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Armed Resistance Works Whether Confronting Russian Invaders or Bad Guys Robbing You

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 16 – What if Ukraine had the kind of stringent gun control laws that America’s Leftist Progressives demand? Putin’s invasion would have been like a walk in the park. Instead the free people of Ukraine are fighting back, much to “Vlad the Impaler’s” chagrin.

A recent online blog notes that, “One of the most remarkable aspects of the tragic events in Ukraine concerns the sudden uprising of thousands or even millions of ordinary citizens, who have abandoned their normal humdrum lives and loved ones to take up arms and defend the mother country with AK-47 assault rifles, homemade incendiary Molotov cocktails, and even by kneeling to block Russian tanks.” 

The gun rights website, Bearing Arms, posted a new report recently that begs the question: what would you do if the U.S. was invaded? In fact, Tom Knighton, who authored the piece, cites a Quinnipiac survey that asked that very question.  The poll’s results were published last week and found that: “As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 – 25 percent and independents say 57 – 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 – 40 percent they would leave the country.”

Let’s hope and pray that we won’t ever be invaded. In the meantime let’s get real about gun control. The term, itself, makes it seem that stricter gun control laws would make us safer by keeping weapons out of the hands of bad guys and miscreants. Not true. The bad guys who hold up corner grocery stores and commit murder don’t usually use legally registered weapons to commit their crimes. They buy them on the black market. They could care less whether we have stricter gun control laws. But honest, law abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves from those bad guys with their black market weapons do care. 

According to criminologists Gary Kleck and Marc G. Gertz, armed resistance works and by further limiting the ability of potential victims to purchase firearms puts them at the risk of bodily harm and/or death.  Kleck and Gertz produced a study a few years ago in which they noted that defensive gun use is proven to work, even when confronted by an offender who is armed. 

In that study, they argued that: “Potentially, the most consequential form of forceful resistance is armed resistance, especially resistance with a gun. This form of resistance is worthy of special attention for many reasons, both policy-related and scientific. The policy-related reasons are obvious: if self-protection with a gun is commonplace, it means that any form of gun control that disarms large numbers of prospective victims, either altogether, or only in certain times and places where victimization might occur, will carry significant social costs in terms of lost opportunities for self-protection … the defensive actions of crime victims have significant effects on the outcomes of crimes, and the effects of armed resistance differ from those of unarmed resistance. Previous research has consistently indicated that victims who resist with a gun or other weapon are less likely than other victims to lose their property in robberies and in burglaries. Consistently, research also has indicated that victims who resist by using guns or other weapons are less likely to be injured compared to victims who do not resist or to those who resist without weapons.”

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3 years ago

Where would the 38% go? Mexico? Anti gun. Canada under dictator Trudeau? There is nowhere to go unless your a sheep

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

That’s why Texans won’t vote Beto in, he’s for taking our guns! No way in heaven OR hell!

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

If you buy or already own a firearm, you have to ask yourself the question: If confronted with a situation where I would need to pull the gun on a bad guy to defend myself, am I willing to pull the trigger if need be. If not, then you don’t need to own the gun to begin with. The bad guy could easily sense your reluctance and take it away from you, possibly causing even more harm to you or someone else later. If you own one, be ready and WILLING to use it if necessary.

3 years ago

As has been amply demonstrated by folks like Rittenhouse and Zimmerman, merely being armed and able to defend yourself against assailants is not enough if you live in an area with a progressive antigun DA. If you believe in the Constitution and want to actually HAVE the rights it honors, you have to vote out of office every progressive office holder and oppose every progressive candidate who runs for office. Today that means, whether or not you are a Republican (I’m not), you must vote against every Democrat who runs. There may be many good Democrats, just as there were many good Germans in the 1930s, but when the “good” guys allow their party to be controlled by radical socialists, as our modern Democrat Party has, they must be opposed.

