
As we emerge from 18 months of COVID mania, mandates, name-calling, neuroses, and the convoluted 2020 election season, we begin to hear footsteps. Footsteps? Yes, new warnings about “delta” and “lambda” variants, Europe shutting down, indoor masks, and fresh panic. Is all this worth fresh panic – or are we just seeing … the 2022 Pelosi variant?
Facts are important, so let us start there. Most have gotten a COVID vaccine, and those who have not likely never will. Most states are healthy, families healthy, and people want in-person schools, work, and economy. Most are not clamoring for more masks or shutdowns.
Yes, several variants exist, as always. They seem less worrisome than political actors claim. They are routine and routinely monitored. Objectively, medical experts put “variants” in three classes, “of interest,” “of concern,” and “of high consequence.” Of all the COVID variants reported, none is “of high consequence.” Others are being monitored, offer no basis for panic.
With respect to reported vaccine effectiveness – for example, of vaccines against the original (alpha) COVID-19 strain against other strains – numbers are highly encouraging. Where two shots worked against “alpha” at 93.7 percent effectiveness, they work against “delta” at 88 percent effectiveness, close. See, e.g., Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant.
Likewise, other research indicates the primary concern is that, for unvaccinated Americans, the transmission rates (rather logically) will be higher, specifically “delta” is making rounds in the less vaccinated states. Transmission may be higher for some variants, although severity seems no different. See, e.g., COVID-19 variants: What’s the concern?
In other words, just like with flu strains, changes tend to affect those not previously sick, not inoculated, and unusually susceptible. But there is no reported reason for panic or return to a nationwide shutdown. This is even true of variants like “lambda,” which afflicted Peru. Objectively, fewer than one percent of US cases can be tracked to Lambda. See, e.g., The Lambda Variant: What You Should Know And Why Experts Say Not To Panic.
But here is where politics gets into it. All this science aside, tempers and rhetoric can be expected to rise. Why? Because COVID was the driver for mass mail-in ballots, absentee ballots without reason, ballot harvesting, reduced identification checks, online registration, out-of-precinct voting, and blocked ballot count observations – in 2020. Some seem to like that.
Whatever you think about the 2020 outcome – and everyone has an impassioned view – one thing uncontested is that the virus drove fundamental changes in the election process. These changes created major doubt in the minds of many voters about election efficacy and integrity.
Politics aside, 37 states in 2020 permitted wide use of mail-in ballots, often without reasons or standard identification, to accommodate COVID. Many states extended vote casting and counting timelines, changed rules at the last minute, and compounded civic doubt. Most countries in the world do not permit this kind of voting due to vote fraud risk. See, e.g., Why Do Most Countries Ban Mail-In Ballots?: They Have Seen Massive Vote Fraud Problems.
So, here is the point.
If time for panic is over, if shots and collective immunity make Greek-lettered variants a minimal threat to health, if most who were going to get COVID got it, got over it, averted it, or sadly did not, the world we live in is now different.
There is no need for a fresh panic, no need for a push to set the table for another shutdown, return to unprecedented state restrictions on life, commerce, worship, gathering – or voting.
The only reason that a political player would be pushing fresh panic would be that they see an advantage in that push, perhaps room for reintroduction of election procedures alike those pushed in 2020, and like those pushed by Democrats in HR 1 and S 1, and so far defeated.
In short, federalizing the election process – in ways that encourage fraud and undermine public confidence – is unwise, unjustified, and highly suspect. Barring a wildly malignant variant – and there is no evidence that such exists – let us not default to mutual recrimination, federalization, panic, or the train wreck of 2020 in our 2022 midterm elections.
Science says – there is no need for panic or a return to unprecedented 2020 voting practices in 2022.
But do not think this is over. More variants will be reported; fear stirred, Democrat arguments made for federalizing our elections, a push for mass mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, online registrations, no need for ID checks, less oversight. Beware the 2022 Pelosi variant.
No Beware the Biden Dem Pelosi Virus day 1 deadly for ALL, Hope TX Dems spread the virus more in DC
As I’ve pointed out numerous times in this site, the Democrats found a way to ensure they win elections and they are NOT about to give up that advantage anytime soon. Their two targeted test cases were a resounding success (President Trump in November 2020 and the two Republican Senate seats in Georgia in 2021) using the exact same set of methodologies. So expect the Democrats to hype Covid and its variants for all their worth right up through the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 presidential election.
