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Biden and Harris – Remember Yogi Berra

Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

bidenJust a word of caution for Mr. Biden.  Unseemly, inappropriate, out of place, embarrassing, profoundly premature – is how he and Kamala Harris looked taking a victory lap, as states continue counting ballots, lawsuits are filed, election fraud averred, Supreme Court orders ballot sequestration, and Americans await Election 2020’s outcome.  Trying to gild the lily, force the issue, create expectations they hope are irreversible, is classless.  Asserting victory without victory is dishonest.

Just imagine if life worked that way.  Wannabe winners counted for winners.  Think on it.

Here we are, crowd shouting and on their feet at the 1980 Olympics, end of the second period, epic ice hockey game, Communist Soviets versus young, brash, take-no-prisoners American team.  At period break, Soviets hold a press conference – open champaign, declare victory.

Why not, scoreboard says 3-2 Soviets, they have media with them.  Then comes period three.  Red Army is shut down, cold, decisively – for good.  Americans score two – win the epic game 4-3.  Miracle on Ice, victory.  Oops.

Or maybe think route to World Series 2004, American League Championship, Red Sox versus the Yankees, one team clawing up by wildcard, other claiming to be best in baseball.  Think on it.  One team all heart, sweat, hope, fan base.  The other biggest payroll – most money shelled – doting media.

What happens?  Yankees all but run the table, 3-0 after three.  No team in baseball history has come back from a 3-0 deficit, not in playoffs – best of seven.  Red Sox might as well leave, Yankees have it.  Only no one tells the Red Sox they have no chance.  They think the series is on, until done.  With heart, they win four straight – advance to the World Series, run Cardinals off their feet in four.  Oops.

To quote the late, great Yankee catcher, Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over ‘til its over.”  Truer words were never spoken.  Ask someone like onetime mile record-holder, John Landy.  1956, mid-race, fellow runner Ron Clarke went down – Landy turns, helps him up, losing tens of yards.  Against all odds, with sheer determination, concern for others, will-to-win, Landy does the impossible – wins.  See the tape – because that spirit of never giving up, caring for others, and unbroken will-to-win matters. See,

So, here is the simple point.   No one with dignity, depth, honesty, humility, and respect for the democratic process – would declare themselves winner before process had run course, until the third period was over, last game played, last lap finished, review final, outcome certified, electoral votes cast and counted, and Supreme Court review over.

But that is not Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, apparently not their character, their style, or their level of respect for the democratic process, co-equal branches, judiciary’s role in assessing if election fraud happened.  These are candidates who stood quiet as cities were torn apart, why should rule of law, completion of the election process bother them now?  Better to gild the lily, spin supporters, force the issue, intimidate the courts, enliven the media, assume victory – by asserting it.

Here is the kicker – That is not how we do things in America, not in the America that is America.  We respect our Constitution and three branches, their roles, and full election process.  We do not game it.  We prefer honesty, trust in outcomes, elections with that invaluable stamp of legitimacy, not the reverse.  A claim of victory reversed in period three, final game, last lap – is no victory.  Just a word of caution – for Mr. Biden.  Check out Yogi Berra – he knew about these things.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

You wouldn’t have won if we’d beaten you.

4 years ago

Why do you think I always refer to him as Jackass Joe Biden? It’s not just because the mascot of the Progressively Communist Democratic Party IS a Jackass, it’s also because of his past criminal behavior along with his son, Hunter and thinking nothing would become of it. He NEVER had to fun on any policy other than letting the Mainstream Media vent their hate against President Trump and now thinking that they’ve pulled off the biggest hijacking of a Presidential election in history, he’s revealing his crazy Communist agenda of destroying Capitalism, our Constitutional rights and freedoms and undoing anything and everything President Trump achieved in the last 4 years. If this is allowed, our country’s history and way of life vanishes forever. People, we must NOT ALLOW this to happen!

4 years ago

The media claiming Bidens victory has a lot of people believing he has won already. Most people don’t check the information the news puts out. They need to be held responsible and taken off the air! Other countries are seeing what they put out too. It’s scary.
Thank you for what you’re doing!

John S.
John S.
4 years ago

Either Biden lost, or he won but his son is crooked and therefore he should not be President! It’s pretty simple!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
4 years ago

Sort of like the “everyone gets a trophy“ ideology…except everyone does NOT get the presidency! Nice column. It ain’t over until it’s over!

