
You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to recognize the collusion between all the current government agencies. They are all committing treason against the United States of America.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

Everything about the demonic rat party is a mystery and has been since its beginning fighting for slavery, The demonic rats ignore the peace we had during the Trump administration and prepare to vote for a creature who’s brought war back to life, with the help of the republicrats in the case of Ukraine. Biden is a Joke on the world stage! Funding Iran in the BILLIONS, who were too broke to do the sort of things they’re doing now. Preaching a cease fire against Hamas, whose very existence is built on the crutch of destroy ALL jews, ALL Christians, and by the looks of things, each other as well. They now have the resources to continue their nuclear program. The dishonesty of the left is equalled only by their abstract, willful ignorance! Nothing in all of history is more important than getting Trump elected in the upcoming election and the demonic rats will stop at nothing, as we saw with the rigged election of Peddo-Joe. VOTE!!!

7 months ago

They scared me when they said “don’t”. How about you? The rest of the world laughed at them. In the immediate wake of that October 7 assault, recall that Biden and then Vice President Kamala Harris offered a one-word admonition to potential adversaries contemplating escalation: “Don’t.” Well, they went ahead and did anyway.  Seems not to scare them when it comes from a basement, right??

7 months ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if joe started a world just before elections. He’ll believe that starting wars will show everybody he is tough and that will win him the election.

7 months ago

Why would anyone listen to a president??? that has dementia and doesn’t even know where he’s at ? Or a VP that doesn’t have the sense of a 4 yr old????

7 months ago

Obiden and Kameltoe keep telling lies till the end of time. They have nothing to brag about. All they have is lying about Trump and now Vance. Obiden has found a way out. He said yesterday if drs tell him he has to quit due to an illness he will. Within the hour he had COVID. No mask however. Secret service no mask either what gives? Fauci lost his power to mandate masks? Is that for us peons too? Shoot I must have missed that memo. Only question on everyone’s lips is. Who takes over for demented Joe? Kameltoe? God forbid. Trump in a landslide.

judy setran
judy setran
7 months ago

Some have really short term memories….The issue with Ukraine didn’t suddenly happen…Someone did a chalk presentation that was deep a dive following the money tying 44’s administration /CIA to money laundering funding rebels

7 months ago

time to vote biden and his knee expert out!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

Asian peoples honor STRENGTH! So, too, the Middle Easterners. Biden and his whole crew act like beggars–no strength at all. Now Joe cannot even walk down the kiddie stairs of AF 1 without stopping on each step! TRUMP/VANCE 2024

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Nothing Biden does should shock us Had he been competent he would not be where he is

7 months ago

“weak men create hard times.”― G. Michael Hopf, 

Old Silk
Old Silk
7 months ago

I am kind of seeing another election year Iran thing coming on. I would rather not, but just sayin’.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

WHO ! ! ! ?????> Are you talkinh about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum ??? Kyle L.

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
7 months ago

Absolutely no country has any respect for the democrats. They just luagh at them knowing the democrats are all buffoons

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
7 months ago

Pity the poor Democrats. They are appealing to Joe Biden to step down, and thereby save as many Representatives and Senators as possible. They are talking to a person afflicted by dementia, a person who lives in a world of hallucinations.
Joe Biden was told, over the last four years, that he is a great President. When he has one of his famous “Bidenisms” he pauses as though he is thinking, (he can’t think), and then he says something profound such as “whatever”, or “anyway”. The poor fool can’t even finish a sentence unless it is on a written script, or it is scrolling on a teleprompter. Even then, the speech writers have to use simple words that Joe can understand.
Politics is usually rather boring with each party’s candidate trying to out lie the other. This campaign season is different in that Biden is acting like a , …….. well, a brain crippled dementia patient. I would pity hapless Joe but let’s face it, he deserves all of the derision that is being heaped on him.
Things are just getting better and better.

7 months ago

So, the Secret Service says they heard Iran wants to assassinate Trump. Working on their deniability alibi before the job is even done. Ain’t it sad how hard it is to get a good reputation back after you’ve blown it, like our own government and it’s alphabet agencies have. We cannot believe a word that comes out of DC these days. Pray for Trump’s safety.

7 months ago

Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. have no respect for the Biden/Harris administration!! They don’t fear those to pansies at all!! But obviously, they don’t want Trump in office any more than Democrats do but Trump is a much better man for the job as the Biden/Harris administration have blatantly shown!!!

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
7 months ago

Elder Abuse 101

7 months ago

Biden must realize that he does not have much respect in the world & that he must be forceful & make sure the rules that USA apply to Iran & not the word that a parent uses to control little kids. Biden must prove to the world that the USA will not be bullied.

T Smith
T Smith
7 months ago

So now they’re going to try to blame Iran for Trump’s attempted assassination.

7 months ago

Hopefully someone will wakeup. ⏰️

7 months ago

Great. The first attempt failed and now an outsider is going to attempt again on behalf of the O’Biden admin. We know how the Secret Service will handle this…not at all competently.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
7 months ago

The next time Joe rasps to somebody, “Don’t,” buy more ammo. And because of today’s magazine prices, I’m looking at more tubular-fed rifles. Part of the reason my .22 rifle is tubular-fed is that .22 magazines are tiny and easy to lose. I have 20 of the plastic speed-loader tubes for it. They hold 15 rounds each in 22 LR and 22 in .22 short. Do the math.

7 months ago

I actually feel sorry for Biden. He never submitted anything of importance while in Congress. He did however, make a few unkind remarks and actions against several races of US citizens. He is definitely submitting the pictures of dementia and Parkinson’s! No doubt!!

7 months ago

He suffers from delusions of grandeur and those around him just want to stay in power. IMO

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

Why would Iran listen when Dictator Beijing biden and obama have given them BILLIONS of OUR MONEY to support their Terrorist activities? Both have and still do bow down to Terrorist Iran.
Stop. Or I’ll say Stop again. Hilarious, if it wasn’t so DANGEROUS for the United States and the World.
The World has never been so Dangerous till Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris came along. Iran was BROKE under President Trump.
The World was by far SAFER with President Trump.

7 months ago

Stealing all they can from us taxpayers. Using whatever power and influece they still have to gather bribes and extortion cash from friends and enemies alike.

7 months ago

I’m dumbfounded, but Not. It’s almost as though, not for the country but what brings him the most attention no matter what . $= power=$= attention; me, myself and I= Failure, Disgrace, Treason, Fraud, ditto, ditto, ditto. Good night 8a. -5p. Joe

7 months ago

There has never been, and there likely never will be, a POTUS as incompetent as Joe Biden.

7 months ago

I’m so tired of this jackass!

7 months ago

Don’t didn’t work?

Joseph Meyer
Joseph Meyer
7 months ago

Kurt Schlichter!: “The Attack.”

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Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
joe rogan and president trump

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