AMAC Exclusive

After missing their July 4th target of having 70% of Americans fully vaccinated against COVID-19, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are willing to tag anyone but themselves for their bungled vaccine rollout. But the record clearly shows that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to find someone to blame for the hesitancy that still exists among many Americans to get the vaccine, the best place to look would be in the mirror.
The most recent recipient of the Biden administration’s anger for low vaccination rates is Facebook, which President Biden accused last Friday of “killing people” for not stopping free and open discussion about vaccines on its platform. After rare backlash from the media and many in the public, Biden later attempted to walk back his remarks, saying that “Facebook isn’t killing people,” rather it is “12 people” on Facebook who are “out there giving misinformation,” and they are the ones killing people.
Also last week, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, a Biden appointee, echoed the President’s accusation, declaring that when it comes to COVID, it is not the virus, but rather “misinformation [that] poses an imminent and insidious threat to our nation’s health.”
But if misinformation is as serious a threat as the Surgeon General says it is, then how can President Biden and Vice President Harris expect to curb misinformation if they don’t first apologize for all the misinformation they spread about the virus last year?
On the campaign trail last fall, a favorite tactic of then-candidate Kamala Harris was to sow doubt about the vaccines being developed thanks to President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. During the Vice-Presidential debate, on her biggest platform of the campaign, Harris explicitly stated that she would not take a vaccine recommended by President Trump. Although Vice President Pence rightly admonished Harris for “playing politics with people’s lives,” her words – textbook misinformation – could not be unsaid.
Thankfully three vaccines were developed, and millions of Americans have chosen to ignore Harris’ advice and listen to President Trump’s repeated messages of encouragement to get vaccinated. But now Vice President Harris bemoans the fact that some Americans still remain hesitant to take the very same vaccine that she herself once said she would not trust. To this day, Harris has not apologized for the lies that she told about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Biden and Harris have also both appeared on numerous occasions to contradict the guidance of their own health experts when it comes to best practices to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, another form of misinformation. Despite the fact that Biden, Harris, and presumably their entire staffs and families had been vaccinated, the President and Vice President insisted on wearing masks in public until recently. And of course, who could forget the absurd spectacle of Kamala Harris kissing her husband with both wearing masks, again long after both had been vaccinated.
There’s also the case of Biden’s school reopening guidance, which even the liberal Washington Post admitted was a “muddled message.” Biden was forced to repeatedly change his definition of what it means for a school to be “open,” and many conservatives, not without merit, accused the President of listening to teachers unions over medical experts on the health risks (or lack thereof) associated with reopening schools.
Additionally, when evidenced emerged in April that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine could be linked to the formation of exceedingly rare blood clots, Biden paused and then resumed distribution of the vaccine, again sending mixed signals to millions of Americans. Even radical Democrat governor Ned Lamont of Connecticut accused Biden of being “naïve” for assuming people would simply trust the vaccine again after the Biden administration raised the alarm about its safety.
More recently, Biden has also failed to deliver a clear message about the so-called “delta variant” of the virus, which made up more than half of all COVID-19 cases in the U.S. as of last week. In a confusing sequence of statements earlier this month, Biden told reporters that he was “not concerned” that there would be “a major outbreak” as a result of the delta variant, but then immediately said he is concerned “lives will be lost.”
In short, when it comes to combatting “misinformation” about vaccines and COVID-19, Biden and Harris should get their own house in order before blaming anyone else. If they truly want to be leaders in restoring public confidence in government and public health infrastructure, they could start by apologizing for their own misleading or downright false statements and by working with Republicans, not against them, to distribute vaccines and save lives.
Bull s**t on all fronts…Lest we forget the ” so-called ” vaccine is an ” experimental treatment ” NOT approved by the FDA & for good reason…This explains why we use animals for drug trials, NOT people until it is PROVEN to be safe, it is NOT safe… Do you really think O’Biden took the so-called vaccine, I very seriously doubt it, how’s about a saline solution, nobody would ever know the difference, done…
Now the Marxist mayor of Washington, DC is allegedly ” vaccinating ” school children WITHOUT parental approval, ( 4 ) law suits pending over this…
Children are very close to being immune to this cold virus… Myocarditis, i.e. inflammation of the heart has been reported around the nation & globally now in young people after being administered this very dangerous, ineffective drug into their bodies…More people have died from this so-called vaccine when compared to ALL other vaccines administered combined going back decades now…
It is a poison that effects everyone differently initially with negative effects several years down the road as reported by qualified scientists & resulting in death as the final result…
Another word for all of this is called “Population Control” & I’m quoting Bill Gates himself here…
Speaking of Gates, both he & Soros have teamed up to buy out a Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer to be used in 3rd world countries, i.e. Africa…
Have the armed ” Men in Black ” Vaccine Police come to your door yet as threatened by Creepy Joe? What’s wrong with this picture? :~(
Bill on the Hill… :~)
No Incentives, mixed messages day 1 on virus & vaccines & this what U reap
Sow Fear & Less vaccines, right.