4 years ago

just like 2016 , we stacked the deck ,we are the wieners ! cheating is the answer, come on man

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Do the count, legal count, then make choices, etc,
But Dems caused this mess day 1 & its on THEM’
Preplanned day 1
So Dems expect longer time due to YOUR foul ups
Unless Dems uncover more ballots for Trump that they dumped illegally nationwide

Side note: 26 nations protest lockdowns

4 years ago

Yeah big media and corrupt blue state politicians would like for Biden the the Big Ho to win, but darn those pesky courts huh?

John Schoepf
John Schoepf
4 years ago

I don’t think an of the various suits are going to change the result, and Trump just looks like more of an ass the more he protests. The hell with the people, its ME-ME-ME!

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
4 years ago

Right now, BIDEN/HARRIS are presumptive president-elect and presumptive VP-elect. Our media propaganda promulgate this as a done deal. It isn’t. No matter how it shakes out… these people are despicable communist rats.

4 years ago

Biden did say they had the biggest voter fraud in history. Heard that with my own ears in one of his speech’s. That is one thing he had right..

James Kelly
James Kelly
4 years ago



4 years ago

Why stop at calling the son crooked? Like father like son. Both crooked. Now, if he ultimately wins, he still gets away with all the illegal things he has done.

4 years ago

Well said. How can any committee call this the most secure election? They must be doing it with their eyes covered. This is not an appropriate time to claim the election was secure. They should have said “We did our best.” The claim that it was the most secure does nothing for the populace. Just words which right now look suspicious.

4 years ago

Remember, Nancy said sometime before the election that Biden should never concede!

4 years ago

Amen and Amen!!!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

Never listen to what a socialist says but what he does. I would not care if biden won if he won honestly. Integrity is long gone in democratic party.

4 years ago

God Bless Yogi Berra! Truer words were never said. 47 year Biden and liberal Harris have not won until Dec. 14th
if President Trump cannot turn this election around. Biden said in the 1st debate that he wanted every vote counted.
Another of his bold lies. Your Country is gone if these two get in!
God Bless President Trump!

Fairfield 54
Fairfield 54
4 years ago

I still see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. If Georgia proves that the software flipped votes, it will be game on in a number of states. If not, it is time to pack it up for the presidency. There are 2 Georgia Senate seats that need the attention of all so we retain control in the Senate. That will stop the radical leftist agenda, and if some of the Dems elected to the House have any backbone – they will side with the Repub’s and since about 8 of the 10 remaining races seem to be leaning to the R column, hopefully, smart Repub’s will give their Dem brothers cover when the side with them on issues. Oh, it ain’t over by a long shot.

4 years ago

This may be as close as Biden and Harris get the White House. This is their moment of glory, although pre-mature. If the courts are impartial as they are supposed to be ( big question mark) don’t be surprised to see President Trump emerge victorious rising from the ashes of supposed defeat.

4 years ago

Best SUMMARY article EVER by Robert Charles. KUDOS to Mr. Charles for such a wonderful summary of how it is SUPPOSED to work. Yogi Berra analogy best anaglogy ever. True Journalism lives through Robert Charles!!

4 years ago

So what are we expected to do…just sit back and let the Dems get away with voter ballot fraud? I don’t trust the recounts! Something needs to be done about this and we can’t trust the government to deal with this because our government is corrupt! Did you ever notice that if you take a pencil and draw a goatee & mustache on Biden‘s photo and draw horns on his head he looks like Satan. He really does. One of my relatives pencilled that on a photo of Biden & he looks like Satan!

4 years ago

And their campaign team is demanding transition money and access to classified briefings after the MEDIA declared them the potential winners, not the states.

R. Doucette
R. Doucette
4 years ago

I would expect nothing else from Joe Biden, who has been shown over the years to be a dishonest pathological liar.

4 years ago

Absolutely agree 100%. We know they have no class. We know they are not for the American people. I consider what they did is a coup attempt. They have no respect for Trump or anyone else. She is a communist and a nasty temper. Biden is a puppet of Obama. Ugh Neither one of them is capable of running this country.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

All this blather about cheating & premature celebrations & traitorous Media, etc. is all fine & good, but my concern is what WILL happen if the Leftists do win. It’s gonna get real ugly, and there will be EPIC consequences.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

Just remember folks- The evil Dems HATE all of you that support Trump, and have said they WILL make you pay for your collective digressions. Be ready.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

So true! It ain’t over till its over!

