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Anti-Gun Nuts…Are Coming

Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, anti-gun order

This may not be an accident. She knows the US and New Mexico Constitutions forbid government infringement on a citizen’s “right to keep and bear arms,” and Supreme Court has spoken, yet she did it anyway. She knows a ban on self-defense is illegal, yet she did it. Time to speak boldly: This is wrong. The anti-gun nuts … are coming.

Yes, the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution states that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Yes, the New Mexico Constitution, at Article 2, section 6, further says “No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes.”

Still, the Democrat Governor – caring not a twit about those longstanding provisions and caselaw – like Governors who decided COVID permitted stripping Americans of free speech, free exercise of religion, travel, and a right not to be compelled to be injected by the government (or face loss of job, education, travel, and right to serve) – did it again.

She knowingly ignored the law, just threw a ban on guns outside the home, and declared that new edict the law. Where is justice? Where is respect for those two Constitutions?

Specifically, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham just “issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public…for at least 30 days…” across her state.

“The Democratic governor said she expects legal challenges but was compelled to act in response to gun deaths, including the fatal shooting of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium this week” – calling it “an emergency public health order.” Really?

Her order – as she knows – explicitly defies both Constitutions and recent Supreme Court cases and is facially unconstitutional, yet she has effectively given the citizens of her state, as well as those who framed both Constitutions and the High Court, her middle finger. She does not care.

Is this the “new norm?” The Supreme Court rules that student loans cannot be forgiven by the Executive without Congressional action, yet the President ignores the Court, does it anyway. The High Court rules Roe v, Wade is no longer law, yet the top two Democrats cry payback, and a Supreme Court Justice – unprotected by a Democrat Attorney General – is nearly assassinated.

A former President gains in the polls, leads the field – shares popularity greater than Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny – and is then indicted, prosecuted by Biden surrogates at the state and federal level, arrested with intent that he not run or win the race, and headed for prison.

Is Biden studying Putin? Is New Mexico’s Grisham studying Biden? And what is next? Perhaps not coincidentally, Biden s watched Putin get his opposition arrested in 2014, then get him barred him from running for President in 2018, despite international law scholars objecting.

Intent on power, Putin then had him poisoned (or that is the suspicion), from which he recovered, then had him jailed when he returned from exile in 2021. The parallel is ominous: Those in power hate to give up power, those seeking to vindicate the people are arrested and shackled.

Frankly, I watched this happen all over the world as an Assistant Secretary of State and in the military, just never imagined it would occur on US soil.  Many will say, “but, but, but …” and I say, “yes, but …” Then halt your defense, and examine the Constitution, our caselaw, and ask yourself – is your security based on the idea that nothing like that can happen here? It can.

The evidence is right before us It began in 2020, with the idea that longstanding citizen rights could be taken, under the color of an “emergency public health order.” The Supreme Court, presently led by Constitutionalists, overturned those federal and state infringements.

But it took time, and people lost jobs, businesses, opportunities to worship together, travel, hold jobs in law enforcement, the military and private sector. They were punished for asserting their constitutional rights.

Now we get this, a governor who, following the lead of Mr. Biden, himself oddly shadowing behavior of Mr. Putin, including defense of China for no reason credible legal reason – has decided to outlaw guns.

Sometimes, as Plato so eloquently wrote, we read things in “shadows on the cave wall,” and we are well served to watch, think, seek sun and then ponder what those shadows portend.

The New Mexico Governor’s actions may not be an accident. Either way, they are illegal. They show knowing disrespect for our Constitution, the Supreme Court, and her State Constitution. There is no legal justification. Time to speak boldly: This is wrong. Anti-gun nuts are coming.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Here’s what should and needs to happen immediately: she, Grisham, should be arrested and jailed for 2 major reasons:

  1. Failure to uphold the Constitution of New Mexico. She has broken the law.
  2. Failure to provide safety for the citizens of New Mexico as is spelled out in New Mexico’s Constitution.

If citizens of New Mexico or any other state allow a politician to violate our laws then America will join the ranks of Russia, Cuba and all the rest of communist banana countries.
Look at Central America. Why do you suppose all these illegal aliens from Central American countries are trying to illegally enter the United States?
What the democrat (unAmerican) governors of several states are doing should have them in jail for violating our laws and the laws of their states.
Democrat programs are responsible for the loss of responsibility, self sufficiency, self reliance and optomision that make every one of we responsible citizens AMERICAN.
Biden should have been jailed 2 years ago for breaking (not enforcing) our laws.