Skewd data & Big Tech censorship have achieved the results U have Now.
No Uniform message day 1.
Biden later attempted to walk back his remarks, saying that “Facebook isn’t killing people,” rather it is “12 people” on Facebook who are “out there giving misinformation,” and they are the ones killing people. This applies to guns too. Guns are not killing people, a few people are killing people
Gosh Polyanna, thinking the Left would start, let alone maintain a logical policy / strategy vetted by proper scientific evidence? Not anywhere in the known Universe.
Trust, the current Administration has failed to earn it from the American people.
Who can keep up with all the lies from politicians, and the media ? It’s out of control, and if you debate the lies, you’re censored. Biden , and Harris lie what they lied about. I am vehemently against vaccinating children too. This is nonsense. Kids are immune to this virus. The teachers union is out of their minds too. Kids in Catholic schools, and private schools were going to school all year. NO COVID CASES ! You can bet the media would be airing that on they’re Marxist (CNN) channels if it were the opposite. Hopefully all this corruption will stop. Vote red in 22 .
Like the dems’ intention of turning the Constitution into a “living document”, as in an evolving one, they can’t speak any absolute truth. Closing the borders, the vaccine, cheaper energy, keeping China in check, and lower taxes are good for the country, period.
Everything is “open” with them, and their platforms change depending on how many votes are waiting at the station. They say what they think will toss them a political advantage from their ignorant, gullible, and stupid followers, period.
And why would we expect this administration to take responsibility for much of anything? While they crash the country, destroy our borders, wipe out our once respected place in the international arena, sack the military, build dependency levels and shove inflation to higher levels…..all they can seem to do is blame others…..even when obvious mistakes and failures stare them in the face…..they are like my kids were, when they were young…..they pass the buck, play the political blame game and continue to bolster their power base………it’s the typical political agenda all our elected officials seem to be part of, even many republicans.
In the above photo: it looks like those 2 clowns are terrorists who just held up a 7-11. It’s worse. They are robbing this nation.
If the vaccine EVER gets approved by the FDA I may consider getting the thing but since it hasn’t been and probably never will be, I will take my chances with the virus.
Where do we begin, First : They send mixed messages, On Masks, No Masks. Second: They are still lying about the origin of the Virus. Third: They are still lying about the funding of the Lab., where American tax dollars used to fund a Lab., that maybe making Biological Weapons.
Fourth: They still will not admit that there are risks taking the vaccine as there are taking any vaccine, but even more so with a vaccine that was developed such a short period of time. Fifth: The most important reason is that their are choses and liberties both Personnel and Religious reasons, if we are expected to bow to every whim of government we are doomed as a free Nation.
God please give us President Donald J. Trump back !
God Save America !
Check out
I find it very hard to believe that brain dead Biden and Camel-Toe would blame other people.
A target isn’t even needed. As many people who have taken the jab have caught the virus as not, in fact, 40% of those currently being hospitalized in the UK with covid are fully vaccinated. 40% or higher of those vaccinated here in the U.S. are catching the virus as well. The CDC says more than 9,000 Americans have died of complications from the vaccine and more than 100,00 have suffered serious complications including permanent paralysis. The massive number the government claims died FROM Covid is way too high and is more likely about 15 to 18% of that number. Most deaths have been from some other critical health issue and covid was present. Some deaths were just assumed and some were just said to be the cause without proof. With government money being “awarded” to health care facilities for each reported death, fraud is a real possibility in reports also. There have been traffic accident victims, homicide deaths, suicide victims, an at least one alcohol consumption death reported as covid deaths. Just having tested positive within 60 days of dying from some other cause has resulted in the death being claimed as covid. Mask and hiding in the basement don’t work either, this “bug” is just going to have to run it’s course, just like seasonal flu and yes, since there have been 18+ earlier versions of covid, there will be more. Looking back, besides the “funny” flu I caught in early December 2019, I now recall he same symptoms of a “flu” I had in the early 1990’s.
They are definitely bullies as they are blaming everyone but themselves!!
Remember when we had great leaders of our country who lived by the motto, “The Buck Stops Here”. Very sad, those days are gone. Now we have wimpy, boastful, arrogant and self absorbed politicians who think they are leaders.
