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At Waterloo High School, Your Feelings Only Matter If You Are Transgender

Posted on Monday, March 27, 2023
by Matt Kane

Students at an Illinois high school that were uncomfortable with classmates of the opposite sex using the same bathroom as they were, were instructed to use a single-stall, unisex bathroom in the nurse’s office. This recommendation resulted in 150 students lining up outside the nurse’s office. As you can imagine, 150 students jockeying for one bathroom led to many students being late for class or missing it entirely. But despite instructions to do so, Superintendent Brian Charron informed the community that students who waited in the line were marked as tardy or absent and warned those who plan on continuing this practice that they will be further disciplined, according to the Daily Caller. 

The Daily Caller revealed the message Superintendent Charron shared with the community: 
“We want all parents and students to understand that we will not tolerate another significant disruption in school. Students who participated in this disruption today were marked tardy or absent from class.  We understand that a similar plan is in place for Monday. Students who attempt to repeat today’s actions will be disciplined for attempting to cause a disruption in school. To the extent we determine that the nurse’s office bathroom line was a form of harassment, students will be disciplined for their participation in the harassment.” 

They also spoke with Anna Demers, a Waterloo High School student who shared the following: 
We were told to use a single stall restroom in the nurse’s office if we were uncomfortable with persons of the opposite genitalia in our restrooms. We all stood in line, to use the restroom, and to make a statement. When we tried to stress our safety concerns prior to the events Friday, we were not acknowledged and heard.” 

This is the latest (but will be far from the last,) disappointing development in the world of gender confusion that is being promulgated by those with evil intentions. The hypocrisy of those promoting this type of environment while hiding behind “inclusivity” is easily uncovered.  

If this were about inclusion, wouldn’t the feelings of those students who are opposed to students using bathrooms that do not align with their biological sex be considered, especially since those who feel this way represent the vast majority? 

Demers noted that she and her fellow classmates were not “acknowledged or heard.” This is another layer of the bathroom usage issue that is not shocking to hear. Just weeks ago, an Assistant Superintendent for East Meadow School District from Long Island, New York, was exposed by Project Veritas when he was caught stating:  

Politics is basically my job now. I am political in every conversation I have. Here’s the thing with DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] work — if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental. Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly. Except for the black population.”  

This statement, particularly where it references “every district” being involved for the most part, underscores a massive operation that starts at the local level to cram this radical agenda into school curriculum to influence children at a very young age.  

If the school truly wanted to come up with a solution that worked best for everybody, it would make the most sense to instruct transgender students to use the single-stall nurse’s office bathroom since they make up a significantly smaller number of students. This would easily prevent 150 students from being targeted and threatened for using common sense while exercising their first amendment right to peacefully assemble. Why would a school be so concerned with pandering to one percent of their student body if it meant making the other 99 percent uncomfortable? 

The solution is so obvious that the school not deploying it reveals their agenda does not involve common sense and efficiency but rather orchestrating more chaos, confusion, and division. Sad times for America.  

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1 year ago

This whole Administration ,in its entirety is disgusting, “The Biden Kakisticracy” at its finest!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Pull your kids out of that LOSER WOKE school and don’t pay any taxes for that school.
Or better yet, have people that STAND UP AGAINST this nonsense.

1 year ago

The transgender movement is a dangerous death cult. Protect your kids from these weirdos.

1 year ago

Inclusion will never-never- ever happen. Someone will be excluded-no matter what. That is reality. Definition of FAIR is good for me and bad for you In this world because of individuality you and am individual’s perspective will there will not be 2 people to COMPLETELY agree on EVERYTHING and EVERY ASPECT of the issues at hand.

Ss far as the leaders of the schools that want to punish kids (I don’t care even teenagers for following their directives—the kids followed the directions and now those in charge have been “caught” in their own foolishness I for the kids.

