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Authenticity – That’s All She Wrote

Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Authenticity sign

Do you know what we ALL really want in 2024? Not more fakeness, not more artificial intelligence, simulated foods, counterfeit brands, manipulated news, photoshopped blogs, or robotic dogs. Not more untested vaccines, non-GMO beans, Orwellian words, misapplied pronouns, men in girls’ swimsuits and gowns, invented genders, drug vendors, robocalls, function gains, or algorithmic political campaigns. We want authenticity. We want leaders, sometimes even neighbors, to get real.

We want “say it like it is,” be who you say you are, “man up,” and be eager to be held accountable. We want people in leadership who take responsibility for their actions, are other-regarding, service-oriented, magnanimous in victory, honest in their errors, and able to be real politically and personally.

We want those entrusted with the power to make good on their word, care about it, care about truth, and solvency, have some self-respect, then treat others with it, stop dishing blame, playing the victim, playing period. Is that too much to ask?

Missing across the political spectrum, obscured by false claims of virtue and villainizing, is what people really crave – straight talk, open conversation, honest debate, the right motivation, and some humility.

Instead, year after year, compounded by complicit media and laziness in social media, we get leaders who deceive and mislead, misuse power, make off with illicit profits, and justify it all by demonizing others.

Frankly, while deceit, greed, dishonesty, and the lure of senseless self-admiration have always been attached to politics, we are a country that has also enjoyed the opposite, those who come to keep government limited, the Constitution real, “ship of state” afloat, do their turn in the wheelhouse, then step down.

We have had leaders like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and John Quincy Adams at the founding, then Lincoln, dutiful governors and generals as we fought and recovered from the Civil War, men of iron character like Theodore Roosevelt when needed, earthy candor like Truman, soaring hopes like JFK and Reagan, and on the private sector side people who risked everything for America.

What have we now? A Congress, President, Attorney General, Secretaries of State, Homeland Security, Transportation, Treasury, Health and Human Services, Energy, EPA, and even Defense, who knowingly bend the truth, make false statements about where they get their money, what they are doing, what they are not doing, and just walk away, as if the government was invented for their manipulation.

And who finally pays the price for all this garbage, graft, and gimmickry, bills in tens of trillions that the nation cannot pay, money these people spent that belongs to our grandchildren, but is now gone?

Who pays for the moral bankruptcy, the unnecessary inflation, the witless electrification, the high interest, open borders, rising terror, exploding crime, demoralized police, and reckless foreign policy?

Who pays for the eroding defense from readiness to recruitment, and for stripping Americans of their birthrights, free speech, worship, gun ownership, security in their homes, privacy, and other rights?

Who pays for these abuses? We pay. We, the People, pay. How? Our trust in what we hear, read, and are fed by those in power falls, and with it trust in government. Doubt grows about the future.

If 2024 means anything, and it should, it means this: Americans are sick of being taken for fools, by their elected leaders, national media, and all who push fake narratives, condescension, and abuse.

This year will be unusually important, at the outset and as it progresses. This year, we will – as a people – either insist that things like truth, honor, courage, accountability, and honesty matter, or we will give up.

We will either conclude that falsity is not us, fakeness does not cut it, those in power are done because they abused our trust, have lied one too many times, and we are not they, or we will become them. If past sacrifice, sacred traditions, our Constitution, and integrity have meaning, we must make it so.

In short, more than one party, one region, or grousing plurality is thinking this way.  Americans are sick of the duplicity, public corruption, and fakeness. This year’s election will not be about slogans or ethnicity, as much as fairness, respect for truth, and authenticity. As they used to say, that’s all she wrote.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago


So, the bottom line of your article is that at least 50 percent of the American people in this country are fed up with being lied to non-stop by the Socialists / Marxists currently in near complete control of all aspects of the federal government. The same people who claim, at least publicly to maintain a facade the other 50 percent will buy into for the time being, that everything is just fine and that if you don’t agree with their pronouncements and lies, that you must be some sort of extremist, radical “threat to democracy, even as the Socialists / Marxists lying to everyone’s face are doing everything in their power to destroy what little is left of the republic on a daily basis.