1 year ago

Common Sense, if guns are outlawed by the citizenry, then ONLY the Government and Criminals WILL POSSESS THEM! And BOTH would LOVE IT TO BE SO! Control the People and you Control the Power! Just look at the Peoples of Communist countries and ask them if they would trade places with Americans?

1 year ago

NEVER give up your guns, no matter what !!!

1 year ago

To bad the criminals with guns don’t focus on the anti-gun people. Would love to watch that. Police need to refuse to help anti-gun people.

1 year ago

Is there anything lower than a banana republic? I feel that we are there. I’ve said this and I hope it never happens, 1776 will look like a cakewalk.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The NM Governor later stated that “no right is absolute”. That should be on every Republican ad until next year…

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Will her personal security henchmen be armed?

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
1 year ago

The entire state of NM MUCT oppose this illegality and subversive demon.

1 year ago

Why doesn’t someone just come out and say it: oBAma is calling the shots! O’Biden isn’t smart enough. The right needs to grow a pair and RESIST!

1 year ago

A gun can’t kill anyone. A gun is an inanimate object and can’t do anything by itself; it takes a human’s hand to accomplish anything. My question is always, “Why doesn’t anyone want to talk about the criminal or mental aspect of gun ownership?”!! Why are Democrats so willing to defund the police, hinder anything that would lead to arrest and let criminals go free and then complain when some criminal repeats their crimes or there is another school shooting!! But Democrats only want to take our guns not punish those who are really responsible – and it isn’t the gun!! It’s disgusting!!

1 year ago

The demon party salivates over disarming us because they have general plans that are only spoken clearly inside their covens. Dem robots and ‘nice’ Rs refuse to believe this. The national socialists in germany likewise had a general plan to deal with their citizens so they disarmed them long before finalizing and implementing those plans. The demon party will never stop trying to disarm us of their own accord.

1 year ago

Hitler banned citizens from owning guns also. As did Chairman Mao.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

the governor needs to go to prison for violating the civil rights of every single citizen. further she needs all of her assets confiscated so she knows how it feels and then she needs to be required to have a covid shot every week for the rest of her life.

Carla Butler
Carla Butler
1 year ago

WE THE PEOPLE will stand up for the Constitution even though these idiots think they know better…..

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

I will not comply to ANY Illegal and Unconstitutional so-called anti-gun laws that Violates the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which clearly states, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
What part of the U.S. Constitution do the Fascist liberals do not understand?
Or any other part of the U.S. Constitution for that matter since the Fascist democrats violate the U.S. Constitution every day.
The Fascist democrats attack our U.S. Constitutional Rights constantly but GIVE TERRORIST IRAN $6 BILLION in a prisoner exchange so they can build their Nuclear Weapons faster to Attack the United States.
Shows where the Fascist liberals priorities are…Leave the United States DEFENSELESS and OPEN for ATTACKS and VULNERABLE to CRIMINALS and their ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION.
As I said from the beginning…I WILL NOT COMPLY.

1 year ago

I will not comply!

1 year ago

Ignore the unconstitutional crap and /or go after her. There must be at least one or two law offices that has a patriot or two that want to spend the time to make a name for themselves and nail her. It’s a good move and it is past time that we go after these people.

1 year ago

If the governor of New Mexico has no due diligence to uphold her state’s constitution nor the Constitution of the United States of America she does not have the qualifications for being a dog catcher much less a Governor of any state. The people and legislative bodies should demand an impeachment, charges should be filed at state level and federal. I don’t know who she thinks she is but she has made a huge misstep and needs to face the charges and never be allowed to hold any public office on any level…That’s right, not even the dog catcher of any animal control office! Breaking the laws set before her also shows she has no concern whatsoever for the people of New Mexico!

E. Thompson
E. Thompson
1 year ago

ALL elected officials, no matter their position, should lose their jobs if they go against established law, especially the Constitution, which they took an oath to support and uphold when they were sworn in. PERIOD!!

1 year ago

She should be removed from office, immediately for Violating Her Oath of Office, which is also law!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

If you N M people let her get away with that ,y’all atre worse than she is. As for oath’s , once you swear on that oath , then you re4 so obligated to uphold that oath. Todays politicians need to see Mouselinie hung upside down in the square after being shot. Along with his wife and I think uncle. Ahhh we need the good old days of King Louie and his sweetie Marie Antonitte. . ( Prob. spelled incorect. )) Kyle L.

