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Biden Administration Leaves More Disasters to Clean Up

Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2024
by David P. Deavel

Does anybody remember how the Clinton Administration prepared to leave the White House in 2001 by taking the “W” keys off keyboards, gluing desk drawers shut, vandalizing equipment, and stealing office supplies? The General Accounting Office found that at least $15,000 worth of damage was done. Bill and Hillary themselves took “$190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas, and other gifts” before being forced to pay for $114,000 worth and return the rest. It was a minor scandal at the time, but it’s nothing compared to the mess that awaits the Trump Administration after this week. And unlike those impish Clintonistas, the Biden Administration’s policy vandalism has both national and international implications.

On the national front, despite their intentional refusal to guard the border or even vet illegal immigrants, having played a part in their electoral defeat earlier this month, Democrats have decided to make enforcement of our laws harder for their successors. “The outgoing administration,” the New York Post reported earlier this week, “intends to launch an ICE Portal app starting in early December in New York City that will allow migrants to bypass in-person check-ins to their local ICE office.” Department of Homeland Security figures told the Post that a “glitchy and unreliable” app will make it much easier for illegal immigrants to evade authorities. That’s a big problem, but what’s worse is that “Even when it’s working correctly, the new app doesn’t check for past arrests or outstanding warrants — something the current system tied to in-person appointments does, sources said.” Additionally, the Biden Administration is attempting to make it possible for those waiting for hearings to get rid of electronic monitoring. 

The whole thing stinks. It is especially bad that this system doesn’t check for criminal records even as more and more stories come out of truly vile criminal acts committed by unvetted immigrants. An illegal immigrant in Brooklyn was arrested—and then released!—this week for throwing his neighbor’s dog off of a fourteen-story building. On Friday, the story came out that an illegal Venezuelan immigrant was arrested in Denver for sexually assaulting a fourteen-year-old girl. Another illegal immigrant in Texas was arrested for sexually abusing multiple children under thirteen. Other illegal immigrants were arrested this week for sexual crimes, some involving child rape, in Virginia and Massachusetts. Perhaps the most ironic story, however, was of the arrest of another Venezuelan who robbed and attacked one of New York City DA Alvin Bragg’s Assistant DAs. This particular criminal had already been arrested five times and is a member of the Tren De Agua gang.

This list isn’t exhaustive. It’s just what this particular writer happened to notice this week, scrolling the news. Imagine how many more such stories there are out there, given Homeland Security’s revelation earlier this year of the hundreds of thousands of cases of known violent criminals in the U.S.

Our current government is making it harder for our country to protect itself from these criminals.

As if that weren’t bad enough, the news on the international front this week was that apparently angered by Russia’s welcoming of North Korean troops to help them in Ukraine, the Biden Administration not only allowed our military to send Ukraine anti-personnel mines but also approved the use of long-range American missiles (ATACMs) against targets inside Russia, despite Vladimir Putin’s warnings that such an attack would constitute an act of war on the U.S.’s part. As explained before, in this space, the use of such precision missiles necessitates technological involvement by the U. S. Putin’s threats have included a nuclear response. 

It was an exceptionally foolish decision on Biden’s part, especially since we know that Ukraine received only fifty American ATACMs, not enough to actually turn any tides in the now-two-year-old conflict but enough to possibly trigger a response from Putin. Journalist Paul Sperry reported that Colonel Larry Mrozinski, a former senior State Department military adviser, texted him with this message: ‘Never in my life has an outgoing president made it abundantly clear that he is pushing the United States into WWIII.’”

Are we at World War III yet? Hawks in this conflict argue that Putin has threatened consequences for various red lines before and has not followed through on them. Ukraine did fire a half-dozen of the missiles deep into Russian territory on Tuesday. Additionally, Britain has now changed their policy and allowed Ukrainian use of their intermediate-range Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia’s borders. And France has approved firing their own missiles into Russia as well, though it is not known if this has happened yet. While Putin has not responded thus far with a nuclear attack, he did strike the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro with an intermediate-range Oreshnik missile on Friday. He is not backing down.

