Far-left activists vandalized buildings and clashed with police in the Pacific Northwest on Jan. 20, voicing their opposition to the government, law enforcement, and the freshly sworn-in President Joe Biden, with some carrying signs reading, “We are ungovernable.”
In Portland, black-clad activists with their faces covered broke windows and the glass door at the Democratic Party of Oregon business office, spray-painting an anarchist symbol over the party sign, video posted on social media showed. Some of them tipped over garbage containers and lit the contents on fire, according to reports.
“We don’t want Biden. We want revenge for police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres,” read a banner they marched under, while others carried a banner saying, “We are not governable,” which was dotted with anarchy symbols.
Portland Police confronted a crowd that gathered outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building near downtown, with some in the crowd later burning a flag in the street.
According to KATU, the protest was billed as a demonstration against the Biden inauguration and law enforcement. At one point, demonstrators were approached by Portland Police officers on bicycles, with some people in the group taking an officer’s bike and throwing objects at retreating police.
Eight people were arrested in Portland on charges that include rioting and reckless burning.

In Seattle, Antifa activists marched into the iconic Pike Place Market to smash up property, with video from the scene showing broken windows in a Starbucks. A group of black-clad activists marched along the street, kicking over garbage containers, carrying a tattered American flag with the anarchy sign spray-painted on it.
Some spray-painted buildings with an anarchist symbol and smashed windows, including at the William Kenzo Nakamura Courthouse, a federal building, according to KOMO.
“No Cops, Prisons, Borders, Presidents,” said one banner that they marched under, according to The New York Times.
Police announced that two people were arrested during the unrest, one for property damage and another for assault.
Officers made a third arrest later in the evening after the glass storefront was shattered at the Starbucks in Pike Place Market, according to KOMO.
Seattle and Portland have been the scene of unrest for months, with a mix of protesters—including anarchists, Antifa, and other far-left groups, as well as civil rights activists—voicing various grievances and sometimes engaging in violence, damaging property, and clashing with police.
Just another “peaceful protest”.
Looks like a case of evil fighting evil.
I just want to know when and where the reprogramming starts
This will make it easier for Biden to take away guns. People will be begging for it. We are being played.
Our VP and the speaker of the house, say these are peaceful protests and people should be able to do what they do!
Why the concern? Just a peaceful protest!
Why are we not arresting all of these A holes and setting bail thru the roof so they all rot in jail for a spell?
Now that the Law & Order President is (unlawfully) deposed, expect all hell to break loose. The evil admin is now upon us, and will punish all the wrong groups! Meanwhile, the true terrorists will gain traction, causing all sorts of mayhem, while true Patriots will be targeted for merely supporting Trump.
Well, well, well. It seems that Antifa, that was used as political tool by the Democrats to get rid of Trump, doesn’t like Biden either. We have let loose the monster. Antifa is allowed to burn and loot and Trump supporters are supposed to be “deprogrammed.” Is anyone listening out there?
Cowards and Airheads. Obviously don’t have jobs. Don’t want to work, just have everything given to them. Disgusting, useless human beings.
I feel sorry for our nation. This is only a warmup.
Now that the defund the police crowd are “in charge” in DC, they’re going to reap what they have sowed. They have created a monster much like the obama administration (with a lot of assistance from then SoS hellary) created ISIS. Did they really believe that these subversive terrorists were on their side. antifa and blm used the dims, federal and local, like the useful idiots that they are. They’re not only tyrannical, they’re anarchists. Wonder if harris’ people are going to continue to bail these goons out? Fools…the lot of them.
Antifa knows better than to “riot” in Republican run Cities and States!
You reap what you sow! Your problem now, democrats.
America’s enemies were not very emboldened when they had to be whisked away to safety when American citizens went to the Capitol building to petition for redress from the Congress for certifying an illegal election.
Power corrupts, and with the democrats in power groups like Antifa and BLM can do pretty much whatever they please because they know their democrat allies will do nothing serious to stop them. We already see that in these left-wing cities. If ordinary citizens become angry enough, there will be a backlash like hasn’t been seen since the civil war. To prevent that, Biden and his comrades will try to impose mandatory gun control so we cannot fight back, but that won’t work either. It will simply fan the flames. Things are likely to get far worse before they get better with idiots in charge.
I wonder if MSM will even ask Bejing Joe about this?
so much for the “it’s all Trump’s fault” narrative
Interesting. My local paper’s article from AP blamed “right wing extremists” for damaging Portland democrat offices. Time to unsubscribe to my newspaper.
What’cha gonna do Biden?
Ungovernable. Biden/Harris are not my execs either. These people need to be imprisoned where are the Democrat cries of insurrection now.
How is this not considered insurrection????
I think Portland and Seattle are ‘training grounds’ for the big events like what they pulled off in DC.
They are getting good at what they do, and nobody stops them. Question is why.
Watch the @Antifamovie.
The persons who did this vandalizing in Portland and Seattle are acting like spoiled children who do not get their own way! I guess they could be called “American Terrorists”. They want their “15 minutes of fame”! They don’t care who they hurt (policemen); they didn’t get their way so this is how they show their childish behavior. That’s what it is. Childish. The problem with that is that is going to cost taxpayers to fix the buildings, etc. There’s a saying I once heard: “HURT PEOPLE HURT.”
