AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Following Representative Mike Johnson’s election as Speaker of the House last week, the main criticism levied against the Louisiana Republican by Democrats and the liberal media has had nothing to do with a specific policy or issue area. Instead, they have declared Johnson “dangerous” and unfit to lead on account of his strong faith – underscoring just how hostile the modern left has become toward Christianity.
Most Americans outside of the Pelican State likely knew very little about Johnson before his sudden emergence as the leading speaker candidate. But soon after taking the gavel, it became evident how important Johnson’s faith is to him and how much it guides his life.
During his first remarks to Congress following his election, Johnson declared, “I believe that Scripture and the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment and this time.”
Photos circulating on social media also showed Johnson praying with other members of the Republican delegation. During an appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Johnson said that if anyone wants to know what he thinks about an issue, they should “go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.”
These public demonstrations of faith have enraged and terrified the left far more than any of Johnson’s comments on education, immigration, the economy, or any other issue before Congress.
“Mike Johnson is a pro-gun Christian nationalist. Yes, be afraid,” declared Washington Post columnist Kate Cohen shortly after Johnson’s election. MSNBC columnist Sarah Posner similarly warned, “Mike Johnson’s Christian nationalist track record isn’t a mystery – it’s a tragedy.”
New York Times columnist Thomas Edsall likewise expressed great alarm that “Mike Johnson is the first person to become speaker of the House who can be fairly described as a Christian nationalist.” Far-left outlet Mother Jones was scandalized that “Mike Johnson conducted seminars promoting the U.S. as a “Christian nation,” while Michael Podhorzer, a longtime Democrat strategist and former AFL-CIO political director, wrote in his Substack that Johnson’s election was part of the “ongoing white Christian nationalist takeover of the American government through MAGA.”
Even the supposedly “unbiased” news departments at major papers obsessed over Johnson’s religious beliefs. Time quickly published a piece detailing “the Christian nationalism of Speaker Mike Johnson.” The AP’s headline read, “Christian conservatives cheer one of their own as Mike Johnson assumes Congress’ most powerful seat.” The New York Times wrote that Johnson has “aligned himself with a newer cohort of conservative Christianity that some describe as Christian nationalism.”
Politico Magazine, meanwhile, ran a feature piece on “the Christian nationalist ideas that made Mike Johnson,” interviewing a “historian” who meandered from accusing Johnson of wanting to establish “Christian supremacy” to claiming that the Bible is anti-democratic and warning that Christian radio is full of “misinformation” and “propaganda” – all before himself claiming to be a Christian.
But what is “Christian nationalism,” exactly? According to Time, it is “a cultural framework that advocates for a particular expression of Christianity to be fused with American civic life, with the government vigorously promoting and preserving this version of Christianity as the principal and undisputed cultural framework.” Christianity Today describes it as, “the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way.”
Democrats and the liberal media, always eager to play word games, have likened “Christian nationalism” to “white nationalism,” and often conflate the two by describing their enemies as “white Christian nationalists.”
Johnson has notably never described himself as a “Christian nationalist.” That label appears to stem from Johnson’s professed belief in a traditional biblical worldview – a position that would’ve been considered completely mainstream in both political parties less than a decade ago. Yet now, it earns the new speaker an “extremist” label from the media.
The left has also sounded the alarm over Johnson describing the United States as a republic rather than a democracy – a statement that is, as a matter of fact, true. Yet Kristin Kobes Du Mez, the historian interviewed by Politico, warns readers that “repeatedly talking about our nation being a republic” is “a very common theme in Christian nationalist circles and in conservative evangelical circles generally.”
The New York Times took another not-so-subtle dig at Johnson in writing, “He believes that his generation has been wrongly convinced that a separation of church and state was outlined in the Constitution.” Again, there’s no denying that Johnson is correct – the phrase “separation of church and state” is found nowhere in the Constitution, and was instead a legal creation of the Supreme Court.