Could things get worse? Speaking with Laura Ingraham, former Trump Administration Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Elbridge Colby said that the threat of nuclear weapons is “very serious,” but so too is “horizontal escalation with the Houthis, Iran, North Korea, and China.” Colby observed that this saber-rattling comes as Admiral Samuel Paparo of the United States Pacific Command indicates that our own stockpiles of missiles and other weapons are very low. In fact, as Anton LaGuardia of the Economist reported, Paparo: “expects Russia will provide submarine technology to China that will help it to close the gap with the US. Also, RU expects to provide missile and sub-technology to North Korea.”

In other words, we will indeed see that horizontal escalation in all sorts of ways. And though it could cause aggravated conflicts in several areas of the world, it will be geared toward helping China compete with us militarily. As many sober-minded analysts such as Colby believe, our strategic lens needs to be on the Pacific. Yet the Biden Administration (whoever actually runs it) has been intent on keeping the Ukraine-Russia conflict alive, much to our detriment. As Colby told Ingraham, it looks as though they are trying to “tie Trump’s hands” in this matter. While it will not work, the amount of damage it will cause could range from a mess to World War III, which Colonel Mrozinski worries about.

The Bidenistas will not likely take the “W” keys off the keyboards this time. Maybe they will take off the “T” keys. We hope they won’t steal or vandalize any equipment in the White House, either. But this failed Administration has already acted rashly in ways aimed at taking away the “W’s”—Wins—that Americans voted Trump in to achieve. We don’t think they will succeed ultimately. But it’s deeply shameful, stupid, and reckless of them to try.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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3 months ago

The Biden administration and the Deep State are fully committed to causing as much damage and destruction as they can as Team Biden heads out the door. The objective being to create such a huge series of messes (wars, diplomatic fiascos around the world, last-minute agreements with other nations and a slew of domestic groups that will have to be undone), that the Trump administration will spend at least half its time just trying to undo all the damage left in the wake of Biden sailing out the door to enjoy his millions in bribe money on a Delaware beach. This is who the Democrats are. This is their version of a scorched earth policy as they prepare to head out the door.

Still Trump and his team will plow through all the wreckage left in the wake of a Biden administration that should have never existed in the first place. Let’s just all try to ensure that the GOP controlled Congress doesn’t go all spineless and wobbly like they have done in the past at the first sign of the Dems and MSM calling them some petty names. They need to actually do their jobs for once or they face the same prospect that happened in 2018, if they fail to deliver on their part. Congress’s role is to enact the legislation that the people supported Trump for. That’s it. No excuses. No endless delays and complaining about “This is how we do things in Congress.” Well guess what? The People won’t be buying that BS anymore. The American people don’t want a repeat of the fiasco of 2017 and 2018, when the GOP controlled Congress did their best Keystone Kops routine and had to be forced to just get tax reform done.

3 months ago

The more the Democrats try to block the newly elected Trump team from doing their jobs, the more the people will vote against them.

I think for every state that allows sanctuary cities all Federsl Funding should stop. If the governors and local mayors are acting independently from what the masses across all 50 states want or don’t want, they should be forced to fully support their own policies. You better believe the tax payers will continue moving out when they foot the entire bill for their “elected officials” focusing on the whims of the few, rather than the rights and safety of the many.

3 months ago

This is what happens when an entire generation is raised with “it’s all about me” mentality

Silent majority
Silent majority
3 months ago

One of the many things the Trump DOJ will need to do is subpoena all communications between officials involved in making the decision with regards to Ukraine. Once they uncover the conspiracy to create chaos on the way out of power, which will be easy, then charge every single one of them with defrauding the US. Heads need to roll.

3 months ago

It’s not fair that the incoming administration has to deal with the deceit and underhandedness of the current administration while the Dems act like they are holier than thou.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Typical of democrats. After clinton stealing Art Works among other things from the White House when he left and was forced to return the American People’s Property. All the Damage from obama and his staff. This is after the Disaster’s both clinton and obama did. And now, the Disaster and Damage biden/harris have done to our country and on their last day they will act like the immature children they are and destroy as much as possible in the White House. Mark my words and the Fake News will lie and protect them just like they have for decades. Keep a Close Eye on them America. Never trust democrats.