3 years ago

This is, of course, the whole purpose of the second amendment. We’ve never expected to have to defend in place and I’m sure neither did the people of Ukraine. It is thought throughout the world that all Americans carry guns and are willing to use them. We are thought of as violent people. But we know that is not true. Most Americans don’t own a gun or how to use one. Our violence is better known due to our sensationist news casting and is worse than other civilized countries.
We are rapidly becoming a nation of immigrants again. These are peoples who fled the country they lived in for the safety of ours. They have no loyalty to the hand that’s feeding them. They will run away. If our military is defeated on foreign soil fighting someone else’s war, will we, the people, defend this country, The United States of America, in place? There will be great resistance from the “give peace a chance” people, many of them have already crossed the socialist line. Being communist is just a step away. I believe there are still enough God-fearing common Americans that will defend in place against any enemy, any foe when necessary. The question that haunts me is: will we hate them more than we currently hate each other?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Let me die defending my cfountry ,not put in a pri8son a few days then stood against a wall and exacuted. Get a gun folks and learn how nto muse it. Kyle L.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
3 years ago

So the majority of the Democratic party said they would flee the country…that makes perfect sense.
Where do they plan on running to, nearby Mexico or Canada?

The reason the Democrats want so called gun control, is because if the population is is unarmed, it’s a lot easier to shove their agenda down its throat.

Remember during WW2 Japan didn’t invade the west coast of the US because they knew that the people were armed and they would be facing a virtual blood bath. That’s one of the same reasons China is hesitant about moving on the US now…that and uncle Joe, along with the rest of the Democratic Communist party haven’t weakened us enough yet. At least to the point where an invasion would be more like a cake walk for them, but don’t worry, I believe the Dems are still working on it.

May God continue to Bless the USA.

Jim D.
Jim D.
3 years ago

Those willing to commit murder and other violent crimes couldn’t possibly care any less about gun laws! What gun laws carry a more serious penalty then murder? NONE!
So, anti-gun laws (gun control) are only for law-abiding, tax-paying, honest citizens, the very people who were NEVER the problem with firearms. Not the criminals! It’s 2022! You’d think this would eventually get through to leftist Democrat thickheads!

3 years ago

Those that would run and not defend their country should be encouraged to leave early,maybe now would be good.

3 years ago

… remember the Tareyton cigarette slogan, “… I’d rather fight than switch?” Were I to characterize, using an old cigarette slogan, today’s limousine liberals and champagne communists blighting our democracy, it would be, “… dare to be more!”

Dennis Drake
Dennis Drake
3 years ago

Remember WW 2 when Japan was considering invading our Homeland here, until the
Japanese Admiral, cautioned that in the USA there was a rifle under every blade of grass!
We should somehow develop all gun owners who are willing, into a form of State Guard or
Militia. Something with some training available and if Washington doesn’t think this is a
valuable thing, to heck with them in the ruling class in DC.!

Dennis Drake
Dennis Drake
3 years ago

Well, most of the reasons used to pound us gun owners are lies, and all devised by a
Progressive Socialist party that wants to rule this country as most dictators do. And to do that, the ruling class feels for them to be safe, they must eliminate private gun ownership. Its just
that simple.

3 years ago

So far , destroying the second amendment has eluded those pushing for a communist utopia. They’ve been spectacularly successful in the other agenda items theyve pushed. They even have people doubting what sex they are. You dont need guns until you really need them. Britain begged us for arms in 1940 and many Americans sent their privately owned firearms so they could resist a looming german invasion. If youre thinking about arming yourself its a good time. Inventories are back up and prices have stabilized. Dont wait till the next round of panic buying sets in. The demon party will never stop trying to disarm us.

3 years ago

Testing 1 2 3, does this thing work?????

3 years ago

Russian Attack on America!
Chinese troops in America!

North Korea and Cuba will also join the attack against America, I have read in other places.

Foreign Armies WILL Invade and Occupy America – The Enemies of America Will Bomb Our Churches and Synagogues
During the same time as the vision about the state of Florida in July of 1995, God gave me a vision of a massive army coming down on America. He said, “John, I am going to allow the enemies of the United States to judge America. When America’s enemies come they will have no mercy on the men, women and children. I saw troop movement and they appeared to be Communist Chinese and Russian troops coming into the United States. As they came in, America was no match. I saw churches and synagogues were being leveled by heavy artillery. As the churches were being blown up I saw Jews and Christians being herded up and shot like cattle in front of their churches and homes. I saw the troops killing children and infants with their bayonets. I saw the American people tormented beyond imagination. The troops were void of emotions. Their objective is to take the nation and take it hands down. All able bodied working people will be forced into slave labor. Some will be taken to other countries and some left here. The soldier’s main objective was to kill all Jews and Christians. As I am seeing all this horror I asked, “Lord, what is happening?” He said, “Because of the wickedness of the United States of America I am allowing her enemies to invade her lands.” God ended the vision.