The left’s eagerness to target Johnson over his faith also should be viewed in context with their broader hostility toward Christians. Earlier this year, an FBI memo tagged “radical traditionalist Catholics” as potential “violent extremist threats.” Biden’s DOJ also infamously conducted a dawn raid on the home of pro-life demonstrator Mark Houck that many viewed as being motivated by Houck’s Christian faith.
The reaction to Johnson’s election is just another display of this anti-Christian animus that has now engulfed the media establishment and the Democrat Party.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.
Isn’t it amazing, America was founded with “Freedom of Religion” and NOT Freedom FROM Religion! But today the Democratic Party has NOW changed to HATE RELIGION especially Christianity! Democrats have become Godless and it shows in their hateful actions and it disgusts me!
a very good man. God bless you Mike!! May God surround him with angels to protect him and may the holy spirit spread through Capital hill
Cut to the chase…democrats are anti-Christianity. They are welcome to prove me wrong but until then I will believe these people to be anti-Christian.
Most of the useful idiots on the left can’t even pronounce the words “religious freedoms” much less have and iota of an idea of what it means. If they attack Johnson with their moronic and sophomoric little jabs, it merely emphasizes the depth of their intellect and the even more, that Mike Johnson is doing his job. The GOP better back him fully because seeing the Left self destruct and eat their own in frenzied chaos is music for the soul. When this whole thing comes full circle, and it will, there will be no hiding from the fact that God is on His throne, and things will happen on His timeline, not Satan’s, and there is no place to hide. ..not even in Hamas’ tunnels. lol
Our founding fathers were largely “Christian Nationalists “. Our country and its laws, Constitutionally created laws, are Judeo-Christian based.
It’s not anti-Christian fervor…they are anti-Christian zealots. I think the only religion they believe will not harm them is Islam…much to their dismay, they will find out differently. Islamists believe them to be infidels just like us Christians…and their heads will be rolling too.
The Left is Insane/Evil..nothing new!
All those people should go back to schools they graduated from and demand their tuition back Do they not know that it is because of Christianity they can read and enjoy the life as they know it Would the stagnant life under Islam be preferable? Because it would be stagnant Sure there is a lot of progress in oil rich countries Only because of Christianity and nothing else
Yes he’s the “extremist threat to democracy” not the Squad or the lemmings marching in support of anti-semitism.
Me. Johnson is a Christian. So am I. That doesn’t make him a radical, just a man who believes in the Bible. So democrats and leftists get over it. We have freedom of religion in our country. If you don’t like it, LEAVE!
Some day the anti-Christians will face God in judgement, and find out they are the losers.
I place no hope in either political party. Our strength is in God-fearing people who vote their conscience when the curtain on the voting booth is closed. God will move his hand over our spirits then and we will raise up our leader. God bless America.
Democrats spreading HATE and their HATE SPEECH since they worship Lucifer.
Remember how the democrats ran off at the mouth with the FAKE NEWS accusing Republicans of hate speech when everyone knew it wasn’t true? Well, look at who’s been running off at the mouth for the past 8 years spreading their HATRED…you got it, democrats.
Shane Harris- you’ve nailed it! Democrats, and particularly the Left, HATE Christians. I know there are some Believers on the Left, but wise up! You are hated there. Why insist on staying where you are not welcomed? The party that opposes school choice, anti-abortion legislation, and Israel’s right to exist, can’t possibly align with your ideals!
Persecution of Christians rears it’s ugly head, and the administration is worried about islamophobia. This country is so backwards and upside down, there is no hope for it. And it is guaranteed to fail! Once the nation turned its back on God it sealed its fate
I’m done with the GOP anyway and the reasons keep piling up, more every day. This week, after Majorie Taylor Greene put forth a bill to censure the squad member Tlaib, 23 Republican house members voted with Democrats against her to defeat the bill. Democrats know how to fight and NEVER split ranks. Republicans are pathetic and don’t deserve our money or support.
So wonder what those Dems who claim to be Christians (or Catholic church goers) have to say about Johnson’s Christian faith? No doubt we will hear about that before long.