1 year ago

Talk about bullying.! The only way to get pass a bully is to stand up to them.
Joshua 1:9 “ Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged , for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. “
Isaiah 7:9. “ if you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”

anna huberb
anna huberb
1 year ago

This is insanity no plus ultra All the unstable ones vying for the top spot How will it be decided who is more deserving than the other and where does it leave the majority that does not identify as a special group

1 year ago


1 year ago


robert sikes
robert sikes
1 year ago

Should the ‘teachers’ unions’ be designated as terrorist organizations? We can make headway by working toward a national movement to ‘DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION’. It is not a constitutionally mandated governmental mandate.

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln
1 year ago

Where do they get these moronic school administrators. What a great solution dummy

1 year ago

No adolescent should be able to ‘identify’ as another sex until they turn 18 and the schools should not cater to them. They are emotionally and mentally disturbed…case in point, the 28 yr old transgender that just shot 3 people in Tenn at a Christian grammar school she attended YEARS AGO. None of them deserved that, especially the 3 9 yr olds she shot. And I am glad she was killed by the police before she did any more harm

1 year ago

Satan is having a hay day. He knows his days are limited and he’s going to do everything he can to take people to hell with him.
It’s time for True Christians to double down on prayer for this Country. We have more power in us than Satan has. I John 4:4.

1 year ago

This is sick, disgusting and perverted – but THIS is the demorat party of today. China and Russia are loving watching us implode. We need to take this country back and we need to do it yesterday. When I was young, the B.S. they are teaching now was a Felony “Corrupting The Morals of a Minor”, but now it’s “normal”? Phyl, you are right. Satan IS having hay day. When will it stop???

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

This has to do with manipulation and brainwashing these 150 plus students. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, DIE for short, has nothing to do with it. They use circular logic. Not solution like let the trans use the nurses bathroom.
They make it uncomfortable for the majority hetero sexual students and when they protest they call it harassment or worst racists. And nobody dares to stand up for the schools have the backing all the way to the White House.
This is a plan to drive our kids crazy and brainwash them at the same time. Groom them for the future world they are creating where America is Russia or China and China and Russia are America. They are meddling with gender of our children. Parents are not allowed to raise their children the schools can do that better by mutilating young kids so that the population in the future is reduced. We went from one or two trans people to all of a sudden the majority of the population is trans. Big pharma, Hospitals are all on board to make this happen with their gender altering drugs and mutilating surgeries. Too many parents who had a girl and wanted a boy go along and those that don’t there parental rights are taken away.
They have an excellent plan set up. The pedophiles are in power.
That is why nothing is done about the border. America is now the human trafficking country in the world.
Can america be saved or is it too late???!

1 year ago

These students are being told if they have to continue to use the bathroom they will be punished…REALLY,!?!? I think the Superintendent should have to hold his urine the entire workday, let’s see how that works. Will the district be paying for all the UTIs this causes???

Dr. Zorro
Dr. Zorro
1 year ago

It’s too late for America. it has been given over to reprobate minds who have “canceled God” and declared themselves as gods. Transgender is an evil concept created by satan, God created male and female in both humans and animals and it is an immutable reality. The geniuses of our time are taking young men and women and mutating them by removing their sex organs, replacing them with surgical imitations, and destroying them physically and mentally.

1 year ago

The church school will be blamed for this event because the news media will say they are responsible for this transgender person actions since they are “preaching?” against humanity.

1 year ago

Seems the school admin needs to go back to school. We have one tyranny and 150 straight kids. Guess who gets the bathrooms and who goes to the nurse’s office? Duh!

1 year ago

What is really happening with this restroom insanity is adults won’t stand up to the “Woke” class of left wing radicals. Some straight students will pretend to be gender confused and use the women’s restroom for nefarious reasons. Fathers can put an end to this by going to school and standing guard at restroom doors until their daughters come out.

Olga Lena
Olga Lena
1 year ago

I applaud the students who stood in line for the one bathroom whether they needed to go or not. At least they stood against this ridiculous rule. Where are all of the parents??

