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Arizona and Montana Take Legal Action Against Biden Admin ICE Arrest Regulations

Posted on Tuesday, March 9, 2021
by Outside Contributor
ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations officers apprehend a criminal alien in northern Virginia on Aug. 11 2020. (ICE)

Arizona and Montana are taking legal action (pdf) to block new Biden administration immigration regulations, saying that these would cause negative consequences for the states.

The new rules would limit the capability of ICE to detain some illegal immigrants unless they pose a threat to national security, entered through the border after Nov. 1, or committed aggravated felonies.

The Biden administration says that the rules don’t impair arresting or deporting people, but the officers in the field would need to request permission from their superiors to arrest people outside of the aforementioned cases.

“If asked about the poorest policy choice I’ve ever seen in government, this would be a strong contender,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said in a statement. “Blindly releasing thousands of people, including convicted criminals and those who may be spreading COVID-19 into our state, is both unconscionable and a violation of federal law. This must be stopped now to avoid a dangerous humanitarian crisis for the immigrants and the people of Arizona.”

Packets of fentanyl mostly in powder form and methamphetamine, which U.S. Customs and Border Protection say they seized from a truck crossing into Arizona from Mexico, is on display during a news conference at the Port of Nogales, Ariz., on Jan. 31, 2019. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection/Reuters)

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen joined the Brnovich in the lawsuit. Both filed for a preliminary injunction aiming to block the regulations from going into effect.

“Meth trafficked into Montana by Mexican drug cartels has wracked our state. The problem will only be made worse if the Biden administration continues to allow criminals to stay in the country,” Knudsen stated. “Enforcing our immigration laws and helping to keep Americans safe is one of the federal government’s most important functions. The Biden administration is failing its basic responsibility to Americans.”

Last month, Chief Deputy Matthew Thomas told Townhall that the crisis at the border had begun to re-emerge at around the end of 2020 because the human and drug trafficking cartels expected President Joe Biden to have a “hands-off” attitude with regard to the border situation.

“When [Trump] took office, we saw that this area out here went completely dead. Nobody was moving, nobody was smuggling because [the cartels] knew that Trump was going to put all hands on deck out down here and that they would be intercepted so it came to a screeching halt,” Thomas said.

“It was a very slow trickle to get back to some kind of normal but it never got back to where it was,” Thomas added.

Epoch Times Photo
A map showing the Pinal County boundary, the U.S.–Mexico border, and the major highways in central-south Arizona. (The Epoch Times)

Thomas said that since Biden has ordered to halt the construction of the southern border wall, it has created more trouble for Pinal County since it doesn’t have physical barriers, promoting the criminals to funnel through, reaching the highway and then transporting drugs or bodies throughout the country.

He added that once the people or drugs are smuggled in, they can go anywhere inside the United States, sometimes as far as Canada.

“For us, effectively, I-8 … becomes the new border and even the cartels will tell you that’s their goal line because once they get there, they’re shooting west or they’re shooting east and then they’re on a main interstate right into downtown Phoenix … we become the kickoff point for that,” the Sheriff said.

“These people and these drugs are not coming here to Pinal County to stay. This is a transport location. This is a spot they get through to get to their final destination and they’re being sent all over the country.”

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3 years ago

“When [Trump] took office, we saw that this area out here went completely dead. Nobody was moving, nobody was smuggling because [the cartels] knew that Trump was going to put all hands on deck out down here and that they would be intercepted so it came to a screeching halt,” Thomas said.

Well now that we’re in the third term of Obama, the cartels know the borders are wide open for business of all kinds again. Both Border Patrol and ICE have been put on notice that enforcing the law is NO LONGER SOP. We’re back to the “anything goes” of the Obama years, just with a different puppet in the White House.

Don’t worry America, the Democrats have a fix for all this. It’s called H.R. 1 and one party Democrat rule in perpetuity, if we’re dumb enough to sit by and let them enact it.

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
3 years ago

dastardly of the President to allow all of this illegal immigration with no restraint or checks. it threatens health and safety and clogs the system with more dependent people.

Barry Courtnay
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago

Between crime, drugs, child trafficking, prostitution the Biden administration wants you to believe there’s nothing to see on the border. We have been in a drug war in the United States for too many years. Allowing the borders to be wide open is going to increase this at else tenfold. We have been locked down for one year, the Biden administration is allowing these people to come in knowing they have tested positive for the Wuhan virus which is a city in China. AS he ( Biden) still wants us to wear masks and stay six ft. apart from each other, even if we got vaccinations. I’m still not sure where all these people are going to live. AMAC had a story of changing malls, stripe malls, other abandoned buildings into affordable houing.Which mean bad news for anyone living near to one of these government ran apartments. Why doesn’t the government look in to why all these people want to leave their home land and come to the U.S. WE are all ready giving money to most of these countrys,lets stop paying these countrys till they can make things so people want to say in their own country. WE all are immigrants some of my family came from Ireland which at that time in history ,they were treated like slaves. I welcome all that goe’s threw the legal avenue to become citizens. God Bless all!

3 years ago


3 years ago

PTL for Arizona and Montana, now we need Texas, California, New Mexico to follow suit.

3 years ago

Obama is in his 3rd term of his destroy America tour!!!

3 years ago

BUILD THAT WALL, BUILD THAT WALL, FINISH IT !!!! Thank you Attorney Generals of Montana and Arizona for your fight via legal pleadings. Help ICE to have the legal right to return these illegals to Mexico.

Pat R
Pat R
3 years ago

Send then all to the White House, thousands of them. See how ole Joe likes his border policy then.

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t care about the illegals. They won’t directly affect him or his power cronies in their areas. This whole mess is SO obvious. Write, call, text Washington, all of the elected officials until they can’t stand it any more. THEY are making life difficult for us, we need to do the same for them.

3 years ago

What do you tell the people coming here legally, going through the naturalization process where our southern border is being overrun. You tell them the US government is incompetent. I for one is ashamed of the federal government. If you can’t control the border you really don’t have a country.

Linda Graham
Linda Graham
3 years ago

I say stop ALL immigration & illegal entry in full for 3 years and clean up the mess the last flood caused including interfering with our elections THEN any illegal entries should be treated for the criminal activities that they are. Illegal = criminal. If they break that first law (don’t legally enter) they continue to break law(s) and that is unacceptible.

Linda Graham
Linda Graham
3 years ago


Linda Graham
Linda Graham
3 years ago

America is not every other country’s citizens mother. They have to take care of their own people and give them what they want. WE CAN’T DO THAT FOR THEM AND THOSE KIND OF PEOPLE HAVE DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE IN THIS COUNTRY ALREADY! There are too many people here already going well beyond what the land, herself, can sustain & we need to take care of our own before we can help anyone else where they are and should stay there. WHERE DO THEY THINK INCREASED HURRICANES AND TORNADOS, etc. ARE RESULTING FROM: AMERICA, HERSELF, BULKING AT THE OVERLOAD! Tell biden & co to tell their wives (or the females in that group) that if they have a child they can’t just nurse that one but 100 of other people’s simultaneously and only have toxic trash to eat because THAT IS WHAT THESE IDIOTS EXPECT MOTHER AMERICA TO DO!

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