It is strange how quickly our country has degraded in their values and morals. Originally every state construction required that all elected officials be Christian in good standing to serve. Why do you think the oath of office was given with your hand on the Bible. This was the main reason we became the most vaunted and powerful country in world history and the turn from God will be our downfall.
Destroying the persons reputation. It’s what democrats do. Their motto should be: Cross us and you lose. I think Mike Johnson and his faith and love of God is stronger than this and will see him through.
We finally have a caring speaker of the house and the liberals don’t like it.All that I can say to the liberal,socialist,marxist,AMERICAN hating democRATS,STUFF IT,in the long run,eventually PATRIOTIC AMERICANS will win,do NOT attempt to change AMERICA !!!!!!!!!
Democrats mishmash our language to create new names, “Christian Nationalism” that they term as hateful from what is certainly not! Christian Nationalism is two separate words. The dictionary defines Nationalism as: Identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. I sure don’t see anything wrong with that! And most people know what Christianity is, it is what America was founded on, and is why “IN GOD WE TRUST” is chiseled on our government buildings and on our money! There is nothing bad or evil in this period. But Democrats get angry and upset at anyone who doesn’t think like them or agree with their liberal, socialist ideas, and they will put them in jail and call them new names they make up. That is what communists do. In fact they execute those who speak against their beliefs! This is not what a Democrat used to be! JFK would not be a member of this party.
I can relieved to have a Christian as Speaker. What I don’t understand is why so many Republicans are siding with the Democrats. There is so much hatred in our world and I find it refreshing to know Christianity is still alive but not welcome as it should be in our country. It is the Democrats who believe in abortion at any stage of the pregnancy, appear pro trans shows to children and believe a young child should be introduced to opt for a sex change at the age of six or seven. The books the Dems feel should be available in schools is sexually explicit. Left children enjoy their childhood not wonder if they are actually a different sex. A teacher should not make a decision to call a child by a different name and at times names of the opposite sex. Satan is alive and well in the USA. May God help us.
Mike Johnson is a fresh of fresh air amid the stinking cesspool that is the radical progressive leftist Democratic Party. Why would anyone support the stupid, ridiculous policies of the Democrats?
Anyone with an IQ larger than their waistline will see right through their quest for Marxism totalitarian power.
I earnestly hope hes like reagan in his ability to not take the demon party attacks to heart, because once they know they can get to him they will never stop till he’s gone.
Why is the speaker of the house still
Leticia James to persecute Donald Trump
He must stop ???? the funding
Why doesn’t he do It ?
Why is Mike Johnson not have even talk about leasing the
tape footage from January 6?
I for one admire Mr. Johnson for working with his son to monitor each other’s adult video viewing habits. They held each other accountable by keeping an eye on what they were watching. There’s a lot of dangerous smut out there
Our country is a Republic even tho the so called historian mentions it is much for his historian claim..guess he flunked American History.I pray that Speaker Mike Johnson is being protected because this world and some people in power are simply crazy.
People must begin to understand that the radical ideology of the progressive Democrats is pure Marxism. The destruction of Judeo-Christian principles which undergird our legal system is their ultimate goal. Attack the goodness of Christian faith, control the narrative in every area of religious thought, and indoctrinate children toward wokeism and atheism are their methods to secure power and usher in a totalitarian government.
Bur the sleeping giant – the goodness, love, and compassion within the American people will soon be awakened.
Very good article thanks very much. Ahh THE MARXISM Scientific philosophy called DAWINSM that supposedly proven there is no God. Everything got here naturally .Leftist takes us back in time, rights come from government..NOT MINE. My comes from the LIVING GOD.MAY GOD BLESS America and Israel <3
I hope for your sake you will not stand before God Himself and try to argue your opinion. Ask God to show you the truth from His word. Remember, eternity is forever.
Hey micheal s. God still loves you but HE’s watching ALL people who are either for Jesus or for the other man made “religions…
Jesus our Loving GOD