The only way I see the Democrats backing off using Covid as a political weapon is if Senator Manchin caves in and goes along with passage of HR1 / S1 before the 2022 mid-terms. If that transpires, then Covid will no longer be needed as the Democrats will have enacted virtually every tactic they employed to manipulate the two elections into law. Manchin is already starting to waiver somewhat, after his wife was given a job in the Biden administration. So it really comes down to a question of when, not if, he caves in and votes in lock-step with the rest of the Democrats. How much more do his fellow Democrats have to fork over to get him to completely sell out the country for personal gain? Once that occurs, the log jam of already passed House legislation will quickly be approved and signed into law by Senile Joe.
Compliance will be required because of a reinvented crisis. Oh no not another crisis so we can try to exert more control over the masses. CRISIS! CONTROL! CRISIS! CONTROL! Fauci, the rich malignant dwarf, is already making projections for October. He is setting the table. The crap has already started. I won’t play their game.
Right on amac….the 2022 election is the reason the left wants us to panic about variants blah blah blah. Here is a message for them…we are not so stupid. We know the game!
The jabs do not keep you from transmitted the disease and they do not keep you for infection….there were Texas Democraps who left to keep a voter law from being passed that went to DC and all had had been innoculated….yet, six of them came down with Covid. The radical communists are trying to blame the unvaccinated for infecting others when transmission can still come from the vaccinated. And who knows what this experimental biochemical weapon that we are now finding out was released intentionally on the world and the jab will do to your body. Once in, it never leaves. Since the news, BBC Canada, Google, FB, Twitter, NY Times and Washington Post have entered into a “Trusted News Initiative” (like we trust these news outlets in the first place) whereby they WILL NOT REPORT ANYTHING NEGATIVE about the vaccine and the things it can do to your body. I will not get the jab and I am 74….I will wait about five years and if all the innoculated are still alive, then I will think about it. I do know that many physicians and scientists are trying to get the information about how bad this jab is and are being censored…it gives me reason to not get stuck. There have been thousands of deaths, heart problems, clotting, strokes, aborted babies, etc….but you won’t hear about it on the fake news….do your own investigating and I believe you will decide to take your chances with Covid…even with some of my health problems that are under control, I still have a 98.5% chance of coming out on the back side with no problems….they cannot tell me what percentage of the jab coming out on the back side. The NWO wants to depopulate and this is the perfect messenger for them to do so…auto immune disease, inflamation of the heart, blood clots and on and on. Be smart…do your research and decide which one is better for you….possibly getting Covid or possibly dying from the shots.
The Dems will hang onto anything to thwart the 2022 election. Never waste a good crisis is their mantra. The American people are not stupid. If everyone gets out to vote – we got this.
Biden mandate to allow southern border be open to anyone who crosses and then flying them all over US without checking if these border crossers have been vaccinated for COVID-19 is spreading Covid-19 all over US, not to mention other diseases. Biden should use AirForce 1 & 2 to transport border crossers. Better yet, Biden should close borders to unvaccinated border crossers.
Understand: Pelosi has no intentions whatsoever to run again and she with her decreased mental capacity plans to accuse the GOP of every crime that she has and is committing herself.She and her Party MUST bring back the virus in order to obtain mail-in voting or their losses in the 2022 election will be catastrophic for her. Never believe the CDC or Johns Hopkins regarding the virus since they are 100% political and obtain their money through government grants. Go to the University of Pittsburgh or Mayo Clinic for more truthful information on COVID-19.
Well, people, Satan’s hag will have her A$$ handed to her after the 2022 elections. She will no longer be “squaker” of the house. Dems brought this on themselves and they WILL pay the price for ALL their demonic behavior.
Below are the facts, and the Biden Administration is complicit in transmitting COVID in the US for exactly what the article states: FEAR AND CONTROL OVER OUR ELECTIONS. We Americans are onto them, and they know it and they are now the fearful.
To decrease the spread of COVID-19, the US is extending restrictions on non-essential travel to the US with Canada and MEXICO! But COVID cases among Migrants in RIO GRANDE VALLEY Sector surge 900% as BORDER NUMBERS continue to Rise.
If you connect the two, The Stay in Mexico policy makes sense, NOT Open Borders.
The White House is eyeing mask mandates again. NO! Close the Border to Illegals to control the spread of COVID. But they don’t!
