AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

The Biden administration’s effort to rewrite Title IX – a move which would destroy decades-old legal protections for women’s sports and undermine due process in sexual assault cases – moved one step closer to completion when the Education Department sent the final text of its new rule to the White House on February 2.
Title IX refers to a landmark 1972 civil rights law which prohibits sex-based discrimination at any school which receives federal funding. Notably, Title IX led to the creation of scholarship women’s athletic programs at hundreds of schools and expanded other opportunities for women in academia.
In June 2022, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona announced sweeping changes to Title IX regulations which lower the bar for what is considered “sexual harassment” and introduce language requiring schools to allow males who identify as women to participate in women’s sports – stealing opportunities and scholarships from women in the process.
Specifically, the new rule proposed by the Biden Department of Education would remove the requirement for cross-examination in sexual harassment and sexual assault cases and lower the bar for someone to be found guilty from “clear and convincing” evidence of guilt to merely “a preponderance of the evidence.” Moreover, the new rule removes requirements that schools hold live hearings for harassment and assault cases.
In other words, the fate of a student accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault would be determined entirely according to the opinion of one administrator who plays judge, jury, and executioner – all without even a formal hearing to allow the accused to plead his case.
Schools would also be required under the new rule to “respond to a hostile environment based on sex” even if said conduct occurs off school property. This provision allows schools to police their students’ conduct anywhere – including in their own homes. As the National Review Editorial Board has warned, it could even mean “that parents who refuse to green-light their child’s gender transition could be investigated for discrimination as well as kept in the dark about their child’s transgender status at school.”
Even more egregiously, the Biden administration rule would change the Supreme Court’s narrow definition of discriminatory sex-based harassment in the original Title IX statute to include all “unwelcome sex-based content” and “all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation and gender identity.”
This intentionally broad definition includes refusing to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” This means that, under the new rule, students could be expelled for “misgendering” another student or faculty member.
By redefining sex to include gender identity, the Biden administration’s Title IX rewrite will also coerce all schools which accept federal funding to allow biological males to compete on women’s sports teams. To make this even more clear, Cardona released another rule in April 2023 which states that schools “would not be permitted to adopt or apply a one-size-fits-all policy that categorically bans transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity.”
As retired Stanford professor David Hanson explained, when it was introduced 50 years ago Title IX assured parity for women’s sports by granting them the same budgets, infrastructure, and institutional support as men’s sports. “How ironic, then,” he said, “that a half-century of athletic transformation has been completely undermined by the current ritual takeover of [women’s sports] by biological men.”
Many educators believe that the new Title IX rule will become an instrument of intimidation, a weapon for the Biden administration to impose its far-left social agenda on schools – much as Biden did by threatening to withhold federal money for school lunches unless schools acceded to the administration’s transgender bathroom policy.
Even schools that are free from the shackles of federal funding are now being targeted by the left in attempts to force them in line.
One of the most notable is Hillsdale College, a private Christian school which accepts zero federal funding and has become a top target of the left for its commitment to objectivity rather than advancing a blatantly left-wing worldview.
Hillsdale is now facing a lawsuit claiming that there is an “unusually high risk of sexual assault” at the school because it does not comply with Title IX. The lawsuit further alleges that the school’s rejection of federal funds is “a misguided and ineffective attempt to avoid its obligations under Title IX.”
While claims of sexual harassment are certainly serious and worthy of a fair hearing, the evidence advanced in the case is thin at best, and the lawsuit appears to be more an attempt to punish Hillsdale for refusing to accept federal funding and in doing so submit itself to the ideological agenda of bureaucrats at the Department of Education.
Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn has stated that these attempts to force Hillsdale under federal authority would “convert [the college] from the pursuit of goals to the pursuit of compliance with rules.”
Despite the apparent spuriousness of the lawsuit, however, the case is still pending, and could go against Hillsdale – a ruling that would have disastrous implications for every school throughout the country which seeks to preserve its independence from federal authority.
Margaret Beecher, the president of Napa Legal Institute, which filed an amicus brief on behalf of Hillsdale, explained that the essence of the case is about religious freedom. “Is the government in charge? Or are religious institutions free to govern themselves in accordance with their beliefs?” she asked.
This battle is also taking place amid the backdrop of a precipitous decline in public confidence in academia. In a Gallup poll from last July, 62 percent of Americans said they had only “some” or “very little” trust in the higher education system.
The Biden administration’s new rule, which could be finalized in a matter of weeks, is unlikely to reverse this trend.
Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.
It’s time to stop this validation of some males delusion of gender.
There are only two sexes, male or female. Believing you are the opposite
gender of your birth is a mental illness and should be treated as such.
Of course he does this, he is a pedophile in Presidents clothing.
Biden’s a moron who does what his masters tell him to do!.
So where are all the women’s groups who complain and rail against any/ every NORMAL action or behavior???
Have not heard ONE of them speaking out of nut case individuals who are invading girls and women’s private space,destroying all women’s sports and erasing strides that females have been achieving in every area.
CMON , stand up and end this marxist democrat party assault!!!
It’s SHAMEFUL that none if you stand up to this insanity!
All evil all the time. He is not president it is Satan in the form of Biden and Obama. Evil reigns in the Whitehouse and they got there through a systematic take over of the voting system. I doubt anything will change in 2024 but i pray for a fair election.
Why blame Biden? Does anyone really think he is capable of coming up with this? Let’s go after his “handlers” – whoever they are – and start blaming them. Somehow, we really need to identify the multitude of devils for all of the utter nonsense they are trying to force on us. I can start out with a few – Jill, Hillary, Obama, anyone who who voted for him in the last election. Sorry, the list is way too long to list all of them here.
Also have a new suggestion: Let’s get Biden and President Trump on the same stage with no note cards – AND – no teleprompter! They just have to tell us what they are thinking using their brain. Wouldn’t that be a hoot! Oh, but I almost forgot – you have to actually be able to walk out onto the stage by yourself – no one to show you where to do.
I am 77 years old. Never – Ever – could I have imaging how my country could become so unraveled as it has since Biden was declared President. I’m glad I’m an old person. I truly feel for the folks who are younger them me because they are going to have to live in a world created by these lunatics!
The Department of Education was the final nail in the coffin of education in the United States.
Just when you think it can’t get any crazier it does. Voters should make sure no left wing candidate gets anywhere near power. Also support schools like Hillsdale who stand up for the right things. I think God is very unhappy with this country right now.
Has America lost it’s collective mind? I fought for equal rights for women for many years & diluting our advancements by adding biological males to our sports & locker rooms is ridiculous! This becomes a civil rights issue with discrimination as biological women are being targeted by males!
Transgenderism doesn’t have anything to do with a person’s sex. It’s fake sex. Gender transition doesn’t change a person’s sex. Thus, the proposed rule is a violation of the law, but that’s nothing new with the Biden administration and Democrats.
Amazing how any woman would support bid who sees to destroy women sports and the scholarships.
Where are all the women and mothers to protect their own daughters and other girls? Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this America?
America needs many insane asylums to house those men who think they are women and women who think they are men. And all the queer organizations are trying to get normal Americans to go along with their insanity.
Biden and the democrat party are being controlled by the most extreme radicals of any age. This group is anti-family, anti-morality, anti-constitutional, and anti-American. The folks who are voting democrats into office are enabling these radicals to harm our families, our children, and our country. Will the democrat party ever be able to take back control with sensible legislation and leadership ?
Biden”s handlers are destroying America ! Of course, this is their ultimate goal.
There is madness, sadness and sickness in this article. These radicals need to be voted out of office before America is totally lost.
This is one more communist plan to destabilize our institutions and societal norms and biden is leading the charge to destroy America. biden should have been impeached 2 years ago, tried for treason and now be in prison for the rest of his miserable life. America, our legal system, needs to enact very stiff penalties for politicians like biden and all bureaucrats who violate their oath’s of office.
God help us and save us from the evil leaders that are present in our country and claim to have our best interest at heart. We need to be strong and courageous—Stand firm in our faith. The nation needs to repent–ask for forgiveness–and follow God!
Big Mike may have something to do with this!
It’s time to stop pandering to mental patients. Men are men, women are women….PERIOD!!
Talk about undermining democracy!!! This is outright Nazi/Soviet tactics! Biden says Trump will be a dictator if elected for another term, well we already have our dictator who can’t remember anything!!! Guarantee this is coming from the puppet master and the puppet doesn’t care! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! THE COMMUNISTS ARE AMONG US!!!
Control over everyone and everything. Dementia will do that when the deep state and O rule. Just think if the dems should win in November with Gavin or Michael or Kamala. Prepare te be arrested for not going along with their mandates. Freedom is not free.
Another fine example of big brother over reach into the communities and the schools … Butt out & leave the communities to police & guide themselves according the wishes of the people not the damn Washington politicians!
