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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Never Be Human

Posted on Tuesday, April 11, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The hip world – or “woke and they love it world” – is all abuzz. After introducing their three-letter Marxist novelties, CRT (Critical Race Theory, or racism in schools), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance, to kill profits), and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, to block diverse ideas, replace individuals with groups, exclude traditionalists), they are buzzing with “AI,” or “Artificial Intelligence.” Consider the reality beyond the hype.

AI is the use of computers, data sets, and machine learning (feedback loops where robots or “bots” learn from actions and reactions) to “solve problems.” As AI gets more sophisticated, it is producing a “human-like” ability to mirror our personal responses, writing, and reactions.

Forward-thinkers are ecstatic or terrified, sometimes both. For purposes of changing society, many think “human-like bots” will replace people at work, and perhaps in other ways. More, they think humanity could become captured by, dependent on, even subservient to AI “bots.”

Thus you have innovative computer programmers, entrepreneurs, AI wizards, and those who are continuing to perfect this “do it better than people” technology – humanoid bots – very excited.

Already technologies like “ChatGPT” – Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer – which can respond like a human, write term papers, answer legal questions, and give you the feeling you are talking to a person – are all the rage on social media and in the blogosphere.

Officially, AI like ChatGPT is “trained” to interact “conversationally,” manage dialogue and follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge assumptions, and figure out appropriate from not. As a “chatbot,” or computer programmed for simulating human conversation, it is getting good.

For reasons from curiosity and convenience to the controversial, this AI platform has grown fast, drawing 100 million users in 60 days. The real question is what does it mean, and where will AI go – is that a good or bad place?

In truth, AI is controversial for many reasons. First, answers given – as with humans – can be wrong, uncorrected, misleading, or come from an agenda or undisclosed motivation. That can be dangerous.

Second, “dialogue” can generate a medical, legal, scientific, business, academic, social, or psychological response, create dependence, offer the false perception that a human is involved. This comes with its own set of concerns, especially for the digitally undiscerning.

Third, higher level concerns are that AI technology might replace humans in the workplace, even graduate to becoming “Hal 9000” in the movie “2001 a Space Odyssey,” or the self-imputing, all-assuming, God-like character described by Frank Herbert in “Destination Void.”

In truth, while bad people can encourage good people – especially young people – to do the wrong things through use of AI, indoctrinating them directly and indirectly, causing them to abandon work, stop thinking, writing, and prioritizing humanity, the reality is far from this.

While a malign federal government could misguide, mislead, misinform, disinform, cancel, and persecute citizens through AI technology, the likelihood is that humans will always prefer humans to machines, even the best “bots” – and ways of assuring we know humans are humans will also improve. 

Put differently, how do you feel when a recording tells you to “have a good day.” Does it spike your endorphins, serotonin, or adrenal output, give you a warm and cozy human-to-human feeling? Or do you say, “yeah, thanks.” We seldom feel emotional ties to a non-feeling “bot.”

Similarly, originality, creativity, and non-programmable emotions, let alone notions like faith, inspiration, kindness and caring for their own sake, self-sacrifice and generosity for higher purposes, personal sympathy, empathy, and love, ideas about salvation and justice elude “bots.”

Machines – at their best – have no soul, no programmable concern for a soul. They are exceptional at parroting life but cannot bring either themselves or anything else – not even a parrot – to life. They have no living, breathing, mortal presence, just the ability to mock life.

God alone creates life. “Bots” can mimic, but living eludes programming. “To err is human and to forgive is divine,” to feel and forgive from heart in a way that means something, will always require being entirely human. 

In all this, there is comfort, since “have a good day” means far more coming from any human than it can ever mean coming from a sentient, sensible “bot,” or any pretender to humanity. 

Give me a human smile, hug, tear, trouble, fear, folly, hope, wish, yelp, or chance to help any day – over the smoothest, most confident “bot” trying to be what it is not. Yes, monitor AI and all the novelties it delivers, watch the job market, and do plan – but only humans are human. And hey, they come – we come – with our own liabilities, right?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman2 for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Robert, this article is extremely important. Thank you for taking the time and thought to help us all better understand the concept of AI. Your last paragraph pretty much summed it up for me! Give me a human smile, hand to hold, or tear to wipe any day of my life. Only God can create life and give us the important tools to be better humans each and every day. Stay well and stay human.

1 year ago


True AI, which no one has yet been able to create, is the mimicking, via digital means, of how the human brain functions to analyze, process and then form true cognitive thought. Except at substantially higher functioning levels than the people that create it. Real independent thought completely capable of not only learning about the world around it, but also forming new ideas and solutions to problems that have yet to be thought of or envisioned by any of its programmers or databases. True innovative thought and invention. That is real AI.

Nothing currently released publicly to date and being hyped endless by the various companies promoting it has shown the latter important distinction. What we have today is simply very clever, standard programming. massive databases and an easy to use UI (user interface) that makes it seem amazing to the average person.

Will we ever create a true AI, which is what people like Hawking, Musk and others are rightly concerned about? Possibly and we SHOULD be concerned about that for all the reasons these people and others have laid out, but so far what has been developed and released to date does NOT meet the necessary criteria for true AI.

1 year ago

Hey AMAC, stop censoring comments that are perfectly fine. It is one thing to clear out the Democrat trolls that bring zero value to any discussion, but you shouldn’t be censoring anything else. Just a thought as you have once again flagged another of my posts as “awaiting moderation”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

AI Movies to see:
Colussus The Forbin Project
Demon Seed
(on DVD, streaming)

Karen comisk
Karen comisk
1 year ago

It doesn’t have to be human. The danger is that humans will believe it is.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

AI is very scary. Even our computerized world is not working out as well as we were assured it would be. For record keeping and research, great strides have been made because of computers. However, our society is now so dependent on computers that it’s only a matter of time before sabotage and terrorism can easily throw our entire country into horrible conditions where food, drink, and shelter will be destroyed in titanic proportions. This will lead to tens of millions of Americans dying from a lack of the essentials for survival. Congress has been warned for decades to have safety nets; however, nothing has been done to avert future calamities. For example, our national and interstate electrical grid is totally defenseless against significant natural and manmade malfunctions that will make it impossible for most Americans to survive for more than a few days or weeks. The suffering and death could be apocalyptic. However, Congress just goes on its merry way — foolishly and irresponsibly, acting as if there is no tomorrow.

1 year ago

All AI should contain a self destruct device

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Read the book “Our Final Invention” by James Barrat. Far more frightening than any AI movie ever made.

B Wiggins
B Wiggins
1 year ago

Your banner is so large it is very hard to read the content in the small space at the bottom of the page.

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