3 months ago

As we have said for years, Democrat’s destroy everything they touch!

Randall Griffin
Randall Griffin
3 months ago

Watch for Biden’s DOJ to enter into some sweetheart “settlements” with leftist groups like Sierra Club and open immigration groups that will commit funds for the groups and tie Trump’s hands on policies.

3 months ago

Morons are running the government today. Maybe biden is testing Trump when he, Trump, said he’d “bomb the sh– out of them”, referring to Iran’s involvement in the destruction of Israel. Wouldn’t the biden clowns love it if Trump backed down from his proposed mode of action. But we know he won’t. He’s probably talking strategy with his cabinet picks right now.

Biden is an idiot for putting our country in this kind of danger. I never thought it could get worse, but it just has. Can we arrange a quickie impeachment??

3 months ago

I think we allow too much time to pass between the election and the inauguration. Perhaps this is a Constitutional issue. But if we installed the new president much quicker after the election, they would not have the time to cause so many issues and damage for the incoming President.

3 months ago

Biden is a bloody disgrace and has been since he first entered politics.He deserves to be tried for treason and when found guilty,publicly hung by the neck untill dead.While we’re at it let’s get rid of “The turtle”too plus any other “Rino” pigs.

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

These miscreants masquerading as magnanimous public servants display their true character only after they leave office. Too bad it wasn’t on display before they got elected.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 months ago

Treason against the sovereign, aka we the people, anyone?

3 months ago

Biden and his cohorts are just plain EVIL. He must have been conspiring with the Clintons and Obamas to see how much of a mess they could leave for Trump. I haven’t voted for a demoncrat in years and NEVER EVER will again.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

Biden’s actions against Trump are like a temper tantrum a 3 year old would pull. The entire Democratic contingency in DC is nothing more that a bunch of power-hungry, money -grabbing and hateful bunch of monsters. No one will forget how we, the people have been treated and put into danger during the last 4 years so I doubt these evil people will be re-elected in 2028. They are showing that they cannot see that they did anything wrong and that bodes badly of their future. I pray for the safety of Trump and the people who surround him.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
3 months ago

I’m sorry, but you can’t hate these filthy, slimy, scum enough.

3 months ago

Would these actions be listed as aiding and abetting a criminal activity?

Thor Wolansky
Thor Wolansky
3 months ago

50 ATACMS missiles won’t be enough to impact the Russia-Ukraine war. Yet those same 50 ATACMS missiles apparently will cause Putin to launch World War III. Are the missiles significant or insignificant? The writer wants to have it both ways — his argument makes no sense.

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

IF this is part of the Dems strategic moves to ham-string any success or change Trump might make, the people behind these moves need to be found and tried for treason. And Biden is being driven by his hatred of Trump and not operating from any sense of reason. Is he planning to move to a ‘friendly’ country in South America, or has he made a deal with Xi?

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
3 months ago

I’ll bet the house the Delete button on a million federal keyboards are being worn at a rapid pace since November 6.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Probably leave a weeks worth of Joe’s stanky soiled diapers hidden throughout the White House…

3 months ago

That’s why the Trump Admin. needs to hire three to five thousand “Special Prosecutors!” and in a Federal case like that Lawyer’s fees = “Bye, Bye House!”

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

I question if this ‘childish’ behavior is limited only to the Clintons, and their administration and Biden and his administration? It is really childish … and it would be hard pressed to suggest anyone in a government job, is a child. Too many career politicians for that to exist. The escalation of Ukraine, by allowing them to send our missiles into Russia, is merely poking the bear. How many times do you poke the bear before he retaliates? How many times can you slap the bull, before he charges? Did the left hate GW so badly as to steal from taxpayers? Does the left hate Trump so badly as to wishing WW3 and the possible fall of America? That kind of hate is psychotic … at best and dangerous. Maybe helped with promised term limits?