Steven W. Anderson
Steven W. Anderson
4 years ago

Just read this in the WSJ: Using the virus as an excuse, Democratic and liberal groups brought scores of lawsuits to force states to adopt its provisions. Many Democratic politicians and courts happily agreed. States mailed out ballots to everyone. Judges disregarded statutory deadlines for receipt of votes. They scrapped absentee-ballot witness requirements. States set up curbside voting and drop-off boxes. They signed off on ballot harvesting.

4 years ago

The fraud news media has certified this election. The fraud news media has declared Biden the winner. Attention! The fraud news media can’t certify sh_t! The fraud news media has no authority!

Jeff Head
Jeff Head
4 years ago

For four years they fought Trump at every turn. They had him down as a Russian spy to fighting him on Capitol Hill never letting him have a win. Now it is time to learn from them and never let them have a win. Every thing they did to Trump we now do to them. biden will never be my president. The fight for our country goes on.

4 years ago

I dont believe these 2 leftists won anything, nor do I believe they will prevail.
In real polls, nobody wants what they ran on.
Let’s name a couple,
The green new deal
Medicare for all
Universal income
Let in all illegals and give them everything free.
Banning franking
Free college for illegals
Stimulus and other freebies to illegals.
Who would’ve voted for this, that you know of?
Makes me wanna hurl.

Candace Gonzalez
Candace Gonzalez
4 years ago

Excellent reminder! It is not over until it is finished. Recall our war of independence. Rag tag tradesmen & farmers against the greatest military machine on the planet. The world did not get the outcome they were told to expect; then or now.

Gary A Flagg
Gary A Flagg
4 years ago

If Biden(Mr. Bungles) wins, within’ six months his own people will turn on him. My greatest fear is Commie Kamala will take over. Then it’s only a matter of time when the militias through out the country will step in. I pray it never comes to that but, if it does, as a vet, I’m packin’.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

Great article and a sad commentary on America today. Just listened to Jidge Alito question why churches have to limit capacity and casinos are allowed 50 per cent capacity. The left now has the nerve to bash him for this. Keep on killing those babies, immoral Democrats don’t belong in any power.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

While watching Fox News yesterday it was mentioned Elizabeth Warren wants to be Secretary of The Treasury and Bernie Sanders Secretary of Labor!!!! These two posts are so incredibly critical to America and we cannot stand by and let this happen! Laura Ingraham from Fox News made a very insightful observation. She said we can control a Spacecraft to Mars from 140 million miles away but America cannot get an election completed properly. I am comforted knowing that several DemonRats lost their seats to Republicans because old fashioned voters with values and common sense from both parties were scared of The Radical Left Agenda. President Trump and America are being put through the ultimate test and we need to keep praying. God Bless America!

Isabel Cristina Cabrejas
Isabel Cristina Cabrejas
4 years ago

One word “demoRATS.” “It ain’t over ‘til its over.” President Trump will prevail! Yogi Berra knows best!

4 years ago

I fail to understand why the left wing media is frothing at the mouth and trying to help destroy America? What follows the destruction of this country is not going to be pretty in any way, shape or form. Sooner or later when the tail is trying to wag the dog the dog turns around and bites the tail.

4 years ago

Democrats today have no humbleness! Too much arrogance! They wouldn’t accept the 2016 results for 4 years! What pains me is that I get that the Democrat leadership are arrogant, immature and just plain weasels to me, but the Democrat voters don’t seem to care about the integrity of this election either! Are they saying it’s ok for the party to cheat? Are they not concerned that even if their guy wins, suspicions about how he did it errode the process for the future? If the tables were turned and Trump won but cheated as it appears fraud exists, the Democrats would be livid! They would be burning America down everywhere demanding recounts, etc!!!! And if that were the case, I would be demanding it too! I want integrity in the election process regardless of who wins. At this point, I pray Trump can pull this off but I’m not optimistic. I think the SC knows if they overturn this election, America will burn to the ground cuz Democrats are SORE LOSERS and CHEAT TO WIN!