If these two aholes did not say they would not get the vaccine prior to the election maybe things would be different. They are not interested in protecting us. Illegal immigrants being sent out to all parts of the country are super spreaders and we the people of our nation will be suffering for this.
Wow, they’re actually blaming someone other than President Trump for a change! Has hell frozen over? LOL!
Killing people? Harris said she would not take a vaccine if President Trump was involved. How many people were influenced by Harris? How many will die? Remember that killing one person is often enough to get you executed. When will Biden thank President Trump for the vaccine?
With all the new cases of Covid happening all over the country, no one is talking about the deluge of people coming into our country through the southern boarder, with Covid, and being sent out in the middle of the night all over the country. I think that just might have something to do with the surge.
We all know it was the fault of Biden and Harris and they know we know, but they will continue to play this game. Worse US President and VP ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I blame them for is: STEALING THE ELECTION
They’re RUINING this nation.
With President Trump I could sleep at night. I felt safe. His thoughtfulness for All Americans, his love for America proved He was the elected. Biden w selected, he never won nothing. The truth is coming, AZ proved it.
Do we really think that liars are going to admit that they have made incorrect statements, especially the ones made condemning the vaccines because Trump had gotten them made from the various pharmaceutical companies before he ended his term of office but they stopped the rollout using negative remarks to cast doubts for political reasons rather any concern for public health. If anything they caused the problems of 2020 with all their power plays and now expect us to be satisfied with the chump change they are doling out while giving massive funds to their “charities “.
Do they think that we would forget in today’s era of forever internet. They just don’t want themselves to be judged as wrong when they are very clearly.
that’s their way to say they are Demon possess people.
Harris was the one who was screaming how she wouldn’t get the vaccine because President Trump was involved yet no credit from dumb and dumber that Trump is the only one who could pull this fast track off in record time which proves her lack of commonsense then there’s Jim Crow Joe well he’s just a pathetic dirty dog faced lying pony soldier sorry guys i just had to…..
Clueless and Cluerless.
The vaccine isn’t working,people who have been vaccinated are still getting sick.And we have no knowledge of the long term side effects yet.This is why the FDA has not approved them for anything other then emergency use. However since the roll out medical doctors have found medications that cure the covid symptoms, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectine, pine needle tea and some other choice medicine doctors have used have cured covid symptoms. Not to mention that most positive tested people have very little to no symptoms at all. So ask yourself is taking a shot of serum that is untested for a curable flu like sickness that even after you risk your body’s reaction to it,and you still need to wear a mask, worth it? This is why people are not taking it.And Iit has nothing to do with Harris,Biden or Trump, it has to do with common sense and people’s choice to choose not to take an experimental serum, for a less then flu like sickness that has a 99% recovery rate.Yes some people who are weak ,immune system bad did die from this,but so do people every year of the flu , cancer,and heart disease It’s your choice what you put into your body,and the risk you take doing so. If the government demands people to do something, they surely are not going to do , they are going to ask why ,and find out the truth for themselves when their Freedom of choice is at risk and their lives.
First of all, Democrats have become purely political animals. The will say anything they beleive will promote their agenda at the moment and have zero qualms about doing a 180 later. That being said, I have a suspicion that the left is doing this on purpose. Leftism thrives in chaos; the more chaos, the better for them. I think they actually WANT some people to resist taking the vaccine (never mind that the actual science backs the idea that not everyone, particulary young people, should get the vaccine). They WANT to have discussions about vaccine passports, businesses forcing people to choose between the vaccine and their job, talk of government mandates. They would love nothing more than using government power to force large numbers of people to take the vaccine. Not because they care about public health (they don’t), not because they care about flaunting their power (they do), but using government power in this way would absolutely erode liberty and lay the groundwork for future government action that forces people to do whatever they want.
Biden and Harris are the definition of MISINFORMATION!! Every time they open their collective mouths MISINFORMATION spews!! I’m thinkin, pot/kettle black??!!
For the Demsheviks, any lie they tell is “the truth of the moment!” Next moment, next lie, next truth. And so on repetitively ad nauseum.
Typical, but they have messed up on everything. Not at all surprised.
Sorry. Biden and Harris and other democrats said that any vaccine created under President Trump was unsafe. They have only themselves to blame. This is a difficult position for democrats who want to blame anyone other than themselves.
Lenin said that you could lie, cheat, steal, and kill to advance the power of the Party. Biden and Harris and Pelosi and Schumer have learned their lessons well.
We are being governed by Idiots. Biden can’t put 2 words together and Camel is dumber than dirt.