3 years ago

I guess posting the URL, prevents the post from appearing.
Couldn’t post URL of the vision of America’s enemies attacking us, on previous post.

3 years ago

We the people must not allow the marxist democrats to ruin our second ammendment rights!
They seek control over our Freedom – say HELL NO

Mary Annie
Mary Annie
3 years ago

A few weeks back our local County Sheriff was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of a Women’s Club I belong to. At the conclusion of his remarks, he suggested that, if we haven’t already, get a concealed pistol license, learn how to use and store a pistol safely, buy a pistol and carry it. His department no longer has the resources to make certain we are safe.

I already have my concealed pistol license and have signed up for a day long class.

And now I realize how proud I am that I will be prepared to defend my home should the unimaginable happens — Russian tanks roll down the street where I live!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Home Defense: M1 Garand, BAR. Uzi, Mac 10, 44 Magnum, 3.08 Mauser
M16, Henry rifle, 4040 lever action rifle, Colt 45, & ammo
For Ukraine seize Russian gear for reuse

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
3 years ago

Our armed invation will not be by a foreign country coming down our streets, it will be from within our own ranks and government.

3 years ago

Russia will not be the one invading us. It will be our government, who by the way absolutely hate us, and they will not only emplore our armed forces but the UN as well. This Russian crap is a smokescreen. Please see past this distraction because that is all it is.

3 years ago

Where would the 38% go? Mexico? Anti gun. Canada under dictator Trudeau? There is nowhere to go unless your a sheep

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

That’s why Texans won’t vote Beto in, he’s for taking our guns! No way in heaven OR hell!

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

If you buy or already own a firearm, you have to ask yourself the question: If confronted with a situation where I would need to pull the gun on a bad guy to defend myself, am I willing to pull the trigger if need be. If not, then you don’t need to own the gun to begin with. The bad guy could easily sense your reluctance and take it away from you, possibly causing even more harm to you or someone else later. If you own one, be ready and WILLING to use it if necessary.

3 years ago

As has been amply demonstrated by folks like Rittenhouse and Zimmerman, merely being armed and able to defend yourself against assailants is not enough if you live in an area with a progressive antigun DA. If you believe in the Constitution and want to actually HAVE the rights it honors, you have to vote out of office every progressive office holder and oppose every progressive candidate who runs for office. Today that means, whether or not you are a Republican (I’m not), you must vote against every Democrat who runs. There may be many good Democrats, just as there were many good Germans in the 1930s, but when the “good” guys allow their party to be controlled by radical socialists, as our modern Democrat Party has, they must be opposed.

3 years ago

This is, of course, the whole purpose of the second amendment. We’ve never expected to have to defend in place and I’m sure neither did the people of Ukraine. It is thought throughout the world that all Americans carry guns and are willing to use them. We are thought of as violent people. But we know that is not true. Most Americans don’t own a gun or how to use one. Our violence is better known due to our sensationist news casting and is worse than other civilized countries.
We are rapidly becoming a nation of immigrants again. These are peoples who fled the country they lived in for the safety of ours. They have no loyalty to the hand that’s feeding them. They will run away. If our military is defeated on foreign soil fighting someone else’s war, will we, the people, defend this country, The United States of America, in place? There will be great resistance from the “give peace a chance” people, many of them have already crossed the socialist line. Being communist is just a step away. I believe there are still enough God-fearing common Americans that will defend in place against any enemy, any foe when necessary. The question that haunts me is: will we hate them more than we currently hate each other?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Let me die defending my cfountry ,not put in a pri8son a few days then stood against a wall and exacuted. Get a gun folks and learn how nto muse it. Kyle L.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
3 years ago

So the majority of the Democratic party said they would flee the country…that makes perfect sense.
Where do they plan on running to, nearby Mexico or Canada?

The reason the Democrats want so called gun control, is because if the population is is unarmed, it’s a lot easier to shove their agenda down its throat.

Remember during WW2 Japan didn’t invade the west coast of the US because they knew that the people were armed and they would be facing a virtual blood bath. That’s one of the same reasons China is hesitant about moving on the US now…that and uncle Joe, along with the rest of the Democratic Communist party haven’t weakened us enough yet. At least to the point where an invasion would be more like a cake walk for them, but don’t worry, I believe the Dems are still working on it.

May God continue to Bless the USA.