1 year ago

We are living in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. God is already judging this nation, and it looks like end times are fast approaching. God said His ways are not our ways. It’s His universe. He created it and has the right to rule it according to His ways. He alone is good and will clean up all the damage done by humans. He loves us and wants to save us, but we have to want Him. The choice is up to us.

Rhonda Minor
Rhonda Minor
1 year ago

The so called trans kids should have been the ones waiting outside the nurses office for the 1 and only bathroom. Why do the few always get their way over the many? IMHO all of this trans crap is mental illness that is not being dealt with.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Piss on the floor. Strong letter to follow.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Unfortunately, the only remedy for this situation is likely to be a legal challenge. There are standards for providing adequate facilities and the courtroom will be the setting for the majority to be heard.

1 year ago

Gender identity, just look down and that should clear up any questions.

1 year ago

“DEI” I’m sure we’re sick of hearing those words. Obviously Brian should be fired, or face the black board for a period. The parents have to back their kids, go in front of the DEI school board , and raise hell ! This aggressive transgender crusade is out of control! How many transgender kids attend this school? Since we’re on the subject, why do parents subject their children to these transvestite shows at libraries, and other forums? Why are transgender men in woman’s sports ? Why are we catering to this small minority? I don’t care what you do, how you enjoy sex , how you dress , just leave the kids alone !

1 year ago

No more excuses from parents. If you still have your kids in the public school system then quit bitching about what is going on.

1 year ago

The disruption was caused by the administration buckling to the wishes of a few mentally ill students.

Ed Baldwin
Ed Baldwin
1 year ago

Freaking idiots! What the hell is going on with our public schools? Are they losing their minds?

1 year ago

Remember strength in numbers.

1 year ago

This is the reason more parents are going to home school online programs to keep their children away from these twisted confused individuals trying to force their lifestyle on others.

1 year ago

We must not buckle under the evil sickness that has consumed our country. Stand your/our ground peacefully and with God’s Grace.

1 year ago

And therein lies the problem you see the students comment where they say we were here to do this or not and we were here to make a statement you’re not there to make a statement you’re there to learn!! You see, that’s the problem is we don’t tell these kids what they’re going to do and how they’re going to do it or they will be removed from the premises of the building if they’re not going to listen, and that’s the problem, so we tell them STRAIGHT UP….. WHAT they’re going to do and if they don’t listen, then they have to get the hell out!!! FORGET ABOUT MISSING CLASS AND MAKING STATEMENTS AND STOMPING YOUR FEET AND ENGAGING IN YOUR LITTLE TEMPER TANTRUMS/ PROTESTS. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND GO HOME THEN. THE SCHOOLS DON’T HAVE TIME AND SHOULDN’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT BULL CRAP.

1 year ago

Have the transgender use the single bathroom. They should not complain if no ill intent is behind their craziness.

1 year ago

I have a hunch that some of these are not as twisted and confused as they are bent on CAUSING confusion. There’s a design in all of this.It says though SOME young people have lost their minds through demon possession or oppression, and are seeking to stir the pot anyway they can.They are being groomed and influenced by older people who have been at this for decades.This is a spiritual warfare, you’re not fighting against flesh and blood.”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12It’s time to put on the Armor THE CREATOR gave us.

Janette B
Janette B
1 year ago

Common-sense left the minds of our elected leaders years ago. It has just become more brash in letting others see and know. President Trump said it best during and throughout his term that the media and especially social media are liars and they dam our First Amendment right. Why should God bless our country? When this country has turned its back on him? They have Shamed him or are ashamed to let other countries know we need and want him. They seem to think they know best and know a better way to handle things. Teenage years are sensitive years and life forming years. Maybe 2% of teenagers know their sexual preferences and the way they will be the rest of their lives. It’s just another way the Government is trying and so far succeeding in taking away the rights of the parents, to help guide their child to adulthood. I DO THANK GOD my child is grown and I did not have this problem in raising my son. It is boiling down to, you give birth and bring forth life, then you hand it over to the Government and let them decide and raise your child. Don’t know about you but this sounds and looks A LOT like CCP. Let’s hear it for the CCP … NOT!!!!