What else is new? This is getting old. Anybody got balls enough to throw these punks in jail and throw away the key?
Looks like the left is turning against their own people. Antifa is out of control. If biden doesn’t do anything, then the people will have to come up with a way to govern them. That wouldn’t be a pretty scene.
What? This must be a mistake! Joe Biding-His-Time and the FBI ASSURED us that Antifa is not an organization (that’s a quote from the debate, remember?). Surely they wouldn’t have lied or distorted facts, just to get elected!
Antifa’s rioting and burning trash and destruction makes the assault on the Capitol last week look like a picnic. I am thinking that news media and the left will make it look like it’s President Trump’s fault. Why not? They need to pass the blame on someone else because they don’t have the courage to stand up to these people. The Governor’s in these States need to resign or be recalled for being a bunch of sissies.
Domestic terrorists want 100% of their agenda. DIMMs who think that they can control Antifa/BLM will be shown to be bigger fools than they are now!
And of course not a word about it from #not my President Biden or Pelosi.
Hey this is like Bidens win,you hit the plus sign and it jumps to five from two.
They are NOT going to stop with the blue states. Our very own Vice President, Kommie Harris, said to Colbert “They are not going to stop AND THEY SHOULDN’T.” However, the Dems are not going to allow them to keep embarrassing them with continued destruction in Democrat run utopias. In fact, they are going to be re-directed away from blue areas and specifically instructed to target (and terrorize) the 74 million evil Trump supporters whether they live in blue or red states. Be prepared, it’s coming to a city near you.
A YouTube interview of an ex-Antifa follower was presented by Epoch Times recently. It give very good insight into how they operate. He stated that they have no designated leader, just local groups, who are mainly self-financed. However, someone, or some group is organizing them, motivating them, training them, and probably funding them. Their needs to be a stronger police presence where they protest, and more arrests and convictions when they commit violence and mayhem.
They reap what they sowed
There will ONLY be schools to de-program Trump supporters. Dem anarchists/insurgents have no need for de-programming. They are fulfilling their noble mission. AOC and her merry band of revolutionaries want a “truth and ‘reconciliation'(retaliation)” commission to begin the inquisition. They’ll probably put D C Judge, Emmitt Sullivan, in charge of the kangaroo ‘court’.
Lol!!! The left now running this country already has plans to use those types of camps for us, in order to “re-educate us”. Haven’t you been paying attention to the rhetoric that several members of Congress and the Biden team have been saying for several days now?
Those “re-education camps” won’t be limited to just a few locations. 75 million people take up a lot of space after all. So I wouldn’t put it past the new head of Homeland Security to be spending a lot of time formulating the logistics of what it would take to create AOC’s, Pelosi’s and other Democrats’ vision for our future to become a reality.
If you just shoot a few of those bastards they would disperse like cockroaches.
Good to see Portland & Seattle still rioting & hitting up on DNC State office awesome
Finally Dems can sample some to now for 4 years
I know I shouldn’t, but I just couldn’t help laughing out loud when I read this. LMAO
So, is this all Trump’s fault too? LOL!!!!!
I’m sure Biden will find a way to blame him just like he is blaming him for the slow rollout of the vaccines. Never mind that we wouldn’t even have a vaccine if it wasn’t for Trump, but that will not be covered by the communist media. Good luck America!!!!!
They may be ungovernable, but they’re definitely arrestible. A moronic group of unemployable basement dwellers who take dirty money from soros to wreak hate and discontent should be easy to round up, then throw away the keys.
Seems the Left can’t control their Demons they set loose in our cities streets.
Amazing how much damage evidently only one or two people made! I do not buy it. These people do untold damage and are still at large, shame, shame, shame. Lady liberty is dead and turning over in her grave, along with the founding fathers and justice for all.
“Seattle and Portland have been the scene of unrest for months, with a mix of protesters—including anarchists, Antifa, and other far-left groups, as well as civil rights activists—voicing various grievances and sometimes engaging in violence, damaging property, and clashing with police.” SOMETIMES engaging in violence? Like whenever they’re awake?
The genie is out of the bottle, thank you democrats!
Yeah, They need to let Soros in. Probably won/t last long.
Those rioters should be placing their energies in a constructive way instead of becoming the problem.
The democrats instigated and encouraged the violence for months because they could use it against Trump. I an going to enjoy watching the democrats get their ass handed to them as the violence continues to escalate. Until the American people find their moral courage and stand up against the unlawful behavior it’s only going to get worse. Donald Trump was the closest thing we’ve had in generations to a strong leader and that is a lot of the problem. It’s a lack of leadership and there is no such animal in the democrat party. They are like vermin and only strong in overwhelming numbers.
The militants of Marxism do not respect the Democrats. They don’t respect Americans. If they get into trouble, they know legally nothing will happen to them. They are a protected class now.
Wait until chinajoe empties all the prisons, THATS WHEN THE REAL DESTRUCTION BEGINS, blm and antifa and the rest of the leftist groups HAVE NO POLITICS, they live for violence, thier brains are so warped by computer games they can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality, they think they are “role playing” a game, they have tasted blood and they want more, the socialist/ dems have played a dangerous game and it WILL blow up in thier stupid faces, they won’t be able to control them.