That’s all well and good as far as your article goes, but given that the American people have tolerated this situation for three years now and watched as one crisis after another has been created either on the domestic or foreign front, with little to no pushback from said American people, what do you think is going to change on the public’s part when it is abundantly clear those in charge have no intention of ever surrendering their power or altering their destructive agenda? That the Socialists / Marxists will do whatever it takes, as evidenced by their escalating actions, to ensure they remain in power in perpetuity. In short, other that simply stating part of the problem, what do you suggest as a solution? Thanks.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Dems are Never Authentic save for Taxes, Regulations & More Govt

1 year ago

Anyone can wonder how one, after years of “public service” can go from very poor to millionaire on a congressperson’s salary.

1 year ago

Wish the article could be shared! It is so straightforward!

1 year ago

We need some good old fashioned country talk, not fancy three dollar words that say nothing. That’s why people like Trump. For all his failings, we knew what he meant, and he followed through. I heard someone say when things get bad enough, they’ll change. I hope that’s true, but maybe they’re not bad enough yet.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
1 year ago

Authenticity is good. But Godliness, esteeming biblical principles and the courage to speak out n stand up to the current demoncRATic Romans 9 socialistic wickedness is better. All you alluded to in paragraph 1 has its roots in evil n depravity, and is demoncRATic pushed, media driven n college indoctrinated God hatred…

Car 53
Car 53
1 year ago

As of Jan 5, the composite of six major polls on ‘Direction of the Country’ summarized by Real Clear Politics showed that 66% of Americans believe the country is headed in the ‘wrong’ direction, trending toward a police state, control of the media, and suppression of political opposition. Only 26% say it’s headed in the right direction. Yet, voters continue voting for the status quo, a contradiction that’s hard to understand. Either the polls are wrong, or voters are ignorant and don’t understand what’s causing the ‘wrong’ direction. There is good reason to suspect voter ignorance is the primary reason. People should be required to pass a simple civics test before getting a voter registration.

Bernard Broderick
Bernard Broderick
1 year ago

Can we please get a movement for term limits. I honestly believe that term limits would fix many of the problems in our government. Nobody needs to be an elected representative of the USA for longer than 6-12 years.

1 year ago

You really said it all. Should be on billboards along every highway.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Right now the pro slavery force is well financed organized and strong Many are buying it’s arguments Many refuse to see it’s destructiveness Many see it as a good thing Anti slavery force right now is like a disbanded regiment Still together but the leader that can bond and hold it together is a haunted man Pro slavers will not let go There does not seem to be anyone able to take his place and even if there were the evil force will stoop as low as it needs to to tamper with the election process They’ve made it clear they will not allow anyone or anything to interfere with their game

1 year ago

Why did you vote for a mentally challenged, corrupt, lying, communist old fool named Joseph Robinette Biden. You helped destroy the America we love!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
1 year ago

That’s all she wrote except she didn’t say “sincerely yours “

1 year ago

Thank you Mr Charles; you are right on target, as usual. I pray to The Good Lord that people have the good sense to heed your wise words!

1 year ago

Right on, Robert. And I mean that literally, as opposed to left! ????

1 year ago

Does the U after George’s name stand for uneducated, uncouth, or unlikable?

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

The author is guilty of believing the common narrative while bemoaning the existence of that common narrative.
Including scumbags such as Lincoln, either Roosevelt, JFK and even “Saint” Reagan as being wonderful Presidents hearkening back to better times is one of the biggest problems this country faces. Lincoln “freed the slaves”? Do some research, the mentally ill monstrosity did anything but as there were northern slave holding states still practicing such well after Lincolns death. Teddy Roosevelt? Preening media whore who spoke much but carried a limp stick. His cousin “Frankie”? Americas first communist President. JFK? If Oswald or whoever hadn’t shot him the creature probably would have succumbed to some STD. The idiot came within the hair on a gnats ass of destroying the planet TWICE. Reagan? The “great man” that blew up functional immigration law and oversaw what became three decades of a major countrys military being used to exterminate civilians in ghe middle east and the Caucus nation………oh and Africa and South America.
Hear that sound? That is America swirling down the bowl of history. Our founding fathers were so skilled that despite America having a series of primarily evil Presidents since 1860 we are only now a country in hospice care

Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama walk together, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Center Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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