Terry Maznio
Terry Maznio
1 year ago

My pastor is so right when he states in view of this sick social change that we are now entering a phase called a Fallen World; it is a perverse and sick ungodly time, a dangerous time spirituality speaking where pure evil is seeping out of men’s hearts and spilling over onto all of society Esther young and innocent who can’t fight back; l also blame those parents who also stay silent and allow there most innocent to be victimized without fighting back, a fallen sick world

1 year ago

Ridiculous decision on the part of superintendent

1 year ago

Trans should use nurses bathroom. Problem solved!You should NOT be pushing the rights of 1% over the vast majority!! Wake up world!!!

David Block
David Block
1 year ago

Those kids were great. Free speech to divert stupidity.

1 year ago

Why don’t they just put a port-potty for the teachers and let the LGBQ use the teachers bathrooms. See how teachers and admin like that. Or they could designate one of the bathrooms as LGBQ only and all the others as straight Ladies only and straight Gentleman only! Because they feel entitled and special, they should be happy that they have their very own designated bathroom!

Was the student body and/or teachers asked for their suggestions? This might have avoided a “potty strike”! And surprised the totalitarian decision made by the superintendent!!!

Why is it necessary to cram sh!t down our throats? It only causes more bigotry and division! There will always be the far left and far right that doesn’t understand cooperation but given an opportunity to work together to solve a problem or be preached by totalitarian government!

Why can’t our complaints be heard!!! I’m so sick of our history, traditions and rights being trampled on and by the “just me” minority screwing up our lives!

Maggie nh
Maggie nh
1 year ago

Common sense dictates that the fewer students should use the single stall bathroom and the majority of students should use the bathrooms with many stalls. There lies the problem, the liberal bullies running this school have no common sense and should be fired.

Frank Cowles
Frank Cowles
1 year ago

Start sh*tting on the floor or where ever , like LA . Don’t comply with this corrupt bulls**t

1 year ago

Have the teachers use the co-ed restrooms and let the students use the teacher restrooms.

Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson
1 year ago

Fire the bastard!!!

1 year ago

This article is excellent and spot on. The administration of that school is blind to what they are doing. I say the students need to continue to follow their instincts on this. Do Not Comply.

1 year ago

In some of Europe, they have unisex bathrooms. But there are no cracks in the doors, no hole at the bottom of the door, There is no way to see in. Just make a bunch of single, separate toilets, properly sealed with doors closed, opening in, in a hallway. Then have sinks for everyone to wash up. It would cost a little more, but probably not as much as new separate bathrooms for different groups. There would be no reason to have urinals in that case.

1 year ago

This crap only gets traction because you play along. There are only two genders male and female. If you are a man and think your a female that’s on you expecting me to play along is not going to happen. During COVID I was told to follow their FAKE science and I didn’t and I will not follow it on this or any other DEMOCRAT Propaganda! Transgenderism is a mental disorder and needs to be treated as such. The GROOMING of our children in schools needs to be STOPPED!
My son is HOME SCHOOLING my five Grandchildren, get your children out of the Brain washing, Grooming Public Schools.

1 year ago

For decades educational administrators have been trained to design a “box” to force people to do as they desire, any given circumstance. They apply the same thinking no matter what problem they want resolved. The problem is that they largely, as a group, have abandoned moral and ethical norms of the majority of people they serve. This “box” should be viewed as a legal box and a good lawyer will use that to show individual rights are being decimated. Fight on folks!

1 year ago

This is not only risky physically, but mentally/emotionally to any of those students who might have been sexually abused in the past. Recovering from molestation can take years, and cause symptoms such as flashbacks and post traumatic stress disorder. (I used to be a foster parent for years.) Wonder how the superintendent and principal would react if these 150 students called the Child Abuse Hotline and turned them into CPS for “emotional abuse.”

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