Lock yourself in your home and do not go outside. When you must travel, use a bubble wrap to cover yourself from head to toe. Be afraid to live your life and surrender all your liberty to the communist Dems. Whatever you do do, DO NOT think for yourself. Let them control your mind and action. Thank you for listening to this 2022 public service announcement. Kindly, Nancy P.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Pelosi beg for 2 more years as Speaker after the last election? Wouldn’t that mean she can (and should) be replaced after the election in November 2021?
This headline should read: “Beware of the 2021 Pelosi Deviant” . All that the Marxist Democrats want to do is to create another crisis. Masks or no masks, vaccines or no vaccines, spend and tax, open the boarder, champion any worthless idea brought forth by the O’Biden administration, cut energy production…..and on and on. Pelosi is just another piece of garbage on the top of the DC swamp, and her stench is getting rather putrid.
The Left will do whatever they deem necessary to retain their money and their power. I don’t trust any of them. They have become so corrupt!
As I believed about Covid19, the disease is real, but the demoncrats are using it to control the people. They’ll stop at nothing to gain control and power.
Something to think about (always remembering the kind of amoral people we’re up against): we were just unmasking and starting to get our freedom back. Now we have 100,000 people/month flooding across our borders (and that’s only the number they admit to) and 10% of them, at least, have COVID. Are we being protected from them: NO, they’re putting them on planes and busses and distributing them across America. Now we hear the talk of remasking and more lockdowns.
The experimental gene therapy does NOT work! Most people getting sick from Covid are people who RECEIVED the vaccines. Don’t believe me? Check out the VAERS report and use sites that are spreading the TRUTH about the jab such as the Children’s Health Defense, GreenMedInfo, Dr. Mercola, and American Frontline Doctors.
That being said, with an average death rate of 0.01%, the fearmongering by the politicos over this virus is being used as a way to control people’s behavior. It has NOTHING to do with health.
Wake up, people! Your rights are being taken away one by one — all in the name of a virus that is a helluva lot less dangerous than other pathogens out there.
The democrats want more POWER and will do anything to get it. The sick states and large cities are all democrat. Pelosi is a monster and will not be stopped!!!
If they get away with these shutdowns again before long if someone sneezes in CA they`ll want a shutdown from CA to NJ.
if anyone thinks the den-o-rats are going to let the 2022 elections be free and fair,
I have a bridge I’d like to sell you !! The dems will have many excuses to twist the election
to their favor or at least try to.
Scientists have postulated, with evidence, that most viruses become less virulent as they mutate. The “fact-checkers” are at it again. USAtoday listed the Spanish flu of 1918 as becoming more virulent, as an example. This is an out-and-out lie. By 1920, the killer flu (a true pandemic) had become no more virulent than any other seasonal flu. The left will NEVER let this die. It’s facilitated a coup and has stripped Constitutional rights across the country. ccp-virus passports will be nothing more than tracking devices. The real concern is the gain of function lab in wuhan cooking up something “with more kick”. Chef tony baloney fauxci will be happy to stir the pot!
It would seem that chaos is the way to change America from traditional life to life controlled by a few in power. Who looses MOST when inflation rises – the aged and the poor. Goods prices escalate when diesel prices go up. Saw $4 diesel recently and the Fed says no long term problem – REALLY. Also, as we continue SPENDING trillions we don’t have, we won’t be able to shore up Medicare & Social Security – Again, impacts aged & poor. The financial health of those programs is on an accellerated downward trend as the % of our retired population increases. What is coming – devaluation of the US $. Who looses, Seniors with 401Ks or IRAs most and all America as well. Many of those Seniors vote Conservative. Beware Congressional borrowing and a President who signs what he is told. The solution for tomorrow is in-person voting with ID (Like Europeans), Congressional Term Limits, and a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit federal spending that exceeds federal income. If not, our experiment in American FREEDOM is in jeopardy. I am very concerned that my vote will ever again be of full value based on the uncertainties witnessed in 2020. I question anyone ever getting 81 Million real votes in a fair competitive election. In 2020 did Georgia actually go red to blue to include ALL blue Senators and lead to a blue controlled Senate?