Jim D.
Jim D.
3 years ago

Those willing to commit murder and other violent crimes couldn’t possibly care any less about gun laws! What gun laws carry a more serious penalty then murder? NONE!
So, anti-gun laws (gun control) are only for law-abiding, tax-paying, honest citizens, the very people who were NEVER the problem with firearms. Not the criminals! It’s 2022! You’d think this would eventually get through to leftist Democrat thickheads!

3 years ago

Those that would run and not defend their country should be encouraged to leave early,maybe now would be good.

3 years ago

… remember the Tareyton cigarette slogan, “… I’d rather fight than switch?” Were I to characterize, using an old cigarette slogan, today’s limousine liberals and champagne communists blighting our democracy, it would be, “… dare to be more!”

Dennis Drake
Dennis Drake
3 years ago

Remember WW 2 when Japan was considering invading our Homeland here, until the
Japanese Admiral, cautioned that in the USA there was a rifle under every blade of grass!
We should somehow develop all gun owners who are willing, into a form of State Guard or
Militia. Something with some training available and if Washington doesn’t think this is a
valuable thing, to heck with them in the ruling class in DC.!

Dennis Drake
Dennis Drake
3 years ago

Well, most of the reasons used to pound us gun owners are lies, and all devised by a
Progressive Socialist party that wants to rule this country as most dictators do. And to do that, the ruling class feels for them to be safe, they must eliminate private gun ownership. Its just
that simple.

3 years ago

So far , destroying the second amendment has eluded those pushing for a communist utopia. They’ve been spectacularly successful in the other agenda items theyve pushed. They even have people doubting what sex they are. You dont need guns until you really need them. Britain begged us for arms in 1940 and many Americans sent their privately owned firearms so they could resist a looming german invasion. If youre thinking about arming yourself its a good time. Inventories are back up and prices have stabilized. Dont wait till the next round of panic buying sets in. The demon party will never stop trying to disarm us.

3 years ago

Testing 1 2 3, does this thing work?????

3 years ago

Russian Attack on America!
Chinese troops in America!

North Korea and Cuba will also join the attack against America, I have read in other places.

Foreign Armies WILL Invade and Occupy America – The Enemies of America Will Bomb Our Churches and Synagogues
During the same time as the vision about the state of Florida in July of 1995, God gave me a vision of a massive army coming down on America. He said, “John, I am going to allow the enemies of the United States to judge America. When America’s enemies come they will have no mercy on the men, women and children. I saw troop movement and they appeared to be Communist Chinese and Russian troops coming into the United States. As they came in, America was no match. I saw churches and synagogues were being leveled by heavy artillery. As the churches were being blown up I saw Jews and Christians being herded up and shot like cattle in front of their churches and homes. I saw the troops killing children and infants with their bayonets. I saw the American people tormented beyond imagination. The troops were void of emotions. Their objective is to take the nation and take it hands down. All able bodied working people will be forced into slave labor. Some will be taken to other countries and some left here. The soldier’s main objective was to kill all Jews and Christians. As I am seeing all this horror I asked, “Lord, what is happening?” He said, “Because of the wickedness of the United States of America I am allowing her enemies to invade her lands.” God ended the vision.

3 years ago

I guess posting the URL, prevents the post from appearing.
Couldn’t post URL of the vision of America’s enemies attacking us, on previous post.

3 years ago

We the people must not allow the marxist democrats to ruin our second ammendment rights!
They seek control over our Freedom – say HELL NO

Mary Annie
Mary Annie
3 years ago

A few weeks back our local County Sheriff was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of a Women’s Club I belong to. At the conclusion of his remarks, he suggested that, if we haven’t already, get a concealed pistol license, learn how to use and store a pistol safely, buy a pistol and carry it. His department no longer has the resources to make certain we are safe.

I already have my concealed pistol license and have signed up for a day long class.

And now I realize how proud I am that I will be prepared to defend my home should the unimaginable happens — Russian tanks roll down the street where I live!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Home Defense: M1 Garand, BAR. Uzi, Mac 10, 44 Magnum, 3.08 Mauser
M16, Henry rifle, 4040 lever action rifle, Colt 45, & ammo
For Ukraine seize Russian gear for reuse

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
3 years ago

Our armed invation will not be by a foreign country coming down our streets, it will be from within our own ranks and government.

3 years ago

Russia will not be the one invading us. It will be our government, who by the way absolutely hate us, and they will not only emplore our armed forces but the UN as well. This Russian crap is a smokescreen. Please see past this distraction because that is all it is.

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the panama canal
Jeanne Shaheen, democrat
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