Tina Hand
Tina Hand
3 months ago

Is there anything Congress do to stop this? Why can’t they tart impeachment proceedings against him? We know the DemonKrats will dismiss in the Senate, but something needs to be done to say this is unacceptable?
There are smarter people here than me, any ideas on what can be done?

Mike Stertz
Mike Stertz
3 months ago

I was amused to see that Bill O’Reilly/Martin Dugard in “Confronting the Presidents” rated Biden as one of the five worst presidents in American history.

3 months ago

The corrupt Biden Obama Clinton and the Bushes, who are Rinos, have caused the America we knew to falter and become a Socialistic/Communist government. We are fighting against EVERY EVIL they have created.for us by those who Voted them into office.

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

I think these Democrats are trying to ensure that they never, ever see elected power again by flipping the bird right in the faces of every American that voted to clean up these unholy messes! Not to mention acting like a bunch of spoiled, immature adolescents who, if they can’t have their own way, NOBODY will!!! American voters…TAKE NOTICE!!! 2026 and 2028 are right around the corner.

3 months ago

B. Obama, H.Clinton, and J. Biden are destroying any promising legacies. They will be remembered as the most destructive leaders of the USA. They make Benedict Arnold appear to have been a Patriot of the colonies against the British. That is how this senior will remember them!

3 months ago

The word you’re looking for is EVIL. Perhaps SATANIC.

3 months ago

Friends don’t let friends vote for democrats.

3 months ago

Very well-written article by Mr. Deavel.
“Shameful, stupid and reckless” is an accurate summary of the net “value” of what the Biden Administration has delivered in its “long” four years. It would appear that their most recent, conspicuous “accomplishments”, that would increase the potential of escalation of military conflict, and provide additional illegal alien protections, are, in large part, focused on defiance in the aftermath of the November 5th elections… instead of a cooperative transitioning effort that the Biden Administration certainly owes its’ successors (small potatoes, really, next to what they owe United States Citizens for the increased national defense risks, soaring debt, illegal immigrant crime, and economic woes that “President” Biden and “Vice-President” Harris still don’t admit to).
So, here it is… the Biden Administration is “working” on turning over the Whitehouse, and our United States, to the incoming Trump Administration… with both in arguably far worse shape than when Trump turned them over to Biden four years ago. That is a compelling bottom line… as well as a compelling reminder of why NOT to allow “democrats” a seat at the wheel for a very, very, very, long time…

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

Biden and Harris and the Dems in Washington and in Blue states are all hateful and have made this country not at all safe with what they allowed into this country. What is also bad is what the great leader Biden has screwed up relations around the world with what he has done with Ukraine every time the president of Ukraine came here begging for money Biden gave him the bank full of money and then he gave military equipment.( Tanks,long range missiles and more why did he not just let him have a office up in the White House next to the oval office.they get along so good What is very sad the Dems love Zelenskyy but the Dems say President Trump is with Putin but President Trump has never given nothing to him. Biden is doing all this on purpose just to make it hard for President Trump and his team.

Grady Pickens
Grady Pickens
3 months ago

With all of this Penny Ante Childish mayhem coming from the White House, It begs the question “Who’s minding the store here”?
I find it baffling and really difficult to believe that saner heads won’t intervene. That Senile Doddering Infantile Wretch seems to be hell bent on destroying this country and there’s no one there to stop his churlish antics! My God! what has this administration come to!?

3 months ago

the people MUST DEMAND PUNISHMENT TO those who have deliberately sold out America .why is it not a crime for the out going president and his party to destroy or damage anything that will have to be replaced by the incoming party. THE DEMOCRAT’S ARE DESTROYING AMERICA FROM WITHIN AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND TRYING TO GET WORLD WAR 3 STARTED.

3 months ago

Isn’t it pathetic that the outgoing administration, like a previous one, acts like a teen who acts out because he didn’t win. It tells you so much about them and their mindset. They are an embarrassment.

David Brooks
David Brooks
3 months ago

Perhaps we can make a deal with Putin. We won’t allow the Ukrainians to use U.S. weapons in Russia if Russia agrees to not use Russian weapons in Ukraine.

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