‘Pelosi Variant’- New theatrical Paramount Production out of ‘spin and propaganda’. Ah! Nostalgia; fondly remembering the ‘North and South’ movie; with costars; Pelosi and Schumer. Wearing native garb – worshipping our ‘historical icon’ for eight minutes & 46 seconds. Pelosi was especially well decked out with designer matching heels. (When the Democrats create propaganda; there is plenty of creative wardrobing and props.) Democrats/Communists also big into; Communist Interior Redecorating orchestrated by our talented actress/politician. Exterior Communist Redecorating by our talented politician Warren. Both of these ‘Fuzz-Brains’ have effectively destroyed American History off the face of the land! Names and Statues of ‘Our Civil War Sites’ dumped into the sands of antiquity! But, girls, you really have good taste in designer ‘high heels’! The Democrats/Communists will probably name a variant virus after our leading lady. Hold the Academy Award for: ‘Best Blunderbuss’! ~ George Washington’s Best Buddy ~
It appears that far too many people are scared, paranoid and even neurotic when it comes to this entire issue! The democrats have now found a new way to keep people in a state of chaos, fear and anarchy, keep them ‘on the plantation’, dependent on the government, securing their voting base and deflect from more pressing and dire issues. They think this all makes them look like the heroes, but rather, they are looking more and more like the villains, oligarchs and short-sighted leaders that they are. Wake up America!!!
I will ignore the political demons using their scare tactics to effect the voting process. I plan to vote in person.
These various items of discussion have been chewed long enough. The numbers NEVER justified any of the intrusive/restrictive mandates imposed by the ruling elite. The purpose of this ‘Henny-Penny’ (the sky is falling) garbage has been accomplished. Our opposition governments have seen first hand that the American Spirit can be subdued. If a list of all the ridiculous things that had to happen for us to reach this point were ever to be really analyzed, and actually presented in court, there is NO WAY reasonable people would accept these results. This is the result of the last 40-50 years of being told you can’t have an opinion, it’s not the criminal – it’s society’s fault, spell things the way you think they should be spelled, 1+1=3, etc. AND it all started with that Spock guy, who never had any kids, telling us corporal punishment was ruining the future generations.
How do these Antifa/BLM/no gender/word free zones generation kids look now? We deserve everything we’re getting – we asked for it.
I am not chaotic, nervous, worried, scared, paranoid or anything else about covid or any variant. I put my faith in God and believe not one syllable that comes from my government, the CDC, the WHO, or the little rodent, Fauci. They are all proven and skilled liars who only seek to further their agenda of a one world government.
Pelosi needs to removed from office or better yet voted out of office and never allowed back in!! The swamp needs to “dry” out and all return to work, school, and fun!!
Finally! Thanks to Senator (MD) Paul, the DOJ will investigate flip-flop Fakesy. I worked in AIDs research in the mid 80s. He was useless then. Sadly he is well connected to the DC scum. Viruses mutate just like children grow, nothing new. Make a long story short – I ended up on the street thanks to covid. I’m 79, was and remain completely healthy. Why? Vitamin D3, K2,(take with a bit of fat such as buttered toast, etc C, take with water. Selenium, Zinc. By the way, the RDA is a minimum to keep healthy. If I have the least concern, I take “emergency” Sambucol (Black Elderberry /syrup ) for a few days, and drink extra water. Please do your own research.
Very good article and true. No democracy will ever survive if the public does not trust election results as honest. So opening new windows for potential fraud, whether proven or not, undermines the entire basis for our nation and can turn us into nothing but another third-world cesspool. Fraud potential must be closed, not opened. Furthermore, no audit trail exists to prove much of the potential fraud. Was the 2020 election stolen? I can’t say and no one else can either because we have no way of knowing. Do I trust the results? NO! If the Democrats succeed in making the very flawed election rules used in 2020 into federal law, and they are trying hard, we will never again have an election result that can be trusted, and if Democrats fail to turn those policies into law they are likely to use the virus as a further excuse in 2022 to try and hold onto power by using those rules once again claiming an emergency. There is nothing honest about a liberal.
This dry-cured 8itch needs to be dragged out of Congress by her dyed hair-plugs, and put up on the gallows along with Fauxi, O’biden, Jerry Waddler, Maxipad Waters, Cackling Kamala, Eric Swallow, Shifty Schitt, UpChuck Schummer, Commie-Comey, and all the rest of the America-hating Commie insects that have infested our Gov’t. Patriots would pay for the privilege to pull the gallows’ lever!
What a disgusting photo. Pelosi thinks she’s the President! She really thinks she’s running the country!
Aww come on! This was a plan perpetrated by the Liberal Democrat Elitists to foil the election and get what they wanted…President Donald Trump out of office and never to be heard of again…The CCP has had it good for many years sucking off our country and those who are in their debt or clutches need to pay up and give them the chance at controlling the US…this goes around and around and around..and everyone has opinions! Enough already, move on with your lives, otherwise live in fear, your call!