They are trying to completely redo Title IX. They may as well call it Title X since it is a total redo of what title IX was all about. They are even trying to redefine sexual assault to fit their narrative. This administration is full of bigots, racists, woman haters and discriminators from top to bottom. They are destroying the American way and the American dream for future generations.
Back in the 40’s and 50’s these problems were unheard of. Kyle L.
END this Biden now on Both
jackson didnot know she was a women the newest justice this trans stuff IS A MENTAL disorder
More evidence the man is in charge of nothing!
I’m really happy to hear someone else say that these transgenders are “stealing” opportunities and scholarships, ribbons, medals, trophies which are encouraging items especially for the younger girls!! It’s despicable that this issue has been allowed to go on this long!!!!!!! Make a transgender league, let them compete against each other and leave the girls and women’s sports to the women and girls!!! Don’t let liberal deviates and their mental confusions take over everything!!!!
Absolutely insane.
Young talented women do what the muti – millionaires do in the NBA and don’t show for games . When the meets come up , in force don’t Show . When only the “women ” with beards and mustaches are standing there to compete I don’t think they will sell alot of tickets and look foolish to boot .
Keep up the good work Ben Solis. The public needs this kind of insight to help make the right decisions at election time.
This sort of thing weakens the country so of course the dems are pushing it. Marxism preaches ‘the ruthless criticism of all that exists’ in order to bring down current societal structures before creating heaven on earth.
Remember this in the next election we can get rid of all this stuff and get back to protection under the original title nine and keep women’s sports as they should be, for women. No matter what what Democrats think there are only two genders. Never vote Democrat
How does a political party that claims to care about women justify this garbage?
Time to take your children out of schools with federal funding.
Woman voted for him, they wanted him, well here you are and everything he brings with him. Happy now? IMO
And yet the democrats keep crying about how the Republicans are the ones attacking women’s rights with the MSM marching in lock step the whole way.
Once again O’Biden, in accordance of The Wishes of the most bizarre insane liberals, proves that he is just as malleable to being shaped into an insane idiot with no actual knowledge of what he is actually doing he is just obeying O’Bummer’s wishes. Any and I mean any accomplishment that America are the world has made since the beginning of the country they are determined to wipe out and return our nation to it’s status as a continent with only the original habitants allowed to live there. Next thing you know all the Liberals will require conservatives to line up to board transport ships to leave the country because we don’t deserve to be here they only ones who deserve to be here are you’re insane liberal Democrats and illegal aliens and possibly Native Americans it just depends on their political leanings. I’m sorry I’m I’m half crazy as it is anyway but in my mind it comes to this and I look at it our unsubstantiated shall we say president is a misguided ignorant old man with dementia but if as a Young Man with full knowledge of everything he does if that man were to receive a slap on his cheek each time he did or said something stupid, that man would have been slapped to death. Because you know thousands of slaps would have some kind of effect on anybody. But all they continue to do is slap Americans across the face it doesn’t matter if you’re a male or female or a dog or a cat if you’re not doing exactly what they want they hate you and they hate everything you do and it is their desire that everyone they hate cease to exist and cease to do the things that they hate. And they are working tirelessly every single minute of every day to accomplish this. Sorry to ramble sorry to be bizarre and yes I’m probably crazy but I’m good-hearted. God Bless America
I don’t know about you all but I’m getting a deep tan this summer, moving to California, identifying as a black man trapped in a white man’s body, and getting me some of that reparations I’ve been hearing about! It’s all about the “identity”.
The Education Department brings up this nonsensical attempt to promote its erroneous agenda. It’s just another department in the U.s. Goverment that needs to lose all its financial support. Our government was set up by the people and for the people..not for morons in these agencies to inflict their demands on the people of our country.. The Biden Administration has shown utter comtempt for the people Of America…and may they rot in #@$%.
These new rule appear designed to make millions for lawyers who will end up having to defend these clearly unconstitutional provisions in court.
He is dancing to the tune played for him One step forward two steps back and it’s not you came a long way baby
How would this rule impact Ohio which just passed the safe act?
So now there are only Mens Sports and Transgender Sports of women who were men.
Another bureaucratic rule that we must follow. This isn’t We The People. This is a people getting angry and yet still doing what they are told to do by unelected, egomaniacs sitting behind a desk telling Obama’s puppet where to sign.
Biden Likes women but has absolutely no respect for them.That has been evident for many years.
Satan uses the four hidden dynasties in his rule ,the political the educational the economic and the religious.