4 years ago

Wonderful article. I appreciate the link to Landy’s epic run. I shed tears over the noble act; it added emphasis to the point you were making. The noble thing is to secure the validity of the win, no matter who wins, before celebrating; the narcissistic, greedy, selfish thing is to claim victory when it is not yet won.

4 years ago


Burton Pauly
Burton Pauly
4 years ago

Truer words have never been written, and I am in total agreement. I think that the democratic party has gone socialistic to the If you still vote for the democRats it is time to ditch them. Vote Republican.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with this article’s theme: “It ain’t over till it’s over” to paraphrase the late, great Yogi Berra – catcher New York Yankees extraordinaire! What Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing reminds me of when Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House after their terms expired: They took dishes and stuff (which didn’t belong to them) from the White House. My point is: A total lack of class. Biden and Harris are trying to do the same thing–by prematurely “stealing” an election–which is not over and won’t be until the Supreme Court says so.

4 years ago

The Democrats don’t really care about the citizens of our country, they care about the power. They cleverly devised a way to ensure there was absolutely no way that President Trump could win this election by rigging the voting process itself. How? Well, they decided that mail in voting was the best way for them to get extra votes on their side or especially in the key electoral states. They full support at the state level because they needed the approval of each state in order to make the change and as you know, most if not all, of them were Dems. As we know, not only was mail in voting approved, but voting beyond Election Day was approved as well. First of all – none of it should have been approved – it is not constitutionally legal. They tried using COVID as an excuse, but if you can go to the hair dresser (Nancy Pelosi), than you can stand or sit in line and wait your turn to vote. You did that anyway if you voted early! If you could not vote via absentee vote and you felt it wasn’t safe for you to vote in person, than you should have sat this have one out. Just my feelings on this.

I am confident that President Trump will be the victor here, so we just have to wait and be patient. Kind of hard to do, but we shall wait. However, I believe that Candace Owen said this correctly on FB last night when she stated that the Dems are setting us up for a civil war. You know that once the nation hears that Donald Trump has been re-elected, the BLM and ANTIFA groups will have a reason (in their own angry heads) to go back outside and destroy and steal because that makes sense to them. If all goes their way – well than all is okay and good. However, if the other side gets their way – even though 85% of the country voted red (let them look at the maps), that is reason enough for them to become destructive in our streets. Makes no sense to me, but even though I am praying with all my heart that President Trump wins in the end, I am preparing myself to be mentally ready for the civil unrest that is to come.

I know Donald Trump is a true patriot and is honest about keeping America Great because honestly who would be able (want) to do what he is doing for our country, for us, for our families going forward? No one I know. Not one politician that I’ve seen so far. The few who are becoming stronger are do because they have a strong leader in Trump!!!

I’m glad we finally have a group who is looking out for Conservatives. THANKS AMAC!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Where is the results of the biden family corruption investigation? chinajoe should be in prison NOT running for PRESIDENT, so typical of LAWYERS, drag cases out in litigation for years to keep getting paid and then come up with a NOTHING OUTCOME, we need a complete overhaul of our (il)legal system it has been broken for decades because most of them are socialist/dems and support chinajoe and cameltoe! GOD HELP US PLEASE!!!!

4 years ago

I believe we are already in that bumpy ride.

4 years ago

Biden is a puppet doing as he is instructed by his handlers (The people who are leading this coup). He is a stupid, morally challenged individual who is in way over his head. This entire victory claim was planned in advance and has been orchestrated to convince us that Biden/Harris was the official winner. And they plan to carry the fight to the streets after the courts decide that Trump actually won the election. “It aint over ’til it’s over,” but don’t expect the losers to “walk gently into the night” either. I guarantee the LEFT will not accept anything but a Biden / Harris victory – Period. So be prepared for the war that follows.

Donna Garcia
Donna Garcia
4 years ago

That’s how deceitful liars and cheaters behave… just like Joey and Kamaly

Rick Maisto
Rick Maisto
4 years ago

It ain’t over until it’s over!!! Trump 2020!!!

4 years ago

In this country democrats get by with stealing money from Americans like Obama and Biden. Democrats think they live by a different set of rules but there kingdom’s are falling. American people are getting wise to there lies and that they think they are better than we the people.The democrats are going to start losing in everything. Buy Democrats.

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