P.S. No microchip jab for me, thanks! ????????
Trump Won…..Stevie Wonder could see that.
With the open-boarder dems have 2.5 million ( or more) new voters being trained on all things dem. They probably do not speak or read English well enough to learn about the US gov., so they will do what the dems tell them. The illegal immigrants will be the wedge to pry out the Constitution from our political process. Then the apathy of the conservatives and Republicans ignoring the influence of the diffident factions of the illegals will sink the ‘America’ we know. This may result in uprising or a dis-allusion of the citizens. We citizens have to wake-up and get interested enough to know who we are voting for or ‘Beto-s’ will be elected all over the country. Once citizens are not involved the dems ‘Beto-s’ will get in our gov. and rearrange it. Example: Pelosi is a Beto. She is not interested in just about anything that comes out of her mouth unless it gives the socialist elites power to control the citizens. There is no place to go. That is why the illegals are coming here. This is their last hope.
Come on give me a break referencing Pelosi. She is useless old hag, and I am near her age.
Looks like a further advance of a Democrat-Chinese weaponized biological weapon!
How many Americans will die with this? OR is this just another Fauci case of dramatic LIES?
Promoting another SH17 storm of media fear and propaganda???
The 2022 voting cycle promises to be interesting! I suspect the Democrats will again push the same tactics that allowed them to steal the 2020 election. Hey, if it works, why change it…
There IS a storm brewing on the Horizon of American Indignance!
Patriots .. Be ready and willing to EXERCISE Our Rights to Defend Our Republic!
Term limits for Senators and H of Reps, anybody!? The only reason we got term limits on the POTUS is because the DemocRats were politically jealous of FDR for dominating the POTUS position and couldn’t get rid of him with the Democrat party confines. Time for a Constitutional level amendment that requires registered voter (for Fed elections) be issued a voter pass with their photo, home address … and it be renewed “IN PERSON” every 2 years. The present lax process was abused grossly in the last POTUS election and it resulted in a criminal mentally impaired idiot being elected President and made the Constitutional Democracy a laughing stock for citizens in other Nations.
I’m getting tired of all the lies and propaganda regarding covid and it’s many so called variants. The whole point of this excersise in the first place is to control Americans. Our current administration are being controlled by a combination of Russia and Chinese Communists.We need to get some leader who will stand up to these people with strong and rapid military strikes!the weasles supposedly running our country should be removed. Pelosie and her group of American hating folks should be removed from office immediately. Maybe then we could begin to get our country back. Otherwise God help ua all!
I don’t believe anything the Democrats say on TV. Pelosi is a joke and needs to be removed from office. I never got scared about COVID, until a friend of mine called and said, “He gave it to me!” I freaked out, stayed home and nothing ever happened. He was sick, sick, sick. Everyone in his office got it. I got vaccinated and have been living a normal life.
Power crazy Pelosi does not respect the Constitution of the United States and hates the American worker. I cannot find enough awful words for this unpleasant person, so I’ll stop here.
Anyone but me notice how the FLU has DISAPPEARED? Usually, a lot of people die from whatever flu strain comes around. This year? Nary a one reported, yet.
Pelosi is the most evil, self loving, hypocritical, Satan lover, etc., etc. and I’m not afraid to say it.
Looking forward to her exit, no matter how.
If we had a “Garage Sale” and offered Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Biden and Harris to any country in the world, we might get a quarter
The fear-mongering campaigns will continue, regardless. Covid is a coronavirus, just like the common cold, which means there will be many variants…why do you think there’s never been a vaccine for the common cold? Covid, in whatever variant stage we happen to be in, will be with us now forever. The survivability rate is 99.+ %. What is the end game for these mask mandates and lockdowns? We are not going to eradicate the virus, it is part of the world now. We must go on and live our lives. It will be seasonal, like the flu. If you are at high risk, then get the vaccine, just like you do the flu or any other vaccine. If you are a healthy individual, you may or may not opt for the vaccine, but either way, that should be your own personal choice not a government mandate.
I am disabled and I have been completing “absentee” ballot for a couple decades and I am afraid all this mess is going to take away my ability to vote. Generally, my ballot is mailed to me, I complete it at home, enclose it in the envelopes and hand it to my postman who usually ends up just walking it over to city hall (I am in a smallish town). There is nothing “harvesting” about it, just a respectful community.
If the powers that be are so worried about another pandemic then vaccinate people coming across our southern border; but this would be so easy…vaccinate or go back should be the message .