1 year ago

Why do you use Putin as the bellweather for reference to American politics? Zelensky, a die hard communist, with plenty of dirt on the Biden family mind you, and one who allows Nazi groups to terrorize and murder in his very own nation, is the person you should blame. You’re jumping on the liberal bandwagon by citing “Putin”

1 year ago

Until they are arrested and removed from office this will continue. It’s a foolish dream to believe we will have a honest election. It’s a network of evil. They are not elected but selected. You are cattle to them. They are kings that can’t be touched if they belong to the inner circle of satan. Only God can fix the problem and He is returning. I’m looking forward for His return. Get right with The Lord and ask for His forgiveness .

1 year ago

We the people will never surrender our 2nd. Ammendment rights. Be warned anti gunners.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

This order is not just going over like a lead balloon, it’s flying as high as a solid lead ball.
She may as well admit her mistake and rescind the order.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

the anti-gun nuts are NOT coming. THEY’RE ALREADY HERE and they will not stop until they get what they want (law-abiding citizens disarmed) no matter what the Supreme Court and the Constitution say.

1 year ago

Anti-gun nuts are coming? I respectfully disagree. They’ve been here for a long time. Only now they are emboldened because of the Marxist communist dialog of the democratic party. They won’t succeed. Anyone with a backbone that owns a legally obtained firearm will NOT surrender their firearms for ANY communist.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Any and all that go against the US Constitution and their oaths need to be removed from office and prosecuted.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Received email from NAGR this morning asking me to send ATF objections to new rule that would come close to National Gun Registration.
Don’t waste your time and acknowledge power the ATF does not have. Call or write your Senators and Congress person and remind them that you are a citizen of the United States, and the 2nd Amendment is law! Demand your representatives inform the ATF that Congress will write the laws and the ATF does not have the authority to write laws or amend the second Amendment.
I question whether Congress or the ATF have can amend the 2nd Amendment, as it was granted by natures God and is thereby inalienable.

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
1 year ago

Gov. Grisham reminds me of King Saul, claiming that he forced himself to offer unauthorized sacrifices when Samuel was slow to show to do the job.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago


1 year ago

She took an oath to uphold the constitution as governor. When will the impeachment process begin? It has to happen!

1 year ago

She needs to be arrested and hanged as an enemy of the United States. Obviously this Commicrat is taking orders from the senile, trained monkey in the White House.

1 year ago

Of course they’re coming, with BILLIONS of dollars of backing from the NWO. The US HAS to be disarmed to for their plans to work.

1 year ago

What these fools intentionally refuse to acknowledge that guns DONT kill people….PEOPLE kill people it’s a basic concept that they can’t fool everyone. What we need is legislation that says we must incriminate the people not the guns…. Real criminals will always have access to guns regardless. This is politically motivated BS.

1 year ago

It’s. Up to the people of New Mexico at this point to raise enough stuff that they impeach her. If they just set there and take it well someone will have to bring it to courts. I prefer the first one we need to show these people that we are not going to take it anymore

1 year ago

Impeach her now!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

“Chubby” Grisham should be a test case for implementing the actual purpose of the Second Amendment as if she is not a tyrant then the only alternative is that she is a stupid……….well, starts with a “C” and rhymes with Runt

1 year ago

If the gun owners were as dangerous as they’re painted to be there would be no anti-gunners left.

Rick B.
Rick B.
1 year ago

So, a governor can unilaterally disregard the state and national Constitutions and ban possession of firearms outside the home? I guess it will work as long as all the criminals agree to commit their crimes only in homes.

1 year ago

Governor Lujan is a nanny removing the adolescents’ bb guns. On a higher level her actions are a test to see how far they can go and measure the ractive opposition..

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

They don’t care. They get away with so much, they’re emboldened. Expect more of the same soon.

1 year ago

Isn’t this — in itself — ground for IMPEACHMENT/

1 year ago

SEND THESE liberals TO THE south side OF chicago, THE MURDER CAPITAL OF THE U. S.

1 year ago

So let’s let the criminals out of prison pay BLM to riot ,and open our boarders to the world for terrorists, and child trafficking, and oh by the way were taking your guns so you can’t defend your self . Where is the commen since in this.

1 year ago

Send her to Cons. I’m sure they have a province that needs a dictator

1 year ago

The governor stated that she knew there would be legal challenges to this.(she knows it’s unconstitutional) If the people trying to push all of this gun control, knowing that it will be challenged, had to pay the legal fees for it there would be far, far less of it happening.

1 year ago

When Grisham declares that state elections are suspended until further notice…it will be too late to act.

1 year ago

How many divisions do the anti gunner have?

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